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B erkshire &
C o m m itte e ;
m aster

B E R K S H IR E .

e h a in ra n oi the Berkshire Education
for 408 ch ild ren ; Shelton C. Saxby,

T IL E H U R S T .

B all A lb ert, H illside
B arningham Mrs. C alcot rise
Barton A rth u r, M ayaro, A rm our road
W illiam
C rescent Toad
B avin Miss, H ackford, Oak T ree road
Bedford G eorge, Callow , Oak T ree rd
B eisly W in. Trossachs, Oxford road
B la grav e H enry B arry, T h e C ottag e,
C alco t park
Bloom field M rs. B ram bles
Bond M rs. Rock villa. A rm our road
Braden John T. Rosedene
B rom ley E dw in John, C rom er, V ic ­
toria road
Bunce E dw ard. H ighclere
B urgess Harold.WTestgarth .O ak T ree rd
Byland Rd. John, Lindfield,O xford rd
Cane Joseph. H illsbro’ , W estwood rd
C arm ody E rnest P .,M .R .C .S .E llerslie,
A rm our road
C handler F rederick S tair, A ub rey
C lapham Chas. H illcote. Oak T ree rd
C larke M rs. C heltenham vil.Sch ool rd
W illiam
F ran k,
Cam eron,
O xford road
CobbJosephW m .Clovelly,W estw ood rd
Colbourne Joseph. Padw orth cottage
Collins M rs. Stoneham ho.Cockney hi
Dorm er M rs. K entw ood cottage
E sco tt Fredk. B igh th a n , O xford rd
Eldon C ountess of, W estwood house
E w ins Frank, T hornhill, Oxford rd
F arrer E dw ard.T h e Know le,O xford rd
F au lkner R ob t.E lsley lodge,E lsley rd
Fortescue Reginald, Th e B ungalow ,
C hurch road
G ardner John Com ber R ay, Ford ho.
Kentwood hill
G ascoine Sam uel C harles, M anor ho
G ibbons B ernard P .C lutton ,O xford rd
G iles Joseph, The T ew s
G ilm ore M urray, E steven ,A rm our rd
G raham M rs. H ighcroft
G rain ge r C ap t. Jam es, Dalhousie,
K entw ood hill
G ra y
H enry Gordon,
Kentwood hill
H anks Capt.
W illiam ,
M aryland,
W estwood road
H em m ings E rnest, R ivercliffe,O xford
H enderson M iss, W orsley, Westwood
H etherington Edward F. T arford,
W estwood road
H icks Mrs. Kentwood v illa
H irst H ugh T aylor, K ai-W ara, Elsley
H osford Benj. B ullen M .B. Qlenm ore
H unt Edwin Stanley, Th e H om estead
Jam es M rs. Gorleston
Jones Miss Cranford, W estw ood road
K ro ell Theodore, V illa Louise, O x­
ford road
L an e R ev.
W aller
(cu rate), Lesney
Lascelles Mrs. Deersville, A rm our rd
Latham M rs.The Lim es,W estw ood rd
Law es M rs. B arras,Low er A rm our rd
L enny M rs.Q ueenA nne’s. Westwood rd
H ighclere
A rm our road
Lew is F rederick, Prospect cottage
L ong G eo.The H awthornes,Oxford rd
Lush W illiam E dw in, A lm a house,
A rm our road
M acdougall M iss, N orm an L e ig h ,
O xford road
Macquoid Mrs. Oak tree, Oak T ree rd
Mann Lieu t.-C o l. G other F yers (late
R .E .),H igh field house,W estwood rd
Marsh Sydney, Hopelands
Mason Thom as,C hilgrove,K en tw ood hi

[ k e l l t ’s

Railw ay Station , H enry G rim m ebt, station m aster
C arrier to Reading.— Isley, daily
'B us tw ice daily to & from R ea d in g ; on sats. three
tim es

M atveieff Mrs. Rock house, Elsley rd
M ay Edm und, P rio ry, C hurch road
M illen Jam es, Broom hill cottage
M illicham p R ev.E d w in , Recreation rd
M oynihan H arry T. M owbray, W est­
wood road
N eville W alter Henry, Fram abel, Oak
T ree road
N ew bery A rth u r, Danes h ill,E lsley rd
Parsons W alter, H ill top
Peters Edward D alby John, St. Gerrans. Oak Tree road
Phillips Edward H arold, E lm sdale,
Oxford road
P iercy M rs. S andergrove,C rescent rd
Poole W illiam , Newnton
Pounds Jam es, Arm our road
Powell W ilfred, The Laurels
Prater W m . Red roofs. Oak Tree rd
Rake H erbert, Denefield
Ram say W illiam , Th e Halls
Roberts John W alter, Colinden
Rose John, Th e G ables, Clevedon rd
Rosslyn The E arl of, C alcot park ; &
Carlton clu b, London S W
R outh J. M artin, Th e Goodwins,
C h urch E nd lane
R outh M isses, S t. M ichael’s cottage,
C hurch End lane
R ow croft Francis G. Lendham
R ow croft M rs. C arrick-a-R ede, C leve­
don road
R unham H arry, Cholderton lodge,
Norcot Toad
S arien t Frank, The F irs, A rm our Td
S arjen t M rs. Arm our lodge, Lower
A rm our road
Saunders John Thom as, Kentwood
lodge, Kentw ood h ill
Sherwin Gerald Am brose, T h axted,
Oak T ree road
Sim m ons Thos. N etherton, Oxford rd
Sin gleton W alter, Newland house,
Kentwood hill
Sm ith Rev. H enry R ich ard Cooper
D.D. (rector & surrogate), Rectory,
C hurch E nd lane
S m ith Woodford R ichard, Th e Nook.
Oak T ree road
S tacey B arn ett, School road
S ta rlin g Jam es, W ealdstone, K e n t­
wood hill
Stephens M rs.Tham es bank,Oxford rd
Stobart Robt, F ern ville, A rm our Td
Stokes Fredk. W hitelands, Oxford rd
Stransom Leonard,Indout,O ak T ree rd
Swavne P ercival, D in glev, Oxford rd
T rv e Capt. John Hy. R .N . Kentwood
Tweedie G eorge, A udley, O xford rd
Venn E rn est, S t. O syth
Wakeford Robert Scott. Oak T ree rd
W heeler Leonard, K ew h u rst, K e n t­
wood hill
W hite F ran k, Ashton
W hitsed Jam es Longland L .R .C .P .
Edin. B ukloh. W estwood road
W h ittin gh am Mrs. C arlisle house,
C arlisle road
W h yte Mrs. O akbrow, N orcot road
W icks John, The Newlands
W icks M iss, Cottem ore, A rm our road
W illiam s C laude,B rooklyn ,A rm our rd
Woodeson A lfred, Pleasan t view
Woodeson F ran k, C row ton ,V ictoria rd
Woodeson M rs. Austin, Hyndford
Woodeson Mrs. E llen , Charlton villa
Woodeson Mrs. K ate, Langland
Woodside E rn est Radford, Kentwood
W rig h t Thos. R.Rosedene,Crescent rd

Alison Em m a (M rs.), d airym an , 37
A rm our road
Arm strong
B ird-in -H an d
P.H . Lower A rm our road
Ayres G eorge, The Plough inn
B allard Thom as, plum ber, School rd
Barefoot G eorge, cycle dealer
Bazeley G. & A . T ileh u rst nurseries
Bishop Percy, d ru g stores
Boswell F rederick J. butcher
Box-G rove C ottag e S an atorium (Mrs.
John W ild e r,s e c .; S ister E lizabeth ,
m atron)
Bunce E dw ard, reg istrar of b irths,
m arriages & deaths for the subd istrict
T ilehurst,
union, H ighclere, Westwood road
B urgess W’ illiam , b uilder
C am bridge R ob er,T urn h am frm
Carm ody E rn est P., M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician & su r­
geon, E llerslie, A rm ou r road
Chandler F rederick S tair, b uilder,
A ubrey, W estwood road
Chapm an Frances M. (M rs.), shopkpr
Colyer Allen Thos. outfittr.N orcot rd
Cox Fanny (M rs.), confectioner
C rocker C harles, beer ret. N orcot rd
C rocker Jam es, bricklayer
Crow hurst E dw d.grcr. 35 A rm our rd
Drew John, stationer, & post office,
N orcot road
E ast Boat B uildin g Co. L td .O xfo rd rd
F idler Joseph Charles (exors. of),
farm ers, Prospect farm
Francis Bros, builders, 11 A rm our rd
G ardner A lfred, w h eelw right
Goble Jam es, chim ney cleaner
G race
A lb ert
E rn est,
plu m ber,
Recreation road
G race Am brose, frm r. W estwood frm
Habgood Richd. plu m ber, L a u rel vil
H all W illiam , dairym an
Hedgington C harley, beer retailer
Herman Bros.hrdwre. d lrs.A rm our rd
H iggs, Sons & Co. brick m akers,
Westwood kiln
Hosford B enjam in B ullen M .B. &
B .C h .R .U .I. physician & surgeon, &
m edical officer & p ublic vaccin ator,
1st district, Bradfield union
Hunsden Hannah (M rs.), shopkeeper.
Arm our road
Hunt John, beer retailer, Common
H unt Thos. coal m er. 6 A rm our rd
H utchings W illiam Jas. beer reta ile r
Ilsley A lfred, carrier, N orcot road
U slev H enry, greengrcr. 18 A rm our rd
Johnson W illiam , insurance agent
M arshall Jsph. dairym an, Polsted rd
M arshall W illiam G eorge, fruiterer
M atthews Henry, surveyor
May John J. shopkeeper
M azey Edw erd, builder, Blundells rd
Minchin W m .Leopold,frm r.N orcot fm
Noakes W illiam C harles, boot m aker
Oxford Cecil, draper, N orcot road
Phillips Edm nd. b lcksm th.A rm our rd
Ram say W illiam , private secretary to
Lord Rosslyn, The Halls
R atcliff0 Charles E . Roebuck hotel,
O xford road
Richardson Thom as & Son, b rick ­
layers, Recreation road
Roberts Anness (M rs.),p rivate school,
Robertson I. & Sons, florists
Ross Donald, farm er, Hall Place frm
Rym an G abriel, grocer, N orcot road
S t. M ary’s O rphanage (S ister M uriel.
in ch arge), Westwood road
Savory C harles, laundry. Sunnyside
A hery W illiam Thom as, nurserym an. Sew ard Chas. H y. baker, Norcot rd
Recreation road
Seym our W illiam W . boot stores,
A ldridge Henry Thom as, grocer
Norcot road
Allen C has. Hy. beer ret. C h u rch rd S h em ilt Geo. Fredk. farm bailiff to
H. B. B lagrave esq. Park farm