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d ir e c t o r y .]
O X F O R D S H IR E .
Mace Eliza J. (M rs.), N ew H inksey in n ,216 Abingdon rd
M clnnis E liz a b e th (M iss), u n iv e r s it y lo d g in g h o u se , 24
W ellin gton sq u a re , S t. G ile sâ
M cIntyre A. ( M r s .) , u n iv e r s it y lo d g in g h o u se, 24 St.
Michaelâs street
Mackrory E thel Florence (M iss), shopkeeper, 14 R an Â
dolph street, Cowley St. John
McLacblan John M .A ., M .D., M .B ., C .M ., B .Sc. (Pub.
Health), F .R .C .S .E n g ., M .R .C .S ., L .S .A . physician &
surgeon, 3 Keble road, St. G ile sâ
McMaster Bryce, m anager of the Union of London &
Smiths Bank L im ited , 91 H igh street
Macmillan Jessie C am eron (M iss), inspector â M idw ives
Act,â lady health visitor, S anitary dept. Town hall
Maddox Annie Louise (M iss), m illin er. Th e A rcade, 29
& 30a, Cornm arket street
Magdalen C ollege(S ir Thom as H erbert W arren K .C .V .O .,
M.A. hon. D .C .L . p resident), H igh street
Magdalen College â D aub en yâ Laboratory (John Job ManÂ
ley, hon. M.A. curator), H igh street
Magdalen College School (Charles E. Brow nrigg M .A.
head m aster), Iffley road.
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t
page 4 2
Maher Kathleen (M rs.), univ. lodging ho. 50 S t. John st
Mailing Thomas, boot m a.31 L it.C laren don st. S t. G ilesâ
Mallam George & Son, solicitors, 1 S t. A ldateâs street
Mallam & Son (established 1788), surveyors, estate
agents, auctioneers k valuers & agents for th e leading
Fire & Life Insurance Com panies, 18 C orn m arket st
Mallam Thomas & Co. solicitors, 126 H igh street
Mallam E rnest M .A ., M .D., B .C h. physician & surgeon,
& certifying factory surgeon, 3 H olywell street
Mallam George, solicitor (firm , G eorge M allam & Son),
official receiver in b ankruptcy & proctor in the C h an Â
cellorâs co u it, 1 S t. A ld ateâs street
Mallam Thom as W illiam M .A. (firm , Thom as M allam &
Co.), solicitor, com m issioner for oaths, clerk to the
city justices, proctor in Chancellorâs court, clerk &
superintendent registrar to the Headington union, clerk
to the Headington d istrict council, to the assessm ent
committee of the H eadington union & the school a t Â
tendance com m ittee of the H eadington district educaÂ
tion committee, 126 H igh street
Maltby Alfred & Son, bookbinders, 30 St. M ichaelâs street
Manchester College (Rev. Joseph E stlin Carpenter M .A .,
D.Litt., D.D. principal), Mansfield road
Manger Jn. laundry, 10 Bullingdon rd. C ow ley S t. John
Mansell H arriett (M iss), u n iversity lodgin g house, 13
Long W all street
Mansell John H enry, tailor, 109 Southm oor rd. St. G ilesâ
Mansell Wm. furn. rem ovr. 28 C aroline s t.S t.C le m e n tâs
Mansfield College (Rev. W illiam Boothy Selbie M .A.
Oxon., D .D .G las. p rincipal), Mansfield road
Mapp George Henry, apartm ents, 170 W alton street
March Fredk. W m. aparts. 32 W oodstock rd. St. G ilesâ
Marchetti Carlo, fried fish dealer, 8 C om m ercial road,
St. Ebbeâs
Marconâs Hall (Rev. Charles A bdy M arcon M .A . licensed
master), Parks road, S t. G ilesâ
Margetts Danl. Richd. news agent, 166 C ow ley road
Margetts Frederick A rthur, h atte r, 2 C ornm arket street
Market Office (Tristram T ay lor,toll collector),gM arket- st
Markham Charles H enry, confectioner, 108 C ow ley road
Marriott E. (M iss), police court m issionary, 22 Paradise
street, St. Ebbeâs
Marsh Hy. C. grindery dealer, 3 The Plain, S t.C le m en tâs
Marshall Thomas & Son, m otor car accessories, 6
Kingston road
Marshall & Co. confectioners, 165 K ingston road, St.
Gilesâ & 219 B anb ury road, Sum m ertow n
Marshall Francis Eden (firm , T y rw h itt & M arshall),
solicitor & proctor in the C hancellorâs cou rt & coroner
for the U niversity of O xford, 18 G eorge street
Marshall Janet (M rs.), tea rooms, 20 High street
Marshall Thom as W ilfrid B .C .L . barrister, 7 B lue Boar st
Martin A. M. & H. E. (M isses), nursing home, 7 Keble
road, St. G ilesâ
Martin & Coate, organ builders & tun ers, 54 & 55 P em Â
broke street, St. C lem entâs
Martin Arthur, Albion P.H . r i L ittleg a te st. S t. E bbeâs
Martin Edwd. house & estate agnt. 54 S t. A ld a teâs street
Martin Fredk. Geo. plu m ber, 9 Hayfield rd. S t. G ilesâ
Martin Harold, pork b utcher & sausage m a k e r; collard
head, 24 to 27 T h e M arket
Martin John, tailor, 16 E dith road, Grandpont
1 artin Martha (M rs.),b eer retlr.p P ark E n d st.S t.T h o m asâ
artm W illiam , plum ber, 104 B ridge street, Osney
artyr Brothers, h ygienic hair dressing rooms for ladies
®gentlemen,32 Cornm arket st. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Page 5 6
M arychurch & B lackler,
hosiers & glovers, s h irt
ou tfitte rs; school outfits
T A â E m m a n b e e ;â T N
tailors, clo th iers, h atters,
& collar m akers & com plete
a speciality, 6 Queen street
752. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
M arygold Louisa (M iss), u n iversity lo dging ho. 1 Ship st
M asonic B uildin gs(G eorge G ardin er, propr.),50a,H igh st
M assingham Rebecca (M iss), dress m aker, 20 H u rst st.
C ow ley S t. John
M ather Caroline (M rs.),b eer retailer, 16 B ridge st.Osney
M ather H enry, boot warehouse, 47 C astle street
M athews & Son, incorporated insurance brokers &
L loyd âs u n d erw ritersâ agency (established 1851), 6 St
A ld ateâs street
M athews Rosannah (M iss),boot m ak er,54S t.C lem en tâs st
M athews W illiam , tu rn er, 3a, Queen street
Mathison W illiam , artist, 9 T h e Terrace, Park town
M atthews B urton, tailor, 102 W alton street
M atthew s D aniel E . supt. P rudential A ssurance Co.
L im it e d ; offices, 95 & 96 S t. A ld a teâs street
M attingley Raym ond, dairym an, 106 Bullingdon road,
Cowley S t. John
M attin gly Hy. dairym an, 17 Leopold st. C ow ley St.John
M attock Jn. rose grw r. & florist, 130 to 134 Th e M arket
M attock John, rose specialist, florist & n urserym an,
H eadington hill
Maude Dorothea C. (M iss) M .A .D u blin , M .D ., B .S.Lon d.
physician & surgeon, 5 H olywell street
Mawer A rth u r, u n iversity lo dgin g house, 15 W ellington
square, S t. G ile sâ
M awer Edw in, beer retlr. 10 B ath street, S t. C lem en tâs
May E m m elin e M .(M rs.),w ardrobe d ir.4 5 S t.C lem en tâs st
M ay F rederick John, shopkeeper, 108 S t. Clem ent's st
M ay H erbert H ., M .A. p rivate tuto r, 6 W ellington squar*
S t. G ilesâ
M ay M ary Ann E lizabeth (M rs.), dairy, 10 L ittle C lare»
don street, S t. G ile sâ
M aycock A lfred , grocer, rod W alton street
Maypole Dairy Co. L im ited , b u tter m erchants, xo Q uee*
street & 122 C owley road
Mead A rth u r W illiam , photographer, 6 G olden road.
C ow ley S t. John
M eadley Thom as L . pianoforte tuner, 307 C owley road
M eadon P ercival E dw ard M .A . assistant education secreÂ
ta ry to the O xfordshire E ducation C om m ittee, C oun ty
offices, New road
Meadows B ertram G eorge, grocer, M ark et House b u ild Â
in gs, M arket street
M eadowsweet D airy Co. (Goodwin, F oster, Brown L td .),
126 H igh street & n o C ow ley road
M edcraft G eo. aparts. 39 R egen t st. C ow ley S t. John
M edical D ispensary & Lyin g-in C h arity (A . RiversW illson P h .D ., L .S .A ., F .C .S . 42 W ellington square k
E rn est W . M. H iggs M .R .C .S .L o n d ., L .R .C .P .L o n d .,
L .M .D ub l. 88 Jam es street, surgeons & acco u ch eu rs;
H erbert John Parsons, t r e a s u r e r ; A lderm an John Hy.
S alter, ch airm an ; Thom as W illiam M allam , lion. sec.
126 H igh st. ; H enry Coles, collector, 127 Kingston rd)
Medical Officer of H ealthâs Office (A rth u r Latham
OTmerod M .A ., M .D ., D .P.H .O xon ., F .R .C .P .L o n d .,
M .R .C .S .E n g . m edical officer), Town h all,S t.A ld ateâs st
M edicine & P ub lic H ealth Departm ent (S ir W illiam
O sier b art. D .M .. F .R .S . professor; W alter W illiam
F isher M .A ., F .I.C .
p ublic an alyst), U niversity
m useum , Parks road
M eeks Francis John, apartm en ts, 26 S t. John street
Mein F. (M iss), dress m a. 43 F airacres rd. Iffley road
M eredith E d ith A lice (M rs.), apartm en ts, 74 Southm oor
road, S t. G iles'
M erton C ollege (Thos. Bowman M .A. w arden), Merton st
M essenger E rn est Pocock, estate agent, valuer, surveyor
& accountant, 105 S t. A ldateâs street
M essenger G eorge, skopkpr. k stam p office, 127 B otley Td
Messer H arry, aprtm nts. 16 W inch ester road, St. G iles'
Messer H arry, fru iterer, N orth Parade aven. St. G iles'
M id-Oxfordshire Conservative Association (D. H. E .O akes,
registration agen t), 19 H igh street
Mid Oxon Liberal A ssociation (Frank A ttw ood H uckle,
registration agent & sec.), ro A bbey road
Middleton Sarah A lice (M iss), un iversity lodging house,
23 M useum road
M idland M achine Co. dom estic m achinery dealers, 25a,
G eorge street
M idland Motor C o. 59 & 61 C owley road
Miles F ras. L e vi, dairym an , 63 A ston st.C ow ley S t. John
Miles Jesse, G reat W estern hotel, fam ily k c o m m e rc ia l;
good accom m odation for c yclists, 23 Hythe B rid g e st.
St. Thom as'
Milham Ford School (M iss C atherine I. Dodd M .A. prin
cip al), C owley place (w ith prep aratory d ep artm en t!
M iller John, apartm ents, 13 F ren chay road, S t. G ilesâ
Miller Thom as, clothier, 33 St. Ebbeâs street