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d ir e c t o r y .]
Moore Rev. G eorge M .A. (vicar, chapÂ
lain to the Oxford M ilitary depot),
The Vicarage
â¦Slingo Fergus
O'Connor, M ount
view, Rose H ill
â¦VYarner Mrs. K ibanda, Rose Hill
W eston G eorge, coal m erchant
Barnes ¡Harry Edw ard
Greening Percival
Rhys-M organ Rev. Rees L .T h .A .B .
C harlotte villa
Baker George W illiam , blacksm ith
â¦Bowley W m. shopkeeper, Rose H ill
â¦City of Oxford C em etery (Richard
Bacon, re g is tr a r ; Tom
supt.), Rose H ill
Crump Henry, farm er, Rectory farm
Deacon Isaac, carm an
Edgington Thom as, gardener to the
Rev. George Moore M .A
â¦English & Continental C asing Co.
Limited, sausage skin m frs.Rose HI
â¦James Thomas H enry, K in g of
Prussia P H. Rose H ill
Dykes James Thom as, baker & grocer
Gibbons C harles, cab proprietor
Gibbons Thom as, baker
Hilsdon W illiam , shopkeeper
Janaway Josiah, w heelw right
Johnson Benjam in, m arket gardener
Johnson Francis
Between Towns road
Johnson Sarah (M rs.), fru iterer
King Richard, blacksm ith
K in g W a lter G .C arpentersâ A rm s F.H
M orris G ilb ert, coal m erchant
Oxford Co-operative & In dustrial S o Â
ciety Lim ited
O xford
(T h e ) S t e a m
Co. m e c h a n ic a l e n g in e e r s &
b oiler m a k e r s , steam p lough in g,
thrashing, haulage & road rollin g
contractors & road m a k e r s ; im Â
p lem ent
& m achinery
a g e n ts ;
boilers, engines, thrashers & rollin g
m achinery of all kinds repaired &
ren ew ed; T N 109; T A â S team plough, C owley, Oxon â
Phipps F rederick Geo. beer retailer
Polley W illiam , b uilder
Rhys-M organ R ev, Rees L .T h .A .B .
private tuto r, C h arlotte v illa
Staines John, shopkeeper
Weston H enry, greengrocer
Woodin C harles, boot repairer
C R A W L E Y , see Hailey.
C R O P R E D Y , in Dom esday â Cropelie,â is a parish,
Tom son, ¿ 2 4 a year is distrib uted to tw elve of th e aged
on the river C herwell near th e borders of N ortham pton poor by the v ic a r and churchwardens. G illâs, Calcofctâs
shire and W arw ickshire, w ith a station on the direct main
and Jordanâs ch arities produce togeth er £40 a year for
line to Birm ingham of the G reat W estern railw ay,
educational purposes. The Bell-Land endow m ent is in
4 miles north-north-east from B anbury, 27 north from
the hands of trustees, and a sm all g ift from land at
Oxford and 89J from London, in th e N orthern division
N orth End is at the disposal of the vicar. M iss T o m âs
of the county, hundred, union and county court district
ch arity, th e interest on £500, is distrib uted in coals.
of Banbury, B anbury and Bloxham p etty sessional
Miss W alkerâs ch arity of £20 a year, w hich is derived
division, rural deanery of Deddington and archdeaconrv
from the in terest on consols, is for the benefit of 15 poor
and diocese of Oxford. The O xford and Birm ingham
people, who are selected by the trustees. On June 29th,
canal (1769-90) passes throu gh the parish. T h e church
1644, a furious battle was fou gh t a t C ropredy Bridge]
of St. Mary the V irgin, situated on a slig h t eminence between the royal arm y com m anded by Charles I . in
about 30 feet above the riv er, is a fine edifice of stone, person and th e parliam entary troops, w hich term inated in
chiefly in the Decorated style of the E a rly 14th century, the defeat of the la t t e r : an old breast and back piece
having been reb uilt about 1320, and consists of chancel, w ith a pot helm et han g in the vicarage, two suits of
nave of four bays w ith clerestory, aisles w ith eastern arm our in the north aisle of the ch urch , and cannon
chapels, south porch and a m assive em battled western
shot, buttons, broken swords and Tusted weapons are disÂ
tower containing a clock and 6 bells and dated 1689: interred from, tim e to tim e in th e meadows by th e
the bells w ere rehung in 1913, and a priestâ s bell river s id e; some relics of in terest are also in the
cast in 1701: the chancel retain s a double piscina possession of th e L oved ay fam ily, and m ore than one
and on the north side a recess, w ith traces of c a rv in g :
gravestone in th e churchyard records th at he who
on the north pier of the chancel arch is another
lies beneath was â¢â a faith ful soldier of K in g Charles
piscina, w ith canopy and p innacles: th e north aisle
ye F ir s t : â th e bridge, first b uilt in 1312, rem ains, but
is Perpendicular: the nave arcades consist of four
considerable repairs and alterations, m ad e in 1619 and
lofty arches on each side w ith continuous m ouldin g
again about th e year 1780, as w ell as an increase in
(a rare feature in E n glish c h u rc h e s ); th e western
w idth lately effected have taken aw ay som ew hat of its
or tower arch is also v ery fin e : there are some rem ains
p rim itive c h ara cter; the base and sh aft of a cross
of a rood screen, as well as a screen of the 15th
rem ain in a field on the le ft of th e road to Claydon.
century inclosing a chantry chapel in the south
aisle: on the east w all is an ancient pain tin g of the A farm house w ith a m oat, connected w ith the canal,
is all th a t now rem ains of th e Manor House, once the
â¢â Doom,â discovered d urin g th e restoration ; the brass
residence of th e Danvers fam ily. Th e m anorial righ ts
eagle lectern of pre-Reform ation date is very handÂ
belong to Brasenose College, Oxford. Th e principal
some, and the pulpit dates from 1619:
in the north
chapel is an
ancient chest, probably of the 13th landowners are Brasenose College, Oxford, L ieut.-C o l.
S ir Anthony Cope b art. and T. Loveday esq. The date
century: the stained east window was the g ift of the
of the inclosure award is M ay 27th., 1775. The soil is
vicar and churchwardens in 18 77: there are also m em og en erally h e a v y ; subsoil, clay. Th e ch ief crops are
au io. Jl LovedaY esq. M r. T . A ndrew s, M iss E. barley, wheat and oats, w ith a la rg er proportion of
Allitt, Mrs. A llitt and John A llitt, and three to th e Anker
pasture. Th e area of the p arish is 1,809 acres of land
family: the font, presented in 1853 by H arriet, widow of
John Henry Tonge, m m em ory of her husband, has an oc and 19 of w a te r ; rateable valu e, £ 6 , 2 0 3 th e population
1911 was 405 in the c iv il and 423 in th e ecclesiastical
tagonal basin, w ith .panelled sides, enclosing shields : the
hi ina Norman font was found in th e vicarage garden
Parish C lerk, Louis Lam bert.
and has been replaced in the c h u rch : there are
brasses in the church to P riscilla P lan t, d. 1637, and
Post & M. O. Office.â M iss A lice H arris, sub-postm isÂ
t0 ? ° hn DanTei's eS(3- A- 1721 : on the north
tress. Letters from B an bury a t 7.15 a.m . & 2.55
chutch is a large m arble monument w ith inp .m .; dispatched at 11.30 a.m . & 5.25 & 7.25 p .m .;
clndc, 1 T r v.SAm e P,eTson: t l e communion plate inno delivery on sunday. G reat B ourton, 2 m iles disÂ
stoim of EIlaal)cth.a'ri chalice of silver and a paten and
tan t, is the nearest telegrap h office
fabric I P
â⢠SITen ^ M r- H d lc ^ a ie in 1666; the P illar L etter Box, Station road, cleared 11.30 a.m . &
«.stored in 1876-7, at a cost of
5.25 & 7.25 p.m
t e c t . â d lrectl⢠of Mr. Ew an C hristian , archi«nwted m .* t n pt!'c!1 Paâ¢ of th e â Crucifixion » was The children of this place attend th e Oropredy & B ourÂ
ton school, situated m idw ay between th e two p arish es;
M oorra? Soot r Ple?*â ? memoIT ot Lieut.-C ol. Robert
b u ilt to hold 120 c h ild r e n ; F ran k R oss-W alker,
nfmreh J
G uards, by m em bers of bis fa m ily : the
m a s te r ; M rs. R oss-W alker, M iss Russell & M iss d u f f ,
There n. , M resaa pd >n »alt in 1914 at a cost of /400.
..mi 000 sittings. The re g is te r dates from the year
after h a v in T i lir i®54"171.7 .w as recovered to the parish
PR E S C O T T , or P rescote. a lordship in th e parish of
s v ie a S L .
l° ng m lssing in 1877. T h e livin g is
acres' ofvieho ? Ga.r] 7 ra ln e £ m o , w ith residence and 65 Cropredy, is on th e borders of N ortham ptonshire, 4J
M d since
â â the 8 lft
«>« Bishop of Oxford, and m iles north-east from B anbury. The area is 554 acres ;
also ohanâlain 7âf i i ' vf ReT' M aul'lc c M altby, who is rateable value, £680; th e population in 19x1 was 18.
The W *sW OT, I
, n - u.r Y 'woiâkhouee, and surrogate. G reat W estern R ailw ay Station, Thom as M iller, station
m aster
1881. The ⢠C^ape1, 1,1111 Sanday school, was b u ilt in
yearly f»-â 1»8 allot,â ent9 of 5 acres produce about C arriers to & from B an b ury.â E dm und Tasker, to the
for fuel. Under the w ill of th e l» t. M i..
â F ly in g H orse,â m on. wed. th urs. & sat
Lam bert James
EESIDENTSS m ith A lfred
Malbby R ev M aurice (vicar, chaplain
Clarke Henry
of Banbury workhouse & surrogate), Amos G eorge T. fan n er
V icarage
Banbury In dustrial C o-operative SoÂ
S elb y John
ciety L im ited (branch)
6 *