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[ k k l l y âs
D orothy, his w ife, and on the north w all a m em orial loam ; subsoil, chalk. The area of the c iv il p arish and
to Robert L ee. 1572; the stone pulpit, and font were I rban D istric t is 4,504 acres of land and 83 of roads,
presented in m em ory of John and C atherine E liia waste lands and w a te r; rateable value, £ 3 0 ,3 51; the
( narsley by th eir ch ild ren : the panels of the pulpit population in 1901 (in cludin g p art of th e h am let of
were carved by M iss M atilda Charsley, one of th eir Coleshill) was 1,570, and in 1911, 2,511.
dau gh ters: the stained east window was erected in
Parish C lerk and Sexton, Henry Reeves, Th e Old
1869 to the m em ory of the Rev. John Crould, Teeter Rectory.
here from 1818, and there are others to H enry Reginald
M. O. A T. A Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office
.-ykes esq. the Rev. Canon C. H. C holm eley M .A. rector
(L etters should have Bucks added).â A lb ert L. Gower,
1885-96, A rth u r and Pascoe S t. L e g er G ren fell esqrs.
aster. L etters delivered in the town at 7 A
and L a d y Law son, d. 1897: the church was restored
x i.30 a.m . A 6.40 p.m . ; dispatched a t 10.25 a -m. A
in 1869; the south porch was erected in 1886, in
8 A 9 p .m .; sundays, d eliv ery 7 a.m . ;
m em ory of the Rev. S am uel Jam es Bowles M .A. rector
dispatch, 8 p .m
1867-85: there are 450 s ittin g s: in the churchyard is
ay station.â John W. P rim e, sub-postÂ
a m arble sarcophagus, w ith four urns and a pyram id
m aster. L etters dispatched at 8.40 A 10 a.m . A 12.30,
in th e centre, to E dm und W aller, the poet, who lived
2.50, 5 -4 5 » 7 -10 & 8.30 p.m . ; sundays, 7.25 p.m .
at H all B arn and died here 21st October, 1687. Th e
Telegram s are dispatched b u t not delivered
register dates from the year 1631. The livin g is a
rectory, net yea rly value £486. w ith residence, in the
gift of M agdalen College, O xford, and held since 1900
by th e Rev. A rch ibald Sam uel Com m eline M .A. of M eeting day, last tuesday in every m onth, at the.
M agdalen C ollege, Oxford. The church of S. M ichael
Council h all, Station road, at 8 p.m .
and A ll A ngels is now (1915) in course of erection. The
b u ild in g is cruciform 111 shape and when finished will
R etire in A p ril, 1916.
com prise a nave, divided into five bays, north and south
Chairm an, Thom as F. Lane J.P .
transepts, chancel, organ cham ber and a side chapel:
there w ill be 650 sittin gs. The w estern half of the
Vice-Chairm an, Joseph E. H arding
ch urch , to be com pleted first at an estim ated cost of Thom as G allow ay Cowan
Rowland Perrym an
£ 3 >2 7 4 ' w ill seat 260 persons, and the whole church Leonard C. Holloway
Roland Townsend
will provide 650 sittin gs. N ear the church is an old E dw ard Morford
illiam E dm und Varetim bered building, occupying three sides of a square E dw ard Norcross
and form erly the R e c to ry ; it was erected between
1500 and 1525 as a sub-priory to the Benedictine
m onastery of Bnrnham , and has been restored by
C lerk, H arry G . H ogarth, solicitor
Lord Burnham K .C .V .O . of H all Barn, and was ded i T reasu rer, A rth u r K iddall, C apital A Counties Bank
cated to parochial purposes in January, 1901. Here is M edical Officer of H ealth, A rth u r H erbert Turner L .S .A .
a C ongregational chapel, b u ilt in 1880, w ith 360 s itÂ
L o ad. W ycom be End
tings ; the old chapel, b u ilt in 1800, is now used as a
E n gin eer A Surveyor A San itary Inspector,H arrySargeant
school room . Th e W esleyan Reform ed chapel, b u ilt in R ate Collector A S upt. of C em etery, F dk. Howard M yers
1900, w ill seat 250 persons. A Union B ap tist chapel is
now (19x5) in course of construction. The Council hall
and offices in Station road, opened in 1915, contain
a large hall. T h e Town H all, near the railw ay station,
was erected in 1911 at a cost of ,£3,500; the large
ball w ill seat 300 persons, and is available for lecture's, Phipps Col. R am say W eston (late R .A .), The Stone,
concerts Ac.
The police station, w ith inspector's resiÂ
C h alfont S t. G iles, G errard âs Cross, chairm an
dence attached, was b u ilt in 1872; the village b all, A kroyd John B ath u rst, B ird in g b u ry H all, R ugb y
b u ilt by Lord Burnham in 1886, w ill seat 500 persons! A rden Douglas. E a st Burnham house, near S lou g h
The princip al hotel is the. Royal W hite H art, an old- B artlett E dw ard Noel N apier, S t. M arg aretâs cottage,.
fashioned hostelry, at which good accom m odation can
T y le râs G reen, H igh W ycom be
be obtained. F airs are held on th e 13th of F eb ruary Booth Com . A u gu stu s Burton Clavell R .N . T he Gor&
and 10th of M ay. T he charities am ount to about
cottage, Burnham
£278 a n n u ally; three of the donors w ere E dm und B urnham Lord K .C .V .O ., D .L. H all B arn , Beaconsfield
W aller, who, in 1699, gave £ 7 10s. y e a rly ; E. W aller, B utcher Francis Joseph, The Manor house, T avistock
in 1810, a benefaction of about £"30 yearly, and F. C arr-G om m Francis C u llin g D .L . The Chase, F arn h am
W aller, another of £ 12 6s. y e a r ly ; L ad y H ydeâs ch arity
*5 S- is distrib uted annually to widows and C arr-G om m Capt. H ubert W illiam C u llin g M .P. The
orp hans; M ary Tom psonâs ch arity, le ft to the parish
Chase, Farnham Royal
about 1898. produces £ 13 1 10s. yea rly and Charles C hristie-M iller Sidney R ichardson, B ritw ell court, B urn Â
H arford's charitv of £40 11s. 8d. yearly provides food,
ham , M aidenhead
clothes, m edical or other aid in sickness.
The Right Cripps Hon.
Richard Stafford, Fernacres cottage,.
Hon. E dm und B urke, M .P. for W endover 1765-74, purFulm er, Slough
«hased an estate here on which he resided at a house Cullen F red erick , L atckm oor, G errard âs Cross
named â G regories,â b u t afterw ards called â B u tlerâs Danter Col. F rederick W alter, G errard âs Cross
C o u rt.â w here he died 9th J uly, 1797, aged 68, and was Davies Dixon H enry, W ith eridge, Beaconsfield
b uried in the c h u rch ; his w idow, who died in 1812, Dent E dw ard, 2 Carlos place, London W
disposed of th e property, and the house was b urnt Desborough Lord K .C .V .O . Taplow court, Maidenhead
down about a year after her death.
The present Du Pre M ajor W illiam Bnring M .P . D .L . W ilton park,.
m ansion of th is name is the residence of F ran cis R eck itt
esq. J .P . Hall B arn, form erly the residence of E dm und E llis A lfred, F ulbeek. Am ersham
W aller, and the prop erty for m any years of the W aller F arw ell
Captain W illiam ,
P rio ry,
Burnham ,
fam ily, b ut now th e seat of Lord Burnham K .C .V .O .,
M aidenhead
D .L ., J.P . is a mansion of brick with stone dressings, F a y S ir Sam , W oodbank, G errard âs Cross
seated in a b eau tifu lly wooded park of about 400 acres in Fortescue John B evill, Dropmore, Maidenhead
extent, w ith extensive and well laid out gardens and G ardner Jam es Cardw ell, Th e Firs. Am ersham
pleasure grounds, and an ornam ental w ater of 2 acres G arrett-P egge John W illiam , Chesham Bois manor,
well stocked w ith fis h : in the grove is an old flint
Chesham Bois
stru ctu re known as M iltonâs C ave, where he is supposed G arrett-P eg g e W illiam G eorge, Chesham Bois m anor,
to have w ritten portions of â Paradise R e g a in e d :â the
Chesham Bois
grove is also noted as the spot where th e poet W aller G ilb ey W illiam Crosbie. Th e L ea. Denham
sat to com pose m an y of his poem s. W ilton Park, the G renfell Field-M arshal Lord P .C ., G .C .B ., G .C .M .G ,
prop erty and residence of M ajor W illiam B aring Du
F .S .A . Overstone, Northam pton
Pre M .P ., D .L .. J .P . is a spacious stuccoed mansion G rove Thom as Newcom en A rch ib ald, Pollardâs park.
w ith a long terrace on th e south side, standing in an
Chalfont S t. G iles, G errard âs Cross
extensive and well-wooded park of 350 acres. Lord Grove W alter Fredk. Stone house, Penn, H igh W ycom be
B urnham , who is lord of th e m anor. M ajor W . B. Handcock E dw d. Stanley, Oldhouse, F u lm er,S tok e Pogcs
Du Pre M .P .. D .L ., J.P . and E arl Howe G .C .V .O . are Harben H enry Devenish, Newland park, Chalfont St.
the p rin cip a l landowners. An eighteen-hole golf course
G iles. G errard âs Cross
lias been laid ou t by Mr. H. S. C olt and ad join in g the Howe E arl G .C .V .O . Woodlands, near U xbridge
flu b house is a railw ay h alt. A considerable q uan tity of Ilb ert S ir C ourten ay P eregrin e G .C .B ., K .C .S .I ., C .I.E .
beech wood is grown here, hence the name of the
T rou tw ells, Penn. H igh W ycom be
parish, i.e., the field of the beeches. The soil is gravelly Ingpen John A bel, l'oxden, Dornev wood. B urnham