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[ k e l l y ’s

Moreton John, ironm onger, 26 St. Pryke A lfred, draper, 28 H igh street Stantonbury W orking Men’s Club(Fdk.
Jam es’ street
Robbins K ate (M iss), shopkeeper, 147
D udley, sec.), St. Jam es’ street
M ynard Sidney F red erick , grocer, 175
N ew port road
S tyles Percy, grocer, 52 H igh street
N ew port road
Robinson F rederick, beer retailer, Sykes Charles F rederick, tailor, Post
N ational Deposit F riendly Society
N ew port road
office, G lyn street
(Fredk. Trood, sec.), 8 N ew port rd Rolfe Caroline (M rs.), m idw ife, 22 T arry G eorge, butcher, 46 H igh st
N eale F rank Edm und, news agent, 47
H igh street
T arry Sam , butcher, 27 St. M ary's st
N ew port rd. k p rin ter, 2 G lyn st Sayell David, fried fish dealer, 26 Thom as W illiam H aym an, County
Spencer street
N orm an
A rth u r,
A rm s P.H . 189 New port road
S crivener A lice (M rs.), confectioner, Thom pson A lfred Edward, plum ber,
C aledonian road
N orm an Dennis, shopkeeper, 83 N ew ­
56 Spencer street
137 N ew port road
p ort T o a d
Seabrook F rederick, undertaker, St. Toogood A rth u r, F oresters’ Arms
N u tt John Edward k Sons, w heel­
Jam es’ street
P.H . 21 Newport road
S ellick Edwin John, m otor engineer, Tranfield & Co. builders, 17 Queen
w righ ts, N ew port road
P alm er Thos. butcher, 23 Newport st
N ew port road
Anne street
Pearce W illiam F. baker, see Moore Sharp Bros, drapers, 46 St. Jam es' st Trood W alter, brewers’ agent, 193
k Pearce
S ouster Thom as, boot k shoe m aker,
Newport road
13 Queen Anne street
Penny E dm und John M .D .B ru x.,
V errall Lionel Thom as, grocer, 9
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .S .A .
(surgery), Squires Thom as, New inn,Bradw ell rd
Queen Anne street
Stanton Frank M. baker, 173 N ew ­ W hitaker W illiam , chem ist, 32 St.
191 N ew port road
port road
P n ryer A lexander Charles, green ­
Jam es’ street
grocer, 27 New port road
S tan ton bury A ssem bly H all (G eorge W olverton Industrial & P roviden t So­
Pratt- W illiam E rn est, hair dresser,
A shley, sec.), 131 Newport road
ciety Lim ited (branch), 42 H igh st
30 H igh street
W oodward Benj. boot m a. 50 H igh st
B R A D W E L L A B B E Y , form erly extra-parochial, is and 12 w ide, w ith a south doorway of the L a te Decor­
now a parish 2 m iles south from W olverton station, on the ated period, good m ullioned window at one end and
London and N orth W estern railw ay, 4 south-east from sim ilar windows on either side. The M ercers’ Company
S tony Stratford and 5 from New port Pagnell, in the are lords of the m anor and sole proprietors of th e land.
Northern division of the county, hundred, p etty sessional The soil is cold c la y ; subsoil, stone and clay. The chief
division, union and county cou rt d istrict of Newport crops are w heat, barley and beans. Th e area is 447
Pagnell. A bout a quarter of a mile w est from Bradwell a c re s; assessable value, £ 2 ,0 16 ; the population in 1911
stood the Benedictine priory of S t. M ary, founded about was 34.
1155 by M ainfelin, Baron of W olverton, originally as a
T h is parish is reputed to be extra-parochial for eccle­
cell to the m onastery of Suftield, the revenue of which in siastical purposes.
the 23rd of H enry V III. was £ 53 n s . 2 d .; the priory L etters th rou gh W olverton, B ucks, arrive at 7.5 a.m . &
appears to have been p artly rebuilt as a mansion, and
12 noon & 6.1-5 p.m . Stantonbury, about 2% miles
is now a farm h o u se; it was form erly m oated and
distant, is the nearest m oney order & telegrap h office
approached through an avenue of trees. N ear the house
& Bradw ell, about $ m ile d istan t, is the nearest post
is a sm all chapel now disused ; i-t is about 19 feet long
P u n ter A lb ert, A bbey F a n n house
| W ylie Charles, farm er, Bradw ell A bbey farm
G R E A T B R I C K H I L L is a parish and village on the ch arities, am ounting to about £ 1 7 yea rly, which sum
Brickhill hills, on the borders of Bedfordshire, the river is distrib uted in bread, m eat and m oney. Th e feoffees’
O usel form ing its eastern boundary, 3 m iles south from ch arity, yield in g about £23 yearly, is appropriated to
B letchley station on the London and N orth W estern the- gen eral uses of the poor, and 16 cottages occupied
railway, 3 south-east from Fenny Stratford, 10 south rent free. The poor’s land of 8 acres produces £10
from Newport P agn ell, and 4 north from Leighton yearly for fuel. The Manor House, th e seat of Sir
Buzzard, in the Northern division of the county, hundred, E verard Philip D igby Pauncefort-D uncom be b art. J.P.
p etty sessional division, union and county cou rt district who is lord of the m anor and principal landowner, is
of Newport Pagnell, rural deanery of B letchley, arch­ an elegant m ansion, redecorated in 1859, and com m and­
deaconry of B uckingham and diocese of Oxford. This ing a panoram ic view of the surrounding country, in
place is supplied w ith w ater b y the B letch ley Urban grounds of about 100 a c re s ; th e conservatories are
D istrict Council W ater W orks, w hich are in this parish, very fine. E xten sive alterations w ere m ade in the
and were opened N ovem ber, 1890, at a cost of £10,000. house in 1911. Th e sand hills here are of g re a t eleva­
The church of St. M ary is a b u ild in g of stone of the tion and p icturesquely planted. The soil is various,
E a rly E n glish and Decorated periods, consisting of some sand, other c la y ; subsoil, clay and gravel. The
chancel w ith side chapels, nave of four bays, aisles, crops are chiefly p astu ra g e, some w heat, oats and
south porch and a central tow er w ith tu rre t containing barley. T h e area is 2,372 acres of land and n of
6 very fine bells and a c lo c k ; in the chancel is a sm all w a ter; assessable value, £ 2 ,5 8 7 ; the population in
p is c in a ; there are num erous tablets to th e Duncombe 1911 was 430.
fam ily from 1559 to the present tim e, as well as to the
P arish C lerk , E dw ard Woods.
fam ilies of B arton, Pauncefort and C h a s e ; the roofs of Post & M. 0 . Office.— M rs. Annie E liza W oods, subthe church and chancel were heightened and th e whole
postm istress. L e tters through B letch ley at 7 a.m . &
fabric underw ent a thorough restoration in 1867, chiefly
12.20 & (to callers only) 6.40 p .m .; box cleared at
a t the cost of S ir P h ilip Duncom be Pauncefort-D un9.5 a.m . & T2.15 & 7 p .m .; sundays, 9.50 a.m . Little
combe bart. (d. 1890), in whose m em ory his widow
B rick h ill,
m iles distant, is the nearest telegraph
presented the o rg a n : th ere are 300 sittings.
register dates from th e year 1558.
T h e livin g is a W all L e tter Boxes.— Cross E nd, cleared at 9 a.m . &
rectory, net yea rly value £340, p rin cipally arisin g from
T2.25 & 7 p .m . ; sundays, 9.45 a.m . ; G reen End,
271 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of Sir
cleared at 8.45 a.m . 12.45 & 7.10 p .m .; sundays,
E verard P. D. Pauncefort-D uncom be b art. and held
8.20 a.m
since 1913 by th e R ev. Joshua F ield in g H oyle M .A . of
Elem entary School (boys & girls, m ixed), b u ilt in 1837
Pem broke College, C am bridge.
Th ere is a B ap tist
& enlarged 1886, for 134 children ; Miss E d ith Mary
chapel, b u ilt in 1812, and seating 100 persons, and a
P arker, m istress. Th e school belongs to S ir Everard
W esleyan M ethodist chapel, erected in 1877, w ith 80
P . D. Pauncefort-D uncom be bart
sittin g s. The Reading and Recreation In stitu te was
erected in 1898 b y L a d y Pauncefort-D uncom be in C arrier.— Thom as B ates, to Leigh ton B uzzard, fues. &
fri. retu rn in g sam e days
m em ory of her husband. T h ere are several sm all
Hobbs W illiam , grocer
Bone J. farm er. Paper M ill farm
B ragg G eorge, T h e m o r y
Holdom Chas. farm er, Ivy Lane farm
blacksm ith
Duncom be S ir E verard Philip Digby
L an gler W illiam , baker
PauncefoTt- hart. J.P. Manor house C lem ents W m . farm er, W estfield frm
M ercy W illiam , farm er
H oyle Rev. Joshua F ieldin g M .A.
Sm ith Jas.m iller(w ateT),O rchard mill
Franklin W illiam Jam es, farm er
(Vector), Rectory
S prattlev Fredk. farm er, P ark farm
P elly Mrs. The Lodge
Tooth A lbert, carpenter
Sinfield, sec)
W alton R obert G . Closefield
G urn ey W m . H y. farm er, E aton Leys Tooth E dw ard, carpenter
H am m ond M. Joseph, farm er, G alley T urm ey A lfred, m arket gardener
Turn er W m . farm er, R ectory farm
Lane farm
B ates Thom as, carrier
H erring Rowland Jam es, farm er, Woods Chas. Duncom be A rm s P.H
Belm ont Dudley, grocer
Woods Edw ard, carpenter i& joiner,
H om e farm
B loxham G iles,’ head gardener & land
assistant overseer, clerk to Parish
steward to Sir E verard Philip Digby H ill C hristopher, farm er,C hurch frm
C ouncil k parish clerk, P ost office
Hobbs E rn est, Red Lion P.H
Pauncefort-D uncom be bart