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d ir e c t o r y .]
King Thomas John, carpenter, sub-|Renn M ary Ann (M rs.), shopkeeper
Tanner Frederick & Son, farm ers
postmaster & parish clerk
i S co tt W alter, baker
Tuffrey John, farm er, Chesterton fields
Kirbv Alfred,farm bailiff to H .Tu bb esq Shouler Francis M. farm er
White W illiam , farm bailiff to 0 . T .
Pether James, farm er, W eston park Stonebridge Charles, head gam ekeeper
Hoare esq
I to the E arl of Jersey
C H I L S O N , see Shortham pton.
C H I L W O R T H , see G reat M ilton,
in Dom esday â Chenore,â is a parish and irregular and d efectiv e; m arriages and burials from
village, w ith a station on the Princes Risborough and 1622. T h e livin g is a rectory, net yea rly value ¿443»
IFatlington branch of the G reat W estern railw ay, 47 w ith 11 acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift
miles from London and 4$ m iles south-east from Thame, of W enm an A ub rey W ykeham -M usgrave esq. and held
in the Southern division of the county, hundred of Lew k- since 1902 by the Rev. Leonard B aldw yn M.A of E xeter
nor, petty sessional division of W atlington, union and C ollege, O xford, who is also rector of E m m ington.
county court d is trict of Tham e, ru ra l deanery of Aston T h ere is a Congregational chapel, b u ilt in 1805, w ith
and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e village is 300 s ittin g s; a P rim itive M ethodist chapel, reb u ilt in
picturesquely situated at the base of the Chiltern H ills, 1875, and an E van gelistic Mission hall (undenom inaÂ
which rise to a h eig h t of 800 feet above th e sea tional), b u ilt in June, 1908. Th e readin g Toom and
level. The W hite Leaf cross and the Eton cross, on working m enâs club was erected in 1878. C h air turning,
the scouring of which the tenure of certain land depends, lace m akin g and lim e burning are carried on both
are conspicuous objects in the landscape. Th e church of in th e villag e and in the neighbourhood.
St. Andrew is a building of flint, in the L a te Decorated A ub rey W ykeham -M usgrave esq. who is lord of the
style, and consists of spacious chancel, clerestoried nave, m anor, M agdalen C ollege, O xford, who are lords of th e
aisles, south porch and a western tower, w ith projecting manor of H enton, M r. F rederick N orth and M r. Robert
pediment and saddle-back roof, containing 6 bells, four W hite are the principal landowners. Th e soil is a good
1620: in the north and south windows of the sacrarium a ra b le ; subsoil, clay and chalk. Th e area is 2,712
of which are dated respectively 1651, 1635, I^ 3 and acres, which consists of arable, p asture and considerable
are some rem ains of ancient glass, consisting of figures portion of w oo d lan d ; rateable valu e, ¿ 4 ,4 7 4 ; the popuÂ
of an archbishop and bishop, and others of SS. Laurence lation of the entire parish in 1911 w as 975.
and A lb an: the chancel retains a piscina and sedilia, and
H E M PTO N is a liberty, 1 m ile north, on the borders of
on the north and south walls are brasses to John
Hotham, â m agister in theologia,â w ith effigy in aca Bucks, and has a m ission room, in w hich services are held
demical dress, 13 6 1; A lexander C helseye, rector 1388, on T h ursday in each week during the winter, m onthly
and a floriated cross w ith the head of a priest in the during the sum m er, and also in th e afternoon of th e fourth
centre, c. 1320; th e slabs to which these belong, for Sunday in each m onth throu gh out the year.
merly in the chancel, are now in the p o rc h : the stained
S P R IG G âS A L L E Y (or H olly), a h am let, 2 m iles
past window was th e jo in t g ift of the Rev. S ir W illiam
Augustus M usgrave M .A. 10th bart. of B arnsley Park, south, on th e top of the C h iltern s, on the Bucks border,
Gloucestershire, and rector of Chinnor from 1816 until has also a m ission T o o m , in w hich services are held on
his death, 30 Sept. 1875, and the late Sam uel Turner Tuesdays th rou ghout th e w inter, and m on th ly d urin g the
esq. .and cost ¿ 1 5 2 : the reredos includes a representa sum m er. Two services a m onth are also held on Sun Â
tion of the â E n tom b m en tâ : on the chancel and aisle days.
walls hang a series of paintings by S ir Jam es Thornhill
O A K L E Y is a ham let half a m ile west.
kt, of Our Lord, th e E vangelists and A p ostles: the oak
Parish C lerk, John Blake.
rood screen is Decorated : to th e rig h t of the chancel arch,
in the nave, is a plain p is c in a : arcades of five arches, in P ost & M. 0 .. T. & Telephonic E xp ress D elivery Office.
part Transitional, separate the nave and a isle s : the south
â Airs. E . A . H ill, sub-postm istress. L e tters th rou gh
aisle has a piscina arch w ith stone s h e lf ; in this aisle
W allin gford arrive at 6.45 a.m . & 2.20 p .m . : disÂ
there is also a fine sepulchral recess, and at the west
patched at a.m . & 6 p .m . ; Sundays, arrive at
end of this aisle, now used as a vestTv, are the rem ain Â
7.30 a.m . ; dispatched at 10 a.m
ing brasses, as follows, of w hich the first three were W all L e tter Box, Cross roads, cleared 9 a.m . & 6 p .m .
discovered in 7854, during Tepairs to the north aisle : â
d a ily ; sundays, 10.5 a.m
John Cray, esquire to R ichard II. 1392; Reginald W all L e tter Box, O akley, cleared 9.10 a.m . & 6.10 p .m . ;
Malyns, with effigy in arm our and two wives, c. 1385
Sundays, 10.15 a -m
Esmoun de Malyns, son of the preceding, w ith dem i- * W all L e tter Box, School, 9 . 5 a.m . & 6 . 5 p .m . ; sundays,
effigies of him self and wife Isabel, c. 1 3 8 5 ; an in scrip Â
10 a.m
tion to Adam Ramsey-e, c. 1 4 0 0 ; R obert atte Heelde, Pillar L e tter Box, Chinnor h ill, cleared at 8.25 a.m . &
vith m utilated effigy, and his w ife K ath erin e, c. 1 4 1 0 ;
5.25 p .m . ; sundays, 9.20 a.m
Nicholas atte Heelde, son of the preceding, and his wife P illar Box," at S p rig g âs A lley, cleared at 8.20 a.m . &
Margery, c. 1410; a m an and w ife of M alyn âs fam ily, c.
5.20 p.m . week d a ys; sundays, 9.15 a.m
1390; Reginald M alyns esq. 1430; Folke Paffe esq. 1514, E lem entary School (m ixed), enlarged 1892, for 260 c h ilÂ
and two wives, and an inscription to John Caistem as, c.
d r e n ; G eorge A . Jones, m a s te r; Airs. A nnie Jones,
!4oc: near the north tow er arch lies the m u tilated crossm istress
legged effigy of a k n igh t in the chain m ail and long G reat W estern R ailw ay Station, W illiam
cyclas of the 12th c e n t u r y : the ch urch was restored
W illiam s, station m aster
in 1865/ in the year 1909 an organ was erected in two
C arriers to : â
halves in the chancel, at a cost of about ¿ 7 0 0 : there
are 383 sittings in the nave and 40 in the chancel. Tham eâ A . Lacey & A lb ert R . Croxford, tues
The register of baptism s dates from 1581, b ut is W ycom beâ A lb ert R . Croxford, fri
North F rederick, U pper farm
C ap el W illiam Jas. p o u ltry farm er,
W est Down
North Mrs. Oxford house
Baldwyn Rev. Leonard M .A. (rector) Pledger M isses, C h urch view
Cocks J. & Son, hardw are dealers &
Ball John, C hatsw orth house
Robinson W illiam , The Lim es
Batten George, Belm ont
Collins W illiam , chair turn er
Saw Thom as, Tham e road
Baverstock W illiam , Station road
F rances
(M t s .),
Saw Thom as Ernest
Brazell Herbt. Stockw ell, Elderdene S p iller A lfred Jam es, Tham e road
house, B lenheim cottage
Burnard Mrs
Tanfield Rev.
Thom as
(P rim itive C roxford A lbt. Richd. gro ce r & carrier
Busby Thomas, The W h ite house
M ethodist), Station road
Croxford Caleb, chair turner
Cocks Mrs. Station road
Taylor Airs. The Moorings
Croxford Osborne, grocer
Faulkner A lfred W m . Beech croft
W hite Robert, Lower farm
Darvill W illiam
Bishop, insurance
Fosbery Widenham F rancis W iden- W itn ey Aliss, The Rosary
agt. & dealer in w allpaper, H ig h st
ham C.M .G . The Lodge
C O M M E R C IA L .
E ggleton H y. D avid, farm er,H ill frm
Gomme Ernest, E lm h u rst
E ggleton Thos.'H .travllr. The C ottage
E arly closing day, W ednesday.
Hill Mrs. Lyndhurst
F ortnam G eorge, p o u ltry farm er
Baldwin Joseph, news agent
Etchings Rev. W illiam W ilson (Con- Ball C harles, beer retailer
Fortnam Susan n ah(M iss),B lackB oyP.B
"relational), The Manse
Bass John, chair turner
Fortnam W m . chair turn er & beer ret
Ges Arthur, Hillside
Benton W m .E m m an uel,lim ekiln ownr F ren ch George R. coal & coke m er
Keene Robert, H om eleigh
G ray John, tailor
B iggs Jam es, jobbing gardener
King Mrs. Clarem ont
B razell Ambrose R. b utch er
G regory John, w atch & clock makeT
anchester H enry, Rannal croft
Brazell C harles, butcher
H aw kesworth & K in g-E dw ard s, p h yÂ
hansel Capt. E ustace G am bier J.P. Brazell W illiam Joseph, grocer
sicians & su rg eo n s; attends mon.
Chinnor hill
Brownsill Robert, Crown P.H
& fri. 12 to 1
C H IN N O R ,