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O X F O R D S H IR E .
d i r e c t o r y .]
Soame Jam es, photographer, 105 St. A ld ateâ s street
Soanes & T ay ler, coal & coke m erchants, 4 London &
North W estern coal w harf, R ew ley road, St. Thom asâ
& St. Johnâs road, S t. G ilesâ
Soanes N oam i (M rs.), university lo dgin g house, 107
Southm oor road, St. G ilesâ
Soanes Thom as, hurdle m aker, 15 E a rl st. New Botley
Society of Oxford Home Students (M rs. A . H. Johnson,
principal), 16 Ship street
Society for the Propagation of the G ospel (Rev. C. A.
Mar'con M .A. hon. sec. ; Stephen M ontagu Burrow s
M.A. hon. trea s.), M arcon's hall, 11 Parks road
Soden R- & Co. horse slaughterers & chim ney sweepers
& soot dealers, 30 Gas street, St. E bbe's. S e e a d Â
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e
5 6
Soden Wni. A. & Son, chim ney sweepers, 58 W alton st
Soden John F rederick, seed m erchant, 52 The M arket
Soden John Hy. cab propr. 69 Plantation rd. S t. G ile sâ
Solloway M ajor & C o. grocers, 127 W alton street
Somerville College (M iss E m ily Penrose, p rin cipal),
Woodstock road, St. G ilesâ
Soper John T. bath chair proprietor, 51 M agdalen road,
Cowley S t. John
Sopote M ark B .S c.p riv ate tu to r,95W oodstock rd .S t.G iles'
Sorrell G eorge, deputy chief constable of O xfordshire,
County Police station, New road
Souch Sidney John, confectioner, 58 St. C lem en tâs st
South Oxford H andicraft Centre, 60 S t. A ldate's street
Spencer Thom as & Co. cycle agents, 90 H igh street &
149 Iffley road & m otor garage, D enm ark st. Cowley
St. John
Spencer John Henry, apartm ents, 117 Iffley Toad
Spencer Joseph, beer retailer,8H ollybush row ,S t.T h om as'
Spencer Jsph. T u rk âs Head P.H . 56 H igh st.S t.T h om asâ
Spencer R eginald E rn est W m . stationer, 2 New road
Spencer W illiam E dw ard, insurance agent, 45 M arston
street, C owley St. John
Spencer W m. Hy. beer retailer, 3 R ew ley rd. S t.T h o m asâ
Spicer C lem ent A rth u r, M arket V a u lts h o tel,134 H igh st
Spicer R achel (M rs.), univ. lo dgin g ho. 55 S t. John st
Spiers H enry, shopkeeper, 10 Tham es st. S t. A ldateâ s
Spiers Jerem iah, grocer, 19 St. M aryâ s rd. Cow leySt. John
Spiller Sarah (M rs.), university lo d g in g house, 3 Parks
road, St. G ile sâ
Spokes & Co. dyers & cleaners, 40 C ow ley Toad
Spokes G eorge Newcom b, jew eller, see W alford & Spokes
Squire Jam es, chem ist & d ru g g ist & oil & color m an,
41 Qneen street
Stacey Jane (M iss), university lodg. ho. 10 M useum road
Stafford A. M. (M rs.), univ. lodging ho. 59 St. John st
Stallard Sidney A .M .I.C .E . county surveyor, surveyor
to the county education com m ittee & to the Standing
joint com m ittee, C ounty offices, New road
Standen & Co. tailors (clerical & m ilitary), breeches
makers, shirt m akers, hosiers & glovers & robe m akers,
110 High street. T A â S ta n d en "
Staniland E dw in M. tobacconist, 2 Broad street
Stanley Francis Edm ond Crm vshay, m anager to B arclay
& Company L im ited , bankers, 71 B anbury road
Stannard A rth. g rn grcr. 63 S unningw ell rd .N ew H inksey
Star Confectionery Co. wholesale confectioners, Albion
place, L ittlega te street, St. E bb eâs & 6 C astle street
Star Supply Stores, grocers, 5 Queen street
Star Tea Co. L im ited , 8 New Inn H all street
Starling A lbert Edward, blind m aker, 11 Castle street
Starr M arv (M rs.), apartm ents, 143 Kingston rd .S t.G ile s'
Steedman Percy Andrew L .R .C .P ., M .R .C .S. physician
& surgeon, 10 Rawlinson road, St. G ile sâ
Steele W alter Sidney, aparts.39 Jeune st. St. Clem ent's
Stephens Francis, dairym an , 28 S tratford street.
Stephens G eorge R. grocer, 44 St. C lem en tâs street
Stephens Henry, university lodgin g ho. 29 M useum id
Stephenson & Co. (O xford) L im ited , brick m erchants,
Juxon street, S t. G iles'
Sterne A rthur F professor of singing, 191 D ivin ity Td.
Cowley Toad
Stevens & Co. coal m erchants, 8, 9, 11 & 12 L . & N. W.
coal wharf, R ew ley Toad, St. Thom asâ ; 6 C ornm arket
street; 10 North Parade avenue, S t. G ile s '; Canal
wharf, Frenchay road & 57 Kingston road, St. G iles'
Stevens A lfred, insurance agent, 49 S t. M aryâs road,
Cowley S t John
Stevens H arry, chim ney sweeper, 79 F ria rs st. St.E bbe's
Stevens Joseph, boot m aker, 2 Park End st. St. Thom as'
Stevens Sarah (M rs.), Chequers P.H . 44 H igh street,
St. Thom asâ
Steventon Jesse, gramophone d ir. 11 F riars st. St.E b be's
Steventon W illiam , butcher, 44 & 45 Th e M arket
Stewart E m ily (M iss), apartm ents, 23 Abbey road
Stiles Mark, sweep, 85 K ingston road, S t. G ile sâ
Stokes Fredk. J. boot m a. 4 N orth Parade av. St. G ile sâ
Stokes H arry, Rose & Crown P .H . 14 N o rth Parade
avenue, S t. G ile sâ
S toneâs (D r.) A lm shouses, S t. C lem en tâs street
Stone A lb ert, u n iversity lo dgin g house, 19 W alton cresÂ
cent, St. T hom asâ
Stone F. H om er, entertainer, 34 H ythe B ridge street
Stone John H enry, apartm ents, 87 Iffley road
Stone R ich ard, tailor, 20 Juxon street, St. G ile sâ
Stone W illiam , florist. 14 G eorge street, Sum m ertow n
Storey E . electrical engineer, 2 W oodstock rd. St. G ile sâ
S tra n g A lice (M iss), u n iversity lodgin g house, see H olroyd & S tran g (M isses)
S tran ge & Co. grocers, 39 South parade, S um m eitow n ;
289 Iffley road & 124 W alton street
Stran ge H erbert W illiam , ladiesâ & gen tlem en âs hair
dresser, 13 & 15 M arket street.
See a d v e rtis e Â
m e n t p a . gre 5 7
S tran ge Thom as A nthony, g asfitter, 55 H enley street,
C ow ley St. John
Streaks E lizabeth (M rs.), grocer, 2 A rg y le st. C hester st
S trin g er E m m a (M rs.), univ. lo dgin g ho. 51 St. John st
Stroud A lfred C harles L .D .S .E n g . den tist, see Bennett
& Stroud
Stroud A rth u r H y. veterin a ry surgn. 15 St. M ichaelâs st
S troud Charles, shopkeeper, 2 Com m ercial rd. St. Ebbe's
S troud Charles Josiah, shopkeeper, 20 St. A ld a te âs st
S troud John R. job & post m aster, 13 & 15 S t. M ichaelâs st
Stroud W ill, photographer, 2a, Queen street & The
A rcade, 29 & 30a, C ornm arket
Stroudley W m . Jas. shopkpr. 4 C h urch st. Sum m ertow n
S tu b b sâ L im ited (Stubbs' M ercantile O ffice), n C orn Â
m arket street
S tuch field Thos. hair dresser,3 Speedw ell st.S t.A ld a te âs
Stu rges E liza (M rs.), sh op k pr.18 Princes st.S t.C lem en t's
S tu rm an H enry & Son, pain ters, 17, 18 & 19 South par.
Sum m ertow n
S tu rm an John W illiam , landscape gardener, 35 G eorge
street, Sum m ertown^
S tu rrock W illiam D .. M .A ., M .D .(O xo n ), surgeon, 32
H olyw ell street
S tyles G eorge, ap artm en ts, 14 M anor place, H olyw ell
Sum m erfields Preparatory School (Rev. Charles E . E.
W illiam s D.D. principal), B anbury road, Sum m ertow n
Sum m ersell H arry, tailor, 46 A bingdon road
Sum ner E dw ard, shopkeeper, 106 F ria rs st. St. Ebbe's
S urm an R ichard, n atu ralist, 14 St. B arnabasâ st. Jericho
S u rrage Charles, beer reta iler, 21 N ew st. S t. E bbeâs
Surveyor of Taxes Office (John G . S m yth , su rve yo r;
E dw ard J. B u sby, ch ief c le rk ), 4 M agdalen street
S utters Thom as, sm ith , 37 Richm ond road, St. T hom asâ
Sutton G . J. & Son, plum bers, 1 P aradise sq. S t. E bb eâs
Sutton & Co. carriers (E . W . T a rran t, m an ager), 75a,
G eorge street
Sutton Edwd. cabinet m a. 1 R egen t st. C ow ley St. John
S w adling E d w d .J n .carm an ,39 M arston st.C ow ley St.John
S w e a r s & C o . tailors & hosiers, 1 K in g E dw ard street
S w ift Beef Co. L im ited , m eat im porters, H ythe B rid ge
street, S t. Thom asâ
Sw ift Thom as, un iversity lodging house, 5 & 6 Brewers
street, S t. A ldateâs
Sw innard H arry V . fishing tackle dealer, 78 C ranham
street, Jericho
Sym es Dan, coal m erchant, London & N orth W estern
coal w harf. R ew ley road, S t. Thom asâ & 22 Polstead
road, St. G ilesâ
Sym m & Co. builders, 43 L ittle Clarendon street, St.
G ilesâ & 4 Brew ers street & C rom w ell st. S t. A ldateâs
Sym onds Charles, artist, 1 B eaum ont bldgs. S t. G ile sâ
Sym onds H enry, undertaker, 24 C h u rc h st. S t. E bbeâ s
Sym onds Horatio Percy F .R .C .S .E d in . consulting surgeon,
35 Beaum ont street & 35 B an bury road
Sym onds P ercival, un dertak er, 137 C ow ley Toad
T a g g E lizabeth & M aria (M isses), apartm ents, 5 Longw orth road, S t. G ilesâ
Talboys Richard A . boat b uilder, Tham es st. S t. Aldafceâ s
T alle tt E m m a E lizabeth (M rs.), ap arts. 70 A bingdon rd
T alm age E dw d. Jn . beer retlr.49 O bseivato ry st.S t.G ile s â
Tanner F rederick G eorge, cabin et m aker, 33 C ow ley rd
Tanner W m . boot m aker, 38 Jam es st. C ow ley St. John
Tanner W m . R t. boot repr. 23 G t. Clarendon st. Jericho
Taphouse C. H. & Sons, fu rn itu re rem overs, 69 Howard
street, C ow ley St. John
Taphouse Charles & Son, pianoforte k m usic sellers.
3 M agdalen street
Taphouse S ilan ce (M rs.), apartm ents, 46 W estern rd.
T au n t k Co. photographers, R ivera, C owley ^oad
Taw nev John A rch er, sec. of G illett k C o .âs B ank, 54
C orn m ark et street
T ayler Hannah (M rs.), anarts. 33 W ellin gton sq .S t.G ilesâ
T ay ler John Charles, coal m erchant, see Soanes k T ayler
Taylor A lbt. Jn. general shop, 36 W estern rd.G ran dp on t