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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Pether Thom as (to Mrs. G reet), United D istrict G as C o. (The) (W111. Money H. K . k Sons, O xford street,
Benson, W allington
H. Parkes, m an ager), A dderbury
W oodstock
Pound Jam es (to A . C . F raser esq.
E ast, B an b ury & Shipton-under- P ritchett k Co. N ewland, W itn ey
J.P ., D .L .), M ongew ell,W allingford
W ychw ood, Oxford
Pullm an R. & J. L im ited , H ensington
Q uarterm ain W illiam (to G eorge S. United D istrict G as Co. Lim ited (H.
lane, W oodstock
Bowles esq.), H ighm oor, HenleyW ilcox, m an ager), 23 M arket sq. S avernake (The) G love Co. Back
on-Tham es
B icester
lane, WToodstock
Rick# E dw ard C. (to C. T . Hoare W atlington G as & Coke W orks (Alfd. S tayt John & D avid, C h u rch ill road,
esq.), B ignell, Bicester
C h ip p in g Norton
G. B ates, proprietor), C h urch st.
Short W illiam (to M rs. M ason), F:
W atlin gton , W allingford
W ebley A. G. Oxford st. W oodstock
land, W oodstock
W itney G as & Coke Co. Lim ited W h itlock W m .Jn.M arket st.W oodstck
Sim pson W illiam (to E rn est Moon
(Thom as
B errid ge,
esq. K .C .) , Checkendon, Reading
d ire c to r); office (J. S. L u ck in g,
Stephens G eorge Jam es (to E. J.
m an ager), 46 H igh s tr e e t; works, W illiam s Thos. O xford st. W oodstock
Hornim an esq. J .P .), Upton road,
G as lane, W itney
W oodstock G as Co. (John Wood,
Stevens Joseph (to L a d y G lyn ), The
m an ager), W'oodstock
See Hosiers & Glovers.
Close cottage, B urco tt, Abingdon
Stone E dw in (to F rederick G elderaSom ervell esq.), G reat Haseley, G ill & Co. 5 H igh street, Oxford.
W allingford
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 3 9
Tappern W illiam (to E arl CottenR ow ell R. S. 115 H igh street, O xford.
h am ), G oring, Reading
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 4 6
Tebby Henry (to E. R. K . Rousby B arrett J. H. & Son, C h equ ers yard
esq.), C ottisford, Brackley
131a, H igh street, Oxford
Thorn Sam uel (to Mrs. Hooper), Dingle Charles A lb ert, 39 Pem broke H edderley W illiam , 14 & 15 T u rl st.
B urco tt, Abingdon
street, St. C lem en tâs, Oxford
a d v e rtis e m e n t
T iller H arry (to Mrs. D avenport), Jones Alfred, 12 C astle street, Banbury
p a g re 3 9
Headington h ill, Oxford
Long W illiam , New Inn yard, St.
Tolley A rth u r (to Mrs. H aggie),
A ldateâ s street, Oxford
S hillingford, W allingford
Rowell G eorge Joseph^ A lfred street,
See Contractors.
Tonge Benjam in (to W m . P. H ubbard
St. G ilesâ. Oxford.
See a d v e rÂ
esq.), N orthfield road, Shiplake,
tis e m e n t p a g e 5 6
Henley-on-Tham es
Russell Jam es, 13 G atteridge st.Banbrv
See W riters & Grainers.
Tubb Jam es W illiam (to Col. John S h irley Joseph, W alton lane, St.
B askerville), C row sley park, Sh ip Â
Thom asâ & 6 L ittle C larendon st.
lake, Henley-on-Tham es
St. G ile sâ street, Oxford
T u lle tt John G eorge (to A rth u r Hy. S tran ge Thom as A nthony, 55 Henley Steventon Jesse, ix F ria rs street, S t.
Renshaw esq. J .P .), W atlington
E b b eâs, Oxford
street, C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
park, W allingford
W alker G eorge & Son, 10 L ittleg a te
Vine John (to the E arl of D ucie),
street, S t. E bbeâs & 49 St. A ld a teâs
Sarsden, C h ip gjn g Norton
st. Oxford. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t G u y Thos. Parsons, B odicote,B anbury
Wadham Richard (to Miss Bradshaw),
page 48
H adland Joseph, F aw ler, C h arlb u ry
Steeple Aston, Oxford
W ard T . & Son, 46 Leckford road, Rogers Sam uel Jam es, The Poplars,
W hiting Thom as (to Col. Alfred
S t. G ile sâ, O xford. S e e a d v e r Â
H ornton, B anbury
Douglas M iller D .S .O ., D .L ., J .P .),
tis e m e n t p a g e 5 4
T im s John, W roxton fields k R agShotover, W heatley
W est W illiam , 25 Park street, Tham e
n ell, W roxton, B anbury
W hitlock John (to E arl of Longford
K .P ., M .V .O .), N orth Aston,O xford
Wingrove Holland (to C apt. C. WT.
Cottrell-D orm er), Rousham , Oxford G uest & C brim es, Foundry & brass
See Fruiterers k G reengrocers.
works, Rotherham . S e e a d v e r Â
Wise Sidney (to H ugh M acIntyre
tis e m e n t p a g e 5 8
esq.), Highm oor, Henley-on-Tham es
W itt Thom as (to J. H. E arly esq.),
P etigrew J .Sta n ton H arcou rt,E yn sh m
N ewland, W itney
Wixon Jam es (to C aptain Mansel), Clews Joseph, 35a. G reat Clarendon
Crow ell h ill, Crowell, W allingford
street, Jericho, Oxford.
See a d Â
Marsh Henry C. 3 T h e Plain, S t. C leÂ
v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 51
m entâs, Oxford
Bampton & E ynsham G as W orks
See Shopkeepers.
(Ryland B eeb y,sec.),G as la.E ynshm
Bampton Gas k W ater Co. L im ited ,
Banbury Gas L ig h t & Coke Co.
See Carvers k Gilders.
(James R. Duff, resident manager),
G rim sbury, B anbury k 34 Market GINGER BEER MANUFCTRS.
place, Banbury
See Mineral W ater M anufacturers.
Bnrford G as-L ig h t, C oal & Coke ? o
Lim ited (W illiam F rederick Bays,
sec.), H ig h street, Burford
C hipping Norton G as L ig h t & Coke See China,G lass k EarthenwareDealrs
Co. Lim ited (B. E. L ille v , sec.), 24
New street, C h ip p in g Norton
Counties Gas Co. L im ited (Frederick H ills & Row ney, 23 G eorge st. Oxford
G oodsell, m anager), O harlbu ry
H enley-on-Tham es Gas Co. (W illiam
George W eyinan, s e c .) ; office, 17
H art s tre e t; works, 62 & 64 G reys
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Oakey John & Sons L im ited. âW elÂ
Oxford G as L ig h t & Coke Co. (Frank
lington m ills, W estm in ster Bridge
G ray, s e c .; Jam es E ld rid ge C .E .
road, London S E
engineer & m a n a g e r); offices, 120
H igh stre e t; works, Gas- street.
St. Ebbeâ s, Oxford
See Plum bers & Glaziers.
South Oxfordshire W ater & G as Co
(Thomas C ox, d istrict inspector),
S u m m it house, W oodcote, Reading
k (Leonard J. C. G eer, m anager) Bryan Frank,O ld W oodstock,W oodstck
G oring, Reading
Dyke, Boots & F arm er, C h arlburv
Thame Gas & Coke Co. Lim ited (Hy. Fownes Brothers & C o. C h arlbury
B irch, clerk), 90 H igh st. Tham e
L a y A rth u r Robt. H igh st. W oodstock
Pocock Bros. 235 Southw ark B ridge
road, London S E
H ardy P aten t Pick Co. L im ite d (The),
H eeley, Sheffield
T arran t W. H. & Sons, 32 k 36 M arÂ
k et square, W itney
[fK T F u l l l i s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
U n it e d K in g d o m , s e e G r o c e r y
T r a d e s D i r e c t o r y . P r i c e 3 6 s .]
M arked th us + are Dealers in W ines
& Spirits.
M arked thus * are D ealers in Bottled
Adam Brothers, W in dm ill rd. H ighfield, Oxford
Adam s E. & Co. Ivingham , C h ipping
Adam s H y. Jn. 48 W alton st. Oxford
Adam s
Jam es
A lexander,
N eat
Enstone, Enstone
A kers F. Stanton H arcou rt, E ynsham