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d ir e c to r y
the staff by four screws, and it w eighs eigh t pounds
eleven o u n ces: all th e spears found here w ere of the
S tuart p e rio d ; on th e skeleton of one m an two large
buttons, g ilt beneath and hollow, still rem ained. The
trustees of the late John P arker esq. F .S .A . of High
Wycombe (d. 1906) are lords of th e m a n o r; and Leopold
<le Rothschild esq. C .V .O . is the chief landowner. Th e
soil is clay w ith a portion of stone brash, b u t chiefly
loam ; subsoil, clay and lim estone. Th e chief crops are
wheat, beans, barley and clover. The area is 2,466
acres of land and 9 of w a t e r ; rateable value, £4,893;
the population in 1911 was 633 in th e c iv il parish and
q o i in the ecclesiastical parish . Broughton, 2 m iles
south, and B u rco tt, half a m ile south, are h am lets in
this parish.
Sexton, John Busby.
B IE R T O N .
Bates W illiam Jonas, Poplars
Goodey H enry John
Grist John W esley, Bierton house
Norwood Thom as, Peartree cottage
Stewart Robert Thos. M erton cottage
Taylor Frederick
Thompson Rev. A rth u r Jam es Kayss
M.A. (vicar)
Bell John, farm er, Iv y House farm
Bell Thom as, farm er, C h urch farm
Bierton Association for the Protection
of Persons & Prop erty (Jn. Bell, sec)
Bonham Jam es Sm ith, farm er,F ir cot
Bonham Jas. W m . grocer, Post office
Cannon G . & T . builders
Cannon Henry, farm er, Hoods farm
Cooper Clara (M iss), apartm ents
Clarke E lizabeth (M rs.), beer retailer
E lem en tary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1849 & enlarged
1885, for 134 ch ild ren ; W illiam G eorge P lim m er,
m a s te r ; Mrs. Annie Towers P lim m er, m istress
C arrier.
H arry Honour, to A ylesbury, wed. & s a t .; to Leighton
Buzzard, tues
D earing A bel, builder
E llis Thom as, duck breeder
Gadsden W illiam Thom as, farm er
G urn ey G eorge, farm er
H ill H arry, duck breeder
Honour H arry, carrier
Honour Sarah (M rs.), shopkeeper
Horwood Thom as W alton, builder &
assistant overseer
H utchins W . A . clerk
.Jeffs John, baker & farm er
K in g E llis, coal dealer
Norwood W illiam , farm er, Corner frm
Roberts W illiam , blacksm ith
Shadlock G eorge, beer retailer
Spicer John, boot m aker
Taylor John, Red Lion P .H
Thorne Joseph, Bell inn
Thorne Reuben J. builder & conÂ
tracto r, painter, plum ber & decoraÂ
tor ; estim ates furnished
W atts W illiam Henry, grocer
B L E D L O W is a parish, on the borders of OxfordÂ
shire, w ith a station 1 m ile north of th e village, on
the m ain B irm ingham line of th e G reat W estern railÂ
way, 44 m iles from London,
m iles west-south-w est
from Princes Risborough and 5J east-south-east from
Thame, in the M id division of the county, in the
hundred of A ylesbury, p etty sessional division of Desborough second division, union of W ycom be, county
court district of H igh W ycom be, rural deanery of
Aylesbury, archdeaconry of Buckingham and diocese of
Oxford. The Princes Risborough and W atlin gton railÂ
way passes through and trains stop at Bledlow B ridge
to take up and set down passengers. Th e church of
the Holy T rin ity, restored in 1876 at a cost of £1,400,
is an ancient stru ctu re of flint and stone, in the Tran Â
sition Norm an style w ith Decorated windows and
clerestory added, and consists of chancel, clerestoried
nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and a western
tower containing 5 bells, four of w hich date back to
1865, the fifth having been recast in 1841 : th e inner
doorway of the south porch is very fine, consisting of
a pointed arch w ith sm all circular shafts of E arly E n g Â
lish d a te ; on the rig h t of th is door there is an unÂ
usually la rg e holy-w ater stoup ; over th e outer door is
a dial and near the entrance th e stone base of an
ancient cross : the north aisle contains a canopied niche
and a double piscina, and the south aisle has also a
piscina and Tetains traces of two recessed to m b s : in
the chancel is a brass of a form er vicar (1525) in
Eucharistic vestm ents : the walls of the nave and aisles
bear traces of some ancient paintings : th e font and a
doorway on th e north side are N o rm an ; th e form er
has a large fluted basin and some elaborate carved
w o rk : there are tablets of th e early p art of the last
century to m em bers of th e Blancks fa m ily : since 1895
a new chancel screen, altaT tab le and litan y desk, all
executed b y Mr. H arry Hem s, of E xe ter, and five
stained windows have been p ro v id e d : th e church was
thoroughly restored in 1909, when th e tow er was re Â
paired and th e bells w ere also q uarter-turn ed and rehung ; d urin g the course of the work an aum bry was
uncovered in the south aisle and on th e south side of
the chancel th e tym panum of a N orm an door was disÂ
covered : some 13th century stained glass was also d isÂ
covered in the chancel and was cleaned and re -le a d e d :
a m em orial window was erected in 1912 in the north
aisle to the m em ory of the R oberts fam ily, for m any
years resident in th is p a rish : there are 2x1 sittin g s:
the churchyard is bounded on th e east b y a deep and
â woody glen, into w hich several springs of w ater fall,
and uniting form a sm all lake called â Th e L y d e,â in
which large quantities of watercress are grown for the
Post & M. 0 . Office.â Jam es W illiam Bonham , subpostm aster. L etters th rou gh A ylesb ury arrive at 6.15
& xo a.m . ; dispatched 11.30 a.m . & 6.45 p .m . S u n Â
days, arrive a t 6.40 a.m . ; dispatched, 7.30 a.m .
A ylesb ury is th e nearest telegraph office, 2 m iles
B roughton P illa r Box, cleared at 6.30 & 11.50 a.m. ;
S u n d a ys, 7.30 a.m
W ink E dw ard, beer retailer
W oodward L eslie, farm er
B ates W m .m llr. (w ater),B roughton ml
Jeffs Thom as, duck breeder
Landon G eorge H. farm er
Pitch er Charles H y. farm er, Oak frm
Roads John Thom as & R obert,farm ers
S tratford M ary (M rs.),S even S tars P.H
W hite G eorge, beer retailer
W rig h t A lb ert, sm allholder
G ilkes Stephen
Horwood M rs
Plom er Col. W m . H. P. B urcot cot
W ilson M rs. Claresholm e
B rill John, cowkeeper
Chappin Frederick, duck breeder
G ray Henry, duck breeder
London m arkets. The reg ister dates from th e year
1592. Th e livin g is a discharged vicarage, n et yearly
value £200, including 134 acres of glebe, w ith residence,
in th e g ift of th e M arquis of L in coln sh ire, and held
since 1904 by the R ev. John W illiam Cruikshank M .A . of
Lincoln College, O xford. A n additian to th e b u ryin g
ground was consecrated in 1908. T h ere is a sm all W esÂ
leyan chapel here, and another at Bledlow R id g e. T he
school of the W ycom be union situated here occupies
what was form erly th e workhouse ; adjoining are four
acres of land used as a p la y g ro u n d ; the g irls do m ost
of the dom estic w ork. Th e ch arities produce about £58
yearly, inclusive of Tent for th e poor's land of 25 acres
and five cottages, distributed in fuel, and th e dividend
of S la u g h terâs ch arity distributed in b r e a d ; th e p rin Â
cipal testators have beenâ Henry Sm ith in 1608, John
Blancks in 1671, M arg. Babham in 1672, and E dm und
Sla u g h ter in 1831. On a lo fty h ill in th is p arish is a
G reek cross, cut into the tu rf, and sim ilar to th at at
W hiteleaf in Monks Risborough. T he M arquis of L in Â
colnshire K .G ., P .C . and the Provost and F ellow s of
Eton C ollege are lords of th e m an o r; Robert W h ite esq.
is lord of th e m anor of C oram . The principal lan d Â
owners are the M arquis of Lin coln sh ire K .G ., P .C .,
G .C .M .G . and Eton College. T h e soil is in som e parts
chalk loam , other p arts stiff c la y ; subsoil, chalk or r a g Â
stone and clay. T he chief crops are w heat, beans, peas,
oats, barley and roots. The area is 4,169 a c re s; rateÂ
able value, £4,40 5; the c iv il p arish includes B L E D L O W
RID G E , P IT C H G R E E N , half a m ile north, R O U TâS
G R E E N , 2.\ m iles south, F O R T Y G R E E N , 1$ n o rth Â
west, S K IT T L E G R E E N , th ree-quarters of a m ile n orth Â
west, and H O L L Y G R E E N , 1 n o r th : the population in
1911 was 954, and of th e ecclesiastical, 569.
Parish C lerk, G eorge Avery.
Sexton, Jam es Allen.
Post Office, Bledlow.â H erbert Stratford B razell, sub-postÂ
m aster. L e tters arrive from Princes R i s b o T o u g b ,
B ucks, b y cycle post at 8.35 a.m . & 4.10 p .m .; disÂ
patched at 8.35 a.m . & 4.15 p .m . &
a th ird dispatch
vifi Oxford at 6.50 p.m . No Sunday delivery. Princes
Risborough, 2^ m iles distant, is the n earest m oney
order & telegrap h office
W all L e tte r B oxes.â P itch G reen, cleared 9.20 a.m . &
3.35 & 7.5 p.m . week days o n ly ; R ailw ay station,
cleared at 9.15
a.m . & 3.30 & 7.30 p.m . week days
E lem en tary (m ixed), b u ilt in 1868, & enlarged in 1891,
1903, 1912 & 1914, for 149 ch ild ren ; E dw in J. T .
Cafcton, m aster