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d ir e c t o r y . ]
Cokethorpe Park is the property and residence of Capt.
Guy Feilden J . P . ; the m ansion was b u ilt by Sir Simon
Harcourt kt. is t V iscount H arcourt, and lord chancellor,
about 1711, and is a fine building about x m ile southÂ
east of Ducklington church, in a park of 170 acres,
and for some tim e the residence of the poet G ay.
Parish Clerk, Noble Spindlow.
(m ixed), erected, w ith school house, in
1858, & enlarged in 1897 & 1902, for 136 c h ild re n ;
John W illiam W estwell, m aster
The children at Hardwick also attend Ducklington school
HARDWICK is a parochial chapelry, and for civil
purposes, a separate parish,
m iles south-east on the
west bank of the river W indrush, and consists of four
farm-houses and a few cottages. Th e church of St.
M a r y the Virgin, standing in Cokethorpe P ark, a little
east" of the mansion, is mentioned in early records so
E le m e n t a r y
D i m s T E W is a p arish and pleasant Tillage, 2* m iles
west from Somerton station on the Oxford and B irm ingÂ
ham section of the G reat W estern railw ay, 2* south from
Deddmgton, and 8 m iles n0rtli-east-by-n0rth from Woodstock, m the Northern division of the county hundred of
Wootton, Wootton N orth p etty sessional division, union
and county court district of W oodstock, rural deanery of
Woodstock and archdeaconry and diooese of O xfird.
The church of St. M ary M agdalene is a plain b uildin g
of stone, chiefly of the D ecorated period, and consists of
chancel nave of three bays, north aisle, south porch
and a low western tow er of P erpendicular date conÂ
taining 5 b ells: the arcade is lofty, and the capitals
the piers are ornamented w ith heads : on the south
;ide are two round-headed doorways of the 13th cenÂ
tury 1 the font is dou btfully T ra n sitio n al: the church
Md affords m
H e" ry W - Dashwood bart,
burial?dft ?
. n 88' The re" ister of baptism s and
burials dates from the year 1654 ; m arriages, 1656: butthe register is generally deficient from 1695 to 1747
the living 1, a vicarage, net yea rly valne / 12 2 w ith
â « â . « * ° f Capt. Robert H e n r? S e v e r n
ashwood, and held since 1902 by the R'ev. A lb ert
LS a\
f° nt- and in the porch are three chained
w k iSâ
^ emPisâs Im itation of C h rist,â â-T h e
Whole D u ty of Man â and â Nelsonâs Feasts and F a s t s - â
m 1874 the church was restored and enlarged by the
addition of a north aisle, at a cost of ¿650 , and has
sittin gs for 100 persons. The President and Fellows of
S t J oh n s College Oxford, who are lords of the manor
ali, e8qâ are
a" dthetheprincipal
W arden landÂ
Fellows off W adham hn
owners. Area, 442 acres ; rateable value, ¿ 5 7 3 ⢠populaÂ
tion in 1911 was 96.
W all L etter Box. H ardwick, cleared at 12.35 & e <r0 d m
on week days only
Fox A rth u r E. farm er, Olaywell
G len ister George, Bell P.H
H arvey C harles, head gardener to
Bartlett Christopher, B arley park
C apt. G u y Feilden
Feilden C ap t.G u y J.P. Cokethorpe pk Holtom G eorge H enry & Sons,m illers
Holtom Wm. W atkins, Y ew T ree ho
w ater),
Tristram Rev.
C h risto p h er M.A.
steam roller m ills
(rector), Rectory
Lock A rth u r, shopkeeper
Waefelaer Gerard, Manor house
Prio r F rederick, gam ekeeper to Oapt.
G u y Feilden
C O M M E R C IA L .
R apley A lb ert A braham , boot repr.
Adams Thomas, cowkeeper
L ittle Ducklington
Barrett Arthur, blacksm ith
R eading Room (Rev. c . T ristram
Castle Alfred W. shoe m aker
hon. sec)
Collis Albert, baker
S m ith A lb ert Cannon, farm bailiff to
Druce Henry, cowkeeper
Capt. G u y Feilden, Home farm
far back as 1376, where it is called the little church
(ecclesiola) or chapel of Cokethorpe, and is said to have
been long annexed to the church of D ucklington : it is
a small stone building, consisting of chancel, nave of
two bays, north aisle, porch and a small tower at the
north-west angle of the nave containing 3 b ells: there
S m ith A rth . D. S trickland Arm s P.H
Strainge Christopher, farm er
T aylor G eorge, farm er, C ou rse h ill
T rem lin W illiam , basket m aker
W ellbelove F rederick, aparts. Lee cot
W hite Ernest, farm er, B arley park
Wilsdon E dw in, farm er, Manor farm
C O M M E R C IA L .
B utler John, beer retailer
F lorey Jam es Frank, farm er
Pickford Thom as Reade, farm er
S m ith W illiam , farm er
Stone Sarah (M rs.), farm er
a l t o w , V
LlncoIn College, Oxford. Th e poorâ s
al ȉ m e n u of 4a. 3r. w ith two other charities produce
R W <a D a 18 dlTst" b u t e d annually in coals. Capt.
H. S. Dashwood J.P . is lord of th e m anor and p rin Â
cipal landowner.
The soil is clay and sand- subsoil
The T
C-h l6f Cr° PS ar6 barIey' " heat- beans ilndâ
X ?
1 ?â
18 1,749 aorea; rateable value, £1,886 â¢
the population in 19 n was 233
Sexton, Charles G illam .
POr i r t ? fflCre'â HTnr^ WF iam Cannâ g- sub-postm aster.
Letters from London & south through Oxford, via Deddington, arrive at 7.5 a.m . ; from north th rou gh Banâ ury, a in v e at 2 p .m .; dispatched, 10.15 a.m &
J .° ,8UJ d®y delivery of letters. Deddington,
A dxstantâ lsMth e nearest m oney order office &
6 d lsta n tâ the n earest telegraph
E lem entary School (m ixed), b uilt in 1874, for 100 ch ilÂ
dren ; Miss M arian R. C ull, m istress
C arriers.â E rn est A. Jones, th rou gh to B an bury, mon
LSV ? W llham H um phries, through to B anburv
mon. (c thurs
C ?Pl ' Rt-Hy. Seym our J.P C anning Hy. W m . shopkpr. Post off
H ollier John, farm er
Smith Rev. Afbt. M .A .(vica r).V icarage C olegrave John, farm er
Mobbs R obert & Florence (Miss),
C O M M E R C IA L .
French John Henry, shoeing smith
Brown Cyril & Edward, farm ers,
Goffe W illiam G. (exors.of), farm ers. W arland John, farm er
Lower farm
H ill farm
W elsh Jsph. John, W h ite H orse P.H
b ek m W mlf Ha n a
o°rm a ,ibertSâ in Oxfordshire,
D L ' J P . ,S a la rS e and handsom e resi
cludiS loaning Fâ¢
? onni nS.
B erkshire, and in d.râ7»8haf T
field Heath n
Som ung Com m on and part of Bin- M
m eer,
âr of 36
? ? g nm
â -P
.° f 300
acres-is MthrsG olding
1 aim
Q u een
s gate,
e nrincipa
which cam . ¡ S i
Heading (E xtension) O rder, i g u ,
landowner. The Parish hall was b u ilt in ,900 at a X
Caversham w?
S j 0?
n 9th NoTember, 1911, part of
b fn iT ' cl
S°d 18 Chalk w ith Hravel here hnd there ;
was formed T n tn
Dunsden and E ye. Dunsden su
subsoil, clay and gravel. Tbe ch ief crops are wheat
26. 1876 »âa â a ,s ef>arate ecclesiastical parish, M ay barley, oats and peas. Th e area is 4,069 acres of lane
station and a h . 3,
m â leS north-east from Reading
s Te r ; fir a t? ? le ,Tu IUe' ¿ 7 .5 9 0 ! th e population
v T ? Same dista" ce north-w est from l?n lo4i°iw aW
â"d 3 m ile ?
? 0,1 the G reat W estern railw ay, astioal p lrish â 4 m *he hb0rty and 531 in th0
V is io n â f th,
\ frT
h10" 107, in the Southern
Parish C lerk, Thom as G arrett.
Henley nettv coant5\ hundred of Binfield, union of
court' district of6u 10^
d lv« ion of Henley, county
archdeaconry of
rUra] doaner5' ot Sonning, Post O ffic eâ Ernest A lfred W errell, sub-postm aster
Letters arrive from Reading at 6.55 a.m . & 1.20 p .m The church of 411 S 6Tk,slllr e . and diocese of Oxford.
Sundays at 6.55 a.m . ; dispatched at 7.10 a.m . I 6.3c
Robert P alm ..
FA.â ,
â nd endowed by the late
. sundays, 12.5 p.m . Biufield Heath, r m ile d isÂ
a structure of g ra y 0? ^ ] 0 Park, Sonning, in 1842, is
tant, is the nearest m oney order & telegraph office
â Misting of chan??!
â 5 e EarIy E nSIish style,
W all L e tter B o x e s:â B ird in Hand, cleared at 7.43 a m
turret containing 2
P°rch, and a western
â¢tained window, . â a ?ivS ?
cb?roh has some good
f t S; S® P â ' V SUi ld ayâ 7 43 »â¢â â¢! p l»y H atch, cleared
v 8.5 a.m . & 6.40 ,p.m .; sundays, 12 .ic p.m ⢠&
es from the year
The register
yearly yaia6 r
be h v in g is a vicarage, net
Sonning Evo, cleared at 10.10 a.m . & 2â.ic: & 6 ^o
p.m . ; sundays, 12.25 & 7-20 p.m
5 car o< Sonning3' . T J . r f? lde.nce. ⢠the g ift of the
Herbert, Wigan I? 4
? S m C e 1904 b y the H 6r- E lem en tary School b u ilt in ,869, & enlarged in 18 7, &
shan> Park
° { 0 n e l GoUe>te - Oxford. CaverMansion, the seat of W illiam Thom pson
W dliAm Hullcoop^ m aster
aV6rag6 a tt- d â " - 9' !