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[ k e l l y âs
Dodds T om W m . M us.Doc. (organist E arle John R , M A ., M .B. 47 Wood- Evens Mrs. 6 Hill
Top road, St
of Queen's college), 198 Iffley road
stock road, S t. G ilesâ
C lem en tâs
Dodds-Parker A rth u r Percy M .A., E arly Mrs. 221 Cow ley road
Evens SI. 164 D ivin ity rd. Cowley rd
M B. 2 H olywell street
E ast Ernest. 28 Parker street
E verett Mrs. 30 St. M argaretâs road
Dodson Mrs. 206 Iffley road
8f. G
Eastwood Joseph W illiam M .D. 18
Dolbear John, 16 K in g Edward street
Farndon road, St. G ile sâ
E vetts Miss,
Beech C roft road,
Dolley G eorge, 73 Abingdon road
Eaton Geo. 15 W inchester rd.S t.G iles'
Sum m ertow n
Dolley Mrs. 22 Farndon rd. St. G ilesâ E ccles Mrs. Cowlev house, Heading- E w art Mrs. 24 W arnborough road
Dore Mrs. 195 W oodstock rd. Summerton hill
St. G ilesâ
Eckford Mrs. 27 C harlbury road
Exon C harles, 57 Bainton road Rt
Dorm or Jam es Mace. 227 Iffley road Edens Geo. 81 Kingston rd. S t. G ilesG ilesDorn John Goold, 20 Portland rd Edge Rev. John S.J. (C atho lic). St. E yles Chas. C .6 W estern rd.Grandpnt
Sum m ertown
A loysius presbytery, Woodstock rd E yles Ernest Edwd. 75 Abingdon rd
Dorn Mrs. 15 Parks road, St. G ile sâ
St. G ilesâ
F alkner M iss, ix Bevington road, St
Dorrill Mrs. 186 Iffley road
E dgew orth F ran cisT sidro M .A .,F .B .A 1 G ilesâ
Dougan Jam es Lockhart M .A . 20
(Drummond professor of political ! Fallows Sam uel H 10 Th e Terrace
T7.. _1 _ j___
, 1 1 ___
Beech Croft road. Sum m ertow n
econom y), Ai llll Souls' .college
D oughty W illiam .
K ingston road, Edgington
Miss, 89 D ivin ity road. Fanshawe Rev. W illiam Dalrvmple
igin gto n Miss,
Cowley road
M .A. 24 Staverton road
Douglas Claude Gordon B .S c., B .M .,; Edmonds Henrv R ichm ond,100 South- Farebrother Mrs. 2 C h urch walk Rf
M.A. (fellow & tutor), St. John's
1 C ow lev St. John
field â
G ilesâ
Edwards Rev. Robert Stephen M .A ., |Farnell Lew is Richard M .A., D.Litt
Douglas Misses. 40 Chalfont road.
F .G .S . (chaplain of New college).!
(rector), E xe ter college, Turi st
St.. G ilesâ
16 Chadlington road
F arnell W alter C h arles, The Refuge
Douie S ir Jam es M cCrone K .C .S .I . 2 Edwards Miss E. 14 W orcester place.
H ill Top road. St. C lem entâs
C hadlington road
St. Thom as'
F arquh ar John N ic o lM .A .n Frenchav
D oulevy Rev. James
S.J. St. E dw ards Miss St. G eorge, 1 Crick rd
road, St. G ilesâ
^presbytery, W oodstock rd. ¡Edw ards Mrs. 65 D ivin ity road. Cow- Farquharson A rth u r Spenser Loat
St. G
ley road
M .A. (fellow & tu to r), University
Downes Mrs. 13 Stanley road, Cowley Edw ards Mrs. 212 Woodstock road,
college & 3 G rove place, High street
St. John
Sum m ertown
Fath ers C y ril, 55 W arw ick street
Downing R oy Charm an, 10 Park cres- Eeles H enry, : S t. M ichael's m a n -' Faulkner M iss, 2 5 Farndon rd.St.Gilesâ
cent, Park town
sions. Ship street
F aulkn er Mrs. 35 St. A ld a teâs street
Dowson Hy. M artin .12 Chadlington rd E gerton H ugh Edward M
(fellow F au lkn er M rs.57W estern rd.Grandpnt
Doyne Robert W alter M .A ., F~R C .S .
of A ll Soulsâ co lleg e ; Beit professor 1171.........
Fau sset* Andrew
Grierson M.B 10
---- ^
_ 121 W oodstock. road. St. G ile sofColonial h istory), 14St. G ilesâ st
C harlbury road
age . -lajor W illiam Henry, 2 Park ; Eggleton Edw ard, 3 Thorncliffe road. Faw cett Rev. Joseph M .A. iq North<:rescent. Park town
Sum m ertown
moor road
Drake Herbert Lionel M .A. (tut-or & Eldrid Thom as E rn est, 6 H am ilton 1Featherstone M iss. 252 Iffley road
ju n io r dean), Pem broke college, St.
road. Sum m ertow n
Feilden M iss,H igh wall,Haddington hi
Aldat-es street
E ldridge E ustace Bernard. 12 P o r t-1F eilin g K e ith G raham M .A. (tutor of
Draper Frank. 341 Cowley road
land road, Sum m ertow n
C h ristch u rch . S t.
A ldateâs), 12
Draper Mrs. 1 Chalfont rd. S t. G iles- E ld ridge Jam es. 38 Beaum ont street
Holywell street
Drayton H enry Urwic-k, 278 Iffley rd Eldridge. Jam es M atthew M.A
i 3 i !Fendick Rev. George Harold M.A
Drayton M rs.
161 Banbury road.
Divinitv road, Cowlev road
Pusey house. 61 St. G ilesâ street
Sum m ertown
Elford M rs. 22 St. M argaret's road. Fenem ore Thom as, 12 Southfield rd
Drayton W illiam Thom as, 87 S ou th Â
St. G iles'
Cowley St. John
field road, Cowley St. John
Elford Percy M .A. 115 Woodstock rd Fenwick Rev. George B., M.A. 141
Drew A rth u r John F .R .C .5
W ater E lliott C hristopher Frank. 11 S taverÂ
Banbury road, Sum m ertown
hall, St. A ld a te's street
ton road, S t. Gilesâ
Ferard M isses, 1 Farndon rd.St.Gilesâ
Drew Mrs. 19 Farndon rd. St. G ilesâ j E lliott Edwin B ailey M .A . F .R S. Ferguson Rev. W illiam Harold M.A
D rew itt John A rth u r Jam es M .A
(W aynflete professor of pure m athe-; (warden),
S t.
Edwardâs school,
(fellow & lecturer),W adham college
m atics). 4 Bardwell road
W oodstock road, Summertown
Dreyer G eorges M .A. (professor of E llis Lev.i Jam es, 36 Aston treet. Ferrim an Sam uel, 36 Minster road,
----- â i f .
O* M argaretâs
pathology), x-r St.
Cowley S t. John
St. C lem en tâs
D river Mrs. 107 Banbury road
Ellis W a lter E . 3 K in gston road St. F estin g Mrs. 21 Park cres. Park town
Druce Geo. C laridge M .A. 9 C rick rd
GilesFfoulkes Mrs. 60 Woodstock road,
D ru ett Charles. 40 W estern road, E llis W illiam , 8 Regent st. Cowley
St. G ilesâ
St. John
Fiedler H erm ann G ., M .A. (Taylorian
Drum m ond Rev. Jam es M.A
L L D., E llis W illiam Patterson, 304 Banbnrv
professor of Germ an language &
D .L itt. 18 Rawlinson rd. St. G ilesâ
ââ â
road, Sum m ertow n
literatu re). The Lane house, NorD m ry Mrs. 24 London place. St. Ellison C lem en t Jam es, 21 M inster
ham road
C lem entâs
road. St. Clem ent's
F ield A rth u r,
13 Portland road,
Duck Mrs. 77 W oodstock road, St. E lm er A rchibald, 20 Lonsdale road.
Sum m ertown
G ile sâ
Sum m ertow n
F ield Fra s. Hayward, 35 Norham rd
Ducker Edward S anm el, 159 Divinity E lsom John, 1x8 A bingdon road
Field M iss, 1 Cowley pi. St.Clementâs
road, Cowley road
E m hling W illiam , 8 Clarendon villas, Field W alter W illiam , 4 Botley road
D uff Mrs. 36 St. M argaret's road,
Park town
F ilsell Joseph Thom as, White house.
St. G ilesâ
E m m et Rev. W illiam Edward M .A.
H am ilton road, Summertown
Duigan W illiam M .A ., M.B. 66 Wood161 Woodstock road, St. G ilesâ
F irth Charles H arding M .A. (Begin?
stock road, St. Giles
Empson M isses, 223 Cowley road
professor of m odern history), *
D ulake H erbert, S t. G eorge's m an- Englcfield Mrs. 23 W alton Well rd.
Northm oor road
sions, G eorge street
St. G ilesâ
Fish Rev. John W illiam (Primitive
. .eth
. ..), 71 _.
. .ity rd.
' Cowley
DaA daS Robt H am ilton M .A. (tutor), IEsson W illiam M .A ., F .B .S . (senior
D ivin
C hrist Church. St. Aldate's street
Dunstan Rev. Sidney (curate of St.
M arg arets church). 14 Bardwell rd
Durell Jas. Philip M.A. 33 Banbury rd
Durell Misses, 33 Banbury road
Dutton Mrs. 5 D ivinity rd. Cowley rd
D u xb u ry Jam es H enry, 68 Victoria
road, Sum m ertown
Dyer Mrs. 143 B anbury rd.Sum m ertw n
Eades H arry, 2 Tborncliffe road.
Sum m ertow n
E ager Mrs. 18 W arwick strer-iEagle W illiam Jn. 49 Uolywt.J street
S am uel
Thom as.
D ivin ity road. C ow ley road
Kales Herbert C .S .I Harberton house.
H eadington hill
bursar of M erton college & Savilian F ish er Charles Dennis M .A. (tutc.
professor of geom etry & fellow of
C h rist ch urch , S t. Aldateâs street
New college), 13 Bradmore road
Fisher David, 248 Iffley road
E tty John Lyttelton M .A. 3 St. Cross F ish er David Ernest, 68 Southfield
road. H olywell
road, C ow ley St. John
Evans S ir A rth u r John D .L itt. (pro- Fisher Horace Jam es M .A. 3S2 ®an'
fessor of prehistoric archaeology &
bury road, Sum m ertown
fellow of Brasenose college)
Fisher Mrs. 9 Bevington rd. St. Giles
Evans G eorge W aller. Newton lodge, Fisher Mrs. 8 Park town
Mayfield road, Sum m ertow n
Fisher Mrs. 8 S t. Johnâs rd.St.Gile?
Evans John, 232 A bingdon road
Fisher W alter W m . M .A. (Aldricbfflfl
Evans John, 37 R egent street, Cowley
dem onstrator of chem istry), 5
St. John
M argaretâs road, S t. Gilesâ
F itzG erald Rev. M aurice Henry M.A.
Evans Mrs. 289 C owley road
(chaplain), W adham college
Evans Richard. 16 Moreton
Snrnm ertown
Fitz-G erald Misses. 12 Crick road
Evans Thos. Henry, 79 C owley Toad ' Fitzjohn M rs. 9 Fyfield road