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[ k e l l y âs
Walker A Co. Stores Limited, gTocers & tea dealers, 83 1Whitehorn Leopold S. (firm, Whitehorns), solicitor
25a, High street
High street & 14 Market place
Walker Josiah Lawrence, farmer, Golden villa, Neithrop Whitehorn William Joseph (firm, Whitehorns), solicitor
& commissioner for oaths, 25a, High street
Wall James & Co. hardware merchants, Forres house,
Whitehorn William Lampet(firm, Whitehorns), solicitor
Castle street east
commissioner to administer oaths in the supreme
Walton Albert, bricklayer, 7 North street
court of judicature A perpetual commissioner, hon.
Walton James H. Case is Altered P.H. Oxford road
sec. A principal Banbury Municipal school, 25a, High
Walton James Henry, beer retailer, 1 North street
Walton Thomas, fishmonger, 31 Middleton rd.Grimsbury
street. T N 29
Whitlock Arthur'John, watch maker, 65 Bridge street
Ward Charles Herbert, draper, 67 High street
Ward Norman, manual instructor to Banbury Municipal Wicks George T. A Son, boot makers, 24 Castle street
Wigg Ernest L. draper, 8 A 9 Parsons street
school, Marlborough T o a d
Wilkinson Joseph William, plumber, Lower Cherwell st
Ward William, coal merchant, 33 Castle street east
Harold P. ironmonger, see Broughton A Wilks
Warren & Co. jobmasters A liverymen, Bridge street
Warren Emily (Miss), laundry, 82 West st. Grimsbury Williams John Henry, butcher, 26 Parsons street
Water Works Co. (William Edward Wood, sec.); office, Williams Sarah (Mrs.), aparts. 15 North st. Grimsbm-y
Williams Thomas, greengrocer, 33 High street
21 Marlborough road
Willis Samuel, boot maker, 10 Centre street, Grimsburv
Waters Kate (Miss), dress maker, 12 Albert street
Watkins A Co. gun makers & sporting outfitters, 11 Wills Martha (Mrs.), smallware dir. 47 Up. Windsor st
Wilson R. A Sons, grocers, 18 A 19 Market place
Church lane
Wilson Fred, head constable, A inspector of weights
Watson George, shopkeeper, 4 & 5 Southam road
Watson George, wine & spirit merchant, 39 High street A measures A explosives A underâ PetroleumActsâ
Webb Fred T. C. music seller, 34 High street & pianoÂI A âDiseases of Animals Act â A of publiclamps &
1 billet master, Town hall
forte warehouse, Town Hall buildings
Webb Henry R. jun. collector of quit & encroachment 1Wimbush William, apartments, 30 South Bar street
rents & clerk to Banbury Borough Sub-committee of Wincott James, baker, 46 Bridge street A wholesale
1 pastrycook A confectioner, Castle street
Oxfordshire Local Pension Committee, Town hall
Wincott Wm. G. sergeant-at-mace A hall kpr. Town hall
Webb William, dairyman, 16 South street, Grimsbury
Welford William A Sons, coal merchants, Great Western Withev Henry, dairyman, see Hughes A Withey
William, fruiterer A greengrocer, 62 Broad st.
Bailway coal station
A 2 Horsefair
Wells Henry, butcher, 15 Broad street
Edward, land surveyor A sec. of Water
Wells-John Septimus, pianoforte wareho. 47 & 48 High st
Wesleyan Missionary Society (Arthur Fairfax,treasurer), works, see Davids A Maxwell
John, Unicorn inn, Market place
29 Bridge street
Wheeler T. R. & Co. corn chandlers, 52 North Bar st IWrenchâs Garage, automobile A motor engineers, Bridge
street A 3 Horsefair. T Nâs 101 A 115
Wheeler Arthur, bookbinder, 67 Bridge street
Wrigley George E. borough surveyor, Town hall
White Agnes (Mrs.), sansage maker, 15 Church lane
White Frederick, insurance agent,1 Goulds vils.Neithrop Wyatt Elizh. (Miss),dress maker,T2 Centre st.Grimsbnry
White Henry Owen, corn, flour & coal merchant & Young Womenâs Christian Association (Mrs. J. A.
Gillett, hon. sec.), Temperance h o t e l , Bridge street
forage contractor, 43 Bridge street; Old wharf &
Young George, dairyman, Old Grimsbury road
G. W. Railway depot
Young William James, beer T e t a i l e r , 2 Southam Toad
White Thomas, saddler, 98 Warwick road
Whitehorns, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, 25a,
High street. T N 29
B A E F O R D ST. M I C H A E L and ST. JOHN.
BARFORD ST. MICHAEL (or Great Barford) is a parishj pasture. The chief crops are barley, wheat and turnips,
and village, on the river Swere, a n d on the T o a d from j The area is 1,134 acres; rateable value,^ 1,668; the
Buckingham to Chipping Norton, 2 miles south from population in 1911 was 248 in thecivil and 316 in the
Bloxham station, on the Banbury and Chipping Norton
ecclesiastical parish.
Junction branch of the Great Western railway, and 5^ Post Office.â William Tustain, sub-postmaster. LetÂ
south-west from Banbury, in the Northern division of ters through Oxford, via Deddington, delivered at7.5
the county, petty sessional division of North Wootton, a.m. A 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched 7 a.m. A 7 p.m. week
hundred of Wootton, union and county court district of days only; no delivery on sunday. Deddington isthe
Banbury, rural deanery of Deddington, archdeaconry
nearest money order A telegraph office, 2 miles distant
and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Michael,
School (mixed A infants), built in 1875,for
situated on an eminence, is a building of stone, origi Elementary
about 100 children ; William H. Trevor, master
nally of the 12th and 14th centuries, and consists of Car
Banbury.â James Gardner, âBear,â uion.
chancel, nave, south aisle, north and sonth porches,
and a low embattled tower at the east end of the aisle thurs. A sat
with a Norman base, containing 3 bells: the chancel BARFORD ST. JOHN, formerly a chapelry, isnow,by
retains a Decorated piscina and there is a double piscina an Order of Council in 1890, annexed to Barford St.
of Early English date in the south aisle: the nave, Michael, and is on the river Swere, a tributary ofthe
separated from the aisle by an Early English arcade of Cherwell, 5 miles south-west from Banbury and 2
three arches, has a north doorway of Early Norman north-west from Deddington. The church of St. John,
date, with beak-head moulding, and the south doorway built as a chapel of ease to Adderbury, is a small and
and font are also Norman: between the chancel and plain edifice in mixed styles, with a modem octagonal
nave is a fine Perpendicular rood screen : the pulpit is turret over the south porch containing 2 bells: there
of Hornton stone : there are 200 sittings. The register is a Norman south doorway with zigzag moulding and
of baptisms dates from the year 1592, but is imperfect; an Early Norman font: some windows and two piscina
marriages, 1609 ; burials, 1637. The living is a vicar are Decorated : the church was restored in 1864, and
age with Barford St. John annexed, joint net yearly affords 80 sittings. The principal landowners are Mag"
value £148, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of dalen College, Oxford, and the trustees of the late
Oxford, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Alfred Charles Francis Sellers esq. The area is 726 acres; rateable
Highton B.A. of Queenâs College, Oxford. There is a value, ^1,050; the population in 1911 was 68.
Reformed Wesleyan Methodist chapel. The poor's land Letters from London A the South through Oxford t
of i t acres yields £25 yearly for fuel. Shepherdâs rive at 7.15 a.m. Bloxham A Deddington are
nearest money order A telegraph offices
charity produces £10 a year for apprenticing. Major
Hall Memorial charity produces £60 yearly, which is Nearest Post Office at Barford St. Michael
divided among the poor people. Francis Taylor esq. is Wall Letter Box, cleared 6 p.m
lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The The children of this place attend the school of Bar
St. Michael
soil rests on the oolite rock ; the land is arable and
Curtis Albert, roundabout proprietor Tibbetts William, blacksmith
Dyer Harry, farmer, seeHarris A Dyer Tustain William, grocer, Post offic
Flick Percy W. Barford manor
Upton Thomas H. farmer
Highton Rev. Alfred Charles B.A. Enock Jane (Miss), shopkeeper
Gardner James, farmer
(vicar), Vicarage
Taylor Francis Rignell
Gilkes John, laundry
Jones John, farmer
Lovell Frederick, farmer
Murrey Ernest, beer retailer
Pargeter John, Crown P.H
Murrey William, carpenter
Austin Harry, farmer
Woolgrove Thos. farmer, Mead w
Taylor Thomas Ernest, carpenter
Bates Thomas, sawyer
Cherry Raymond, farmer
Tew Lawrence, butcher