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. M arlborough Arm s Fam ily & Com Â
Benson, W allingford : â
m ercial, W illiam Blount, 28 M arÂ
Grown, A rth u r Tucker
k et square
W hite H art, Chas Fredk. B arrett W oodstockâ Bear,
B icester: â
P ark street
Crown fam ily & com m ercial, Mrs.
Beatrice Loder, u Sheep street
K ing's A rm s fam ily & com m ercial.
B aker M iss E d ith , The Isis, 49, 51 &
H arry Bonner, M arket square
53 Iffley road, Oxford
Burfordâ B ull, Geo. F redk. Norburn
Gohegan M rs. A . R. R iverm ead,
C h arlb u ry : â
H enley-on-Tham es
Bell, Thom as Constable
G ooch Mrs. Annie, Lower Shiplake,
Rose A Crown, Stephen Langford
H enley-on-Tham es
C h ip p in g Norton : â
The Isis (M iss E .B aker, p roprietress),
Crown, M. S m ith , 23 H igh street
4 9 > 5 1 & 53 Iffley road, Oxford.
W hite H art, E dw in J. Jam es, H igh
T N 776 . S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
page 4 0
C h u rch ill, C hipping Nortonâ L a n g Â
ston A rm s, W a lter H enry H awkins,
K in gh am Junction
C ulham ,
Abingdonâ R ailw ay, John
See Tem peran ce Hotels.
Richard Reynolds
Dorchester, W allingfordâ W h ite H art,
B ertie Jam es Franklin
E ast A dderbury, Banburyâ Red Lion, See A gen tsâ Land, House & Estate.
R obert K earsey
E\ nsham : â
R ed Lion, fam ily A com m ercial,
See Pain ters & House Decorators.
Percival H arper, H igh street
Sw an fam ily & com m ercial, Thos.
Rhodes, A cre End street
G oring, R eading: â
B alfour J. K . & Son, 20 B ridge st.
M iller of Mansfield
B anbury
Henley-on-Tham es : â
Bayston H erbert C lifton , 21, 23 & 25
A n gel, R d. Sheibner, Tham es side
M arket square, W itney
C atherine W heel, E rnest B arton, 7 B lake G eorge & Co. 33 St. G ilesâ
& 9 H art street
street A 37 & 38 L ittle Clarendon
Red Lion fam ily (Red Lion H otel
street, Oxford
(H enley - on - Tham es)
L im ited , Bolwell A rth u r John, 6 H igh street,
Chipping Norton
proprietors), Tham es side
Royal, F rederick W. D ee,Station rd Brazier A lb ert W m . 57 H igh st.Oxford
L ittlem ore, Oxfordâ Swan, Thom as B rotherton W . C. A Son, H igh street,
H owkins, K ennington Island
W oodstock
Nettlebed, H enley-on-Tham es:â
Chapm an B rothers, 2 H igh street A
B ull, M rs. E lizabeth M aunder
Broad street, B an bury
O xfo rd : â
Cook A B oggis, 3, s A 7 M arket
C herw ell,
E rn est C .
square, W itney
W ater E aton road, Sum m ertow n Druce T. A Co. 22, 24 A 26 Sheep
Clarendon, G eorge Saunders, C orn Â
street, B icester
m arket street.
S e c a d v e r  E lliston A C avell L im ited , 7, 8, 9, 10,
tis e m e n t p a g e 3 7
11 A 12 M agdalen street A 1, 2, 3,
E ast G ate, Stanley Geo. Coombes,
4 A 27 F ria râs entry, Oxford
73 H igh street
H iggins B rothers, 10, 12, 14 A 16
G olden Cross, Mrs. C. Ball, 5 C ornÂ
New Inn H all street, Oxford
m arket street
In gram J. R. A Co. 14b, St. Ebbeâs
G r e a t W estern, Jesse M iles, 23
street, Oxford
H ythe B ridge street, S t. Thom as' Layton A Son, M arket sq. B icester
K in g âs A rm s, H arry Rd. W illans, London A B irm ingham Supply Co.
Parks road & 40 H olyw ell street
55 C owley road A 235 B anbury rd.
M arket vau lts, C lem en t A rth u r
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
S picer, 134 H igh street
P ilsw orth John L. 53, 54, 55, 13 A
M itre (M iss Thorne, m anageress),
14 Parsons street, Banbury
H igh street
P yer A lfd . 175 A 177 C owley rd.O xfrd
R ailw ay (M iss A .W arren ,m an grss.), Shelton W illiam A Son, 7 A 9 Wood17 Park End street, St. Thom asâ
stock road, St. G ile sâ , Oxford
Randolph H otel Co. L td . (M iss E. S lay A Eden, 92 C ow ley rd. Oxford
OâDonnell, m anageress), Beau W ebb A. A. A Son, 12 A 13 M arket
m ont street.
See a d v e rtis e Â
place, C h ip p in g Norton
m e n t p age 33
W ebber C. P. 10, 11, 12, 13 A 14
Roebuck, G eorge Saunders, 8, 9 &
H igh street, Oxford
xo C om m ark et street. S e e a d  W ilkins A Sons, 2 F rid ay street A 23
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 7
Duke street, Henley-on-Tham es
Sandford-upon-Tham es, O xford: â
K in g âs A rm s, Richard Pether
H a m p to n & S o n s Ld.
S hillingford â Shillingford
Pall m all east, London S W ; estate
A lfred F ryer Reynolds
agency, 3 C ockspur street S W ;
S hip lake, H enley-on-Tham esâ Plough,
T A â H am itic, Charles, London.â
Owen W illiam Porter
See illustrated departm ental cataÂ
Shipton-under-W vchw ood,
logues, sent free
Crown, Mrs. Ann Goixun Coombes
W allis Thom as A Co. Ltd. Holborn
Sonning E ye, Readingâ French Horn,
circus, London E C
Sidney C. Evans
T etsw orthâ Sw an.Jam es Fras. W itney
T h a m e :â
F ou r Horse Shoes,J. Y o u n g , P ark st A rthurs G eorge, Fifield, Oxford
Spread E agle, B righto n W. Liding- A rthurs Lew is, Fifield, Oxford
Brooks A rth ur. Standlake, W itney
ton, Corn m arket
Swan, Jn. Adam s, 10 Upper H igh st Coles A lb ert, Brook street, W a tlin g Â
ton, W allingford
W heatleyâ R ailw ay, PeTcy Bates
Coles John, Brook street, W atlington,
W itn e y : â
W allingford
Fleece, Sam uel H erbert C ruley, 11
Dore Charles, Ram sden, C harlbury
Church green
G ran th am C. Checkendon, Reading
H o te ls â
[O X F O R D S H IR E .
Hanks Geo. Stonesfield, W oodstock
Lon g A lb ert, Cote, Bam pton
M itchell H enry, Alvescot, Clanfield
S m ith John, Chapel square, Deddington, Oxford
Soanes F rederick, F orest hill, Oxford
Soanes T .15 E arl st.N ew B otley,O xfrd
Oxford Cold S torage A Ice Co. Ltd.
H ythe B ridge street, S t. Thom asâ ,
Edgington John A Co. Ltd . Sardinia
house, Sardinia street, K in gsw ay,
London W C. T A â A bri, London â
Finch E dgar J. 99 S t.A ld ate's st.O xfd
G ee Vernon H. M arket House bu ild Â
in gs, M arket street, Oxford
In c o m e
A b a te m e n t
R e c o v e r y A s s o c i a t i o n , 49 Queen
V icto ria street, London E C. In Â
com e tax A * estate repaym ent
claim s experts
In c o m e T a x R e c la m a t io n A s s o Â
c ia t io n
L t d . 62 A 6 3 Queen
street, Cheapside, London E C
In d ia R u b b e r , G u t t a
T e le g r a p h
W o rk s
P e rc h a &
C o . L im .;
office 1 0 6 , A warehouse 1 0 0 , Cannon
street, London E C ; works, S ilv er town, London E ; india rubber
hose, d rivin g bands, steam packing,
sheet, valves, shoe soles, m ats,
tennis b alls; w aterproof garm ents
A fa b r ic s ; ebonite sheet, rod A
chem ical
w orks, surgical A photographic
â S ilver K in g â golf ball
See H ospitals Ac.
U niversity Press Ink Factory, Juxon
street, S t. Gilesâ , Oxford
See Public Houses.
See Brokersâ Insurance.
A tlas Assurance Co. L td . (M athews
A Son, d istrict agents), 6 S t.
A ldateâs street, Oxford
Liverpool V icto ria L e g al F rien d ly
Society (J. G. Darlow, m an ager), 6
The Plain, S t. Clem entâ s, Oxford
Pearl Assurance Co. L im ited (John
G eorge Sinclair, d istrict su p t.), 99
S t. A ldateâs street, Oxford A (Hy.
W illiam H alliday, d istrict supt.)
Corn street, W itn ey
R efuge A ssurance Co. L im ited (W m .
H enry Evans, sup t.), 1 0 7 Oowley
road, Oxford
United K in gdom M utual L ife In su rÂ
ance Co. (M athews A Son, d istrict
agents), 6 St. A ldateâs st. Oxford
W esleyan A General A ssurance SoÂ
ciety (W illiam Edward B arnett,
d istrict su p t.), 109 C ow ley road,