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Boaper Geargs B. grocer, 222 Ahingdon rd. New Hinksey
Saoton Brot her!. bazaar I 12 George -street
Hope Department of Zoology (Professor Edward Bagnal1
PaultoD M.A., D.Se. , F.R. S.), University museum,
Parks road
HOf.\P er Esther (Mrs.), upbolstress, 44 )-Ial'$too street ,
Cowley St. John
Horn Edwin & ,Son, cab proprs. 6 Sou th par.Summertwn
Horn T . J. &; Son, cycle 82ents. 22>I Banbury road,
lIo r n Ann (Mrs.). shopkeeper,I2 George st.Summertown
.aoro Charles. Wliversity lodging bouse, 8 Long Wall st
Hor n J ames, builder. 9 George street, St, Clement's
!Born James J eifreso n, jobbing gardener, 29 George st.
Summer town
H orn Lizzie (Miss) , dress ma.s Mayfield r d.Summertown
B orn William Hy. university lodging h o. 5 St. J ohn at
H orne Elizabeth (Mrs.) &; Emile (Miss), private school,
154 WaIton street
Horn e GearS'e &; Son, builders, 90B,Kingston r d. St.Giles'
H orobin John, unilrersity lodging house , 32 WaItoD crebcent, St. Thomus'
HOl obin Mar)' (Mrs.), apart⢠. 48 Wellingto n sq. St. Gilcs'
Horser Cot-treil, now &; ~econdband booksellr . 33 High st
Bo rser Elizabeth (Mrs.), university lodging house, 63
St. John street
Hosier Cyril Jesse, watch ma. 37 St. J ohn's rd.St. Giles'
Hostel for Catholic Secula r Clergy (Rev. William Bel'llard O'Dowd, principal) . St. Charles' ha. I Fyfield rd
~o stel Milham Ford School (Miss Mulliner, matron ).
210 &; 212 Iffiey road
⢠B oughton &; Son, chemists, & past &; telegraph office,
53 SL. ClemenVs street
R oward F redk. butcher, 2730., Banbul'Y rd. Summer town
Roward Joseph Wm. carman, Cherwell st. St. Clement's
1Roward Rose (Miss ~, laundry, 6 Harpes rd. Snmmertown
Howe H . .&t Co. taIlors, 3 New Inn BaU street
Bowell Ann (Mrs.). confectioner, 4 St. Clement's street
Hawes Ernest, dairyman, 6 Gloucester street
B owes Ernest Victor, basket maker, 42 Clarendon
street &; 16 .A.lbert street. J ericho
Howes George, confectioner. 1 Kingston rd. St. Giles'
Howes Maria (Mrs. ), laundry , 57 St. ,C lement's street
B owes Ralph, cycle agent, 34 St. Aldate's street
Howes Thomas, shopkee per, !slip road, Summertown
Howes WaIter, watch maker. 110 St. Aldate's street
Hawkins Bessie (Mrs.).tripe dresser,8Church st.St.Ebbe's
Howkins John. Na.g's Head P.B. 32 Lower Fisher row,
St. Thomas'
Howkins John. shopkeeper, 16 Chilswell road, Grandpont
Howkins J ohn Edwin, coal merchant, 27 Hill View road,
Boney road &; Canal wharf. New road
Howkins Mary (Mrs.). apartments, 6 Abb ey Toad
Howkins William. beer retailer. 20 Union st. Jericho
Hawkin s William , jun . french polisher, 20 Union street.
J eri cho &; greengrocer, 126 WaIton street
lIowrigan James, dyer, 5 Church street, St. Ebbe's
Howse Annie (Miss). university lodging hou se, 4 Walton
Well road, St. Giles'
Howse Eli .. (Mrs .), shopkpr .â¢6 Black!riars rd.St.Ebbe's
Howse Rob ert. tailor. 34 Oowle), road
Hu ckerby Wm. university lodging hou se, 61 Holywell st
Buckings Sarah (Mrs.). nurse, 2 Juxon st. St. Giles'
Huc1dngs WilHam J osepb.aparts .1 7 Kingston rd .St.Gil es'
HudgeU Frederick. beer retailer, 61 St. Aldate's street
Hud son &; Co. sack contraciors (AJber t Telling, agent),
Canal wharf. New road
Hudson Alfred, fri ed fish dealer, 49 St. Clement's street
Hud son Edwin, beer retlr. 5 Lit. Clarendon st. St. GiIes'
Hudson Ernest, shopkeeper. 76 Bridge street, Osney
Hud so n John, grocer, 6 Bath stree.t. St. Olement's
Hudson John Edwd. baker, 16 Hertford st. Magdalen rd
Huggins Benjamin S. &; Sons, butchers, 57 & 59 Woodstock road; 2 -& 3 North Parade avenue ; Jl6 Cowley
road &; 12 & 13 Union street. J ericho
Huggins Austin William, certified bailliJ, 31 Museum road
Buggins Benjnmin S. jun. butcher, [ &; 2 Little Clarendon street. St. Giles'
Hoo-hell &; Sons, cabinet makers, lI8 Walton street
Hughes .Agnes Ann (Mrs .). apartments, 13 Walton crescent. St. Thomag.'
Hugbes Bes9ie (Miss), shopkeeper, 17 Glollcester street
Hugb es Catharine (Mrs .) . apartments, Gloucester. street.
Hughes Ernest, assistant insurance sopt. 50 Bullingdon
road . Cowley St. John
Hugbes George. manager to the Lon don City &:; )lidland
Bank Limited (MetrQPolit3.n Bank branch), 6r &; 62
Cornmarket street
Hug-hes Sydney. cabinet ma. 6 North Parade av.St.Giles'
Hug-b es Timothy. watch maker, 30 WaIton street &; IS
South para de. Su.mmertown
Bughes Wm. (Mrs.), laundress,s London p1.St.C1ement'.
Hug~es -Wmiams Oha rles Edward, apartments, 40 Ryth
BrIdge street, St. Thomas'
H ugo .Mrs. wo od ware dealer, 10 Ship street
Bull &; Ooilett, builders, deco rator s, papel'hangers en
pentel's & join rs.&c.12a, North Parade aven. St
Hull Ellen (:\Iiss),apar tm ent s, 14 Southmoor ss,
Hull H. C. (Mrs.), univetsitr lodging house, 6 WaIto
Hull Thomas, horse dealer, 29 Pembroke st.St.Clement'
Hull Thomas J. sa nitary inspectol' &i inspector of nuisanceS
to Oxford corporation, Town hall & I South mOor ron/
St. Giles'
Hull Thomas William A.R.S.I. sanitary inspector, Town
hail &; 20 Osberton road
Human Anat-omy L aboratory (Profe!!sor Arthur Thorn .
son M.A.), University museum, Parks road
Humphreys Gilbert George ,W hite H orse P .H ·52 Broad st
H umphries J .. ph. boot repr. 63 Perey st. Cowley St.Jobn
Humphrit>s T . .!.. (Mrs.), dairy, 2S Cowley road
Humpbries William, hair dresseJ', 6 New Inn H all street
Hum,p hris Thos. coach builder, I9B, Cranham ter.Jericbo
Hunt E. T. &; Co. teachers of shor thand, 4S Queen st
Hunt Edgar H y.apa l'ts·38 By the Brid ge st. St . Thomas'
Hun t E rnest Thomas F .I.P .S., F .O.T.S. teacher of shorthand, 48 Broad street
Hunt Fred E rnest , boot maker , .p Little Clarendon st.
St. Giles'
Hun t Frederick, ins ur. agt. 83 FBil'acres I'd. Iffiey road
Hun t George, baker, 69 St. Clement's street
Bunt J abez, dining rooms, 17 Market t.reet
Hunt James, refreshm ent rooms, S &; 6 The Market
Hun t Rose ('hf iss), dress maker. 28 Burst street, Cowley
St. J ohn
Bunt Thos. Marlborough Arms P.R. High st.St.Thoma!'
Hunt William., dealer in typewriters, duplicators,
supplies. labour-saving devices, general stationer &
offke furnisher, the pioneer Oxford Typewriter Depot
&. Copying office, r8 Broad street & 56 High street.
See advertisement page 41
Hunt Wm. John,boot ma. 3 Denmark st.Cowley St.John
Hunt Wm. Thos. apart â¢. 35 Temple st. Cowley St. John
Hunter Clara Kate ( )tIrs. ), apartments, 20 London pI.
St. Olement's
Hu nter J ohn Wm. Carter, asst. insur. supt. 26 J eune st
HurreH William Bl'lstow, cycle agent, 108 Walton street
Burst . Nelson & Co. Limited. railway carriage &; wagon
builders , Great Western Railway wha rf,Osney la.Osoey
Hutchingson Ju lia (Mrs.), apartm en t s, 37 Hythe Bridge
street, St. Thomas'
Hutchins Samuel &; Sons, builders, ra, SouthUloor road,
St. Giles'
Hyde Tho!. &; Co. wholesale clothiers, 31 &; 32 Queen st
H yde Thomas, wood t urner, 1 George Street mews
lIes Oharles , insurance agent, 33 Earl st. New Dotley
lies Daniel J ohn, insurance agent. 131 Botley road
llsley Edmund, beer r etailer. Cold .A..rbour, St. Ald ate'3
Independent L abour Party Club (J ohn Isaacs, sec. ), 4
Glouceste r street
Indian In.titute (Arthur Anthony Macdonell M.A .⢠Ph.D.
keeper i James Morison Ph.D. librarian), Broad street
In g James Mark, univeTSit y lodging house, 47 Wellington square, St. Giles'
Ing Wi1liam John, farm bailiff to Mrs. G . Herbert
)OIorrell), Headington hill
Ingram J. R . &; 00. paw nbrokers 27. &; house Curmsheu
14b. St. Ebbe's street
Ingram Jam es &abert, university lodging house, 21
Pembroke street, St. Aldate's
Inland Revenue Valuation Department (Laurence Lanham P.A.S.I. district valuer), 12 &. 36 Beaumont at
Innes Fredk. Bertie, grocer, 90 IsUp rd. Summertown
Inn es Jam es William. fishing tackle maker, 42 Qnee~ !~
Innes Rd . Tho!. wireworker, 57 St. John's rd . St. Giles
Inness George, builder, 23 I slip road! Summ~rtown
Inspector under Midwives. ~ct (MISS. Jessle Caroeron
~acmill a n, lady health VISItor), Sarutary department,
for the County of Oxford (D9vld
Rawlinson F .A.I. clerk). 9 New road
b aacs Wm. A.. university lodging ho. 33 B.eaUDlont st
Isis (The) (Hol ywell Press L imited, publishers; pub·
lished saturdays during term), 29 Broad street &; 45
& 45a Holywell street
Isi. Private Hotel (The) ( Miss Edibh Baker, P .
prietress), 49, 5' &; 53 IfIIey road. T N 776. See
adver"tiaement page 40
I sons. Kidman &; Watts, ironmongers. 57 Cornmark;!bn
Ives Herbert, tailor, 49 South field road, Co~1 ey St't
Ives JaDe Susan (Mrs.), apar~meD.ts, 15 Sh!P stre ulv
Jackmnn Ernest Gordon, rel!lstra;r of marr:tages, 6de la
r egistrar births &i death.~ Headmgton umon, T2
street &; 5 Bullingdon road, Cowley St. John