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O x fo r d s h ir e under the provisions o f the “ Redistribution
ofSeatsAct, 1885,”returnsthreemembers inthreedivisions.
No. 1,the Northern or Banbury division, comprises the
sessional divisions of Banbury and Bloxham, Ohadlington
and W o o thm North and the Municipal boroughof Banbury.
No. 2,the Mid or Woodstock division, comprises the ses­
sionaldivisionsof Hampton East,Bampton West, Ploughley
and Wootton South, so much of the municipal borough of
Oxford as isinc.'uded inthe county of Oxford, the parishes
ofBeckley, Cutslow,Elsfield,P'orest Hill, with Shotoverand
SbotoverHill place,Hampton Cray, Hampton Foyle, Hortoncnm-Studley, Noke, StantonSt.John, Stowood, Studleyand
Wood Eaton; in Bullingdonsessional division, so much ofthe
parishes of Headington, Marston, St. Clement’s, St. Giles
and Woolvercot as isnot included inthe Municipal borough,
and so much of the parishes of Cowley and Iffleyas is in­
cluded intheParliamentary borough and not in the Muni­
cipalborough of Oxford.
No. 3, the Southern or Henley division, comprises the
sessional divisions of Henley, Watlington and Bullingdon
(except so much as is comprised in division No. 2), the
Municipal borough of Henley, and so much of the Muni­
cipal borough of Abingdon as is included in the county of
By the above mentioned Act the representation of the
boroughs of Banbury and Woodstock were merged in that
ofthecounty and the representation of the city of Oxford
reduced to one member ; the university still returns two
C ounty M em bers.

Mid or Woodstock division, Alfred St. George Hamersley
esq. K.C. Carlton, National & Union clubs, London S W
Northern or Banbury division, Hon. Eustace Edward
Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes J.P. Studland house,
Studland Bay, Dorset ; & 86 Eaton terrace, London S W
Southern or Henley division, Valentine Fleming esq.
Pitthouse, Hampstead N W ;27 Grosvenor square W &
Carlton, Travellers’& White’sclubs S W & Bath club W,
Bampton, fairfor horses, August 26 & 27
Banbury, fairson every alternatethurs., thetliurs.afterOld
Twelfthday (the horse faircommences on the preceding
monday), the 1stthursday afterOld Michaelmas day (for
hiring servants) (holiday fair)& the 2nd thursday before
Christmas;3rd thursday inSeptemberforhorses. Market
day forcorn,cattle, sheep and horses,fchursday


Bicester, fairson Easter week, 1stfri. in June & July,
August 5 & 6, friday before October 11 and two
following fridays, & friday after December 11. Corn
Market day, friday, & a cattle market on the ist & 3rd
friday inevery month
Burford, fairs on last Saturday in April, &, September 25
for hiring. Marketd a y , S a tu rd a y forcorn &c
Charlbury, fairon January 1,& a cattlefairthe istmonday
in every month. Market on friday
Chipping Norton, fairs on ist wed. in every month, chiefly
forcattle & sheep; W ednesday before& after October 10,
for hiring servants. Market day, Wednesday, chieflyfo r
Churchill, cattle market every 3rd monday in the month
Crowmarsh Gifford, horse fair, August 2
Deddington, fair011November 22
Dorchester, pleasurefairon Easter tuesday
Eynsham, market forcattle, sheep& pigsthe 2nd tuesdayin
the month
Henley-upon-Thames, fairson March 7, Holy thurs., thurs..
afterTrinity Sunday, & (forhiringservants)the thursday
after September 21. Market day, thursday
Hook Norton, stock sale on the fourth monday in every
Kingham, cattle market every 3rd monday in the month
Nettlebed, fairon monday before October 29
Oxford,St. Giles’ fair the istmonday & tuesday followingthe Sunday after ist September (Feast of St.Giles), if
this festival falls on a monday the fair is h e ld on the
following monday & tuesday ;St. Clement’s istthursday
before Michaelmas for toys. Market day, W ednesday.
Cattle market every 2nd & last Wednesday in the month
Thame, fairson Eastertues.forhorses,cattle& pigs,& Oct.
11 & two following tuesdays for hiring servants, pleasure
& the sale of horses. A Christmas fat cattle market on
the isttuesday after December 6. Market day, tuesday
Watlington, statute& pleasure fairsontheSaturday before&
the Saturday after Old Michaelmas day
Witney, fairson thurs. followingthefirstSunday afterSept.
8,thursday before October 10 for cattle& sheep. Fort­
nightly cattle, sheep & pig market & weekly corn market
on thursdays
Woodstock, fairon isttues. in October, forhiringservants
Cattlemarket the ist tuesday ineach month.