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With Reference to the Places under which they w ill be fou nd in this Volume.
Adderbury house, H ugh C aw ley esq. j . p . see Adderb u ry .................. ; .................................................................... 1 7
AdweU house,W illiam John Birch-Reynardson esq.B.A.,
j.p. see Ad well .................................................................... 18
Asthall Manor house,Alfred H erbert esq.see A sthall... 21
Aston house,Sir W illiam Chichele Plowden k .c . s . i . , j . p .
see-Aston Rowant ............................................................... 2 2
Baldon house, Henri Favarger esq. see Baldon M arsh... 24
Barton abbey, Alexander W illiam Hall esq. d . l . , j.p .
see Steeple Barton............................................................ '.. 3 2 4
Bignell house, Charles Tw ysden Hoare esq. d . l ., j . p .
see B icester............................................................................ 46
Blenheim palace, Duke of Marlborough k .g ., p . c ., j . p .
see Blenheim ........................................................................ 52
Bletchington park, Viscount Valentia c . b ., m. v . o ., m .p .
see B letchington.................................................................... 54
Bloxham grove (unoccupied), seeBloxham .................... 55
Bodicote grange, Ernest Samuelson esq. m . i .c . e ., j . p .
see Bodicote............................................................................ 56
Bodicote house, John Frederick Starkey esq. d . l ., j . p .
see Bodicote............................................................................ 5 6
Bozedown house, Charles H .Palm er esq.see W hitchurch 3 49
Braziers park, Ernest Robert Moon esq. k.c. see Checkendon .................................................................................... 70
Brightwell park, Edward Lauder Lauder-W atson esq.
see Brightwell B a ld w in ...........................
Broadwell grove, William H enry Fox esq. b . a ., d . l .,
j.p. see Broadwell ............................................................... 58
Broughton castle, Lord Saye & S ele j.p . see Broughton 59
Bruern abbey, Cecil DâA guilar Sam uda esq. d . l. , j.p.
see Bruern, Milton-under-Wychwood ........................ 14 5
Bucknell manor,Capt. Philip Hunloke j.p .see Bucknell 60
Burford priory, Em slie John Horniman esq. j.p . see
Burford ................................................................................ 6 2
Cane End house,Henry Brigham Douglas Vanderstegen
esq. see Kidm ore ............................................................... 1 3 5
Caversiield house, Viscount G ort m.v.o. see Gaversfield 6 5
Caversham park, W illiam Thompson Craw'shay esq.
d.l., j.p. see Dunsden & E ye .....................................
Chastleton house, Charles Taswell Richardson esq. see
Chastleton ............................................................................ 6 9
Checkendon court, Frederick Scott Oliver esq. see
Checkendon............................................................................ 7 0
Chesterton, Henry Tubb esq. see Chesterton ................ 70
Cokethorpe park, Capt. G uy Feilden j . p . see Ducklington........................................ ..........................................
.. ^2
Coombe park,Jn.KennethFoster esq.j.p.seeW lntchurch 3 49
Coppice (The), R igh t Hon. Sir Walter George Frank
Phillimore bart. p.c., d . c .l . , l l . d . , j.p. see Shiplake 3 1 3
Cornbury park, Vernon James W atney esq.M.A.,F.s.A.,
J.p. see Cornbury P ark ......................................................
Cornwell manor, Col. Alexander Nelson Hall j . p . see
Cornwell ................................................................................ 81
Cotefield,Sir Leigh Hoskyns bart. j.p . see A dderbury... 1 7
Cotinore house, Charles Dewar esq. see F rin g fo rd
Court Place, Professor Paul Vinogradoff l l . d ., d . c . l .,
f.b.a. see Iffley ................................................................... 13 0
.owsley Park, Col. John Baskerville d .l.,j.p . see ShipÂ
lake ........................................................................................ 3 I 3
^Wesdon palace, R ight Rev. Lord Bishop of Oxford
ivi wi w ^ ore D-D*)> see C u d d esd o n ............................. 85
Pi r IjL Viscount Dillon, see Ditchley, S p e lsb u ry
3 19
wneld Manor house,Plerbert J.Parsons esq.see Elsfield 94
jnsham hall, James Francis Mason esq. m.p., j.p . see
reeland house, Mrs Mason, see Freeland......................... xox
râ r park, Sir Frank Crisp bart. l l . b ., j. p . see
Henley-on-Thames............................................................... 1 1 5
ringford Manor house, E llis H. Chinnery esq. see
,0 2
} nipton park, Capt. G eorge Heniây Barnett j . p . see
f ................................. IQ 4
reat Milton Manor ho. Mrs. Thomas, see G t. M ilton.. 14 6
G reat Oaks, Frederick G eorge Lom ax esq. j . p . see
G oring H e a t h ........................................................................ 10 6
G reys court, Sir Miles Talbot Stapleton bart. see
Rotherfield G reys ............
H am m onds,Henry Ram ie Beeton esq. see Checkendon.. 70
H ardwick house, L a d y Rose, see W hitchurch ................ 34 9
Harpsden court, Leonard Noble esq. d . l . , j . p . see
Harpsden.................................................................................. n o
Headington house, A rthur H. Franklin esq. see Headin g to n ...................................................................................... 1 1 2
Headington Hill hall,Mrs. G. Herbt. Morrell,see Oxford 1 7 3
Heythrop p k.A lbert Brassey esq. m .a.,j.p . seeHeythrop 12 3
Highmoor hall, H ugh M acIntyre esq. see H ighm oor... 12 4
Holton park, Thomas B. B riggs esq. j p. see Holton ... 1 2 5
Howbery park, W illiam H arvey du Cros esq. j.p . see
Crowm arsh G ifford............................................................... 84
Joyce grove, Robert F lem ing esq. j.p . see Nettlebed ... 1 4 9
Kiddington hall, H enry M elville G askell esq. j.p . see
K iddington ............................................................................ 13 3
Kingston house, Henry Clerke Brown esq. d . l . , j . p . see
K ingston Blount, Aston R o w a n t...................................... 23
Kirtlington park, Earl of Leven & Melville, see
K irtlin gto n .............................................................................. 1 3 6
Langston house, Lt.-Col. Frederick W illiam Schofield,
see Chadlington .................................................................... 6 6
Lee Place, Captain John Hampden W aller (of H.M.
Royal body guard) m .v.o., j.p . see C h arlbury............. 6 7
L ittle Tew G range, Francis H urt Sitw ell esq. m . a ., j . p .
see L ittle T e w ......................................................................... 3 3 4
Manor house, Mrs. Franklin, seeY arnton ......................... 3 6 6
M apledurham house, Hon. Algernon Henry Mills, see
i Mapledurham ......................................................................... 1 4 2
Middleton park, Earl of Jersey p .c., g . c .b ., g .C.m .g .
I (lord lieutenant of Oxfordshire),see Middleton Stoney 14 4
Milton priory, Major C harles John Boyle j.p . see G reat
j Milton ...................................................................................... 1 4 6
Mongewell Park, Alexander Caspar Fraser esq. d . l . , j . p .
I see M ongew ell........................................................................ 14 8
Newnham manor, Mrs. Walsh, see Newnham M urren.. 1 5 1
North Aston hall, E arl of Longford k .p ., m .v.o. see
North Aston ........................................................................... 22
Nuneham park, Right Hon. Lewis H arcourt m . p . see
Nuneham C o u rte n a y ........................................................... 15 3
Over Norton house, Capt. Denis St. George Daly j . p .
see Over Norton, Chipping N o rton ..................................... 7 3
Pyrton Manor house, M ajor H ugh Charles Claude
Ducat-Hamersley, see P y r to n .......................................... 30 6
Red house, the Hon. Mrs. Caroline M olyneux, see
Bodicote ................................................................................. 5 6
Rose Hill, Lady M argaret M aitland, see Kidm ore
Rousham house, Capt. Charles W alter C ottrell-D orm er
d . l. , j.p. see Rousham ....................................................... 309
Sandford park, Edward Ferguson Chance esq. b . a .,
j.p. see Sandfoiâd St. M artin.............................................. 3 1 0
Shelswell park, Mrs. Slater-H arrison, see Shelswell
Shipton court, Capt. A rth ur W illiam H untington
d.s.o. see Shipton-under-W yehwood ............................. 3 1 5
Shirburn castle, Earl of Macclesfield j.p . see S h irburn .. 3 1 6
Shotover house, Col. Alfred Douglas Miller d .s.o ., d .l.,
j.p . see Forest H ill................................................................ 1 0 1
Stonor park, Lord Cam oys, see S to n o r............................. 3 2 7
Stratton Audley hall, G eorge Archibald W allace Y oung
esq. see Stratton A udley.................................................... 328
Stratton A udley park, Col. George G osling j . p . see
. S tratton A udley ................................................................... 328
Studley priory,M rs. Henderson,seeHorton-cum-Studley 128
Swalcliffe park, Frederick W. B. Gubbins esq. see
S w a lc liffe ................................................................................. 3 2 9
Swerford park, Lady King, see S w e r fo rd ......................... 3 29
S w iftâs house, Lieut.-Col. Sir Algernon Francis Peyton
bart. j.p. see Stoke Lyne ................................................... 325
Swyncom be house (unoccupied), see Swyncom be ....... 3 30
Tackley park, W illiam E vetts esq. see T ack ley................ 3 3 1