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th atch am
Nailer A lex. John, grocer & saddler
N ational Deposit F riendly Societ)
(branch) (G eorge Jas. F\field, sec*;
N eale Sam u el H erbert, insurance agt
New Brothers, m illers. Ham mills
N igh tin gale W illiam , shopkeeper
Q akeley Thom as Jam es, chem ist
Payne Isaac, Swan inn, London road
Phillips Thom as, boot & shoe m aker
Pierce K ate (M iss), dress m aker
Pike Jam es, blacksm ith
Pike John H enry, draper
Pinnock Brothers, printers
Pinnock F rank, coal m erchant
Pinnock Stephen (M rs.),tu rn ery work
Prio r A lb ert, boot & shoe m aker
Randall Charles, coffee tavern
Redding G eorge, dairym an
Reynolds F rederick & Son, painters
Reynolds Fredk. John, ironm onger
Rogers Thom as, seedsman
Rose H enry, Ne%v inn
Rosier John, baker
Shepherd John, farm er. Park farm
Sheppard F rederick, tailor
S m ith Henry & Sons, m illers (w ater),
Cham berhouse m ill
S outh Berks Conservative Association
(Thatcham branch)(G eorge Fyfield,
hon. sec)
Thatcham C onservative C lub (Ernest
D. W ortley, sec. & treasurer)
T H E A L E . a parish form ed ecclesiastically in 1832,
out- of the parish of lile h u r s t , and for civil purposes
since A p ril 18, 1894, with a station on the G reat W esÂ
tern railw ay, 41 £ m iles from London and 5 west from
Reading, in the Southern division of the county, hunÂ
dred of Theale, union of Bradfield, p etty sessional d iv iÂ
sion and cou nty cou rt d istrict of Reading, rural deanerv
o f Bradfield,
archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of
O x fo r d ; the
m ain portion of th e village form s one
street along the road from R eading to N ewbury, and
is ligh ted by gas. Th e river Kennet bounds th e parish
on the south. The ch urch of the Holy T rin ity, erected
in 1832, at the sole expense of the late Mrs. Sheppard,
of A m p ort, Hants, under the direction of her brother,
Dr. R outh, the late venerable president of Magdalen
College, O xford, is a buildin g of freestone in the E arly
E n glish style, from the designs of the late Mr. E . W.
G arb ett, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave and a
fine south-eastern tower, w ith pinnacles, containing a
clock and 6 b e lls : the chancel was added in 1892 at a
cost of nearly £2,000, by M rs. B utler, in m em ory of
h er husband, the Rev. Thom as B u tler B.D. rector
i ^4 S ' 8 7 : the west fron t is am uch reduced copy of
That of S alisbury cathedral, and the tower
is to some
extent reproduced from the old bell tower form erly
In S alisb ury close : the interior is lofty, the roof being
groined, and delicately coloured: an ancient ch an try of
Perpendicular date, rem oved from M agdalen College,
Chapel, Oxford, has been re-erected on the north side
of the chancel, and two doorways from the same b uildÂ
ing have also been inserted in the w a lls : on th e south
side of the chancel is a low canopied tom b, in m em ory
of Dr. Martin Joseph Routh, a m odern copy of an abbotâs
tom b of the 13th cen tury in Tew kesbury A b b ey: many
of the windows in th e nave are stained : those in the
apse are good exam ples of the work of the late M r. J.
E. K em p e : there are 300 sittings. T he reg ister dates
from th e year 1832. Th e livin g is a rectory, n et yearly
value, including 15 acres of glebe, £ 4 77, w ith residence,
A n gel-S m ith Rev. S tu a rt C ecil F rank
M .A. (rector, ru ra l dean & surroÂ
gate), Rectory
Benson Mrs. 5 Theale green
Blatch H erbert
Brown Edward F .L .S . E din burgh
house, Station road
C ow ing Mrs. F airview , Theale green
C um ber W illiam John. W isteria
Deacon M iss, N orth street
Forrester John, Overdene
Fram pton Mrs. The B ram bles, Theale
G osw ell G eorge W illiam , S tation rd
Holm den Mrs
K e ll Chas. H erbt. Boslyn, Theale grn
K in g Thom as. Station road
K n ig h t John lie s Francis.W arw ick ho
Snelling Thom as, Blossom 's end
S teel Rev. Frederick G . (C ong.),
Cardigan house. Station road
Stevens H enry, The W arren
T aylor Sidney M. Haywood farm
Todd Mrs
Todd Richard F .S .I
Treacher Mrs. The Poplars
Y oungs S. John, Firs
B arclay & Com pany L im ited, bankers
(sub-branch to R eading) (G . W.
Sm ith, m a n a g e r); tuesdav, 10 a.m.
to 12 noon & S a t u r d a y , 10 a.m . to
i p.m ; draw on head office, 54
Lom bard s t r e e t , London E C
[K E L L Y âS
T hatcham G as Co. Lim ited (Edward
Mecey, sec. ; Jsph. C ordery.m angr)
T urn er W illiam , beer retailer
Vickers John Geo. builder, London rd
W alker W illiam , hoop ma. London rd
W allis F ran k, farm er, H am bridge
W allis Geo. farm er, T hatcham farm
W heeler G eorge, whitesm ith
W illiam s Em m a (M rs.), Plough inn
Wilson E lizh . (M iss),laundry,N ew tw n
Wood & Co. Ham saw m ills
W oodbridge John, brick, tile & pipe
m aker, wood m erchant & farm er
Woodward W illiam , greengrocer
W yatt R obt.bu tch er & groer.C hapel st
in the g ift of M agdalen College, Oxford, and held since
1887 by the Rev. S tu a rt C ecil Frank A n gel-Sm ith M .A.
of H ertford College, O xford, who is also rural dean of
Bradfield, and surrogate. Here is a new C ongregational
chapel, erected in 1913, seatin g 100 persons, also a
P rim itive M ethodist chapel. H enry B arry Blagrave esq.
is lord of the m anor and p rin cipal landowner. The soil
is l i g h t ; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are
wheat and barley. The area is 1,638 acres of land and
10 of w a te r ; rateable value, £9,46 6; the population in
1911 was 1,047.
Parish C lerk, F ran k Brodrick.
C A L C O T is a ham let p artly in this parish, about 2^
m iles on the high road from Reading, and about the
sam e distance from the village.
By a Provisional O rder of the L ocal Governm ent
Board a sm all part of the parish of Theale was in 1911
added to the borough of Reading.
C oun ty Police, A lb ert G eorge E lsbu ry,sergean t in charge
Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office.
â W illiam
S ly,
sub-postm aster.
L etters
through Reading are delivered at 7 & 10.30 a.m . ;
dispatched a t 9.15 a.m . & 2.45 & 7.50 p .m .; sunday
delivery, 7 a . m . ; dispatched 7.50 p.m
W all B ox, near the church, cleared at 9 a.m . & 2.30 &
6.25 p .m .; sundays, 7 p.m
Wall Box, N orth street, cleared at 6.45 a.m . & 7 p.m . ;
sunday, 6.45 a.m
E lem en tary School (m ixed & infants), b u ilt in 1833
& enlarged in 1893, for 153 ch ild ren ; it has an endowÂ
m ent of £20 from the late M rs. S h ep p ard ; George
C ro ft Rudd, m aster
Railw ay Station, Sidney M. Taylor, station m aster
C arriers to Readingâ A ldridge, tues. & sat. ; Pontin,
tues. thurs. & s a t . ; C ottrell, tues. thurs. & sat. ;
Johnston, mon. wed. fri. & s a t . ; Payne, m on. thurs.
& s a t . ; Sellwood, m on. thurs. & sat
Black Catherine (M iss), sweets seller K n ig h t John lie s F ran cis M .R .C .S.
B lackall Reuben, beer retailer
E n g., L .R .C .P.Lond. physician &
â¡ la t c h âs T h e a le B rew ery, b rew Â
surgeon, W arw ick house
ers & wine & spirit m erchants
Leavey Bessie (M rs.), draper
Boore A rth u r, tobacconist
Nailer Frank, boot m aker
Brodrick Frank, harness m aker
O liver Wm. T. p lum ber & painter
Caswell Thom as, shoeing sm ith
Parrott John W illiam , farm er
C hivers G eorge, w heelw right
Reading John Fredk. beer retailer
Cole Jam es, Falcon P.H
Rendell John W alrond, solicitor &
Colyer W illiam , dairym an
commissioner for oaths, W arwick
Cook G eorge, coal dealer
house. T N 9
Corderoy H orace, draper
Roberts H arry G eorge, R ailw ay hotel
C um ber W illiam , b utch er
Saunders Frederick, butcher
Davies D avid M axw ell, coal m erchant Sparvell H enry H erbert, baker
Deacon Alice (M rs.), refreshm ent rm s Taylor Em m a Ann (M rs.), B ull P.H
Duffin W illiam H y. grocer & draper Theale Gas L ig h t & Coke Co. Ltd.
Fisher Sam uel, underwood dealer,
(E. A. C ham bers, sec)
h urdle & broom m aker & beer re  Todd Richard F .S .I. land agen t to J.
tailer, N orth street
H. Benvon esq. J .P ., D .L
Flower W illiam , grocer & baker
Turton John Iredale, grocer & oversr
Forrester John, high w ay surveyor to Vockins W illiam G eorge, school a tÂ
Bradfield Rural D istric t Council,
tendance officer, Station road
Walford P hilip F. farm er. N orth st
Goswell A lfred, carpenter
W hite C harles. Crown P.H
Goswell A rth u r, w heelw right
W hite Richard A lbert, greengrocer
G rannaway F ran k, m otor engineer & W igm ore E. C. R. builder & conÂ
cvcle agent. T N 22 Th eale
tractor & house decorator &c
Hedges A brah am , osier grower
Windle Thom as, sanitary inspector &
Herbert Jesse, b eer retailer
surveyor for the Bradfield Rural
H ill A rth ur, p ictu re fram e m aker
D istrict Council, N orth street >
Holder David, boot m aker
Y oun g John M atthew , chem ist
Hosford Benjam in B ullen M .B ., B.Ch.
& B .A .R .U .I. p h ysician ; su rgery
Huband D arius, chim n ey sweeper
|(Postal address, Calcot, near R eading.)
K in g Thom as, cycle agent
: Barron M ajor C yril, Calcot place