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P u b l ic H o u s e s â c o n tin u e d .
K ing's Arm s. A rth. T. J. M essenger, F orest H ill, Oxford
K in g's A rm s, G. S alter, 283 B an bury road, Sum m ertown. Oxford
K in g's A rm s, G eorge T . Savins, K idlin gto n , Oxford
K in g âs A rm s, Joseph B ichard Sturgess, W heatley
K in g's Head, H enry Beechey, F ritw ell, B anbury
Kang's Head, John Dearn, 6 London road, B icester
K in g 's Head. W illiam Jones, Finm ere. B uckingham
K in g 's Head, Edward R ichardson, 17 H olyw ell st.O xford
K in g's Head, John E . Rogers, 74 H igh street, W itney
K in g's Head, G eorge Y ok in g, Park lane, W oodstock
K ing s Head. Jam es W illiam W ebb, C hin nor,W allingford
K ite inn. W alter John W aters, 68 M ill st. Osney, Oxford
L am b. Richard C ripps, E w elm e, W allingford
Lam b, P ercival L yn e. Filkins, Lechlade (G loâstersh)
Lam b, M ark M aisey, Bladon, W oodstock
Lam b. W illiam B. Pratley, Crawley, W itney
L a m b , W illiam Townsend, L ittle M ilton, W allingford
L am b, P ercy Sum m ers W ya tt, Sheep street, B urford
Lam b & F la g , W alter B u ckin gh am , H ailey, W itney
Lam b & F lag, A lb ert Paine, 12 S t. G ilesâ street, Oxford
L am bert A rm s, P ercy W ilton K n ig h t, Aston Rowant,
W allingford
Lam p et A rm s, H arry Tim b rell, Tadm arton, B anbury
L eath er B ottle, W alter C astle. Lew knor, W allin gford
L eath er B ottle inn, W illiam Davis, G orin g, R eading
L eather B ottle. John W illiam G odley, E ast E nd, N orth
L eig h . W itney
Leathern Bottle. S am uel W m . Green, B ridge st.B anbury
Leden Porch H all, Charles Thom as H artw ell, 41 Pem Â
b roke street, St. A ld a teâs, Oxford
L ichfield A rm s, F red k . Peachey, N eat E nstone, Enstone
Lion inn, Am brose A rth u r E dw ard Sheard, Culham ,
A bingdon
L ittle W hite H art, E rn est Barton, 20 Tham es side,
H enley-on-Tham es
Lord K itch en er, E dw ard C lark e, C u rb rid ge, Bam pton
M agdalen A rm s, W illiam H arvey. 243 Ifflev road,Oxford
M altster & Shovel. A lfred Blake. Stonesfield. W oodstock
M altsters' A rm s, A lb ert Jesse B eavis, Rotherfield G reys,
H enley-on-Tham es
M arlake House, H enry W illiam Y ou n g, M urcott, Oxford
M arlborough A rm s, P. R. C u rrell. Oxford st. W oodstock
M arlborough A rm s, Thom as Hunt. High street, St.
Thom asâ, Oxford
M arlborough A rm s, F redk. S la tter, Combe, Woodstock
M arlborough House, E rnest E dw ard Bishop, 60 W estern
road. G randpont, Oxford
Masonsâ A rm s. Am os C u rtis, Fulbrook. B urford
M asonsâ A rm s, A lfred G ooding, W itn ey street, Burford
Masonsâ A rm s, M ark Hopkins. South L eigh , W itney
Masonsâ A rm s, Joseph L each , Sw erford, E nstone
M asonsâ A rm s, M rs. L u c y Townsend. Clanfield
Masonsâ A rm s. F rederick W alker, N orth L eig h . Witne>
M erry M outh, W illiam E vans, Fifield. Oxford
N agâ s Head, H enry Robert Arnold, Up. H igh st. Tham e
N agâs H ead. C harles B atten. W arborough. W allingford
N ag's Head, John H owkins, 32 Low er F ish er row, St.
Thom asâ, Oxford
N agâ s Head, F red Saunders,N ettlebed.H enley-on-Tham es
New inn, Joshua B ailey, S hillingford, W allingford
N ew inn, Percival B erry, W ootton. W oodstock
New inn, Thom as Bond. 119 C ow ley road, Oxford
New inn. R alp h B usby, m C orn street, W itney
N ew inn. Charles Thom as C arter. K idm ore end. B eading
New inn, Mrs. E m m a C lack, Bam pton
N ew inn. Charles H itchm an, Alkerton, Banbury
N ew inn, W illiam H opkins, Freeland. W oodstock
N ew inn, Sydney Mosson. H igh street. B urford
New inn. H arry O rgan, ro 3 S t. A ldateâs street, Oxford
New inn. Cbas. Thos. Sehalck. Postcom be, Tetsw orth
N ew inn (The').Daniel Stevens, H eadington Q uarry,O xfrd
N ew inn, John W oodley, 46 Nelson st Jericho. Oxford
N ew H inksey inn, Mrs Eliza J. M ace. 216 Abingdon rd
Xewland inn. A rth. E dw d. Capel. Newland st. Eynsham
N orfolk A rm s, Robert C ollett. 10 Bridge street, St
E bb eâs, Oxford
N orth A rm s. John W illiam A riss, W roxton, B anbury
N orthgate, Geo. Rd. Boreham , 36 C ornm arket st.O xford
N u t Tree. George Powell. M urcott, Oxford
O ddfellows A rm s. Jam es E dw ard M ills, 2 C hurch street,
H enley-on-Tham es
Old B ell, A lbt. A rth. Cobb, S hillin gford. W allingford
Old Castle. W a lter G oddard, Dorchester, W allingford
Old G ate H ouse, Leonard Fras.R obbin s,2B otley rd.O xfrd
Old G eorge. W alter F redk. B aker, Leafield. W itn ev
Old G eorge inn, Ernest F. Bannard. 33 B ridge st.B anbry
Old B ed Lion. Jesse H B urnham , G arsington. W heatlev
Old W hite Horse, F rederick M acqueen, t o o Norfhfield
end, H enley-on-Tham es
[O X F O R D S H IR E .
Old W hite House, E. C ockhead, H ensington, Woodstock
Old W hite House, A rth u r Eastland, Abingdon road,
Grandpont, Oxford
O rigin al Sw an, Thos. H. Cotton, Tem ple Cow ley, Oxford
Osney A rm s, Leonard W ebb, 45 B otley road, Oxford
Pack Horse, Robert B ran t, 19 N orthfield end, Henleyon-Tham es
Pack Horse, Jonas Collins, M apledurham , Beading
Pack Saddle, W illiam Saunders, M apledurbam , Reading
Parrot inn, John F ranklin , S p rin g st. C h ipping Norton
Paviorsâ A rm s, W illie Pou lter, 12 C astle street, Oxford
Pear T ree inn, Thom as D rake, Hook Norton, B anbury
Perch inn, George G oatley, Binsey, Oxford
Peyton A rm s, Am brose B randrick, Stoke Lyne, Bicester
Pheasant.M rs. Ada Louise B eckley, 30 St. G ilesâ st.O xfrd
Plasterersâ A rm s, John H enry K irk , 4 M arston road, St.
Clem entâs, Oxford
Plough, Charles Barnet, Clanfield
Plough, W a lter Benfield, F instock, C h arlbury
Plough, John B illin g, L ittle B ourton, B an b ury
Tlough, Charles Churn. A d d erb u ry E ast, B anbury
Plough, Jam es Crawford, Merton, Bicester
Plough inn, Geo. Edwd. D v e T , 38 C ornm arket st. Oxford
Plough, W illets Thom as Fow ler, Bodicote, B an bury
P lough , Isaac H arris, K in g h am , C h ip p in g Norton
Plough, Mrs. E m ily H awkins, D orchester, W allingford
Plough inn, M rs. E llen H aw tin, N orth street, B icester
Plough, F rederick Jones, G re a t H aseley, W allin gford
Plough. Joseph K in g , L ittle M ilton, W allingford
Plough, Edwin Lapper, W endlebury, B iceiter
Plough, Jack L ath erb y, S tratton A udley, B icester
Plough . E dm und Reid Lee, Noke, Oxford
P lcu g h (T he), F red k . Lon g, 23 St. A ld a teâs st. Oxford
Plough . Thom as Mayo, N ew st. D eddington, Oxford
Plough, R obert Oakey, Alvescot, Clanfield
P lough , Charles Reynolds, Low er A rncot, B icester
Plough H arry Sheppard, 27 Cornhill, B an b ury
Plough. H erbert E Stockford. W olvercote, Oxford
Plough inn, W alter T u stain , H em pton, Oxford
Plough inn, Jam es Wakefield, Clifton Hampden, Abingdon
Plough , G eorge W alde, W heatley
Plough, A lb ert W oodbridge, 98 H igh street, W itn ey
Plough & Anchor. Thom as M orley, 8 G reat Clarendon
street, Jericho, O xford
Plough & H arrow , Fredk. W itney, Chinnor, W allingford
P lu m e of Feath ers. E dm und Cadm an, O bservatory st.
St. G ile sâ, Oxford
Port Mahon, W m. Jn. Pain, 82 St. C lem entâs st. Oxford
Post Boys, G eorge A lb ert K elly. 139 H igh st. Oxford
Prince of W ales, H arry Hancock, 14 Paradise square,
St. E bbeâs, Oxford
Prince of W ales, A lbert H y. K e lly, 80 C owley rd. Oxford
Prince of W ales, W illiam H enry Kendall, 58 Centre st.
G rim sb u ry, B anbury
Q uart Pot, Thos. A llsop, M ilton-under-W ychw ood,O xford
Queenâs Arm s, Edward Mason, Goring, Reading
Queenâs Arm s, A lbert Thornton, 1 Park End street, St.
Thom asâ, Oxford
Q ueenâs Head, W m . Jas. G ardn er, Queen st. E ynsham
Queenâs Head. W m. John Kim ber, H orsepath, W heatley
Queenâs Head. Thom as Arnold Scott, 30 Duke street,
H enley-on-Tham es
Queenâs Head, Jam es N athan iel W alters, Newnham Murren, W allingford
R a ilw a y hotel, G eorge A ndrew s. Hook Norton. B anbury
Railw ay hotel. Solomon John Cox. K idlin gton . Oxford
R ailw ay inn, W alter Meeson, Acre End street, Eynsham
R ailw ay Tap. W illiam Jam es Robinson, 16 Park E nd st.
St. Thom asâ. Oxford
Railw ay tavern, M rs. M ary Ann W alton, Som erton.Banbry
Rainbow. Charles W ard. M iddle Assenden. Henley-onThames
R ed Cow. A lexander Brown, A ylesb ury road, Tham e
Red Cow. M rs. H. Buckle. G reat Chesterton, Bicester
R ed Cross, C. T. Woodlev. 51 New st.H enley-on-Tham es
R j d Horse. M rs. Anne Longshaw, Shipfcon-under-Wvchwood, Oxford
Red Lion, G eorge A rcher. Hook Norton, Banbury
Red Lion. M rs. E llen A shby, W oodcote, Reading
Red Lion, Andrew Castle, Low er H evford, Banbury
Red Lion, Thom as H enry C lay, 268 W oodstock road.
Sum m ertown. Oxford
Red Lion, Joseph Collier, A lvescot, Clanfield
Red Lion, Thom as Cox, Horlev. Banbury
Red Lion. F rederick B. Eadon, Hornton, B anbury
Red Lion, H arry Eeles. Tetsw orth
Red Lion, H erbert Fisher, Bloxham , Banbnrv
Red Lion inn, W illiam H adland, C ropredy, Banbury
Red Lion. W illiam John Hobbs. 1 Corn street. W itn ey
Red Lion. H enry W illiam Law rence, Rotherfield Peppard. Henley-on-Tham es
Ri-d Lion inn. G eorge Lew is. Bletehington, Oxford