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O X FO R D .
Oxford Journal Illu strated (Conservative) (established
7 5 3 ) (C harles H arris, p u b lish er; published on W e d Â
nesday m orning), 4a, N ew roa d ; p rin tin g w o rts, Red
Lion square. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 4 4
O xford M agazine (published fridays d u rin g term ,H orace
H art M .A. p u b lish er), C larendon press, W alton st
O xford Model L a u n d ry L im ite d (The), Binsey lane,
B otley road
Oxford O ptical Co. (The) (form erly H olliday & Son),
opticians, specialists in eyesigh t & spectacles, photoÂ
gra p h ic d e a le rs ; la rge selection of lantern slides of
Oxford, 17 Broad street
O xford P ictu re Palace L im ited (W illiam T . Reeve,
sec.), Jeune street
Oxford Police C ourt & P rison -G ate M ission (R. G .
G re y -b m a rt & Miss E . M arriott, m issionaries), 22
Paradise street, S t. E bbeâs
Oxford Portland C em ent Co. L im ited , W orcester street,
St. Thom asâ
O xford R ailw ay G uide, Oxford Chronicle Co. Lim ited
(m onthly), 119 H igh street
O xford R eform C lu b (R. J. F ortescue, hon. sec.), 52
IVew Inn H all street
Oxford Review (Claude Rippon, m an a g er; published daily
d urin g term ), n New road
â¢Oxford Tim es (O xford Tim es Co. L im ited, p u b lish ers;
p ub lished F rid a y), 11 N ew road ; p rin tin g works, V ic Â
toria court k Red Lion sq.
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t
Pain W m. John, Port Mahon P .H . 82 St. Clementâs «t
Paine A lb ert. Lam b & F lag P.H . 12 St. G ile sâ street
Paine Geo. W m . baker, 1 & 2 S outh par. Summertown
Painton H erbert, carm an, St. Johnâs road
Palace (The) (C ow ley Road Cinem a Co. (Oxford) Ltd
p ro p rie to rs; E . W rig h t, m anager), 106 Cowley road
Palm er E liza (M rs.), apartm ents, 157 W alton street
P alm er E llen G ertru d e (M rs.), u n iv ersity lodging hon«a
26 W ellington square, S t. G ilesâ
Palm er Jam es, chem ist, 9 N orth Parade av. S t. Gilesâ
Palm er John Lewin, butcher, 20 B ridge street, St. Ebbeâs
Panter John, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 3 S t. John st
Panting Charles Richard, stationer, 3 L ittle Clarendon
street, S t. G ile sâ
P an tin g Joh n H en ry,un iversity lo dgin g ho. 165 Walton st
Papel Rosina (M rs.), furn iture dir. 94 S t. Clem entâs st
Pargeter Arnold, harness m aker, 286 Cowley road
Parker F rederick & Son, carpenters, 44 Richmond rd
St. Thom as'
Parker P. & Son, fishmongers, 50 & 51 T he Market
P arker & Son, booksellers, 27 Broad st. & 21 T u rl st
Parkerâs Hall (Rev. Edward Stanislaus' Anselm Parker
O .S .B ., M .A. licensed m aster), 8 & 9 Beaumont street
Parkerâs O xford Cycle & M otor C ar Co. (Oxford Motors
L im ited , proprietors), m otor engineers & cycle agents
68 S t. G ile sâ s t r e e t ; works & garage, Worcester pL
W alton st. Tel. 546; T A â Parker, O xford, 546â
A lice M aud (M iss), teach er of dressm aking, 50
page 43
Cornm arket street
'O xford T im es Co. Lim ited (Claude Rippon, m anaging P arker C atherine A . (M rs.), apartm en ts, 264 Banburv
director), n
New road.
a d v e rtis e m e n t
road, Sum m ertow n
p a g e 43
P arker M aud (M iss), paper pattern m aker, 12 Ship st
-O xford Trades E xh ibition L td . 119 S t. A ld a teâs street
P a rrv G . M. (M iss), costum ier, 30 B an b ury road
-O xford T rain in g School for Servants (Hom es) (Mrs. Parsier E lsie (M iss), dress m aker, 41 Marston street,
H erbert M orrell's) (Miss A lice A . Brow n, m atron), C ow ley S t. John
H eadington hill
Parsons' Alm shouses, 4 & 5 G rove place, H igh street
â Oxford Union Society (W m . G ill, steward), Frew in court Parsons Fdk. A lbt. W m . hair dresser, 42 S t. Aldate's st
& St. M ichaelâs street
Parsons Jam es, boot ma. 19 W ingfield st. St. Clement s
Oxford U niversity A th letic Ground (C . N. Jackson,treas.), Parsons Jam es, net m aker, 30 Speedw ell st. S t. Aldateâs
Iffley road
Parsons John Francis J.P. banker, local director for
O xford U niversity Boat Club (Rev. W. E. Sherwood
B arclay & C om pany L im ited
M .A. treasurer). The Towing path, Grandpont
Parsons W illiam , sen. p lu m ber, 35 & 37 Plantation road
Oxford U n iversity B oxin g C lu b (C . B. G u ll M .A . hon.
& Leclcford place. S t. G iles'
sec.), 105 S t. A ld a teâs street
Parsons W illiam John, jun. plum ber, 52 Juxon street,
Oxford U niversity Chess Club (P. A. MacMahon, hon.
St. G ile sâ
sec.), 6 & 7 C orn m arket street
P a rtrid g e M abel (M rs.), confectioner. 72 H igh street
O xford U niversity Co-operative Society L td . 20 H igh st Passev M ary Ann (M rs.), general shop, 422 Cowley road
- O xford U niversity Day T rainin g College (G eorge Rodney Patem an F. & T. fishm ongers 107, & fruiterers 108,
S cott M .A. acting p rincipal), 19 H olywell street
M agdalen road, C owley S t. John
'O xford U niversity D ram atic Society (C yril B ailey M .A. Paterson M artha (M rs.), un iversity lodging house, 22
president), 2 G eorge street
St. G ilesâ street
Oxford U niversity French C lu b (B. Readm ond, hon. Patey Edw ard C harles, u n iversity lodging ho. 3 Oriel st
sec.), 105 S t. A ldateâ s street
Pathological Laboratory(Professor G eorges Dreyer M.A.),
O xford U niversity G azette (published officially WednesÂ
U n iversity m useum . Parks road
day d u rin g term ). Clarendon Press, W alton street & Pavier A rth u r, shopkeeper, 14 C astle street
D epository, 116 H igh street
Pavier Fredk. Geo. grocer, 26 Walton eras. St. Thomasâ
'O xford U niversity G olf C lub (W illiam F oster, stew ard), Pavi6re Leslie F. apartm ents, 44 S t. G ilesâ street
C owley road
Payne Joseph & Son, coal & coke m erchants, Great
â¢Oxford U niversity Liberal C lub
(G eorge Hedges,
W estern coal w harf, B otley road
stew ard), S t. G eorgeâs m ansions, G eorge street
Payne & Son, jew ellers, 131 H igh street
â¢Oxford U niversity M usical Union (B asil C. A llchin B .A . Payne Allen Reginald Turner, u n iv ersity lodging house,
p resident), 34 H olyw ell street
116 H igh street
O xford U niversity Tennis G rounds (
, hon. Payne Charles Thos. dairym an, 78 Kingston rd. St.Gilesâ
sec.), N orham gardens
Payne F. J. m otor k gen eral engineer, A lfred place, St.
O xford V isito rs & E ntertain m en ts Com m ittee (A rthur
John street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g re 5 3
R. P um frey, sec.). 137 H igh street
Payne G eorge, shopkeeper, 28 London place, St.Clementâs
Oxford V olunteer F ire Brigade (Horace J. F ish er M .A. Payne G eorge W illiam , shopkeeper, 103 B otley road
p re s id e n t; F. T . Sym onds, ch ief officer) ; chief s ta  Payne W alter, fruiterer, 92 & 93 The M arket
tion, G eorge street ; branch stations, 202 C owley rd. ; Payne W m . Frank (M rs.). fru iterer, 33a, St. Gilesâ st
C hurch st. S um m ertow n; C h urch w alk & B otley road Peagram Frank, secondhand bookseller, 10 Church st.
O xford W indow Cleaning & C arp et B ea tin g Co. 6r
St. Ebbeâs
K ingston road, S t. G ile s â
Peake Alm ond (M rs.), u n iversity lo dgin g house, 22
O xford W orkhouse (Rev H enry Charles Evans A .K .C .L .
W ellin gton square, S t. G ile sâ
ch ap lain ; Jonathan H ill, m a s te r; M rs. M innie Hill, Pearce E lizabeth (M rs.), shopkeeper, 2 A 3 Blackfriars
m atro n ; Adolphus Ballard, clerk), C ow ley T o a d
road, St. E bbeâs
O xfordshire A gricu ltu ra l Society (Howard Sammons, Pearce F rank Lane, aparts. 38 Pem broke st. St. Aldateâs
sec.), 19 G eorge street
Pearl Assurance Co. L im ited (John G eorge Sinclair,
O xfordshire A ssociation for the Prevention of T u b erÂ
d istrict superintendent), 99 S t. A ld a teâs street
culosis (W illiam Stobie M .B .E din . m edical officer; Pearm an Robert S. m an ager Board of Trade Labour
Miss Price, sec.), Bath court, New road
E xchan ge, 65 & 65a, S t. A ld ateâs street
Oxfordshire Education C om m ittee (Percy Elford M .A
Pearsall A lb ert John, fru iterer, 8a S t. A ldateâs street
education sec. ; Percival Edward M eadon M .A. assist Pearse Florence E lizabeth (M rs.) L .O .S . inspector of
ant sec.), C ounty offices. New road
m idw ives for O xfordshire C oun ty Council, 41 LeckO xfordshire F arm ersâ Union (E rnest Pocock Messenger,
ford road, S t. G ile sâ
sec.), 105 St. A ldateâs street
Pearson & Co. ironm ongers, 19, 21 k 23 G eorge street
Oxfordshire M iniature Rifle Association (C entral Range; Pearson A rth u r M .A . The A rcade, 29 & 30a, Corn(M ajor W illiam M elville Lee, sec.). Osney la. Osney
m arker street
Pacey Alw yn Francis, shopkeeper, 9 C ripley road
Pearson Geo. boot repairer, 23 Richm ond rd. S t . Thomas
Packford Tom , tailor, 4 T h e Plain, S t. C lem en tâs
Pearson W ilfrid H ., M .P .S . Th e Arcade, 29 & 3oaâ
Page F rederick A rthur, hair dresser, 143 Cowley road
C ornm arket street
Paice Charles, u n iversity lo d g in g house, 18 M useum rd Peasley C harles, aparts. 36 Osberton rd. Summertown