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Post, Office, Highm oor C ross.— Mrs. Fanny Baldwin,
receiver. Letters arrive from H enley-on-Tham es at
7 45 a.m . & i-5 ° P m - : dispatched at 12.40 & 6.25
p.m .; sundays, arrive at 8 a .m .; dispatched 10.55
a m. Nettlebed, 2 m iles distan t, is the nearest money
order & telegraph office
Pillar Letter Box, W itheridge Hill Bottom , cleared at
12.30 & 6.15 p-m . week days & 10.45 a.m . sundays




W all L etter Box, Sat well, cleared at 12.45 & 6.30
week days & 11 a.m . .sundays
E lem entary School (Church of England) (mixed)*.
erected in 1862, for 70 ch ild ren ; John Baker, m aster
C arrier to H enley.— Bailey, tues. & thurs. to Reading,,
m on. wed. & sat

& National L ib era l clubs
E ig h ty club E C, London

chant, Governm ent contractor, tent
p eg m ak er; all kinds of tent pegsm ade to order
P arker Joseph G eorge, The Sun P.H
H eath Jam es A lbert, shopkeeper & Q uarterm ain W illiam , gardener to<
assistant overseer, W ith eridge h ill
G eorge S. Bowles esq
L eader A lbert, beer retailer
T aylor E dw d.W m .H . Dog & Duck P.H
Page G eorge, ten t peg m aker, H ig h ­ W ise Sidney, gardener to H ugh M ac­
moor Cross
In tyre esq
Page Henry George, farm er,H ighm oor Yeatm an Jam es, beer retailer, Satw ell
fa r m ; tim ber dealer, firewood merH O L T O N is a parish and village, 1 m ile north from is the burial place of the fam ilies of Brom e and W horWheatley station on the Oxford and W ycom be section of wood : there are 140 sittin gs, m ostly free. The register
the Great Western railway, 6 miles east from Oxford and dates from the year 1633, and contains the en try, June48 west from London, in the Southern division of the 15, 1646, of the m arriage of H enry Ireton , com m issarycounty, hundred and p etty sessional division of Bulling- general to S ir Thom as F airfa x, to B ridget, d au gh ter of
don, union of H eadington, county cou rt d istrict of O x­ Oliver Crom w ell, at L a d y W horwood’s house in Holton.
ford, rural deanery of Cuddesdon and archdeaconry and The livin g is a rectory, net yearly value ,¿180, w ith 22J.
diocese of Oxford.
The church of S t. Bartholom ew, acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of T . B
originally Norman, is an ancient cruciform b uilding of B riggs esq. and held since 1891 by the Rev. A rth u r
stone, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch Langdale Lan gdale-S m ith , of W orcester College, Oxford.
and a western tower of Late Perpendicular date, with Holton P ark is the property of Thom as Boyson B riggs
plain parapet, and containing 3 bells, one of which is esq. J.P . who is lord of the m anor ; the park includes
dated 1662, and another is inscribed “ Sancta Anna ora about 200 acres.
In the village is a recreation room.
pro n o b i s t h e nave was remodelled and the tower added Various relics and rem ains of th e B ritish period, dis­
in the 15th century : the chancel is Decorated, and has covered on different occasions, are now in the Ashmolean.
an east window with good flowing tracery, and in the M useum , Oxford. The soil is lo a m ; subsoil, gravel and
south wall is a sm all p is c in a : the chancel arch is T ra n ­ clay. The ch ief crops are wheat, b arley, oats and beans.
sition Ncrm an: the south transept, or Brom e chapel, is The area is 1,712 acres of land and 5 of w a t e r ; ra te­
believed to have been reb u ilt and the ch urch otherwise able value, ¿¿2,536; the population in 1911 was 201.
renovated by W illiam Brom e, to whom a brass, dated
Parish C lerk, Thom as Ring.
1461, exists in this tra n s e p t; and another to W illiam
Brome, 1599: theTe are other brasses to Mrs. Biscoe, L etters from W heatley, Oxon, a rriv e at 7 a.m . WalL'
L etter Box cleared at 9.30 a.m . & 6.55 p.m . ; sundays
who died in 1891, to W illiam E arle Biscoe esq. d. 1895,
at 10.45 a.m . W heatley, about 1 m ile distant, is the*
the Rev. Henry Annesley Tyndale M .A. late rector,
nearest m oney order & telegraph office
1856-92, and to Mrs. Seary, an old servant of the
family: the nave has a good Transition Norm an north E lem entary School, b u ilt by the M isses Biscoe in i860.
for 60 children ; Miss Honey, m istress
door, with zigzag and tooth ornam ent, and on its
eastern gable is an open arched bell-cote : th is church C arrier to O xford.— G eorge H awes, wed. & sat
Briggs Thos. Boyson J.P. Holton park
Hawes Caleb, farm er
Langdale-Smith Rev. A rth u r Lang- Brooks F rederick Robert & H arry Cal- Hawes John, farm er
dale (rector)
c u tt, farm ers, W arren farm
Roberts John R ich ard , m iller
Nettlefold Mrs. Holton cottage
G ale Frank, farm er
Walde George, shopkeeper
H O L W E L L , form erly a chapelrv in the civil parish ol oak carving in the panels representing scriptural sub­
Bradwell, is now a separate ecclesiastical parish, formed je c ts : there are 150 sittin gs. Th e reg ister dates from
in 1850: it is 4^ miles north-w est from A lvescot station the year 1846. The livin g is a vicarage, net yearly v alu e
on the Oxford and Fairford branch of the G reat W estern ¿90, w ith residence, in the g ift of W . H. F ox esq. and
railway, 3 south-west-by-south from Burford and 9 west held sin ce-1884 by the Rev. Jam es B ryan t Rainey M .A.
from Witney, in the Mid division of the county, hundred of Pem broke College, Oxford. W illiam H enry F ox esq.
of Bampton, petty sessional division of Bampton W est, B .A., D .L ., J.P . of Broadwell G rove, is lord of the m anor
union and county court d istrict of W itney, rural deanery and sole landowner. The soil is oolite ; subsoil, T o c k ,
of Witney and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The overlying lim estone and clay. Th e area is 1,063 acres ;
Roman road Akeman S treet passes through a portion of rateable value, ¿ 5 8 0 ; the population in 1911 was 99 in
the parish. The church of St. M ary th e V irg in , reb uilt the civil and 166 in the ecclesiastical parish.
on the site of a Norm an chapel, at th e sole expense of
the late William Hervey esq. in 1842. was again rebuilt Letters from Burford, Oxon, arrive at 8.15 a.m . & 5
p.m . B urford is the n earest m oney order & telegraph:
in 1895, at the cost- of th e patron, W. H. Fox esq. and
office. W all L e tter Box cleared at 8.50 a.m . & 5.20
is a small building of stone in the P erpendicular style,
p.m . week days only
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, south transept,
and a turret containing 5 tub ular b ells: the pulpit Elem entary School, erected in 1896 by W illiam H enry
reconstructed from the form er one, has some ancient
F ox esq. for 63 ch ild ren ; M iss Isabel W h ite, m istress
Bowles Geo. Stew art, Satw elFs Barton
Burr Henry, Satw ell house
Hughes Rev. John B .A. (vicar), The
MacIntyre Hugh, H ighm oor hall
PhiDipps L. March, Satw ell farm
Wiles Thomas M .P., J.P . Satw ell
Spinneys; & 14 W estm inster Palace
gardens,Artillery row S W ; Reform
B alfour

Rev. Jas. B ryant M .A. Vicarage I Cave John, farm
bailiff to W .
I Fox esq. Holwell downs
is a parish and villag e
on the
and PR
W arwickshire, "with a station on the B anbury
section of the G reat W estern railw ay,
rmrfif t ^ ■
A-Pril? *887, and is 5 m iles north-east-byb ,
^ U p p i n g Norton and 7 south-w est from
N orthern division of the county,
and p etty sessional division of Chadlington,
t n U-nty. court S t r i c t of Banbury, rural
dinno^ ? Shipping Norton and archdeaconry and
Das«/8 +1? Oxford. The G reat W estern railw ay here
is earVa rUgh an °P.en cu ttin g half a m ile long, and
The ch
1 some d*stanc& on a viadu ct 85 feet high,
^ e^er’ occupying a com m anding
i g I 1 near the centre of the v illage, and restored in
ierestirm &
a^out ¿¿2>5oo, is a spacious and in­
s is t 0f
of stone, originally Norm an, and conn o rth t m
1 ’ c^erestoried nave, aisles, south porch,
nsept, and an em battled western tower of Per-

H. 1Porter G raham Lane-, frm r. Manor ho

pendicular date w ith eigh t crocketed' pinnacles, containing a clock and 8 bells, dated resp ectively 1600, 1788,
1797, 1799, 1869, 1897 and (two) 1899 and a clo ck : the
tower was restored in 1913 and a new chim in g clock
in stalled: the chancel is N orm an, b u t has m odern
round-headed windows, inserted at a h igh er elevation
than the origin al windows, traces of w hich still rem a in ;
the Decorated east window was filled w ith stained glass
in 1882 as a m em orial to the R ev. John R ichard Rushtoir
B.D. 40 years rector here, who died Jan u ary 26, 1881:
near the spring of the chancel arch are th e rem ain s of
Late Norm an corbels, and on the south side of the arch
is the opening leadin g to a form er rood loft, w ith th e
stair in t a c t : the roof of th e nave, which rests on curious
stone corbels, is R ectilin ear in style, as is also the clere­
story, w hich has side lig h ts and a large window at the
east end over the chancel a r c h : th e tow er arch, a bold
and som ewhat sin gular w ork, is open, b u t enclosed b y a