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D IR E C TO R Y .]
East Jam es M .B .O .V .S . veterinary surgeon It county
G riinsdale H enry Thom as, builder, S ilver street
inspector, 49 C am bridge street
East R up ert, p ublic auditor under the â F riendly G iim sdale L u cy A . (M rs.), beer retlr. 12 Bourbon st
Societies A ct, 1896 â & â In dustrial Provident S o G rinnell M elitz Joseph Vines, leather c u tter, T em ple st
G rove A lfred, tailor, Upper Hundred
cieties A c t, 1893,â 19 B icester road
G rover M abel (M iss), dress m aker, 57 Stoke road
Eastman & Son L im ited, dyers, 20 H igh street
Groves A lice (M rs.), apartm ents, 11 Britannia street
Eaton Randal, b uilder, 36 Buckingham street
u ey Caroline M ary (M rs.), shopkeeper, i 38Cam bridge s t
Eborn E . G . cycle dealer, 44 W alton street
G u lliv er Sam uel & Co. L im ited , wine & sp irit m erÂ
Edgington F . & Co. m anufacturers & m erchants of ta rÂ
chants, 13, 15 & 17 K in gsb ury
paulins,w aterproofs & horse clothing, tents &c.Hio-h st
G u lliv er H arry, news agent. 6 r C am bridge street
Edw orthy W illiam Thom as, beer retailer, F ria rag e Td
H .M . Fem ale Prison & B orstal In stitution (W illiam
E lluigham & C ullum , hardware dlrs. 79 B uckingham st
H enry W inder L .R .C .P .L o n d ., M .R .C .S .E n g ., D .P.H .
E llingham E liza (M rs.), shopkeeper, 60 H igh street
govern or; M iss Selina Fitz-H erbert Fox M .D., B .S .
Elliott A lfred , forem an to Lord R othschildâs Bucks
supt. & dep uty m edical officer)
estate, 4 Q ueenâs park
Haines A rth u r, beer reta iler, 22 Stoke road, W alton
E lliott Hannah (M rs.), m illiner, 28 G reat W estern st
H ale A. M. (M rs.), m illin er, 23 H igh street
E llis John C. W . m anager of Lloyds Bank L td .M ark et sq
H all & W atson, confectioners, 3 & 5 G t. W estern st
EUsborough G olf C lub (H ugo B. B urnaby (W endover)
H all E dw ard, Th e R isin g Sun inn & shopkeeper, 84 &
sec.), near A ylesb ury
86 Oxford road
Evans Thom as Henry, apartm ents, 17 Buckingham road
H all G eorge, chim ney sweeper, 1x6 C am bridge street
Feasey Thom as, confectioner, 83 W alton street
R ich ard , general dealer, Upper H undred
Felix A lb ert E dw ard, boot m aker, 28 Tem ple street
H alsey G eorge, boot & shoe m aker, 34 K in g sb u ry
Field & Son L im ited, goldsm iths, silversm iths, w atch
John, brewer, T h e B rew ery, C astle street
makers & jew ellers, expert & p ractical opticians, The
m s Florence Mabel (M iss), teacher of m u sic. 30
Old Bank house, M arket square. T A â F ield, A yles H am
T rin g road
b u r y ;â Telephone 13 AylesburyH arding H enry, insurance agent, 11 E xch a n g e street
Fish Frederick Charles, overseer, 44 Manor road
H arding W illiam , grocer, 61 Stoke road, A ylesb ury
Fisher Jam es & Son, butchers, 42 & 44 K in gsb urv sq
arris H enry John, hair dresser, 46 C am bridge street
Fisher A lb ert, butcher, 50 B uckin gh am street
H arris Janies E dw ard, hair dresser, 76 H igh street
Fisher Beatrice M ay (M iss), teacher of m usic, 42
artridge F ran k, agen t for H op craft & Norris Lim ited,
Walton street
brewers, 20 B uckingham street
Fisher D aisy (M iss), m illiner, 37 K in g sb u ry square
ay E liza Jane (Miss), m illiner, 72 H igh street
Fisher Fredk. Geo. jobm aster & fly propr. 42 W alton st
L. L . (M iss), confectioner, 14 C am bridge street
Fisher Jam es, cattle dealer, 41 B icester road
Hawkes A rth ur, G reen Man P.H . 32 M arket square
Fisher Robert, job m aster. N ew street
Hawkins John, coal m erchant, A lb ert street & L . &
Fleet & Co. basket m akers, 36 & 38 K in g sb u ry
N. W . R ailw ay station
Fletcher W . & R. L im ited , butchers, 6 H igh s'treet
Hawkins John H v. cycle dealer, 54 & 56 B uckin gh am 6t
Flitney E li, baker, 9 Bourbon street
H aynes H enry, horse breaker, 36 W alton street
Foresters A . 0 . C ourt S ta r No. 1598 (W . H. G ilkes, sec.)
Hayward John, harness m aker, 37 W alton street
Congregational schools
H ayward M ary Ann (M rs.), shopkeeper, 26 N ew street
Foster Bros. C loth in g Co. L td . clothiers, 15 M arket sq
Poster M ary (M rs.), shopkeeper, 15 C h iltern st. W alton H ayw ard Thom as, dairym an, 169 C am bridge street
Foster Thom as Charles, reg istrar of births, deaths & H a z e ll, W a t s o n & V l n e y L i m it e d (of K irb y street
E C & 52 L o n g acre, London W 0 & H atton garden,
m arriages No.
1 sub-district, A ylesb ury union,
London E C ), letterp ress printers, electro & stereo
Romney house, G reat W estern street
typ ers, bookbinders & p rin tin g in k & roller m akers
Fowler John K e rsley H enry, wine & spirit m erchant, 4
(Robert J. E lliston, m an ager), T rin g road & California.
Walton street
Telephone No. 15
Fox Edward E. grocer, 21 W alton terrace
Jam es, jun. chim ney sweep, 31 Northern road
Fox F rederick W illiam , pork butcher 30, & butcher 34,
Hedges & Son, dealers in linseed & cotton cakes, C am Â
Cam bridge street
b rid ge street & N ew street
Fox Selina F itz-H erbert (M iss) M .D ., B .S . lady supt. &
deputy m edical officer of H.M . Fem ale Prison,B ierton rd H erm on H enry Jam es, ou tfitter, 29 H igh street
H ew itt E dw ard, pork b utcher, 20 Silver street
Francis W illiam H. hardw are dealer, n Kino-sburv sq
H ewitt L eslie G . apartm ents, 30 G reat W estern street
Franklin E dw ard Robert, draper, 9 M arket street "
Heydon F . S ilver, Dark L an tern P.H . 1 S ilv er street
Franklin Frank, shopkeeper, 84 W alton street
iggins Thom as, shopkeeper, 30 K in gsb ury
Freeman, H ardy & W illis L im ited, boot & shoe m anufacÂ
H ill A rth u r, Saracenâs H ead P.H . R ickfordâs h ill
turers, 25 & 27 M arket square
cabin et m aker,
Freemasons, Buckingham lodge of, No. 591 (A. E . W atts,
polisher & gen eral house furnisher, rem ovals &c. 179
sec.) & Ferdinand De Rothschild, No. 2,420 (R. W.â
Locke, sec.), M asonic hall, Ripon street
H ill W illiam , butcher, 2 Tem ple street
Freestone A lfred E rnest, beer retailer, 32 K in g sb u ry
Frith W . & Co. tim b er, brick, lim e, cem ent, slate, tile H ills & Partridge, m illers (w ater & steam ), Walton
R oller m ills
& buildersâ m ers. New st. Telephone 109 A ylesburv
Hobbs A lfred Ernest, grocer, 171 C am bridge street
Progley Jam es Josoph, job m aster, 12 Station street â
A rth u r Edwd. com m ercial trav eller, 14 Bierton rd
ry Alfred Charles, N a gâs Head P.H . 65 C am bridge st
Galpm Stanley M .A. teacher of m u sic,67 B uckingh am st H oblev H enry (M rs.), confectioner, 39 K in g sb u ry square
W illiam , dairym an. 83 W endover road
Gargmi G. B u llâs H ead hotel, M arket square
H ogarth A rchibald H enry B .A ., M .B ., B .C ., D .P.H .
Garner J. & Son, bakers, 57 W alton street
.R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . cou n ty m edical
Garner, Wood & Co. L td . confectioners, 39 M arket sq
officer of health & school m edical officer, C oun tv
Gas L igh t & Coke Co. (Francis H. Parrott, s e c .; G eorge
Lane, m anager), 87 H igh street. T N 24
Gibbs Richard A dolphus, steward of H.M. Fem ale Holden H enry John & Sons, tailors, 25 K in g sb u ry sq
Holland G eorge, shopkeeper, 85 W alton street
Prison, Bierton road
H ollow ay A lbert E . auctioneer, 16 B uckingham street
Giles George Gilbert, plum ber, Eastern street
GiIkes E dw ard Peach, plum ber, 21 G reat W estern street H ome & C olonial Stores L td . grocers &c. 17 M arket sq
Honour C harles, b utcher, 63 Oxford road
ixillett A lfred H erbert, grocer, & post office, 46 A lb ert st
H opcraft & N orris L im ited , b rew ers; stores, 20 B uck Â
Gizzi M ike, B lack H orse P.H . C astle street
ingham street
Gomrn & L u ff, blacksm iths, 35 C am bridge street
H opcraft H arry, confectioner, 17 H igh street & 11
Goodchild Abel, grocer & baker, 37 Cam bridge street
C am bridge street
«ooandge Henry W m . eatin g house, 45 M arket square
H opcraft Sydney H . ag ric u ltu ra l engineer, 39 N ew street
Goodwin Jam es, beer retailer, 4 M ill street
H opkins Jesse, h ardw are dealer, 36 N ew street
Goss W illiam , greengrocer, 69 C am bridge street
Horn T . boot m aker, 19 W alton road
Gouves E dw ard Jam es, R ailw ay P.H . Station street
Horne A. (M rs.), V ale tem perance hotel, 12 M arket sq
ower & Burch, coal m erchants, 88 C am bridge street
Horne F rederick W alter, cooper, 27 H igh street
Gower W . J. The Bell hotel, M arket square
Horwood & Jam es, solicitors, 7 Tem ple square
Gray James, shopkeeper, 55 N ew street
Green W illiam Y o rk e & Co. builders, 14 & 16 W alton st Horwood Thom as (firm , Horxvood & Jam es), solicitor &
com m issioner for oaths & perpetual com m issioner for
n tfen ry, boot m aker, 43 N orthern road
taking acknowledgments of m arried wom en, registrar
T' ^ac^m an> fancy drapers, 173 C am bridge street
of the archdeaconry cou rt of B uckingham ,yTem ple sq
^runn Francis G eorge, farm er, D unsham farm
Honnslow E . G . greengrocer, 8 S ilver street
®-u o k es & Co. L im ited, wholesale grocers,
Bourbon streetBUCKS.