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d ir e c t o r y . ]


has been erected at M urcott, at a cost of ¿400, by the
Rev. G. H ayton, rector, 1884-95, and divine service is
held here every Sunday. There is a B ap tist chapel at
Charlton and a Prim itive M ethodist chapel at M urcott.
There are four parish cottages le t to the poor at a low
rental; a sm all close belonging to C harlton, and allot­
ments, known as “ B u ry F ield ,” belonging to Fencott
and M urcott. The E cclesiastical C om m issioners, who
are lords of the m anor of F encott arid M urcott, are the
principal landowners. The soil is chiefly clay ; a very
little of it at Charlton, stone brash. The greater portion
of the land is pasture, some arable. The area of Charlton
township is 822 a c r e s ; rateable value, ¿3,001 ; the
population in 1911 was, for Charlton, 269; F encott and
Murcott, 150, these together com prising the ecclesiasti­
cal parish.
Parish Clerk, W illiam Shepherd.
Post & M. 0 . Office.— James Henry Coates, sub-postmaster. Letters throu gh Oxford arrive at 8.15 a.m .
& 3 .4 0 p .m .; dispatched a t 10.55 a.m . & 6.10 p.m .
week days only. Islip, 3 m iles d istan t, is the nearest
telegraph office



B EN CO I T , three-quarters of a m ile east-by-north,
and M URCOTT, 2J east, are ham lets form ing a town­
ship. The area is 1 , 1 3 5 acres of land and 4 of w ater ;
rateable value, ¿ 1 , 4 2 9 ; the population in 1911 was 156.
W all L e tter Boxes.— M urcott, cleared at 10.40 a . m . ¿5
5-55 P m - & Fencott, cleared at 10.50 a . m . & 6.5 p.m .
week days only
Elem entary School, built, w ith m aster’s house, in 1 8 6 6 ,
m ainly at the expense of the Rev. T. W . Falcon M .A.
a form er rector, for 1 0 6 children ; class-room added in
1892, at a cost of ¿ 2 5 0 ; E rn est C artw rig h t, m a s te r;
Mrs. C artw rig h t, m istress
C arriers.
George Cooper, from M urcott to Oxford, wed. & sat. &
Bicester, tues. & fri
W illiam N orth, from C harlton to Oxford, wed. & sat
W illiam T aylor, from F en cott to O xford, tues. & fri
Miss M ary W ise, from C h arlton to Oxford, tues. & fri

Jacques Jonas, beer retailer
, C ollett Thom as, farm er
McCormick Misses
Jones W illiam, boot maker
| Cooper H erbert, farm er
Prior Rev. Charles Edward M .A. K irb y E rn est H edley, coal dealer
Hawes M artha (M rs.), Black Bull P.H
(rector & rural dean), Rectory
Kirby Francis WiHiarn, boot maker & Stanton A rth u r, farm er
Southwell Mrs
assistant overseer & collector of T aylor A lfred , farm er
C O M M E R C IA L .
K in g ’s taxes
; T aylor W illiam , carrier
Bowler Annie (M iss), baker
Lew ington Henry W . Crown P.H
Bustin W illiam , farm er
M arkham Joseph, m achinist
Coates James Henry, grocer,Post office M iller W illiam , b utcher
C ollett Caleb, farm er
Collett William, carpenter
N orth F rederick, shopkeeper
C ollett H erbert Jam es, farm er
Eustace George, farm er
North W illiam , carrier
I Cooper G eorge, carrier
Franklin John, G eorge & Dragon P.H Poole A lfred, butcher
Cooper John Jesse, farm er
Hatwell Arthur Samuel, carpenter
Powell Joseph, farm er
E dgin ton Henry, farm er
Hatwell W illiam , stone mason
Taylor Alfred, blacksm ith
E dginton John, farm er
Hawes A rth ur W illiam , farm er
Haskins G eorge, w heelwright
W ise M ary (M rs.), carrier
Haynes W illiam , farm er
Powell G eorge, N u t Tree P.H
Honour John Shaw, baker & farmer
j Stanton A rth u r, farm er
Honour Thomas, farm er
C ollett C h arles, farm er
| Y o u n g Hy. W m . M arlake House P.H
C H A S T L E T O N is a parish and village on the G lou­
cestershire border, 4 m iles south-east from Moreton-inthe-Marsh station on the Oxford and W orcester section
of the G reat W estern railw ay and 5 north-west from
Chipping Norton station on the B anbury and Chelten­
ham section of the same system , in the N orthern d ivi­
sion of the county, hundred and p etty sessional division
of Chadlington, union and county court district of C hip­
ping Norton, rural deanery of Chipping Norton and
archdeaconry and diocese of' Oxford. The church of St.
Mary the V irgin is an ancient building of stone in the
Transition-Norman and E a rly E n g lish styles, consisting
of chancel, nave, south aisle, a sm all north chapel ol
Perpendicular date and an em battled tower at the west
end of the south aisle containing 6 bells, dated respec­
tively 1696, 1731 (two), 1762, 1811 and 1825: the lower
stage of the tower form s a p orch : the chancel arch is
and there are two itpiscinae
. .
- . ,
----------- : the
— - **
—■ ~ and
aisie are divided by an arcade of four arches, two being
ransition-Aorman and the others E a rly E n g lish : the
ont is circular and of the Decorated p erio d : there are a
ew carved benches and heraldic tiles, and on the floor
at the east end of the nave are brasses inscribed to
Catharine (W illington), wife of A nthony Throkm orton,
1592, with arm orial shields and effigies of a lady with
five sons and five d a u g h ters; and to E dm und Anslev
(Annesley), gent, of T rin ity College, Oxon, d. 1613. with
p igies of him self, w ife, seven sons and three d a u g h ters;
there is also a m ural tab let at the east end of the south
aisle to Henry Jones D .C .L . (O xon). chancellor of B ristol.
1094 and a brass inscription to W illiam Bankes esq.
Winstanley, Lancs, M .P. W igan 1679-81 and 1689, in
ncn year he d ie d : the east window was the g ift of
rs. R ichardson: the stained window in th e south
g a n try was erected in 1878, in m em ory of John Henry
; r ore'Jones and D orothv his w if e : there is another
•n the south aisle to their son, W a lter, died 1872: the
lurch was restored during the years 1878-80, and will
I• • T1° Per?ons. The register dates from 1586. The
re,cti ,r-y ' net y parly value ¿300, w ith residence,
tho d
^apt. H- C. A nstev, and held since 1913 bv
f W 6i
ames A ,b ert BurnIpy M .A . of Queens’ College,
charities for distribution in bread,
Ohnctw an^ money am ount to about ¿ 2 3 annually,
Barrow, near the A ddlestrop road, is a large
and rlr*
J earthwork, perhaps originally British,
(instructed during the Roman occupation. Chastlep riv a te

r e s id e n ts .

Burnley Rev. Jam,
(rector), Rectory

A lb ert

ton House, the property of Miss M. E. W hitm ore-Jones, is
a noble em battled m ansion, built in th e reign of Jam es I.
by W alter Jones e s q .: it is q uadran gular in plan, the
various portions surrounding a courtyard, and is three
storeys in h e ig h t: th e principal front has three gabled
bays, from between which two gabled w ings are pro­
jected boldly forward, and the whole is lig h ted on every
floor by m ullioned w indows: on each side and retired
from the front, rises an em battled tower of four stages,
and one of these carries a fla g sta ff: the interior includes
a large oak-panelled hall, 40 feet in length, w ith a fine
screen, and adjoining it is a sm all panelled room , painted
w h ite : a fine oak staircase leads to other apartm ents,
containing rich oak carvin g and ancient ta p e s try ; two
of these are bedrooms and contain elaborately-carved
antique b edsteads: the g rea t drawing-room ” is also
panelled, and has a splendid p laster ceilin g w ith bosses
and p en dan ts:
two of the m
u u c ij/itv c a a
i c aalso
i o u very
v c iy
fin e: the long g allery, w hich has a coved ceiling and a
good oriel, was repaired in 1903: one other bedroom has
a curiously-painted window, and th ere is a spacious
kitchen and extensive cellars, the roofs of w hich are
carried on colu m n s: fligh ts of steps lead down from the
front into the garden, w hich is bounded b y a hedge and
a wall, relieved by a round arched gatew ay surm ounted
by a pedim ent and urn-like o rn am en ts: here also is
preserved the Bible given b y C h arles I. to Bishop Juxon
im m ediately before his execution , 3 0 Jan. 1 6 4 9 : Robert
Catesby, one of the conspirators in th e “ Gunpowder
P lot,” to whom in 1 6 0 5 ^ belonged, is said to have
sold the estate of C hastleton to provide funds for ca rry­
ing out the conspiracy. Th e house is now occupied by
Charles Tasw ell Richardson esq. Thom as W . W hitm oreJones esq. is lord of the m anor and the principal lan d­
owner. Th e soil is strong loam , stone brash and g r a v e l;
subsoil, the sam e. Th e ch ief crops are w heat, barley,
beans and roots. The area is 1 . 7 6 9 a c r e s ; rateable
value, ¿ 1 , 8 3 1 ; the population in 1 9 1 1 was 1 7 5 .
V erger, W illiam S kelcher.
Post Office.— Mrs. W illiam S kelcher, sub-postm istress.
Letters arrive from M oreton-in-the-M arsh 7.25 a.m .
& 3 p.m . ; dispatched 9.30 a.m . & 6.15 p.m . ; no
sunday delivery.
Oddington is the nearest m oney
order office & Adlestrop the n earest telegrap h office
E lem entary School, erected in 1 8 7 1 , for 42 ch ild ren ;
M rs. M ary Tibbies, m istress

f K e ttle W illiam Cooke M .A . Chastle
M .A. I ton glebe

Richardson Charles Taswell, Chastle­
ton house
W hitm ore-Jones Thom as W hitm ore