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O X F O R D S H IR E .

[ k e l l y ’j

screen, and m ore or less blocked by an inclined gallery on Tower H ill, 23rd F eb ruary, 1554, left /
io r the school c h ild r e n : the nave is separated from the interest of which, am ounting to 4 guineas a v
th e aisle by an arcade of four a rc h e s : in the nave are is d istrib u ted in m oney to the poor, with 5s f r '
m em orials and floor stones to the fam ily of L am p et, C alcott's c h a r ity ; the poor’s allotm ents of 32 ac°m
1781-1858 : in the v estry, form ed by enclosing a portion
produce about ¿"12 yearly for fuel. There are oth*8
of the transep t, is a m onm ent to Anne, wife of Thom as
sm aller charities for education and church purno-^
W ise, 1703 ; and there is also here the w estern half, partly The m anor of Hook Norton was bestowed by Wflli**’
m utilated , of an E lizabethan tom b, w ith figures and the C onqueror on Robert D ’O ily, who at that' period,30}
arm s, and the date 1560; th e tom b is c u t in two by a the Domesday S urvey held this and 27 other manors
partition, and the rem aining portion appears under and O xfordshire, besides m any in the adjacent couniw
above a flight of wooden stairs leading up into a sm all The trustees of Baroness W enm an (d. 9 Aug. 1870) a
ga lle ry over the vestry ; at the foot of these is a large lords of the m anor ; the principal landowners are To *
•stone in the floor, with the m atrix of an effigy, and an F au lkn er esq. and L a d y K in g . T h ere are extensiv
inscription in Lom bardic characters to Dam e Isabel de ironstone quarries in the parish, from which stone of »nod
P le s s i: in the south aisle are 2 carved corbels, repre­ quality is obtained, and calcining kilns have been erected
senting a kin g and bishop : an inscription brass form erly and sidings and works m ade to m eet the increasing
in this church to John Bishop, ob. 29 M ay, 1497, and trade in this sto n e ; a com pany has its works here
Isabelle his w ife, was some tim e since in the hands of and em ploys about 100 m en. There is an abundant supply
0 . F au lkenor esq. F .S .A . of D e d d in g to n : the font is an of spring w ater in the parish and neighbourhood. The
E arly N orm an w ork, of unique character, cylin drical, soil in the higher portion of th e parish consists partly of
and "surrounded w ith rude scu lptures in relief, of Adam the upper oolite, and in th e lower portions of the lower
and E ve, S agita riu s, and other zodiacal s ig n s : there are oolite and red loam, under which there is a deposit of
sittin g s for 700 persons. The reg ister of baptism s dates ironstone, containing a considerable percentage of iron.
from the year 1560; m arriages, 1729; b urials, 1643. Th e chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, peas, oats and
The livin g is a rectory, net yearly value ,¿180, in cludin g roots. Th e area is 5,49s acres ; rateable value, ¿7,880’
129 acres of glebe, let for ¿ 10 0 , w ith residence, in the the population in 1911 was 1,349.
gift of the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1907 b y the
SO U TH R CP is a ham let in this parish.
Rev. E rnest Charles Freem an M .A . of U n iversity College,
Sexton of P arish C h urch , D alby Phipps.
Durham . The livin g escaped th e spoliation of 1546, as
bein g the subject of a long lease, b ut havin g been a fter­ P ost, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress Delivery Office £
wards granted to John D udley, D uke of N orthum berland,
Telephone C all Office (to places within limited dis­
tan ce).— M rs. Fanny H arris, sub-postmistress. Let­
b v E dw ard V I. was restored to the see of Oxford by Queen
ters arrive by rail from B anbury at 7.25 a.m. & n.50
M ary, on the attainder of the D u k e; it subsequently
p.m . ; dispatched at 12.15, 5 & 7.25 p .m .; no Sunday
passed, w ith the other estates of the bishopric, to the
E cclesiastical Com m issioners, b u t the rig h t of presenta­
tion still rem ains w ith th e bishop. Here is a B aptist W all L e tter Box, E a st E nd, cleared 11.45 a -m - & 430
& 7 p.m
chapel, founded in 1644, and a P rim itive M ethodist
chapel, and a sm all C alvin ist chapel. T h e W eslevan E lem en tary School (m ixed & infants), built with school
chapel is a recta n g u la r stru ctu re of local stone, with
house, in 1855, p artly a t the cost of Miss Davis, who
Bath stone dressings, in the E a rly E n glish style, from
gave the site & contributed ¿¿500 to the building
d esigns h y M r. John W ells, arch itect, of D erby and
f u n d ; it w ill hold 306 c h ild re n ; Joseph Clarkson,
K in g sb rid g e : on either side of the chapel are vestries
m a s te r; Mrs. Helen M ary Clarkson, infants’ mistress
and schoolroom s, opening into it by m ovable p artition s,
so th at the ordinary num ber of sittin gs, about 220, can, R ailw ay Statio n , John M orris, station master
if necessary, be doubled. In 1899 a new C em etery was
C arriers.
opened, under th e control of the Parish Council, and at
the same tim e the churchyard was closed. A t Scotland To & from B an bury.— George Mobley, to the ‘ Wagon
& H orses,’ m on. th urs. & s a t . ; W alter Wyton, to the
End is a brew ery, and th ere are several lim ekiln s in the
‘ P lou g h ,’ mon. th urs. & sat
p arish. A stock’ sale is held here on the fourth M onday in
each m onth.
Henry G rey, Duke of Suffolk, beheaded Constable, W illiam M essenger
Hook Norton Brewery Co. Limited
iBloxham L. (M rs.), farm er
(T h e), brewers
Borsberry E llen (M rs.), b lacksm ith
A llen H erbert
B aker H enry W illia m ,E a st E n d house B orsberry H enry W illiam , shoe m aker L igh tfo ot Frank, customs fc excise
Brym bo Steel Company Lim ited (W m.
Bowl W alter
M inchin Henry, seedsman & dairymn
H. T. Littleb oy, m anager)
Boyce Rev. Joseph E dw in R. (B ap­
Bull Alban M .R .C .V .S .L . vet. surgn M ottram M aurice M .R.C.S., L.B.C.P.
tis t), The Manse
Lond. surgeon
B usby S. & G. (M isses), drapers
Brown M ajendie
B usby Benjam in, carpenter, Southrop Osborne Brothers, tailors
C larke A lban A. Brooklyn
Francis W illiam , butcher
Busby Frederick, b utch er
C larke G eorge Thom as
Phipps G eorge, m arket gardener
Busby H enry, slater
Dickins H erbert, B ridge house
John Richard, farmer
B usby H orace, Bell inn
F ow ler Mrs
Pinfold F rederick, G ate inn
F reem an Rev. E rnest Charles M .A. B usby M aria (M rs.), shopkeeper
Powell Jam es, farm er, Duckpool
C em etery (Jam es W . H arris, clerk)
(rector). T h e Rectory
R am bridge Josias, farmer
C hapm an Nelson, beer retailer
G olding M rs. Manor house
C heckley W m . Richard, farm er,C radle Richardson Cedric T . farmer,Southrop
G roves G eorge
Richardson E ric Hv.farmr.Manor frffl
C hristm as Jam es, baker
H arris John H enry, Scotland house
H arris John W illiam , E ast E nd
Colem an T. W . L td . grocers (branch) Rixon Tom , W heatsheaf inn
Robins Jam es, wheelwright
H arris M rs. Thom as, M agdalen lodge Cox Charles A . baker
Rowles W illiam G. farmer, Park
Drake Thom as, Pear T ree inn
H iatt John, L aurel villa
Sim m s W illiam James, farmer
G ardner E lija h , thatcher
H iatt Mrs. Joseph
Sm ith Thom as, butcher
G ardner Robert, thatcher
Jaques A rthur, Scotland road
South W ales & Cannock Chase
G ardner Robert J. farm er
Jones M rs. South H ill house
Co. Lim ited (J. W. Harris, agent)
Gasson W illiam , farm er, Redlands
L ittleb o y W illiam H. T
Spatcher Jane (M rs.), g TO cer
G eorge A llen, mason
L u ck ett M rs. The V illa
Charles, Sun inn
Minchin E dw ard
Stearm an A rth ur, farmer
Goffe R ichard, farm er, M ill
Moody Mrs
boot maker
Newton M rs. Home Lee
S tratford Frederick, watch maker
D udley, Southrop farm
Randall G eorge
W hitm ore-Jones Miss
T im s Sam uel, baker
H all A ustin Thom as, m achinist
Turnock H arry, ironmonger, c. j
H all G scar, farm er
A ndrew s GeoTge, Railw ay hotel
hardw are, oil & general house
Hall R ichard, farm er, B ury fields
A rch er G eorge, Red Lion P.H
requisites dealer
Baker H y.jun. farm er,W h iteh ills farm H arris Jas.W m . & Son,haulage contra
Baker Hy. W m . frm r. E ast End farm H arris F an n y (M rs.), statnr. Post off T ustian W illiam , farmer
W illiam ,
to W addup George, farmer
Banbury Co-operative Industrial S o­ H arris
Parish Council & b urial authority, W alden Joseph, farm er, WhitebiW
ciety Lim ited
assistan t overseer & collector of W eston W illiam & Son, blacksmith
B ayliss F rederick , farm er
White George, carpenter
Beavington W illiam , plum ber
W illiam s A lfred, carpenter,^
Haynes John, baker
Bench John Thom as, thatcher
H eritage W m .H .saddler & harness ma
Bennett Pettip her, farm er, O atley
W yton W alter, carrier
Bloxham Joseph, th rash in g m achine H iatt W ro. farm er. S ix A sh farm
H itchcox Joseph, farm er, Stapenhill