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Wharton & Sons, Desborough street.
High W ycombe
White & Boreham , K itch en er road
High W ycombe
W illia m s A. Desboro’ st.H ig h W ycm be
W’ illia m s J. Desborough Park road.
High W ycombe
Witney G. Stokenchurch, W allingfrd
Woodbridge & Co. K itchener road,
High W ycom be
Worley G. 3. Seer green,Beaconsfield
Toner's Frederick & Dennis, Newland
Meadow, H igh W ycom be

Tom pkins J. Prestw ood,G t. Missenden
West H enry, W ater End, W allingford
White H. Beacon’s Bottom , W allingfd
White JI. Turville, Henley-on-Thames
W right W m . H olm er grn. Am ersham

Bucks (C. E . Freem an,sec.),W endover


ch i


Spencer M iss Rosa K athleen , 62
Easton street, H igh W ycom be
»Taylor F. W. 36 H igh st.N ew p t.P gn ll
T aylor Francis W. M arket pi. Olnev
W hitaker W illiam , 32 S t. Jam es’ st.
New Brad well, W olverton
fW ig g lesw orth W. 92 H igh st. Slough
tW illco cks A. S. D atchet, W indsor
*fW ood John, 3 5 H igh st. A ylesbury
tW rig h t A .G . 16 M arket sq.A ylesbury
tW y lie Robert Thom as M .P.S. 7 H igh
street, H igh W ycombe

A ylesbury & D istrict Cham ber of
Com m erce (V. H. Jarvis, sec.),
Town hall, A ylesbury
Beaoonsfield & D istrict Cham ber of
[ X S ' Full l i s t s o f t h is t r a d © in
Com m erce (Thom as F. Lane, hon.
U n it e d K i n g d o m , s e e C h e m i s t s
Ives W . 6 7 Bichardson st.H ighW ycm be
sec.), Royal W h ite H art hotel,
& D r u g g i s t s D i r e c t o r y .]
Plumridge W . Speen, Princes Risboro’
WTood A. Speen, Princes Risborough



Abraham W illiam Thom as & Son, 100
B ridge road, London S E
C am bridge street, A ylesb ury
Adam s Jam es, C hurch st. Burnham ,.
Marked thus * are P harm aceutical Allen J. & H. W addesdon. A ylesb ury
Chem ists.
Francis, 3 2 H erschel st.Slough.
Lord C-F.W est End rd.H igh W ycm be
Marked th us t are Dealers in Photo Batson Hy. W hitchurch, A ylesbury
lowerton Thom as & Sons, Stoken
graph ic M aterials & A pparatus.
Beckley H enry, Bath road, Langley
church, W allingford
See also D ru g Stores.
M arish, Slough
Young G. J. &. Co. L td . (turnes,webs
& canvas), 7 Paul’s row, H igh tB a rk er Wm. E. Burnham , Maidenhd Beckley J .H .B ath rd. L an gley, Slough
fB o o t’s Cash C h em ists L im ited , 30 Begley W illiam & Son, 3 1 W o lv erto n Wycombe
M arket square, A ylesb ury & ir &
road, Stony S tratford
CHAIR SEAT MANUFACTRS. 1 2 Q ueen’s square. H igh W ycom be Begley F .9 0 Ticliford st.N ew p t.Pagn ll
tB risto w R. P. 1 7 Oxford st. High Biswell A rth u r, F rederick
Avery W illiam , W est 'Wycombe road,
W ycom be
W addesdon, A ylesb ury
High W ycombe
tB rooke R up ert W. 5 Broadway B lunt G eorge, 25 N ew port rd. New
Plumridge Jonathan & Sons Lim ited.
Brad well, W olverton
Desborough road, H igh W ycom be
tB n tle r B ros . 2 H igh st.H igh W ycm be Brown John, 1 7 Park street, Slou gh
Coombes G .J. H igh st. G t. Missendn Daniels W illiam , Loughton, B letchley
tC o x & Robinson, 7 5 H igh st. Stony E ggleton H .C h urch st. G t. Missendn
G a rre tt Caleb, 3 6 H igh st.B uckingbm i
Adams F. Prestwood, G t. Missenden
Davis Sidney, 50 Broad st. Chesham Hall G . 1 1 6 C am bridge st. Aylesbury
Avery H enry, Town end,
fD ickson Thom as G eorge. M arket sq H arris B. Oxford road, Marlow
W inslow
H arris J. London end, Beaconsfield
Ayres Bros.Turville,H enley-on-Tham es
tE llim a n E. George A .P .S . 6 7 H igh H arvey Fras. E . S p itta l sq. M arlow
Ayres W illiam , T u rville, Henley
J. jun. 3 1 Northern rd.A ylsbry
Bartlett Jam es, N orth end, Henley
Howson A. J. 12 H igh street, Olney
tF ie k l W. 8 Church st. W olverton
Bartlett John, N orth end, Henley
. 2 1 A ylesb ury st. B letch ley
Bates John, Stokenchurch,W allingfd F ish er W illiam E d g ar, M arket place.
Princes Risborongh
Keys A rth. W in. H igh st. "Winslow
Biggs W. & Son, Stokenchurch, W al
IFreem an, Sons & Co. H igh street, Lawrence A . L o n g Crendon. Tham e
Lucas A rth ur, Tin gew ick, B uckin gh m
W endover
Butler Charles, Beacon’ s Bottom,
Fuge W alter Thom as. 3 W hite H art Miles Wm. Three Households, Chal­
font S t. G iles, G errard’s Cross
Butler G .The C ity, Radnage,W allingfd
Butler W illiam , Beacon’s Bottom , tG ittin s S am uel Ernest M .P.S. 7 Nelms H enry, Tow ersev, Th am e
Bros. Newland st.H ig h W ycm b'
Cockerill E. Stokenchurch, W allingfd fG riffith & W alden, 60 & 7 1 H igh st O llifie Mrs. J. & Son, 99 C am bridge
A ylesb ury
Cox Mrs. R. Prestwood, G t. Missendn
tH addon A lb t. H. H igh st.Am ersham Payne Ernest W illiam , 2 T ickford st.
Dell J. Turville, Henley-on-Thames
Pagn ell
Dormer E. Comm. Radnage,W allingfd fH ands Henry, 82 A ylesb ury street &
A lbert street, B letch lev rd,B letchlev Pearce W m. G eorge, W ooburn Green
Edmonds David, T ew Tree cottage.
tH arm an H arry. M arket sq. M arlow Pym A lbt. 8 K en t st. H igh W ycom be
Bledlow Ridge, 'W allingford
Heath .Tames, Stokenchurch.W allingfd tH olyoak Frederick Henry. 4 1 A yles­ Randal] Jsph. W in g ,L eig h ton Buzzard'
S aving Henry, Bell alley, W inslow
b ury street. Bletchley
James Jn. Speen, Princes Risborough
Janes G. Gt. Kingshill.H igh Wycombe tJanes Frederick John, 5 K ingsbury Saw H arry G eorge, D uke st. P rin c e s
square. A vlesbury
Jennings W illiam , Prestwood, G reat
♦fJewson John R. Station parade. Sum m erlin W alter , 6 C h urch passage.
St. John street, Newport Pagn ell
G errard’s Cross
Judge E. Stokenchurch, W allingford
S um m erlin W. 13 K in g st. Cheshanr
Turner J. Stokenchtirch, W allingford Jones Prvce, Bourne End
Messenger H. Stokenchurch,W allingfd tK en nard A . M. Am ersham -on-the-Hl Taylor G. 4 2 B aker st. H igh W ycm be
Phillips C harles, G reat Kingshill. +King Ebenezer Thom as, M arket sq. W hike Robert, H addenham , Tham e
W oodley G eorge W illiam , 90 SunnyAm ersham
High Wycombe
side road, C hesham
Pool Jn. Stokenchurch, YVallingford Lansdale & Co. 20 Queen's sq. High
W ycom be
Pool L. Stokenchurch, W allingford
B'dgley C. Speen,Princes Risborough TLeeming A lfred W . 1 7 Stratford rd CHINA. GLASS & EARTHEN
W olverton
(bxon E. Lacey grn. Princes Risboro'
Bixon Eli, Speen, Princes Risborough tM artiri Edwin Geo. High st. Marlow A tkins W .ju n .8 S ilver st.N ew pt.Pagn ll
Bixon H.Coppice ho. Princes Risboro’ *t01dham W illiam . 99 & 100 High A ustin Joseph G ilbert, 38 H igh st.
Rockall Samuel, Sum m ers heath, Turstreet, Eton, W indsor
New port Pagnell
villo, Henley-on-Thames
Palmer E. T . 1 9 Market, sq. Avleshurv Bell W . H. 5 1 Richardson st. H igh
Rogers E. Stokenchurch, W allingford tP h illip s I. R. 36 H ’ gh st. Chesbam
W ycom be
Salter Henry, Chalfont St. Giles, tR a yn er & Son, Station parade, Ger- Bristow G. W . 30 Easton street,H igh
Gerrard's Cross
rard's Cross
W ycom be
• aunders Geo. H olm er grn.A m ersbm Reid C. J. 30 H igh st. Eton. W indsor Clark M iss E. London end, Beaconsfld
awver G. iun. C oleshiil, Am ersham tR ickard A .H .St.Joh n st.N ew pt.Pagnl! D om estic Stores (The) (S um n er &
fetevPnS W illiam , The C itv , Radnage, fR nberts Lovell. Farnham common.
Co. proprietors). 2 . 4 , 6 & 7 S ta ­
Farnham Royal
tion parade, Am ersham
’ *w7le, Arthur, Com m on, Radnage, tS a n g ster Charles. 88 H igh street & Dukes & Co. 4 M arket st. A ylesbury
Dukes Miss E. H. W est st. M arlow
C h alvey road, Slough
Jtone Henry, W ater E nd, W allingfrd Scnph am Frederick Henry, H igh st E ast & Son. W est street. M arlow
S?e, , . John- The C itv, Radnage.
C halvev, Slough
Elm es W. J .9 2 H igh st.S ton y S tratfrd
. Q Wallingford
ItS m ith J .W. 14 High st.S ton y S tratfrd F letch er R t. W ycom be end,Beaconsfld
Stratford J.Beacon’s Bottm . W allingfd I tSn ow Leonard H. H igh st. M arlow
Gower J .H ig h st. Princes Risborough


Dean Richd. Speen, Princes Risboro’