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M ills Sydney E dw ard, Homeleiffh,
Statio n road
M organ
C harles
(C on gregaÂ
tion al), 4 Ruscom be road
Parsons M rs. London road
R adcliffe Jam es A nthon y, O rdshall
S aw yer M iss, W arren hurst
S h u ter F rancis W illiam , Hom esdale,
S tation r o a d
S o u th ga te C harles Joseph, W indvway s, London road
T reach er Llew ellyn , Ruscom be road
T reach er M rs. Sum m ercroft
V erev H enry W illiam J.P . B ridge house
W aller Rev. M ichael H enry B .A .
(cu rate), London road
W ebb Miss, K enw yn, W argrave road
W orthington M iss. K en t lodge
Y o u n g F rederic C harles B .A ., M B .
M eadowside, London road
Coke Mnrv (M rs.). china & glass dir
Connor C harles, Rose & Crown P.H
Cook John, assistan t overseer & clerk
to the Parish Council, 9 S tation ter
Cox W illiam , dairym an
Cross A lb ert, carrier, Station road
Davies F. W . carrier, Station road
Law rence
L im ited , m illers
(w ater & gas)
D entry F rederick, tailor, C h urch st
F oster W illiam Thom as, p lum ber
Fox Henry, Bell P.H
Franklin Hy. & Son, corn & coal dlrs
G ipps
L .M .S .S .A .L o n d , physician & s u rÂ
geon & certifyin g factory surgeon.
j W argrave road
G iles Sarah Ann (M rs.), b asket ma
G off Geo. frrnr. Tw yford F ields farm
G off Henry, hay trusser
Goodohild W illiam , b uilder
G ray H arold, nurserym an, see H anÂ
cock & G ray
Greenfield A lbt. E dw in, aparts. L o n Â
E a rly closing day, W ednesday.
don rd. & m arket gardener,N ew rd
Andrew s G eorge H y. ch im n ey sweep Greenfield A m y (M iss), dress m aker,
A rch ard
W illiam , antique dealer,
London road
London road
Hancock & G ray, nurserym en,N ew rd
A yres W illiam A rth u r, sen. teach er Hawes H arry W m . Royal Station hotel
of m usic. H ighlands, W argrave rd Haydon A lfred & Son, parcels agents
A yres W illiam A rth u r, ju n . hair
to G. W . R ailw ay
dresser, S tation road
Haydon A lfred, Golden Cross P.H
Baldwin Lo uis Napoleon & Son. H uggins H orace M artin, boot reÂ
engineers. H igh street
pairer, London road
Banks W illiam , B u ll P.H
Jarvis M atthew Jervoise, solicitor &
B arclay & Company L im ited (subÂ
com m issioner for oaths, & steward
branch), b a n k e rs ; open tuesdav &
to the K in g âs M anor in E ast Henfrid ay, n a.m . to 3 p.m . ; draw
dred, Berks
on 54 Lom bard street, London E C Law rence C. T. draper, London road
Barlow W m . chim ney sweep. H igh st Lee Jam es H enry, cycle dealer,H igh st
Bazeley W m . nurserym n. London rd L ig h t H enry, greengrocer
B erks C onsum ersâ G as Co. Lim ited Lovegrove M. (M rs.), grocer, S ta Â
(P. W. D illam ore, sec)
tion road
B lvth W m . boot repairer. Station rd M itchell Jam es, baker, H igh street
Bolton W illiam H enry, tailor
M unday W illiam , carpenter, New rd
Brooker A lfred W illiam , chem ist
Napper F rederick W illiam , b utch er
Brooks Bros, m arket grdnrs. New rd Newberry F ran cis W illiam , builder,
Burton W illiam & Son. blacksm iths
contractor, shopfitter, house decorÂ
B urton F rank,w heelw right.London rd
ator & sanitary engineer ; estim ateC arpenter Thom as, chim ney sweep
& designs subm itted. London road
C hurch Jn. W m . tobaccnst.London rd Pibw orth A n n ie (M rs.), dress m aker,
C lisb v W illiam , K in g's A rm s P.H
Brook street
T J F F IN -G T O N - is a v illag e and parish one m ile south
from Uffington junction , the branch to Faringdon of
the G reat W estern railw ay, 66 m iles from London, 4
south-east from Faringdon and 7 north-w est from
W antage, in the N orthern division of the county,
hundred of S hrivenham , p etty sessional division, union
and cou nty cou rt d istrict of â Faringdon, rural deanery
of the Y ale of W hite Horse, archdeaconry of Berks and
diocese of Oxford. The place gives th e ,title of viscount
to the eldest son of the E arl of Craven. The Berks
and W ilts canal passes north of the village, but is disÂ
used. The church of S t. M ary is known to have been
in course of erection in the tim e of F aricius, 19th abbot
of A bingdon, 1105, to which m onastery it was an
a p p en d a ge; of this not a stone re m a in s : the present
edifice, known as the C athedral of the Y ale, is a cru ciÂ
form stru ctu re of stone in the E a rly E n g lish style,
1216-30, w ith beautiful in terior details, consistingâ of
spacious chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and
central octagonal, em battled tow er w ith pinnacles and
containing 5 bells and a clock : there was origin ally a
spire, destroyed by lig h tn in g Dec. 2nd, 1740: all the
windows of the chancel, except a D ecorated insertion
on the south, are trip le and double lancets w ith excelÂ
lent shafts and m ouldings, and there are sedilia and
p is c in a : the east window is s ta in e d : on the east side
of each transep t are recesses, two p rojectin g from the
north and one from the south tr a n s e p t; these w ere
origin ally sm all chapels and have gable roofs and
angular-headed lancet windows, unique and eviden tly
coeval w ith the rest of the edifice ; each also contains a
piscina : the south porch has a groined vaulted roof and
a parvise, and its original oak door exh ib its excellent
E a rly E n g lish iron scroll work : there is also a small
eastern porch to the south transept and another on the
south side of the c h a n c e l: in the nave is a good six Â
foil d circu lar w indow : in the north transept is a
car. jpied m onum ent to E dw ard A rch er esq. ob. 1603,
over which is a beautifu l trip le lancet stained window :
[ k r l l y âs
Pocock Sarah (M rs.), Wago-on &
Horses P.H
Pointer Robert, shopkeeper,Station rd
P riest A nnie (M rs.), shopkeeper
Pritchard Thos.H y. hair drssr.H igh st
Searle E m ilv A da (M rs.), Roval
Oak P.H
Seym our Edw d.& Sons,saddlrs.H igh st
Sim m onds John, b utcher, S tation rd
Skidm ore Ernest, saddler, S tation rd
Sm ith W. H. & Son, news agents,
Station road
Stafford Byron, dairym an, H igh st
Talbot G eorge W m . & Son, coal m ers
W a lter Sidney,
agent, W alth am road
Thom pson Leopold F rederick,butcher,
Station road
Toom er R. & Co. L im ited, coal, coke,
h ay & straw m erchants, Railway
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t
page 2 0
Trewin Jessie (M iss), confectioner,
Station road
Tw yford Club (John Sim m onds, sec)
Varndell Thom as, shopkeeper
Varndell T h os.jun . bkr. Ruscom be rd
Vaughan A lb ert E . Red House P.H
Wad ham s Phillip, painter & plum ber
W allace John W m .boot repr. H igh st
W alter A. & Son, harness m akers
W ebb J. & Co. bakers & grocers
W ebster & Son, coal m erchants
W est E. & Son, w atch m as.C hurch st
W est Charles Sidney W illiam , w atch
m aker, Station road
W heeler Bros, grocers. H igh street
W hite Fredk. insur. agt. Brook st
Widdows C harles, collector to g u a rÂ
dians & relievin g officer, N orth disÂ
trict & registrar of births, m arriages
& deaths for W argrave sub-district,
W okingham registration district
W igm ore Joseph Robert, builder
W ilkie David M. Duke of W ellin gÂ
ton P.H
Y ou n g Frederic Charles B .A ., M .B .,
B .C . surgeon, & m edical officer
Twyford d istrict, W okingham union
& W altham S t. Law rence district,
M aidenhead union, Meadow side,
London road
in the south tran sep t is a recessed m onum ent w ith a
recum bent effigy to John Saunders esq. of W oolstone
J.P. ob. 29 A p ril, 1638, and to M argaret (Evelyn) his
w ife ; beneath is a brass to John and Ann Saunders, ob.
26 D ecem ber, 1599 : on the north w all is a m arble tab let
recording the repair of the church, â long-ruined,â by
R ichard Saunders and Thom as Locky, churchw ardens,
in 1678; and there are m em orials in the north aisle,
w ith arm s, to John Saunders of W oolstone, gen t. ob.
26 January, 1674, and M artha and Ann, his w ives, and
to others of th is fa m ily : the church also contains
various m em orials to the W arren, G arrard, Mundy,
C ham berlain and W a tts fa m ilie s : in 1902 a carved oak
reredos was erected at a cost of over ¿ 7 0 , and a lectern
of carved oak w as presented by Mrs. L u cy Craddock,
of Faringdon, in tpem ory of her husband, who died in
1901 : there is a large brass in the north aisle to the
m em ory of Thom as H ughes, au th or of â Tom Brownâs
School Days â : the churchyard has some fine vew trees,
and includes a m em orial to John Briscoe, 40 years parish
clerk, who died 14 January, 1863 : there are 500 sittin gs,
all bein g free. Th e reg ister dates from the year 1635.
The liv in g is a vicarage, net yearly value £230, w ith
132 acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of Capt.
H. L . A rcher-H oublon, and held since 1909 bv the Rev.
E dw ard M acgregor Hadow. Here is a Congregational
chapel, erected in 1879, w ith n o sittin gs, and a B ap tist
chapel, and a p ub lic reading room, form erly the School
house. There is an endowm ent of the annual value of
about £20, arisin g from 17 acres of land and two
cottages and gardens, for educational purposes, and
now applied in support of a p ublic elem entary school for
g irls, boys and infants. W hite Horse H ill, situated
850 feet above the sea level, in this parish, one and a
h alf m iles south of the v illag e, bears on its sum m it,
facin g th e Tham es valley, the fam ous figure of a gallo p Â
in g w hite horse rudely cut through the tu rf to the
chalky subsoil, in trenches some 10 feet b r e a d ;
it is 374 feet in len gth and extends nearly r-ver an