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M B E C T O R Y .]
r o yearly is


for distribution in m oney, and S ir G.
Fettiplace’s of ¿ 8 6s. 8d. for bread. A t a short distance
from the town are the rem ains of an ancient Roman
camp, called “ Dike H ill.” consisting of a double intrenchment about three-quarters of a m ile long, the
banks being in general about 20 yards apart and 20
fret in extreme h e ig h t; a considerable portion on the
west side and a small portion of the east side were,
however, c. 1875, levelled by the plough ; at the n orth ­
west. corner of the village stands a farm house called
•• Bishop's C ourt,” occupying the site of the ancient
palace. On Sinodun Hill, in the neighbourhood, on the
opposite bank of the Tham es, is an ancient British
earthwork; and in the town and its vicin ity coins of
»eld, silver and brass, from Julius Ciesar (B .C . 44-45)
I) Heraclius (A.D. 610-41), have been p len tifu lly met
with; in 173r a sm all inscribed altar was found here,
and in 1736 a ring of gold, inscribed w ith the date of
the consecration of St. Birinus, A .D . 636; this h ill forms
a remarkable land m ark from the river. L t.-C o l
Brackley Herbert B arrington B arrin gton -K en n ett B .A ..
J.P. is lord of the m anor and the principal landowner.
The soil is a llu v ia l; subsoil, gravel. Th e chief crops
are wheat, oats and barley. The entire area of the
parish is 1,916 acres of land and 38 of w a te r; rateable
value, ¿ 3 ,6 4 1; the population in 1911 was 804 in the
civil and 965 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.— F rederick W illiam Gardner,
sub-postmaster. Letters through W allingford arrive
at 7 a.m. & x p.m . ; dispatched at 10.20 a.m . & 6.55
p .m .; on S u n d a ys at 11.45 a m

Bannister Andrew, Durocina
Birch Anthony M.B
Denman James, Cranm er cottage
Hankey Rev. Cyril Patrick B .A . (viceprincipal), M issionary college
Henley Mrs. The Old cottage
Jackson Miss, The A bbey cottage
Lowe James
MoPhail Miss, Lych G ate cottage
Newbolt Rev. Michael Robert M.A.
(principal), M issionary college
O'Toole Rev. Patrick (C atholic)
1’oyntz Rev.
N athaniel
C astleton
Stephen M .A. (vicar & surrogate),
The Vicarage
Pullen 'Henry, W illoughby house
Robinson Henry, Beech house
Tompkins Sydney C

Atkins Mark, butcher
Basson Richd. lock keeper. D ay’s lock
Bensted Ernest A lfred, grocer
Birch Anthony M .B.Lond., M .R .C .S.
Eng.physician & surgeon, & medical
officer & public vaccinator, Dor­
chester district, W allingford union
& assistant inspector of schools to
the County Education C om m ittee
Brown George, carrier
Cadel Mary Louisa (M rs.), ap art­
ments, The Lilacs
Cobb Mary Hannah (M rs.), ironm ngr



Elem entary Schools.
Boys’, holding 80; a school was here founded as a
G ram m ar school in 1652 by Sir John Fettiplace bart.
of Swinbrook, & was converted, with the approval of
th e C h arity Com m issioners, into a National school for
boys. A new school was b uilt in 1896-97 for 92
boys ; H orace N udds, m aster
G irls’ & In fan ts’, b u ilt in 1870 & enlarged in 1900, for
about 150 ch ild ren ; M iss M. F eltham , m istress
C arriers.— G eorge Brown, to W allingford, d a ily ; Charles
Rogers, to Abingdon, fri. & Oxford, wed. & sat
Police Station, Charles Reginald Cox, constable
O V E R Y is a ham let in the parish, half a m ile south from
the town, on the east of the Tham e. The population is
returned w ith Dorchester.
B U R C O TE , or B urco tt, is a ham let in th is parish, in
| the union of Abingdon, a m ile and a half north-w est
1 from the town, on the river Isis. The school here,
I seating 60 persons, is licensed by the bishop for divine
seivice, which is held every Sun day afternoon. The
area is 670 acres of land and q of w a te r ; rateable value,
¿ 1 ,9 1 4 ; the population in 1911 was 161.
Letters arrive for B urcott th rou gh Abingdon at 8 a.m .
C lifton Hampden is the nearest m oney order & tele­
graph office, about half a m ile distant. W all L etter
Box cleared at 9.10 & 6.35 p .m .; Sundays, 10.30 a.m
E lem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1869, for 47 c h il­
dren ; average attendance, 22; Miss M argaret E liza ­
beth T hatcher, m istress. Divine service is held here
every sundav at 3 p .m . & at 8 a.m . once a m onth

Cobb Vincent, tailor
Tam e H arry, beer retailer
Cobb W illiam , builder & asp halter
Townsend Robert, butcher
Denman Edw d.Jas.m otor garage ownr W hichelo E m ily Rachael (M iss). Crown
Dennis Jam es Foster, saddler & h ar­
ness m aker
Exon Charles H erbert, baker & grocer
Franklin Bertie Jas. W h ite H art hotel
G lyn Lady, The Close
F u ller W illiam , farm er, Field farm
H iggins Geo. Randell J.P. The C roft
G ardner Frederick W illiam , grocer
Hooper Mrs. B u rco tt cottage
&c. Post office
Lindsay L a d y Mabel M .B urcott house
G oddard W alter, Old C astle P .H
Lindsay L a d y Jane, B urcott house
Gooding Alfd. Joseph & iSons, buildrs
Green G. & Son, plum bers & glaziers
Greenaway H erbert Edwd. coal m er B argus Jam es, gardener to G . R.
H att Richard, farm er, Queenford
H iggins esq
Hawes V in cen t, boot & shoe m aker
Bedser W illiam G eorge,head gardener
Hawken R. W. farm er
to L a d y M abel M. Lindsay
Hawkins E m ily (M rs.),T h e PloughP.H
Goodman Jam es G eorge,head gardener
H ill Clem ent, shopkeeper
to E. A. B aylis esq
Howse Vincent Jn. Fleur-de-Lys P.H
G reen Lew is, horse slau g h terer &
Jem m ett Alfred W illiam Brown, cycle
hide & skin dealer &c
m aker & agent
Ody G eorge A lfred, Chequers P.H
Jordan Joseph, G eorge inn
Page A lfred, gardener to G . R.
Jordan M ary Ann (M iss), w heelw right
H iggins esq
K irb y Jsph. Blake, b uilder & contrctr Stevens Joseph, head gardener to
Latham Thom as, farm er. Bishops ct
L ad y G lyn , The C lose cottage
Oxford Co-operative & In dustrial So­ Thorn Sam i, gardnr. to M rs. Hooper
c ie ty Lim ited
Webb W illiam H enry, farm er
Pullen Henry, cowkeeper
Rogers C harles, carrier
S S . P eter & Paul M issionary College
(Rev. M ichael Robert N ewbolt B .A. B arrett H. S. O very m anor
p rin c ip a l;
C yril
Patrick Jones Henry, farm b ailiff to M
Shrubb of S hillin gford
H ankey B .A . vice-principal)
Lewenden C harles, m iller (water)
Selwood Thom as, beer retailer

D R A Y T O N (near B anbury) is a parish and village, 2^ M argaret (Arden), his w if e : in the south aisle is a
miles north-west from Banbury station on the direct sim ilar tomb, w ith incised figure and inscription to
main line to B irm ingham of the G reat W estern rail­ John G reville, eldest son of the preceding (14 4 1): beneath
way, and 25 north-west from Oxford, in th e Northern a recessed arch, near the nort h door, is a stone sarcopha­
msion of the county, hundred of Bloxham , union and gus, w ith carved foliage on 1 he lid : th e church was re ­
county court district of Banbury, Banbury and Bloxham stored in 1877-8, at a cost of ¿1,30 0 , and affords 150 sit­
P y sessional division, rural deanery of Deddington tings. The register dates from th e 25th July, 1577. T he
ana archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. T he church livin g is a rectory, n et yearly value ¿ 12 5 , w ith residence
f er’ situated in a hollow, is a small edifice of and 80 acres of glebe, in th e g ift of the Oxford trustees,
century, consisting of chancel, clere- and held since 1905 by the Rev. W illiam Spendlove.
Dfw.6 !»aV0
three bays, aisles, all of good Late There are charities am oun tin g to upwards of ¿ 2 2 d is­
of m i work,
south porch and a low western tower tributed annually. Coins of th e later Rom an Em perors
C*ate’ containing 3 b e lls : the nave is have been found here. Lord N orth is lord of the m anor
from the aisles by arcades of three plain and principal landowner. Th e soil is red lo a m ; subsoil,
ronnrf- °vu e‘t ^ler Sid®: the font is plain
and clay The crops are general. Th e area is 926 a c r e s ;
east to* ^
east window of the chancel and the rateable value, ¿ 1 ,2 6 9 ; the population in 1911 was 164.
Sexton, H enry M orley
is a nis W-°* t^6 north aisle are both stain ed: there
in the -Cinfhln t^e chancel and two sedilia and a piscina Post Office.— W illiam V ick ers, sub-postm aster. L e tters
th rou gh B anbury arrive at 6.20 & 11.50 a .m .; dis­
°f the p
. aisie : in the church are various memorials
incliidp rov'nles, who once had a mansion h e r e ; these
patched at xo.55 a.m . k 5.45 p .m . ; Sundays, 10.55
a.m . W roxton is the nearest m oney order & tele­
with fim11
tomb, the upper slab of which is incised
graph office, about 1 m ile distant
Grevillp JmeS r * a knight and lady, and the arm s of
iascrintion ■ t* 4 rc*en > and above these a scroll, with E lem en tary School (m ixed), for 50 children ; F red erick
in Latin, to Lodovick G reville, 1438, and
P ou lter, m aster