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C L A Y D O N , see Claydon E ast.


[ k e l l y ’s
E N D , see Wooburn.

B O V E N E Y , see Eton.
(B O W B R I C E H I L L is a scattered v illag e and parish, distrib ution am ount to £ 16 yea rly. Th e Duke of Bedford
w ith a m otor h alt, on the B letch ley and B edford section K .G . who is lord of th e manor, and th e trustees of the
o f the London and N orth W estern r a ilw a y ; it is 2^ late Rev. Robert Delap are the p rin cipal landowners.
m iles east from Fenny S tratford station on the same T h e soil is clay and sand ; the subsoil is chiefly clay.
line, 7 south from N ew port Pagnell, in the Northern Th e chief crops are w heat, barley and beans. T he area
division of the county, hundred, p etty sessional division, is 1,843 acres of land and 5 of w a te r; rateab le value,
union and county court district of N ew port Pagnell, £2,953 ; the population in 1911 was 432.
Sexton, Ben Johnson.
rural deanery of B letch ley, archdeaconry of Buckingham
and diocese of Oxford. Th e church of A ll Sain ts, con­ Post
Office.— H arry
spicuously situ ated on the edge of a steep h ill, on the
Letters arrive from B letch ley a t 6.30 a.m . & 1.50 &
side of which the v illag e lies, is an ancient structure of
(to callers) 7.20 p .m . ; box cleared at 7.5 a.m . & 2.5
sandstone in th e N orm an, E arly E n glish and Decorated
p .m . ; closes at 7.20 p .m . & on sundays at 10.50 a.m.
styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles,
A ylesb u ry street, B letch ley, is th e nearest money
south porch and an em battled western tower containing
order office & L ittle B riek h ill, 2 m iles d istant, is the
4 b e lls ; the fabric was repaired by Dr. Browne W illis,
nearest telegraph office
the well-known an tiquary, in 1757, and th e in terior was
restored in 1883: a new organ was provided in 19x1,
C A L D E O O TT E is a ham let half a m ile north-west
at a cost of £30 0: th ere are 250 sittin gs. T he register from Bow B rick h ill and 2 m iles north-east from Fenny
dates from th e year 1633. Th e livin g is a rectory, S tratford.
n et yea rly value £300, w ith residence, in th e g ift of
W all L e tte r B ox.— Caldecotte, cleared a t 7.30 a.m . &
the Rev. Robert K n ig h t, and held since 1914 b y the
7.5 p .m . ; sundays, 7.30 a.m . Sim pson, 1 m ile dis­
Rev. Sydn ey Charles B arm by B .A . of D urham U niver­
tan t, is the nearest m oney order & telegrap h office for
sity. H e re 'is a C ongregational chapel, erected in 1810,
this ham let
to hold 100, and is endowed b y M iss H illier w ith £50 a
vear. T h e Wreslevan chapel, erected in 1840, and en­ E lem entary School, b u ilt in 1878, for 120 ch ild ren ;
th e b u ild in g includes a tu rre t w ith c lo c k ; W illiam
la rg ed in 1879, seats 120 persons. Th e C h urch M ission
„ 4 .. .1 in t O
o o t. 150Til
E dw ard B urton, m aster
room , erected
w ill cseat
Th e charities for
Henman Fredk. aparts. T he Laurels
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
I Cham berlain Thom as, shopkeeper
M orris G eorge, plasterer
B ailev E dw ard Thom as, Tilbrook
¡C laridge W illiam , baker
Norm an Thom as, wood dealer
B arm bv Rev. Sydn ey C harles B .A . Dickins Charles, farm er
(rector), T h e R ectory
iFortescue Thos. ironm ongr.C aldecotte Ross W illiam , blacksm ith
Russell John F rederick, Plough P.H
B erw ick Frederick Jam es, Woodlands j Frost F rederick, shopkeeper
W aite E dw ard, shoe m ak er
E am es A nthonv, Belvedere
|G arra tt Charles, farm er
W est Jam es, bricklayer
Jackson Mrs. The Cheverells
|G a rra tt Jam es, aparts. Parkington
L an e Henry, H arley house
¡Griffin Jam es, gam ekeeper to Duke W illison H arry Osborn, farm er
a te s E sth er (M iss), apartm ents,
W ilm u rt Addison, D rakewell
of Bedford K .G
c o m m e r c ia l .
jH ardwick W illiam , W heatsheaf P.H
C aress John, farm er
1H artw ell W illiam , insurance agen t
and residence, in the g ift of M iss G raves, and held since
3 R A D E N H A M is a parish on the h igh road from
H igh W ycom be to Princes Risborough, 1 m ile from 1912 by the Rev. E dw ard W illiam B ad ger M .A . of
Saunderton station and i j m iles north-w est from W est U niversity College, O xford. Bradenham was for many
W ycom be station on th e m ain lin e of the G reat W estern years a seat of the noble fam ily of W indsor, having
and G reat C en tral Joint railw ay, 4^ m iles north-w est been purchased in 1500 by Sir A n drew W indsor kt.
from H igh W ycom be and 4^ south from Princes Ris- created in 1529 Baron W indsor of B radenham . Braden­
borough,“ in the M id division of the county, hundred ham House, b u ilt by W illiam , second Baron Windsor
of Desborough, second division of Desborough p etty ses­ K .B . is a large m ansion w ith gardens, overlooking an
sional division, union and county court district of High extensive green and adjacent to th e c h u r c h : it is now
W ycombe, rural deanery of W ycom be, archdeaconry of th e seat of Mrs. Tem pest, M iss G raves bein g lady of the
Th e E a rl of
B uckingham and diocese of Oxford. T h e church of St. m anor and th e principal landowner.
Botolph is a sm all b uilding of flint and stone chiefly in Beaconsfield K .G . who died in 1881, spent th e earlier
to H igh
the L a te Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave,
north chapel, south porch, w ith a fine E a rly Norman W ycom be to deliver his first political speech in th e year
doorway, and a low Norm an em battled western toweT
containing a clock and 3 bells, two of which are a n c ie n t: 1558, and was b uried here w ith great pomp : S ir Edward
a portion of the nave and the whole of the chancel were
rebuilt in 1863 in the D ecorated style, under the superiri- in 1566, on her retu rn from v isitin g th e U n iversity of
tendence of the late G . E . Street esq. R-A. : there is
an ancient brass to R ich ard Redeberd, Tector 1521* W indsors b y S ir E dm un d Pye b art. and even tually by
vested in a chasuble, and in the east window of the John H icks esq. great grandfather of the present owner.
chapel are some rem ain s of old g la s s : here also is a The soil is li g h t ; subsoil, chalk and flint. T h e chief
m arble tab le t to Isaac D’Israeli esq. D .C .L . author of crops are wheat, barley and oa ts; the area is 1,101
a c r e s ; rateab le value, i>5d5 > the population in 1911
« T h e Curiosities of L iteratu re,” and h is w ife M aria;
he resided for m an y years at Bradenham House, where was 142 in th e civil and 129 in the ecclesiastical parish.
he died 19 Jan. 1848, and w as interred under the chan­
P arish Clerk, Ralph Ball.
c e l: the w est window was erected in com m em oration Post Office.— M rs. F an n y Nappin, sub-postm istress.
of the Jubilee of H er late M ajesty Queen V icto ria in
L etters arrive from H igh W ycom be at 7■XS & m - &
1887, and there are three oth ers: in th e chapel is a
4.45 p.m . ; dispatched at 8 a.m . & 4.45 p .m . ; 8.15
handsom e altar tom b to the Hon. Charles W est, eldest
a.m . on sundays. W est W ycom be, 2 m iles distant,
son of th e R ig h t Hon. C h arles, Lord L ew arr, and also
is th e nearest m oney order & telegraph office
to E lizabeth (Pye) his w ife : there are 90 sittin gs. The
e children of this place attend the schools at W est
reg ister dates from th e year 1627. T h e liv in g is a
W ycom be & N aphill
rectory, n et yearly value £200, w ith 17 acres of glebe.
T em p est Mrs. Bradenham h o u se; & H averly Charles Edwd. Red Lion P.H
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
T on g hall, Bradford & D alguise, Nappin Fanny (M rs.),statn r.& post off
Saunders Noah, farm er
P erthshire
B ad ger Rev. E dw ard W illiam M .A.
Saunders W illiam , farm er. Sm all Dean
(recto r), R ectory
Sm ith John, farm er. Park farm
H arke Misses, Springholm e
ap p in g W illiam , farm er, H olly Bush
R ick etts Capt. W m . R .N . W hite ho Ball Ralph, blacksm ith
IB iggs Sydn ey B en j. frm r. Manor frm
B R A D W E L L , w it h . N E W B R A D W E L L
B R A D W E L L is a parish one m ile south from the Wol- Th e riv er Ouse flows through the parish. The church
verton station on th e m ain line of the London and North of S t. Lawrence, given in 1275 to th e priory of St.
W estern railw ay, 3§ south-east from S ton y S tratford and M ary at Tickford, is an ancient edifice of stone in the
4$ from N ew port P agn ell, in the N orthern division of E arly E n glish and Decorated styles, consisting of small
chancel, nave, south aisle,’ w ith an arcade
of th ree Vbays,
l U C county,
CUU11LJ , 1
1 U IIU 1 C U , p etty sessional division, union
. . . . . . . . and
, . .
aI I - cou nty cou rt d istrict of N ew port Pagnell, rural deanerv , north porch and a western tow er containing 4 b ells,
and archdeaconry of B uckin gh am and diocese of Oxford, in 1909 the bells were restored, and th eir number