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B E R K S H IR E .
k e l l y âs
in one place, and the same am ount to a servant woman i K IL N G R E E N is a sm all village in this parish , 2
in the follow ing year on the sam e principle, anu so on miles e a st; here is S carlets, the residence of Rev. H arry
every alternate year for ever, and ios. a year to th<*
vicar or curate who shall preach a sermon on every
M ichaelm as day, settin g forth the reciprocal duties of
m aster and m istress and th eir servants. T here are
other m inor charities, value about ¿ 4 0 , for distribution,
b ut m any of these have been consolidated, and are
under the control of the vicar and the churchwardens.
â Bare or Beare Innings â is a piece of land of about
20 acres, purchased in 1641 for a sum of .£200, le ft for
investm ent by Mrs. M argaret P o o le; the profits arisin g
therefrom , now am oun tin g to £ 1 7 yearly, are expended
in cloth, which is distrib uted am ong the poor of
M aidenhead and Cookham.
Th e W oodclyffe A lm sÂ
houses. eigh t in num ber, w ith gardens attached, were
erected and endowed by Mrs. W illiam Sm ith , of Woodclyffe, in 1902. W oodclyffe H all, in the H igh street,
erected in 1900 by Mrs. W illiam S m ith , and presented
to th e parish for gen eral purposes, w ill seat 300. Wargra ve m ay not im probably have been known to the
Rom ans, since m any coins, chiefly those of the lower
Em pire, have been found here, and a portion of a
Rom an road which apparently led to R eading or Silchester still exists, term in a tin g ab rup tly near M ill
G reen. The b eauty of th is place and the «delightful
scenery by which it is surrounded have attracted hither
m any of the leadin g E n g lish landscape painters,
esp ecially the la te Mr. V ica t Cole E l . and Mr. B. W.
Leader R.A. ; the signboard of th e G eorge and Dragon
inn was painted by M essrs. G eorge Leslie R .A . and
J. D. H odgson R .A . w hile resident here, and m any
oth er well-known artists have been frequent visitors.
T h e princip al houses in the neighbourhood are Wargrave C ourt, the residence of H enry Coulson Bond esq.
j . P . ; Hennerton, the residence of M rs. Rhodes ; T em ple
C om be, of H eatley Noble e s q .; and W argrave Manor,
o f W illia m E . Cain esq. From the year 1552 the manor
was held b y the N evilles, but on the death in 1762 of
E lizabeth, C ountess of Portsm outh, form erly' w ife of
H enry N eville esq. (afterwards G ra y), it passed to
R ichard A ldw orth esq. of Stanlake, who thereupon
assum ed the nam e of N eville, and was fath er of Richard
A ldw orth N eville, 2nd Baron Braybrooke. Sydney P la tt
esq. who is lord of the m anor, H enry Coulson Bond
esq. W ilson Noble esq. V iscou n t Ham bleden, H. F.
N icholl esq. and M rs. Rhodes are the p rin cipal lan dÂ
owners. The soil is clay and lo a m ; subsoil, chalk and
flint. The chief crops are wheat, b arley and oats. The
area is 4.393 acres of land and 69 of w a te r ; assessable
valu e, ¿ 2 1,0 4 7 ; ^
population in 19 n w a s: civil,
2 ,1 1 2 ; ecclesiastical, 1,973.
Post, M. 0 . & T . & Telephonic E xp ress D elivery Office
(letters should have Berks added).â W illiam Sansom,
sub-postm aster. L etters arrive from R eading at 4.10
& 10.55 a.m . & 6.10 p .m .; dispatched at 8.40 & 10
a.m . & 3, 7.50 & 10.45 p.m . ; Sundays, dispatched at
7.50 p.rn
Tow n Sub-Post Office, Upper W argrave.â G eorge Fredk.
Jonas, sub-postm aster. L e tte r Box cleared at 8.30
& xo a.m . & 2.45 & 7.45 p.m . ; Sundays, 7.45 p.m
H A R E H A TC H is a small ham let in the parish ot
W argrave, on the B ath road, one m ile east. Here is an
used for church services, and erected in
1902, in m em ory of M iss Caroline Y o u n g ; here is Hare
H atch Lodge, the residence of M rs. Y o u n g ; Hare
H atch House, of A lb ert E dw ard H uggins esq. and
Y eld all, of Professor A rth u r Schuster F .R .S .
iron room
Morland W ells B .A. ; Bear Place, of H enry Frederick
Nicholl esq. M .A ., J.P. ; Linden H ill, of M ajor Henry
C harles B ulkeley D .S .O ., J.P . ; C astlem ans, of Mrs.
L a w ren ce; and Bear H ill, of M iss Choate.
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office, K iln G reen .â M iss Ellen
T ren dall, sub-postm istress. L etters th rou gh Tw yford
arrive at 7.10 a.m . & 12.5 & 7.10 p .m .; dispatched at
8 a.m . & 1.25, 2.55 & 7.30 p.m . ; Sundays, arrive at
8 a .m .; dispatched at 9 a.m
UPPER CU LH A M is also in th is parish,
m iles
north. C ulh am C ourt, the property of Viscount H am bleÂ
den, and now the residence of W illiam H enry Barber
esq. is a square red brick mansion, p leasantly situated
011 a hill risin g ab rup tly from the Tham es and com Â
m anding views of the m ost delightful ch ara cter; the
plantations are extensive and the park is enriched w ith
fine ornam ental tim ber.
C R A Z IE S H IL L is a small ham let in the parish of
W argrave, 2 m iles north-bv-east.
Parish C lerk, C. Nash.
Post Office, Crazies H ill.â M iss K ate B eck, sub-postÂ
m istress. Letters arrive from H enley-on-Tham es at
7 a.m . & 12.30 p .m .; dispatched at 8.10 a.m . & 12.50,
3 & 6.35 p .m .; Sundays, arrive at 7.25 a.m . ; d isÂ
patched at 9.30 a.m . Wâ argrave, 2 m iles distant, is
the nearest m oney order & telegraph office
W all L e tter B oxes.â Hare H atch, cleared at 8.15 a.m . &
1.15, 3 & 8 p .m .; Sundays, 9.10 a .m .; Upper C u lÂ
ham , cleared at 1.15 & 6.45 p .m .; Sundays, 11.45
a .m .; W oodclyffe, cleared a t 8.15 & 9.30 a.m . & 2.30
& 7 -3 ° p.m.. ; Sundays, 7.30 p.m . ; Tw yford road,
cleared at 8.30 & 10 a.m . & 2.45 & 7.45 p .m .; SunÂ
days, 7.45 p .m .; School lane, cleared 8.30 & 10 a.m .
& 2.45 & 7.45 p .m . ; Sundays, 7.30 p.m . ; K in g â s road,
cleared 7.30 & 10 a.m . & 2.45 & 7.45 p .m .; Sundays,
p.m . ; U pper C ulh am lane, cleared 8.30 a.m . &
I & 1.45 & 6.45 p.m . ; Sundays, 9.45 a.m
Police Station, School h ill, E rn est Thatcher, police
W oodclyffe H all, W . R yder, treasurer
E lem en tary Schools.
P ig g o ttâs C h a rity (m ixed), for 220 children. Robert
P ig g o tt le ft by w ill, in 1796, the sum of ¿6,700 in
the ¿ 3 per Cents, upon tru st, the interest of which
is appropriated for the education, clothin g & support
of 20 boys & 20 girls, provided th a t neither these nor
th eir parents are in receipt of parochial relief. In
1816 & 1817 a further sum of ¿ i , 3 3 2 *3S* 4^- was
invested in the names of the same trustees by Mrs.
Anne P ig g o tt, who also granted a lease for 99 years
of two cottages, as schools & residences for the m aster
& m istress. In 1862 school-room s, w ith residence for
m aster & m istress, were erected upon an extended
scale for the children educated on P ig g o ttâs foundaÂ
tion & those of the parish generally, th us am algam aÂ
tin g the P ig g o tt ch arity w ith the W argrave N ational
S ch ools; H arry Coleby A .C .P . m a s te r; M iss A. F.
K n ig h t, in fan tsâ m istress
C razies H ill (m ixed), for 120 children ; J. G riffin, m astr
R ailw ay Station , W illiam John M alpress, station m aster
C arrier to Tw yford & Reading.â A lfred E ugen e Ladd,
daily, except wed
D unkerley Roylance, Red cottage
Foster H enrv S. Thatched Holm
G ill A rth u r Bernard, The W illows
(M arked thus ⢠receive letters through Goodricke Lionel F. In gle nook
H enley-on-Tham es.)
G orin g Thom as, Braybrook cottage
A tkinson R. Frank, F erry lodge
G ouldin g Edward A ifred M .P W arA ylw ard G eorge Jam es, W oodcut
Grrave hall ; & C arlton club S W &
Bainbridge H arry C. Braybrook road
C onstitutional club W C , London
â¢B arber W illiam Hy. Culham court
G ray Rayrmond, K in g âs cot
Becker F rank H. The C ottage
G regory E dw ard, Woodlands
B ennett John, The H om estead
Griffin Capt. Robt. C. Barrym ore ho
Bond H enry Coulson J .P .W argrave ct â¦Grove A rth u r S tan 'ey, K en ton âs
Boulton Mrs. The O rchard
Groves M rs. W argrave lodge
Broom E rnest E
Hannen E dw ard Charles, W argrave ho
B urrow s W illiam , The Nook
Hannen Lancelot, G aun t house
C ain W illiam E . W argrave m anor
H eadington Frederick W illiam ,Yarrow
C h u rch er C apt. Bryan Thos. H ill ho Hermon P ercy, Old M ill cottage
C lairm onte E. Geo. Thatched house Hinton F rederick W m . Dean hollow
C larke C ecil Som ers, Th e Arches
Holland W. F. C laud, Th e Gables
Cook Sam , H illm orton
Johnston G ilb ert C. Beechwood
C ram pton A rth u r, D eanville
Jones Howard, Red cottage
Deakin F rancis Howard, O rchard ho Knox A rth u r, Fairfield
Kusel Alfred Thom as, Homeland
Lang Mrs. Pendeen
Lem priere Mrs. G aun t cottage
Lindem ere V icto r, Carholm e
M cCrea John B .A ., M .B. Lisna
Mackenzie H. H. M orell, The A m bush
M orley Miss, W averley
Morris Mrs. C reekside
â¦Noble H eatley, Tem ple Com be
N u tter Edward M. The Sisterâs cot
O ppenheim er H erbert, Loddon acre
Phillim ore G. G . M aplecroft
P ick ett W m . Richd. Tham es m ount
Porter Miss, Ouseley house
â¦Rhodes Mrs. Hennerton
Roberts Richard A. Rahna
Ryder W illiam Chas. T he L ittle ho
Slade Frederick R up ert, Scatw eil
S la ttery F. W olfe, M avis cottage
Sm ith W alter, Sunny bank
Stevenson Mrs. F erry view
Stew art Charles, Th e M ount