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Local Government Act, 1888, 51 & 52 Vic. c. 41.
UndertheaboveAct,Oxfordshire(exceptthecounty borough The coroners for the county are elected by the County
of Oxford) is,forthe purposes ofthe Act, an administra- Council,and the clerkofthe peaceappointed by such joint
tivecounty (sec. 46), governed by a County Council, now committee, and may be removed by them (sec.83-2).
consistingofaldermen (15) and councillors (45).
The clerk of the peace for the county is also clerk of the
The chairman is, by virtue of his office, a justice of the County Council (sec. 83-1).
neace forthecounty, without qualification ( sec. 46).
%. The administrative business of the countv istransacted by
Thepoliceforthe county areunder the controlofa standing th Conntv nOQncii
jointcommittee of the Quarter Sessions and the County
Council, appointed as therein mentioned (sec 9).
The Council meet at the County hall, Oxford, on the second Wednesdays in February & May, the first Wednesday in
August & second Wednesday in November. I11 the triennial year of election the Council also meets on the second
Wednesday in March.
C h a i r m a n — William Henry Ashhurst esq. D.L., J.P. Waterstock house, Wheatley.
V i c e - C h a i r m a n — The ViscountV
illiers, D.L., J.P. Middleton park,Bicester& Antwicks manor, LetcoinbeRegis, Wantage,
Retire inMarch, 1916.
'Albert esq. M.A., J.P. Heythrop park, Chipping
Dashwood Capt. Robert Henry Seymour J.P. Dun’s
Tew, Deddington
England Lieut.-Col. Albert Edward R.A., J.P. Souldem
manor, Banbury
Hermon-Hodge Sir Robert Trotter bart. J.P. Wyfold
court, Reading
Jersey The Rt. Hon. Earl of P.O., G.C.B., G.C.M.G.
(Lord Lieut.), Middleton park, Bicester
King John Pittman J.P. North stoke, Wallingford
Macclesfield Earl of J.P. Shirburn castle, Watlington,
r John Fredk. D.L., J.P. Bodicote ho. nr.Banbury

Retire in March, 1919.
Bliss William, Shillingford, Wallingford
Cartwright William Cornwallis J.P. Aynho pk. Banbury
Hunt Francis Durrant J.P. Manor house, Bampton,Oxon
Mackenzie William Dalziel M.A., J.P. Fawley court,
Mason James Francis M.P. Pynsham hall, Witney
Smith William J.P. Windrush house, Witney
Watney Vernon Jas. J.P. Cornbury pk. Charlbury, Oxon

C o u n c il l o r s .

Electoral Division.
Names & Addresses.
Names & Addresses.
Electoral Division
Bampton..... Richard Thomas Rose, Bampton, Oxon Henley (South) ... William Hamilton, 27 Greys road,
Banbury..... William James Harding, Broad street,
Heyford ..... Viscount Villiers D.L., J.P. Antwicks
manor, Letcombe Regis, Wantage
Barton ...... Alexander William Hall D.L., J.P. Bar­
Jas.Wm. Harris, Hook Norton, Banbury
Hook Norton..
ton Abbey, Steeple Aston, Oxford
Fredk. Hutt, Millho. Kidlington,Oxford
Benson ...... James Donaldson, White House farm, Kidlington ....
Cecil D’Aguilar Samuda D.L., J.P.
Brightwell Baldwin, Oxon
Bruern Abbey, Chipping Norton
Bicester ..
Henry Tubb, Chesterton, Bicester
Captain Mark Ulick Weyland J.P. Old Launton...... John Bloomfield Kingscote, Stratton
Audley, Bicester
Palace yard, Bicester
Bloxham ..... John Alexander McLean J.P. The Her­ Littlemore.... Edmund Augustine Bevers, Iffley,
mitage, Bloxham, Banbury
Broadwell..... William Henry Fox D.L.,J.P. Bradwell Great Milton... William Henry Ashhurst D.L., J.P,
Waterstock house, Wheatley
grove, Burford
Burford...... Rev. William Charles Emeris M.A. The North Neithrop.... John William Bloomfield,7 High street,
Vicarage, Burford
Charlbury.... John George Abraham J.P. Low’er South Neithrop .... Henry Reginald Fryer Brooks, Oxford
road, Banbury
court, Chadlington, Oxon
Chinnor ..... SirWilliam Chichele Plowden K.C.S.I., Nettlebed..... Captain Charles E. Ruck Keene J.P.
Cookley house, Swyncombe, HenleyJ.P. Aston Rowanthouse,Wallingford
ChippingNorton... Wm. N. Rowell J.P. Ivydene, Chipping
Rotherfield ... Richard Lockhart Ovey J.P. Hernes,
Cropredy..... Lord Saye and Sele J.P. Broughton
Standlake.... Mark Florey, Standlake, Witney
castle, Banbury
Deddington.... Bertram Savile Ogle M.A., J.P. Hill Stanton St. John.. John Thomson J.P. Woodperry house,
house, Steeple Aston, Oxford
Dorchester.... Harry Gale, Nuneham Courtenay, Tetsworth..... Hy. Clerke Brown D.L., J.P. Kingston
house, Kingston Blount, Wallingford
Enstone ..
Thame...... Philip James Digby Wykeham D.L.,
Nathaniel Parsons, Radford, Enstone
J.P. Tythrop house, Thame
Henry Slatter, Witney road, HanWatlington ... Major Charles John Boyle J.P. The
borough, Oxon
Pringford..... Major Arthur William Dewar-Harrison
Priory, Great Milton, Wallingford
Wheatley..... Col. Alfred DouglasMiller D.S.O., D.L.,
J.P. Hethe house, near Bicester
Goring..... Arthur
J.P. Shotover house,Wheatley, Oxon
TelfordSimpson C.E., F.R.G.S.,
Witney...... Herbert Smith,Windrush house, Bridge
J.P. The Temple, Goring, Reading
street, Witney
Arthur Fairfax, Dashwood lodge,
Woodstock.... Duke of Marlborough K.G., J.P. Blen­
heim palace, Woodstock
Joseph William Abraham, Ringwood,
Lord NorthJ.P.Wroxtonabbey,Banbury
Wroxton ...
Minster Lovell, Witney
Headington... Thomas Henry Kingerlee J.P. 118 Ban­ Wychwood..
FrederickWilliam PowellMatthews J.P.
The Mauor house, Fifield, Oxon
bury road, Oxford
Henley(North) ... William Alfred Hobbs J.P. St. Andrew’s
road, Henley-on-Thames