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B R IL L .
is an endowment of £60 a year on behalf of the National
sch ools; H art's ch arity is for apprenticing poor boys.
In the im m ediate neighbourhood of the town, a t the
foot of Dorton h ill, is a m ineral spring, th e w aters of
which are chalybeate, and have been successful in the
cure of various com plaints. The m anor was once p art
of the ancient dem esnes of the C ro w n ; and the Palace,
rem ains of w h ich are s till standing, was said to have
been a favourite residence of K in g Edward the ConÂ
fessor. K in g John spent his C h ristm as here in 1205,
and H enry II. and H enry III. also held th eir courts
here. Henry Lancelot A ub rey-F letch er esq. M .V .O .
who is lord of the m anor, and E arl Tem ple are the
principal landowners. Th e soil is v a rio u s ; subsoil,
various. The land is p rin cip ally used for pasture. The
area is 2,939 a c r e s ; rateable valu e, ^ 4,879 ; the popuÂ
lation in 1911 -was 1,121.
[ k e l l y âs
G riffin Jam es W hitehouse. Tow ersey manor, Tham e
H iggins-B ernard Francis T vrin g h am -, Chearslev Hill
house, A ylesb ury
L e ar Herbert Nelson, B rill house, Tham e
P igo tt M ajor V incent Randolphe, The G ran ge, Lillington. Leam ington Spa
P ig it t V ice-A dm iral W illiam H arvey, Doddershall house,
A ylesbury
Skinner A lfred E rn est, Grendon hall, A ylesb ury
C lerk to the M agistrates, Edward Henry Thom as Fewson Sm all M .A. Town hall, Buckingham
P etty Sessions for the division are held at the Police
court. B rill, a t 11 a.m . on mondays m onthly & special
sessions for hearing indictable offences under the
â Poaching Prevention A c t,â every m onday. The folÂ
lowing are the places included in the P e tty Sessional
D ivisio n :â Ashendon, Boarstall, B rill, Chilton, Dorton,
Grendon Underwood, Ickford, Kingswood, L o n g CrenÂ
don, L u d gersh all,
O akley,
Shabbington, Wotton
Underwood, W oodham , W orm inghall
Police Station, G eorge Dance, inspector, & 2 constables
L IT T L E LO N DO N is a picturesque ham let half a
m ile south from B rill adjoining Oakley.
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office.â M rs. E m m a A lice Shurrock,
sub-pcstm istress. L etters arrive through Tham e at
6.25 a.m . & 12.40 p.m . ; dispatched at 10 a.m . & 6
P L A C E S O F W O RSH IP, w ith tim es of Services.
p .m . ; Sundays, arrive 7.40 a.m . & dispatched at 12.15
A ll Saints' Parish C h urch , R ev. A rth u r B asil W right
p.m . Telegram s th rou gh A ylesb ury
M .A . v ic a r ; Rev. Leonard F ran k P ig o tt, c u ra te ; 8 &
W a ll L e tte r Boxes.â W in dm ill street, cleared 9.45 a.m .
11 a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p.m . ; daily, 7.30 a.m . & 7 p.m
& 5 45 p .m . ; Sundays, 10.45 a.m . ; L ittle London,
C ongregational, B rill, Rev. John H enry B e ll; 11 a.m.
cleared 9.15 a.m . & 5.15 p .m .; Sundays, 10.30 a.m
& 6 p .m . ; wed. 7 p.m
P illar L e tte r Box, G . C. & M etropolitan station, cleared
Congregational, L ittle Lon don ; 2.15 p.m
a.m . & 5.30 p . m . ; Sundays, 10.40 a.m
W esleyan (Oxon C irc u it), Rev. G rain ger Hargreaves
R ailw ay Station (M etropolitan & G re a t C en tral Joint
(s u p t.); 11 a.m . & 2 & 6 p.m
R ailw ay), Jam es H ilsdon. station m aster
E lem en tary Schools.
M ixed, re-erected in 1870, for 160 ch ild ren ; Alfred
Brown, m a s te r ; M rs. Brown, m istress
Beaum ont Hon. H u b ert, W otton house, A ylesb ury
Infantsâ, b u ilt in 1858, for 70 c h ild re n ; M iss Hannah
Burrow s Col. E dm un d A u g u stin e C .M .G ., R .F .A . Manor
Sim pson, m is tre ss ; Miss Isabel Sim pson, asst, m ist
house. Lon g Crendon, Tham e
Dodwell H erbert, Th e Manor, Lon g Crendon, T h am e
G oldsm id S eptim us, M anor farm , B rill, Tham e
H arry T ucker, to Tham e, t u e s .; Oxford, wed. fri. & sat
R E S ID E N T S .
A nstiss Thom as, H igh street
Bell Rev. John H enry (C ongregaÂ
tional), T em p le street
Benskin H arry, H igh street
Bonnington W illiam J
B ullock M isses, Beaconville
Clarke M isses (T he), Hampden house
G oldsm id S ep tim us J.P. T he Manor fm
G raham
Jam es
W illiam
W aterloo house
Holland A lfred Jam es. W indm ill st
L e ar H erbert Nelson B .A ., J.P. B rill
Lovegrove M iss, Tem ple street
Parsons Jam es R. H igh street
PeTkins M rs. T h e Green
Preston Francis H arrison M .A . The
G rove
Sm ith M iss, Nashville
W eatherby Edwd. Mansfield,M anor ho
W rig h t Rev. A rth u r B asil M .A.
(vicar), The V icarage
Adam s Joseph, baker. H igh street
Beck & Son, boot m akers, Tem ple st
Bishton A rth u r S. V. draper, H igh st
B ullock M isses, boarding school for
young ladies, Beaconville
Bunyan J n .A u g u stu s, crpntr. H igh st
B urnell John, farm er, M usw ell h ill
B utler A rth u r, p lum ber & glazier,
H igh street
Coleman Stephen, cowkeeper
Dickins John. f a r m e T , Park Pale frm
E ast F rederick C harles, Rose &
Crown P .H . C hurch street
Edm ans E m m a (M rs.), farm er,C learÂ
field s
Elton John C. butcher, H igh street
Fenem ore W illiam , agricu ltu ral enÂ
gineer ;
1s t
patent hay loaders & hay holders,
H ayloader works
Franklin Jas. boot m a. T he Common
Frost John, farm er, Poletrees farm
F udge W alter H. saddler, H igh street
Gibson Jas. coal m erchant, The Green
G ibson W m. Deeley, baker, H igh st
(rollings Jn. coal m erchan t,Tem ple st
G raham Jas. W illiam Francis L .S .A .
Lond. surgeon, & m edical officer &
pub lic vaccinator No. 7 d istrict,
A ylesb u ry u n io n ; B rill district,
Tham e union & Piddington district,
B icester union & certifyin g factory
surgeon, W aterloo house
H artwell Geo. Swan P .H . Th e Green
H arvey Frank, Sun hotel
Hone E lizabeth (M rs.), beer retailer,
W indm ill street
H um phreys R uth (M rs.), farm er,
Tem ple farm
H un t A rth . E rn est, grocer, T em ple st
H u rst G eorge, blacksm ith, C hurch st
Jennings Thom as, builder, T em p le st
Jennings Thom as (M rs.), fancy goods
dealeT, Tem p le street
K in g H enry, ren t collector & in su rÂ
ance agent, C hurch street
L e ar H erbert Nelson B .A ., J.P. land
agen t to the Dorton & oth er estates,
B rill house
B R O X J G H T O N is a parish and village on th e road
from N ew port Pagnell to W oburn, 3 m iles south-southÂ
east fTom N ew port Pagnell term inal station of a branch
from W olverton of the London and N orth W estern railÂ
way, in the Northern division of th e county, hundred,
p etty sessional division, union and county cou rt district
of N ew port PagneH, ru ra l deanery of Bletch ley, archÂ
deaconry of B uckin gham and diocese of Oxford. The
church of S t. Law rence is a sm all building of stone,
chiefly in th e E a rly D ecorated style, and consists of
chancel, nave, south porch and an em battled western
tower containing a clock and 5 b e lls : upon the walls are
Litchfield E lizabeth (M rs.), stationer,
Tem ple street
Measey Geo. p ig dealer, L ittle London
Mole M ary
(M rs.), news agent,
Ch urch street
M ortim er Jn. cowkeeper, W indm ill st
N ixev A lb ert, m iller (w ind), H igh st
Payne Geo. shopkeeper. W in dm ill st
Pointer John K . baker. W in dm ill st
H arrison
C antab.,
M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .S.A .
Lond., L .M .R .C .P .I. surgeon, The
G rove
Roberts A rth u r Owen, gardener to
Septim us G oldsm id esq
Rolfe A rth u r B enjam in, R ed Lion
P.H . C h u rch street
Rose John M ansfield, farm er,B rillburv
H all farm
Shillin g E rn est, bicycle m a. H igh st
Shipley W illiam , china dlr.Tem ple st
Sh irley Thom as, farm er. Nap farm
S m ith A da Em ile (M iss), boarding ho
S m ith Richard, cowkeeper, Tem ple st
Swains H arry, grocer, T em ple street
Taylor W illiam , cooper, W indm ill st
T illey Henry, builder, H igh street
Tom pkins Jam es E. farm er, Lapland
Tom pkins Robt. Jn. frm r. l i t . London
T ucker H arry, carrier. Tem ple street
Turner A lb ert, farm er, Tram farm
Um frey Frank, assistant overseer
W heeler W alter, boot m a. Tem ple st
W hichello Jane (M rs.),farm er,S p rin gÂ
field farm
W hite Edward, builder. H igh street
W h ittak er A rth u r H enry, beer reÂ
tailer, W indm ill street
ancient paintings or frescoes of the â L a st Judgm ent,â
the â Dism em berm ent of C h rist,â â St. George and the
Dragon,â and two figures, th ou g h t to be either St.
Dunstan and Queen E lfrida or St. E lv y and Queen
H elen a : at the north-east angle of the nave is a good
staircase t u r r e t : in the chancel are two m em orial winÂ
dows, th e east window bein g in m em ory of Rev. John
W illiam Irv in g , curate and rector of Broughton for 50
years, and within the com m union rails are three brasses
to A gn es, wife of John de Broughton, son of Robert de
Broughton, 1399 ; to John de B roughton, son of Robert
de B roughton, 1403, and to M ary (E dm onds), w ife of