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Clinkard H. J. Garsington, Wheatley Herring John, Blackthorn, Bicester Scott W. Great Chesterton, Bicester
Coles Henry James, 43 Cranham st. Hewett Thomas, Leafield, Witney
Sellwood Bros. Whitchurch, Reading
Jericho, Oxford
Hicks Charles, North Leigh, Witney Smith Edwd.Hy. 14 Church st.Bicesfer
CollisAlbert, Ducklington, Witney
Higgs Fredk. J. 164 Corn st. Witney Smith Thomas, 25 Princes street, St.
Constable Thos.A. Market pi.Bampton Hillier Frank, Peppard common, Clement's, Oxford
Oooper George Henry, 13 MagdaleD Rotherfield Peppard, Henley-on- Smith William, Aston, Bampton
street & 5 George street; bakery, Thames
Smither John, Woodcote, Reading
55 High st. St. Thomasâ, Oxford Hinton James, Newland, Witney
Souch Janies A. 17 Bridge st. Witney
Cotterell F. A. Finmere, Buckingham Hioms Charles, Church Handborough, Stone Mrs. Anna, 73 High st. Thame
Cox 0 .H. Queen street, Eynsham
Sutton Mrs. Mary Ann, Willow cotÂ
Cox Chas. A. Hook Norton, Banbury Hobbs William, 8 James st. Cowley tage, Launton, Bicester
Crapper Charles John, 59 Western rd. St. John, Oxford
Swingbum Jas. 9 Market sq. Witney
Grandpont, Oxford
Honour Mrs. E. Temple Cowley, Oxfrd Tack George Hy. Launton, Bicester
Crook Jas. Harold, Fringford,Bicester Honour John Shaw, Charlton, Oxford Taplin A. P. Neat Enstone, Enstone
Cross W. H. Gt. Haseley, Wallingford Horley W. Goodwin, Bloxham,Banbury Thornton Frederick, 12 North st.
Croxton E. 34 Castle st. east, Banbury Horwood William, Milton-under- Grimsbury, Banbury
Cutler Robert, 15 High street,Witney Wychwood, Oxford
Tibbetts Harry, New Yatt, Witney
Dagley Joseph, Hethe, Bicester
Huwes R. 28 Upper High street,Thame Timms William, Post office, WigginDavies Jas. E. 3 Cowley rd. Oxford Hudson John Edward, 16 Hertford st. ton, Banbury
Davis Frederick, 87 & 88 Bullingdon Magdalen road, Oxford
Tims Samuel, Hook Norton, Banbury
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hughes Albert, Wroxton, Banbury
Titcomb George, Sheep st. Burford
Dearlove George John, Crowmarsh Hunt Geo. 69 St. Clementâs st.Oxford Vallis A. G. Headington quarry,Oxfrd
Gifford, Wallingford
Hutchings John, Post office, North Varney Arthur, Wootton, Woodstock
Dodwell Richard, Market place, Ded- Newington, Banbury
Wakefield James, Kirtlington, Oxford
dington, Oxford
Jackman Alfred, 26 Park street,Thame Walker Mrs. M. H. Littlemore,Oxfrd
Downs A. 7 Friday st.Henley-on-Thms Jackman Thomas, Iffley, Oxford
Ward G. Long Handboroâ, Woodstock
Draper Bros. Lewknor, Wallingford Jackson A. W. & Co. 272 Cowley rd. Webb C. Chadlington, Charlbury
Draper Joseph, Highfield, Oxford
& 154 Hurst street, Cowley St. Weeks George E. &, Co. 50 High 9t.;
Dykes Jas. T. Middle Cowley, Oxford John, Oxford
150 Cowley rd. ; 198 Banbury road,
East W. Avenell, Kirtlington, Oxford James John, 88 Charles st. Cowlev Summertown; 67 Woodstock road
Edgington Henry T. Isiip, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
& 15 Cornmarket. street; office &
Edginton Albert, 1 London place, St. Joines Mrs. Jas. 9 Fish st. Banbury works, r2 Market street, Oxford
Clementâs, Oxford
Jones & Son, Charlbury
Wells Mrs. H. Swalcliffe, Banbury
Eeles George, Tetsworth
Jones W. Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford Whichelo Geo. Shirburn.Wallingford
Essex Chas. 66 Calthorpe st. Banbury Keen George, Ewelme, Wallingford Whiteman James, Islip, Oxford
Evans Laurence C. Hornton, Banbury Kew Charles, Kidmore, Reading
Whitlock Henry, Mill street, Eynsham
Evetts Frank, High street, Watling Kidman T. R. 10a, West end, Witney Wiggins John & Sons, 6 Market st
ton, Wallingford
Knapp John, 9 High street, Thame
& 55 Walton street, Oxford
Exon Chas. H. Dorchester,Wallingfrd Lambourne George Arth. Stoke Row, Wilkins Fredk. North Aston, Oxford
Exon Frederick Charles, 35 Little Henley-on-Thames
Wincott James, 46 Bridge st.Banbury
Clarendon street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford Lamburn William, 3 St. Maryâs rd. Witney Mrs. M. Câ
hinnor, Wallingford
Fletcher William Kay, Warborough
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Woodward Thomas, ror Mairdalen rd.
Florey Walter -Florey, Standlake, Lane Harold, 31 North st. Bicester
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Lay Alfred, 47 Great Clarendon
Fowler Alfred, 61 Bell street, Henley- street, Jericho, Oxford
Lay Thos. 3 North Bar st. Banbury
ck Mrs. Elizabeth, 21 CommerÂ
Fowler Thos. R. Deddington, Oxford Lewis Charles, Church street, Wat Kilpa
cial road, St. Ebbe's, Oxford
Franklin Thomas, Kidlington, Oxford
lington, Wallingford
Frost John William, 18 Greys road, Long Mrs. Rosina, Post office, Sibford B A L L & R O U T FURNISHRS.
Ferris, Banbury
Fulker Thos. E. Lewknor, Wallingfrd Lord George W. 16 Corn st. Witney Greatbatch & Co. Limited, 15 High
Gardener Arth. Bletchington, Oxford Lord J. E.30 High st.Chipping Nortn street, Oxford
Gardiner 0 .W. 66 Bridge St.Banbury May Brothers, 8 Park street, Thame
Gardner Frdk. G. 122 Corn st. Witney May H. Kingston Blount, Wallingford B A N B U R Y C A K E MAKERS.
Gardner William, 27 Magdalen road, Middleton Geo.106 Reading rd.Henley Betts Mrs. A. 85 High st. Banbury.
ee a d v e r tise m e n t p a g e 2 8
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Miles Geo. Wm. Bodicote, Banburv B eStts
S a m u e l, 70 High st.Banbury
Gasson Edwd. Oxford st. Woodstock Miller Albert, Littlemore, Oxford
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 2 9
Gatz Mrs. Samuel A. Beckley, Oxford Millin Joseph, Hailey, Witney
. V . 12 Parsons st. Banbury
Gearing Frederick, Langford, Lech- Mills Mrs. L. Temple Cowley, Oxford
lade (Gloucestershire)
Mobley & Co. Adderbury East,Banbr\
Gibbard Richard, Ardley, Bicester
Moore SI. E. Lower Heyford, Banbury
Gibbons Thos. Middle Cowley, Oxford Murgan David, 20 Friar's entry, Oxford Banbury Bank, see Gillett & Co
Gnrison Mrs. J. Gt. Bourton.Banbun Mortimer J. Stanton St. John, Oxford Barclay & CompanyLimited(branches)
Godson William, Cropredy, Banbury Musson Ezer, 116 High street, Thame (John Thomson. Guy Thomson &
Gosling Thomas, Tetsworth
Naish Ernest, Sandford-upon-Thames, John Francis Parsons, local diÂ
Grace Fredk. Temple Cowley, Oxford Oxford
rectors; Gerard H. Sides, manÂ
Gray Henry, 56 High street, Witney Norridge Fredk. 77 George st. Oxford ager), 92 & 93 High street; (Ernest
Griffin Thomas E. Epwell, Banbury Norridge Frederick H. 4a, Charles John Garland, manager) 119 St.
Grubb R. J. & Son, 76 St. Aldateâs street, St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Aldateâs street & (F. E. C. Stanley,
st.; 16 St. Clementâs st. & Castle Norris W.80West si.Henley-on-Thames manager) 71 Banbury road, St.
flour mills, Paradise street, Oxford Oakley R. Kingston Blount,Wallingfrd Gilesâ, Oxford & (John Cecil
Hale William Joseph, 6 Cardigan st. Page John Tims, Bloxham, Banbury
Walker, manager) 10 & 12 Hart st.
Jericho, Oxford
Paine George William, 1 & 2 South Henley-on-Thames; draw on head
Hales Stephen, 20 Market place, Hen-| parade, Summertown, Oxford
office, 54 Lombard st. Londen E C
Pearse Albert- Thos. High st. Burford CapitaL & Counties Bank Limited
Hall Jeremiah, Forest Hill, Oxford Pearson W. Headington Quarry, Oxfrd (branches) (Gilbert E. Gay, manÂ
Hall John, Charlbury
Pettipher Thomas Keck & Son, n ager), 24 Cornmarket st. Oxford;
Hall Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, 28 Planta Market place, Chipping Norton
draw on head office,39Threadneedle
tion road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Pither Alfred, 49 Bell st. & 1 Reading street, London E C
Hull Thos. Acre End st. Eynsham
road, Henley-on-Thames
Gillett & Co. (J. A. Tawney, sec.);
Harris Albt. 78 & 80 West end,Witnv Plank Edward, 7 Gordon street, New head offices, 54 Cornmarket street,
Harris Alfd. Fredk.Forest Hill,Oxford Hinksey, Oxford
Oxford ;(branches) (Edward Ryrnan
Harris Mrs. Ann, 80 High st. Witney Pointer Thomas, Bloxbam, Banbury
Day, manager), Cornhill, Banbury;
Harris Hy. New- st. Deddington,Oxfrd Powell Fred & Frank, 24 Middleton (Edward S. Davenport, manager)
Harris James, Charlbury
road, Grimsbury. Banbury
Park street, Woodstock; (John
Hawes William, Ambrosden, Bicester Pratley James, High street, Burford
George, manager) High st.Chipping
Hawkins Fred, Sandford St. Martin, Prentice Thomas G.2 North st.Bicestr Norton; (W. S. Miller, manager)
Reeves Jn. & Co. W hitchinch,Reodng 30 Market square, Witney; (subHayes Richard, 2 Town Hall build Rolfe T. Post office. Bucknell, Bicester branches) (F. M. Green, manager),
ings, Banbury
Saunders T. Nettlebed, Henley-on- open fri. 11 to 2, Bampton; De-dHaynes John, Hook Norton, Banbury
dington, open fri. from 2 to 3.45
Herman Mrs. S. 36 Cowley rd.Oxford Scarsbrook E. 154 Cowley rd. Oxford p.m.; (Frederick Henry Wilks,