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b u c k i .v g h a m s h i h e . ]
Sheen Chas. 3 5 M ackenzie st. Slough
Sherriff Medwin Joseph, 3 7 & 38
High street, H igh W ycombe
Singer E. 14 Tem ple st. A ylesb ury
Smith Miss A da B. Post office,
Amersham Common
Smith H .Flackw ell H th.H igh W ycm be
Smith Richard Louis, 258 Desborough
road, High W ycom be
Smith S.H. Horton rd.D atchet,W indsr
Stacey Ernest Jam es, C halfont St.
Giles, G errardâs Cross
Starnes E. T. Parade, Bourne End
Stone Mrs. Em m a, 13 B lu cher street,
Tarbox Mrs. Fanny, Drayton Parslow,
Taylor J .K .7 9 Easton st.H igh W ycm be
Thorne J. E. Padbury, B uckingham
Tilling Ernest, 9 3 W est W ycom be rd.
High Wycombe
Timberlake George W illiam , 230 DesÂ
borough road. H igh W ycom be
Towersley Mrs. Louisa, 22 C am bridge
street, A ylesbury
Turnbull Mrs. Hannah, 13 5 H igh st.
Eton, Windsor
Turnbull Henry Theodore, 101 Oxford
road, H igh W ycom be
Turnham Wm. M arket sq. Winslow
Warner E. 7 Red Lion street,Chesham
Watson C. 94 S tratford rd.W olverton
Watson Charles, M arket sq. W inslow
Welch H arry Thom as, Chalfont St.
Peter, Gerrardâs Cross
West Charles E. 7 7 H igh st.A ylesbry
West Miss G. C. 94 H igh street,
Eton, Windsor
Wheeler F .T .7 K in gsb u ry sq.A ylesbry
White Miss M argaret, Frogm oor garÂ
dens, High W ycombe
Wicks Mrs. E. S. C halvey rd. Slough
Wicks Edward Sidney, 1 3 W indsor
road, Slough
Wroot W alt.H . 2 i C astle st.B ucknghm
See Engineersâ Consulting.
See also Builders.
Abraham W illiam Thom as & Son,
100 Cambridge street. Aylesburv
Bell Wright F. Parkfield, Princes R isÂ
S ee a d v e r tis e m e n t
p age 2 5
Boddy & Sons (cartage), W ycombe
End, Beaconsfield
Boughton Thom as T. (haulage &
threshing), The C om m on,Am ershm
Bowyer Harry D. 29 M ackenzie st.
Bnstow T. & Brothers (stone & bricks
& for building operations) ; office,
Speen, Princes R isb o ro u g h ; brick
kilns & quarries, W alters Ash.
telegrams, â W alters Ash, W est
Brooks W illiam, Swanbourne,W inslow
aurfoot H. & Son, Eton wick,W indsor
, r Charles, G rove villa. W addesÂ
don, Aylesbury
-annon J. & Sons,Q nainton,Avlesburv
Dari t° n
34 Blucher st.Ohesliam
nrngton George,H igh st.A m ersham .
« e a d v e r tis e m e n t p a g e 2 2
Jakem an F. L . xoo London rd. Stony
Lovell Y . J. & Son, M arsham lane,
G errardâs Cross
Nappin Jam es (ca rtag e), 1 1 5 W alton
road, A ylesb ury
N u tt Jsph. (ca rtag e),G erra rd âs Cross
(ca rtin g ),
H om eleigh.
A ylesb ury road, W endover.
a d v e r tis e m e n t p a g e
P erfect Frank, Penn, H igh W ycom be
& Stoke road, Slough
Puddephatt G eorge, Th e Com m on,
Am ersham
Randall Thom as (cartage), Lansdown
rd.Chalfont S t.P eter,G errard 's Crss
Reid Jam es, Waddesdon, A ylesbury
Robinson John Jam es (ca rtag e),W ad Â
desdon, A ylesbury
Rowland Brothers (fencing),Sym pson
road, Bletch ley
R ust & R a tcliffe,iH ig h am rd.Cheshm
Seaton A lfred, 2 2 G reat W estern st.
A ylesb urv. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Simmons Chas.& Sons.Stoke rd.Slough
S tevens W alter J. (steam haulage),
A ylesb ury street, W endover
T erry John & W illiam (cartage),
South street, W endover
Thorn Francis. G eorge Grn. Slough
Thorne R. J. Bierton. A ylesbury
A rth u r
W illiam
W arendon, W oburn Sands
W alker Fras. Jas. Steeple Claydon
W hite Robert (cartage). H igh street,
W endover
W illiam s Llew ellyn .H igh street,B u rn Â
ham , M aidenhead
W rig h t W alter (public w orks), Y ale
house. V ale road, Chesham
Y irrell Thom as, Leighton road, L in Â
slade. Leighton Buzzard & B letch Â
le y road, B letch ley
Carrington A g ricu ltu ra l Co-operative
Society Ltd. (Thom as W illis, sec.),
Drayton Parslow, B letchley
Chesham E quitable L im ited , 82 H igh
st. & B erkham sted road, Chesham
G randborough, G randboroâ, W inslow
H igh W ycom be Co-operative Society
L im ited (M arlow branch), 42 S ta Â
tion road, Marlow
Newport Pagn ell Co-operative Society
L im ited , 7 5 S ilver street & 15 St.
John street, Newport Pagnell
Olney Co-operative Society L im ited,
3 5 H igh street, Olney
Ravenstone Ltd. Ravenstone, Olney
Slough & D istrict Co-operative Society
L im ited (G eorge Beeby, sec.), 1 9 0 1 9 4 H igh s t r e e t ; C h alvey road &
9 1 Stoke road, Slough
Swanbourne & D istrict A g ricu ltu ra l
Co-operative Society L im ited (John
F rederick Colgrove, sec.), Dodley
H ill farm , Swanbourne, W inslow
Swanbourne Provident (G eorge H.
V iccars, sec.), Swanbourne, W indsr
Windsor C o-operative Society Ltd .
(E. A . H aigh, m an ager), A lm a
road, Eton W ick
Wycombe Co-operative Societv Lim ited
(The), 6 P aul's row. H igh W y Â
com b e; F urlon g road. Bourne End
& 42 Station road, Marlow
Horne F. W. 2 7 H igh st. Aylesbury
Sm ith W .T .1 5 S ilver st.N ew p rt.P gn il
T aylor W. W indm ill st. Brill, T h am e
C O R D IA L S .
See Essences, S yrup s & Cordials.
B. & C o . 5 5 & 5 6
London E ; 2 9 to 3 5 Seel
pool ; & 7 to 19 R u a da
E llis
M inories,
st. L iv e rÂ
P raia da
E sta b . 1 8 5 5
Edgington John & Co. Ltd. Sardinia
house. Sardinia street, K in gsw av. CORN & FLOUR DEALERS.
London W C. T A â A hri, London â Basey R t. 2 7 B letch ley rd. Bletch ley
Bloxsom e & Son .iyW in dsor rd .S lo u g h
CONTRACTORSâ & RAILWAY Byford E rn est A lfd. H igh st. W inslow
Cross G. R. & Son, 53 H igh street,
Eton, Windsor
Hardy Paten t Pick Co. Lim ited (The),
Dollim ore Geo. W ing, Leigh ton B uzzrd
Heeley, Sheffield
Fountain C .n q O x fo rd rd.H ighW ycm b
G race
F rederick,
S tew kley,
Leighton Buzzard
C hild ren âs C onvalescent Home (Miss
m ersham
Enna M eats, m atron ), London end,
Headington & Son, 7 7 H igh street ; 1
Paddington Green C hildren âs Hospital
Hobbs G eorge, 1 4 2 H igh st. Chesham
Convalescent Hom e (E. W eav
g frd
Adam s
F .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .
Lond. & John H arold B urridge Loader Thos. W h itch urch , A ylesb ury
M .B .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . hon. Perrym an R. London end & Station
approach, Beaconsfield
p h y s ic ia n s ; W. H. Pearce, sec. ;
Miss J. T. Archibald, m atron), Quarterm an Thom as, Dornev, W indsr
F red, Th e K nolls, W in grave,
Fairview , Upton road, Slough
A ylesb ury
St. Law renceâs Convalescent Home for
G . E . 22 C h urch street.
Children (Col. Trench, hon. sec
H igh W ycom be
& treasurer), G errard âs Cross
Dean street, M arlow
St. L u k eâs Convalescent Home (W.
H. B aird, sec.), W elders, Chalfont W illiam s F ran k, Cheddington, Tring
W odham s C harles, Grand Junction
S t. Peter
wharf, Bletchlev
St. M arg aretâs (M iss S tirlin g Stuart),
Yates W a lter , 39 H igh st.S ton yS trtfrd
Tickford street, Newport Pagnell
r ®7en11 John. 75 H igh street, Slough
nSC"? ^ H. & Sons. P a u lâs row.
> Hl"h Wycombe
St. Bernardâs (Rev. Mother, superior),
Quainton, A ylesb ury
Hill t v
-^asb. Stony Stratford
St. Josephâs (S ister Marie Dominique,
superioress). W est street, Olney
fcarta" e). The Com mon,
Hines W ar
Peter, G errard's Cross
I lam & Sons (cartage), High
Hnlo t Buck^ gh am
° A ylesburv Lim ited (T. W. Collier,
Tickford street, Newsec. ; C. R. Hodge, m anager), H igh
street, A ylesb ury
H° iV o r d '<rbertâ Stokenchurc)i. Wal- Bletchley & Fenny Stratford CoÂ
operative Industrial SocietyL im ited
(F. C. Saintey, sec.). A lb ert street.
itenernr A' * ®on trail wav &
1, 22 Mackenzie st. Slough I B letchlev
Allison Edm ond, B u rk eâs parade. S ta Â
tion road, Beaconsfield
Brown V. & Co. 2 Station road, G erÂ
rard's Cross
B urgiss E dw ard, 23 5 B erkham sted
road, Chesham
B utler Reginald A lfred, 2 & 3 P a u lâs
row. H igh W ycom be
Carew P. M. L . O ld road, Linslade,
Leigh ton Buzzard
Coales Francis & Son,New port Pagn ell
Gee A. T . H igh st. Great. M issenden
Heady Henry Jn. Sheep st. W inslow
He,lev Bros. W ing, Leighton Buzzard