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Bird R- Loughton, Bletchley
Wilson E. J.W inchendon L o w .A ylesbrj Burgess
A rth u r,
Blackwell John, Turweston, Brackley
Wooding W .N th.C raw ley,N w prt. Pgnl)
B icester (Oxon)
Blackwell Jn.O xford rd.H igh W ycm be Woods E dw ard, Post office, Great Cannon R.G ren dn .U n derw d.A ylesbury
Bloxham T. W. Cippenham , Slough
B rickh ill, Bletch ley
C audrey F. A ylesb ury st. W endover
Booth F rederick W illiam , Em berton, Woolhead W illiam , Rose cottage, Chappeil F .Stew kley,L eigh ton Buzzrd
Newport Pagnell
Loughton, Bletch ley
Cheese Charles, O akley, B rill, Tham e
Bowyer H arry D. 2 9 M ackenzie st. W orsfold H erbert G eorge, 15 W ellin g­ C larke Charles, Stoke G oldington,
ton street, Slough
N ew port Pagnell
Brackley G eorge, St. Leonards, Tring
Coles J. Bell st. Princes Risborough
Brooks W illiam , Swanbourne,W inslow CARPET W AREHOUSEMEN C oxhill Miss E lizabeth , Preston BisBrown Jn. Lane End, High W ycom be Lee Ernest, Regent house & 16 Old
sett, Buckingham
Bunyan John A u gustus, High street,
Crook J .I.& Son, W addesdon,Aylsbry
road, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
Brill, Thame
rtis F. Hanslope, Stony Stratford
Longley & Sons, 3 7 & 39 H igh street.
Burrows Jn. W ing, Leighton Buzzard
Dickens Amos, Newton Longville,
A ylesb ury
Butler Charles, G rove villa, W addes­
Bletch ley
don, A ylesbury
Downing Sam uel, Olney
Capp B ros.Stew klev,L eighton Buzzrd CARRIAGE & MOTOR CAR Eakins "E dw in, H igh st. Hanslope,
Caves Hy. W ing, Leighton Buzzard
Stony Stratford
Chapman E.H . 1 9 H encroft st.S lo u g h [*ST Full li s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in Ellis G eorge, W ingrave, A ylesbury
U n ite d K i n g d o m , s e e L e a t h e r F au lkn er Edwin, L u dgersh all, T h am e
Chappin W illiam , M arsworth, Tring
T r a d e s D ir e c t o r y . P r ic e 2 5 s . } Foote A lfred, C hackm ore,B uckin gham
Chilton W m . H olm er grn.A m ersham
Cole W. J. 1 4 Lovat st. N ewpt. Pagnll A yres 0. J. A skett. Princes Risboro’ Goodson F .W . Weston T u rv ille ,T rin g
Collett Henry, Taplow, Maidenhead
Barnes J. & Son, 1 6 , 18 & 29 C hurch G reen F rederick, Ravenstone, Olney
Cox Fdk. V ictoria st. H igh W ycom be
G reen F rederick , Stoke Goldington,.
street, Chesham
Dancer Matthew, Chearsley, Aylesbury Barton R d.Stew kley,L eigh ton Buzzard
N ew port Pagnell
Deadman Jam es Henry, G reat H am p­ Brown & Sons, 7 W indsor rd. Slough G regory John, Ford, A ylesbury
den, G reat Missenden
John J. Pitstone, T rin g
Coles & Co. 84 D esborough road,
Dudley Edward Law rence, North
Hawes Chas. O akley, B rill, Tham e
H igh W ycom be
W orm inghall, Tham e
Marston, W inslow
Collins Chas. B ristle hill,B uckingham
Dugdale R. G. 1 3 4 H igh street, Eton. Corby A rth u r, Prospect road, Marlow H eather Ralph, L ittle K in g sh ill, Gt.
Cox D. & Sons, Station st. A ylesbury
Heley J. Stew kley, Leighton Buzzard
Evans SI. H azlem ere. H igh W ycom be Drye Charles, H igh street, Marlow
Fletcher W illiam . (Mursley, W inslow East J. & Son, A ylesb ury end, H ill C harles, Tw yford , B uckingham
Franklin Hy. 19 G eorge st. Bletchley
Hillsdon Edward, H igh st. Am ersham
Freeman F. W. 2 1 W eston rd. Olney IE m anuel Bros. 89 H igh st. Slough. Hodgkinson W illiam , Lansdown road,
Freeman W. S. M arket place, Olney
Chalfont S t. Peter, G errard’s C rosa
S ee a d v e r tise m e n t p a g e 2 6
George G. Grendon U nderw d.Avlsbry ■
Floyd G eorge, 5 1 Abercrom bie aven. Hollis G eorge, M ursley, W inslow
Gomm W m. Chesham B ois, Chesham | H igh W ycom be
H olmes F ran cis, Lavendon, Olney
Gomme C. Bledlow, Princes R isboro’ j Goodchild Brothers, Lane E nd, H igh Honor E dw ard, Shabbington, Tham e
Honour H arry, Bierton, A ylesb ury
Grainge G . L ittle Horwood, Winslow
W ycom be
Harris A. W avendon, W oburn Sands H eady J. & Son, 2 & 4 Leigh ton rd. Hudson T. jun . Long Crendon,Tham e
Hawkins J. S. RiveT woods, Marlow , Linslade, L eighton B uzzard
H urst H enry, A keley, B uckin gh am
Haydon Geo. G aw cott. Buckingham ‘ B in e G .J.S h erin gton ,N ew p ort Pagnell H urst Henry, Lillingstone Lovell,
Hester A . 81 Gordon rd.H igh W ycm be iHodsdon C. 7 7 Easton street, H igh
B uckingham
Hooper A rth u r, Taplow. M aidenhead ! W ycom be
K en t Mrs. M. A , Aston Abbotts, .
Jennings W . A. Stoke Poges, S lou gh SJu d ge John, H igh st. Stony Stratford
A ylesb ury
Kew W alter V. 23 9 Desborough road, K e arlev Charles, C h alvey rd. Slough
Lake A lfred, Iver, U xbridge
High W ycom be
¡L ine W m . Geo. Broadway, Am ersham Landon John & Co. Canal w harC
Lacey W aiter. 2 2 2 H igh st. Slough
W alton street, A ylesbury
L o vell G eorge H. 3 2 H igh st. High
Lane & Son, B rand’s hill, Colnbrook^
Leaver H erbt. Long Crendon, Tham e
W ycom be
Morgan & Co. L td . Leigh ton road, Lee Thos. W m . Chearsley, A ylesb ury
Lay Richard, Lavendon, Olney
L ittlew o rth ,
Linslade, Leigh ton Buzzard
Mitchell J.H. iTickford st.N ew pt.Pgnll
Leighton Buzzard
P arrott E rn est, H igh street, Winslow
Neil Thom as, Sbabbington, Tham e
Parrott John, 5 B icester rd. A ylesburv M abbutt Robert, 1 3 7 H igh street,..
Nicholls Edwin, Q uoitin g sq. Marlow
Stony Stratford
Pass F rederick, 25 H igh st. A ylesbury
Painter Jas. Burnham , Maidenhead
dry G eorge, H yth e end, W rays- M ardell Charles Philip, P itston e,Trin gPerkins Thom as. 2 7 M arket pi. Olrrey
Mead Isaac. E dlesborough, Dunstableb u rv, Staines
Philbey Fredk. Found St. Wendover
Phillips & Sons, B uckingham Carriage M enday Svdnev, B uckland, T rin g
Redr up Jn. W ing, Leighton Buzzard
works, Chandos road. Buckingham Miles G eorge, Haddenham , Tham e
Rickard Robt. W hitchurch, Avlesburv
Jas.& Son, H addenham ,Tham e M ortim erH.W inchendon Low .A ylesbry
Roberts Fredk. (to the A sto n 'C lin ton
Neale Jam es, Ickford, Tham e
Park E sta te), Aston C linton, T rin g Plested Brothers, Stone, A ylesbury
C h arles H. C h alvey rd. Slough Owen H erbt. Waddesdon, A ylesb ury
Rogers Robert. W estburv, B rackley
Page Joseph, W ing, Leighton Buzzard
Rush Sami. Sherington,New port Pagnll Salm ons & Sons. Tickford street.
Pitcher W illiam , N orth End, HenlevN ew port Pagn ell
Saunders John W illiam , L acey green.
on-Tham es
Sim m s R obert T ravell, Marsh Gibbon.
Princes Risborough
W m. T in gew ick, B uckingham
Sills George T. B ellingdon, Chesham
an Frdk.Da£rnall,Gt.Berkham .std
Soanes W alt. C uddington, A ylesbury
Jsph. Haddenham, Tham e
Stevens W m. G reat H orwood,W inslow, Weston LI. Castle st. H igh W ycom be
Rickard Jam es, W hitchurch. Aylesbry
mutton WalteT John, T yler’ s G reen, j W hite E. W ooburn, Wooburn Green
W hitlock & Rowe, Taplow,M aidenhead Roads G eorge, Waddesdon, A ylesb ury
High W ycom be
Roberts H. A ylesb ury end & Station
Tarr John C harles, W olverton road. !
road, Beaconsfield
Newport Pagnell
W m . Ivinghoe Aston. T rin g
Tooth Albt. G reat Brickhill. Bletch ley Alderm an Charles, Nearton en d,Sw an ­
Sherlock Francis, Hambleden, HenleyTooth E. G reat Brickhill, Bletchley
bourne, W inslow
tucker F .G .C ryers hi.H igh W ycombe Andrews G.W inchendon Up. A ylesbury
Sim onds W illiam , Weedon. A ylesb ury
bn Henry, Quainton, A ylesbury
Ayres A lfred, Cadm ore End, High
Sm all Thom as, Chetwode,Buckingham
Varney W illiam, Chilton, Tham e
1 W ycom be
Sm ith Sam uel, Oxford rd. M arlow
Walker W illiam , Sheep st. Winslow Ayres John, Bishopstone, A ylesb ury
Sm ith W illiam , Oving, A ylesb ury
3rd George & Son, C hiltern house, Bailey Mrs. E. Quainton. A ylesbury
John, The C ity, Radnajre,
opeen, Princes Risborough
Barrett A .E llesborough, B utlers Crss
W allingford
C hurch st. G t. Missenden Batchelor & Sons,W aterside,Chesham
Sutton & Co. (A lfred G. Butler, ag t.),
r p j Tldwd. Speen, Princes R isboro’
Bois, Chesham
15 0 H igh street, S louch ; S t.M a ry’s
3 rd George, C hiltern house, Speen, Bates Thos. G t. B rickh ill, Bletch ley
street, H ig h W ycom be & (Mrs.
Princes Risborough
Beeson C. Lane End. Hi. W ycom be
F rederick Charles Odell, agen t),
ard Robert H alloway, 40 Cambridge Bolton M .L ittlew orth .Leigliton Buzzrd
Hisrh street, Winslow
street, A ylesbury '
Bowler A lb ert, M ursley, W inslow
' ard Tom, N orth Marston. W inslow Brackley Joshua. Buckland com .Trinff Sworder J. Lane End, H igh W vcombe
W . J. W ing.L eighton Buzzard
in e'V,W- Stoke G oldngtn.N w prt.Pgnll Bradley W alter Robert, W heeler end.
T aylor Geo. G reat Horwood, W inslow
tv i , reder.ick, Taplow, Maidenhead
W est W ycom be, H igh W ycom be
S. T yler s Grn. H igh W vcm be
^ i.bread G .F. Han slope,S t 0 nv Strtfd Brown W. Chenies, Rickm answortb
Towerton T . & Sons, Stokenchureh.
1 hams A J.A skett,Princes R isboro’
(H erts)
W allingford

