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Craw shay W illiam Thom pson D .L .,
J P. Cavevsham park
Fores Mrs. A lm a cot. Binfield Heath
Johnstone W illiam Lionel, Dunsden
cottage, Bin field Heath
Priddle John A u g u stu s, Th e C ottage
W igan Rev. H erbert M .A. (vicar),
| F isher Fred, B ird in Hand P.H
F isher H enry, farm er, B ryants farm
Ford Geo. farm er, Dnnsden G rn. frm
W alter,
farm er,
m achine proprietor & steam roller
contractor. Bishopâs Landâs farm
F ry W m . Hy. beer retlr. Play Hatch
H arris John, farm er, Ham pstead
H arvey H erbert W illiam , Coach &
Horses P.H
Inwards C h arles, farm er,C ork's farm
A thertonW m .blacksm ith,B ird in Hand M ay A rth u r, farm er, Park farm
Barlow R euben, beer re ta ile r ; accom  M ay E rn est W illiam , farm er, Play
m odation for cyclists & m otorists,
H atch farm
Binfield Heath
Miles W alter, head gardener to W . T.
Cane Thos. farm er, Row Lane farm
Craw shay esq. D .L ., J.P
C artw rig h t George H arry, baker
S ilver W illiam , dairym an
Cox Charles, farm er & builder
W ells A lb ert Henry, Crown P.H
C u llam Thos. farm er, Play H atch ho W errell Ernest A lfd. beer ret. Post off
E A S I N G T O N is a village and p arish 4 m iles n orth Â
w est from W atlington term inal station on a branch of the
G reat W estern railw ay from Princes R isberough, 4 southÂ
west from Tetsw orth and 7 south-west from Tham e, in
the Southern division of the county, hundred of Ewelm e,
petty sessional division of W atlington, union and county
court d istrict of Tham e, rural deanery of Aston and
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. T h e church of St.
Peter, originally Norm an, and restored in 1607, is a
sm all and plain edifice of stone, now chiefly of E arly
E nglish date, and consisting of chancel, nave, south
porch and a bell-cote at the west end containing one
b o ll: th e chancel is decorated, and has a reticu lated
east window of three lig h ts, containing some fragm ents
of ancient glass, and a Decorated piscina : on the east
side is a stained window placed by th e late M r. Charles
Greenwood in 1904: the nave has a N orm an doorway
and there is also a plain cylin drical Norm an font and a
[ K ia L Y âg
S O N N IN G E Y E .
B lu n t Reginald, The E yot house
Hoskins Col. A . R . The Homest*^
Oglo M iss, B ridge house
P hillim ore G odfrey, Aberlash
Reeve W illiam , G renville house
Sharps Mrs. Dansden lodge
W oollcombe M rs. Kencold
Evans Sidney C . French Horn hotel
H ill Sam uel, w illow dealer
Phillim ore G odfrey, m iller (water 1
Reeve W illiam , estate agent & valuer
Sm allpeice W illiam Chas. Havdon
farm er, Sonning E ye farm
Talbot Sarah E lizh. (M rs.), willow dir
W heeler W illiam , Flowing Spring pg
p u lp it of the Jacobean period : there are sittings for t0
persons. Th e register, which dated from the year \eL
is stated to have been lost. The livin g is a rectory'
annexed by O rder in Council to th a t of Cuxham, joint
net yearly value ^190, w ith 5J acres of glebe, in the gift
of M erton College, O xford, and held since 1902 by the Rev
Lorenzo Player Fedden M .A. of th at college, who resides
at C uxh am rectory. John W aken: a n Greenwood esq. B A.
T .C .D . is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The
soil is loam ; subsoil, m arl. The chief crops are wheat,
barley, beans and oats. The area is 295 acres; rateable
value, £ 2 1 3 ; the population in 191 x was 25.
L etters th rou gh W allingford arrive at 7 a.m .; disÂ
patched through C uxh am at 8.30 p.m. The nearest
m oney order & telegraph office is at Watlington, d
miles distant
The children of th is place attend the schools at the
adjoining villages of C u xh a m & Chalgrove
M erm et Mrs. Low er house
N ixey Andrew, farm er. Manor farm
E L S F I E L D , in Dom esday â E sefeld,â is a parish and circular basin, and a sim ple b ase: in the ch a n c e l is a
village 3^ miles horth-north-east from Oxford, and about brass inscribed to M ichael Pudsey esq. 1645, with his
.... ... w
the sam e distance south from Islip station on the Bletch- } .......
arm s inserted in the _
m iddle
of an ouuraiij
ancient gravestone
ley and Oxford branch of the London and North W estern ! b rough t from Ensham A bberâ rou n d"th e" maroTnâ¢
railw ay, in the M id division of the county, hundred and ! which is the following inscription in black letters :
p etty sessional division of B ullingdon, union of Headington, county cou rt d istrict of Oxford, ru ra l deanery of Ibic : ia c e t : ffrater : Sobannes : he : Cbiltenbam : quontam:
Hbbag : bujus : loci : cuius : anime : propftietur : Deue:
Islip and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. A church
was consecrated here in J u ly, 1273, b y Reginald, bishop John de Chiltenham was A bbot of Ensham from 1316 b
of Cloyne, actin g for th e bishop of Lincoln. T he church 1330: the church was restored in 1859 and- affords 138
of S t. Thom as a Becket-, pleasantly situated on a hill, is sittings. T he reg ister dates from the year 1686. The
small b uilding of stone, chiefly in the E arly English liv in g is a vicarage, net yea rly v alu e ¿186, with 3
style, and
consists only of chancel and nave, south acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of Herbert J
porch and
a bell-cote on th e
western gable, containing
Parsons esq. and held since 18-99 by the Rev. William
2 bells : the chancel has a Decorated east window, filled G. H ardwicke Elkington, of St. Bees' and New Inn Hall.
in 1878 w ith stained glass as a m em orial to the Rev. Oxford. B re ttâs ch arity of £ t o yearly is for the poor
Richard Gordon, a form er v ic a r : on eith er side aTe of this parish and the parish of Marston. Herbert J.
three elegant lancets, and on the south a p is c in a ; there Parsons esq. of the Manor House, is lord of the manor
is also an au m bry ; both are
E a rly E n glish : the lower
and chief landowner. T h e soil is c la y ; subsoil, clay
p art of the window at the south-w est angle of the and sand. Th e chief crops are wheat, oats and bean«
chancel is blocked, and one end of the sill appears to The area is 1,295 a c re s; rateable value, £ 1,2)0 ; the
have been form ed into a b o o k -re st: th e reredos includes population in 1911 was 163.
a representation in m osaics, by S alvia ti, of â T h e L a st
Parish C lerk, Thom as Basson.
S up p er,â after the fam ous picture by Leonardo da
Y inci, and was given by M rs. Parsons, of the Manor Letters th rou gh Oxford arrive a t 8 a.m. ; dispatched at
6 p.m . B eckley is the nearest money ordeT & teleÂ
House : b u ilt into th e north w all of the nave are two
graph office, about 2 m iles distant
large arches and a sm aller one, at one tim e form ing
the arcade of a now destroyed a is le : the chancel arch W all L e tte r Box cleared at 11.45 a :m- & 6 p.m.; snndays, 11.45 a.m
is Transition Norm an, w ith a screen of Jacobean date :
the p u lp it is of the same period and retain s an h our Parochial School, for 50 children ; average attendance,
glass stand : the font is a plain N orm an w ork, with a
40; M iss H opcrofts. m istress
Elkington Rev. W illiam G . H a rd - 1Parsons M iss M aT y Jane, Home farm H att John Daniel, farmer
w icke (vicar), V ica rag e
C larke W illiam Thom as, head gar- Hill W illiam , farm bailiff to B. J
Parsons H erbert J. Manor house
| dener to H. J. Parsons esq
Parsons esq. Home farm
E M M I N G T O N (or Em ington) is a small parish on the £ 115 , w i t h residence and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of
east side of the road leading from Tham e to Chinnor and Philip Jam es D igby W ykeham esq. and held since 19*
on the borders of B ucks, about 3 males w est from Bled- hy the Rev. Leonard Baldwyn M .A. of Exeter Collegplow station on the Princes Risboroâ and Oxford section of Oxford, who is also rector of and resides at Chinnor
the G reat W estern railway, and i f miles north from Philip Jam es D igby W ykeham esq. is lord of the manor
Chinnor station on the branch to W atlington, and 3 and sole landowner. T he soil and subsoil are princiÂ
m iles south-east from Tham e, in the Southern division pally clay. The ch ief crops are wheat, barley, bean?
of the county, huhdred of Lewknor, p etty sessional divi and oats. Th e area is 740 ac re s; rateable value« ¿ 791'
sion of W atlington, union and cou n ty cou rt district of the popnlation in 19 11 was 42.
Tham e, rural deanery of Aston and archdeaconry and dioÂ
Parish Clerk, G eorge Price.
cese of Oxford. T h e church of St. N icholas is a small Nearest L e tte r Box at th e Plough & Harrow P-Hbut ancient b u ild in g of stone in the D ecorated style,
Chinnor, cleared at 9.50 a.m . & 5.50 p.m -l snn
consisting of chancel and nave, and a Tudely b u ilt
9.25 a.m
tow er w ith saddle-back roof, containing 3 bells : w ithin
th rou gh Tham e arrive at 7.30 a.m. ^ â *'j<
the church are two piscinae, a plain stoup and an
p.m . T h e nearest m oney order & telegraph offic
a u m b ry : the ch u rch was restored in 1874, at a cost of
about i f m iles distan t
£ 9 5 2 , and affords 116 sittings. T h e register dates from
the year 1539.
Th e livin g is a rectoTy, net yearly value
The childreh of this parish attend the school at £