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directo ry.]


Banc» Holford, basket m aker, Ne-w street
¡ L e s l e y George, carpenter, C hurch street
B e n n e tt Percy, builder, M arket square
B e n n e tt Thomas, solicitor & com m issioner for oaths, clerk
to the trustees of the Town Lands C harity, steward of
the Windsor manor & steward of the manor of Cranfield, Beds, B u ll ring
Bliss Charles, ju n . baker, Philcot street
Bolton Frederick Thomas, butcher
Bull Richard Page M .R .C .V .S . veterin ary surgeon, &
v e t e r i n a r y inspector under th e “ Diseases of Anim als
Acts ”
Callow Robert, carrier & town crier, S t. Thom as street
Chislett W illiam R. draper, New street
Clarke George, ju n . blacksm ith. H igh street
Clarke Joseph H enry, farm er, New street
Coggins George, solicitor, p erpetual com m issioner, &
c<Tmmissioner for oaths, coroner for northern district
of Oxfordshire, clerk to the ju stices of the North
Wootton division & to Deddington Sub-Com m ittee of
Oxfordshire Local Pension Com m ittee, & steward to
the duchy manor. M arket place
Compton Leonard John, fishm onger, New street
Course Walter, greengrocer, M arket place
Cowley & Son, chem ists, M arket place
Davis Harry, K in g ’s A rm s P.H . H orsefair
Deddington C ricket Club (J. H. H arm sw orth, sec)
Deddington Football Club (Stanley H all, sec)
Deddington Rifle Club (W . J. French & H. H. W eaver,
hon. secs)
Deely Mary Jane (M rs.), shopkeeper, New street»Deely Thomas H. carrier
Dodwell Bernard, butcher, M arket place
Dodwell Richard, baker, M arket place
Foresters (Ancient O rder of), C o u rt Robin Hood, 5,490
(B. W. Hicks, sec)
Fowler Thomas Robert, baker
Fowler William, sign w riter, The Green
Franklin Stephen Henry, m iller (w ater),D eddington m ill
Franklin (Deddington) L im ited , builders
Freeman Joseph, hair dresser, H igh street
French Lydia (M iss), shopkeeper, M arket place
French William Joseph, farm er, assistant overseer &
clerk to the Parish Council & reg istrar of m arriages
for the Woodstock district, C ouncil street
Gardner Henry, wheelw right, S t. Thom as street
Gardner James, farmer, Clifton road
Gardner Samuel, grocer, Chapel square
Gardner William, saddler, Chapel square
Gibbs Joseph W illiam , furniture dealer, N ew street
Gibbs Joshua (M rs.V shopkeeper. N ew street
Gibbs Oliver, chim ney sweeper. New street
Gilkes George, boot repairer, St. Thom as street
Gillett & Co. (sub-branch), b an k ers; open fridays from 2
t'° 3-45 P -m .; draw on G lyn, M ills, C urrie & Co.
London E C
Great Western Railway Goods & Parcels Office, Unicorn
hotel, Market place"
Gregory W illiam (M rs.), farm er, H igh street



H arris Henry, baker, New street
H igham John Thom as, Unicorn hotel
H iorns W illiam , shopkeeper, C astle street
Hodges G eorge M ontague W illiam s M .B ., B .S.L o n d.,
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician & surgeon,
Ib u ry house, H igh street
H oliday John A rth u r, ironm onger, H igh street
H opcraft A lfred, builder, contractor, brick, roofing tile
& drain pipe m aker & m onum ental mason, Council st
H opcraft Jane (M rs.), shopkeeper, Philcot street
H opcraft Spencer Joseph, butcher, Chapel square
Hore Theodore, farm er
Jennings K ate (M iss), dress m aker, Chapel square
Jolley John, tailor, H udson street
Jones G eorge Horatio M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d .,
L .S .A .L o n d . surgeon, & assistant m edical inspector of
schools to the County E ducation C om m ittee, H igh st
K ilb y Charles, shopkeeper, H igh street
Lew is E m m a (M rs.), grocer, H igh street
M ason H erbert Charles, beer retailer
M atthews Eliza (M rs.), grocer, N ew street
Mayo Thom as, Plough P.H . N ew street
M illington B ryan W orsley, farm er, & captain of Fire
B rigade, New street
M itchell Joseph Frank, cert, bailiff, Castle street
Newm an E rnest Jam es, Red Lion P.H . M arket square
■Oddfellows (No. 7,474) (M anchester U nity, B anbury dis­
tric t) (Thom as Sm ith , sec)
P ainter John, farm er, C astle farm
Payne Robert, shopkeeper. M arket square
Rechabites (Independent O rder of) (P. J. L ick e rish , sec)
Rogers R alph, boot m aker, H udson street
S m ith B rothers, grocers & wine & sp irit dealers
S m ith G eorge, antique fu rn itu re dealer
S m ith Jam es L ee, plum ber & glazier, N ew street
S m ith John, hurdle m aker, Chapel square
S m ith Thom as, cert, bailiff, The Green
Sm ith W illiam Osborn, p lum ber & glazier, H igh street
S m ithin Sidney, carver, C astle street
Taylor E dw ard, shopkeeper, H orsefair
Tibbetts H orace, blacksm ith, M arket square
Tompkins James, Crown & Tuns P.H . New street
TuckeT E lish a F rederick, grocer, M arket place
T urn er Thom as W illiam M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d .
physician & surgeon, & medical officer & public v ac­
cinator Deddington No. 1 d istrict, W oodstock union,
T h e Gables
Tustian Sam uel P ra tt, farm er, E arl’ s farm
Valentine & W ight.m an, tailors, St. Thomas street
Vincent John H enry, cycle agent, New street
W a tts F rederick W illiam , boot & shoe m aker, H igh st
W eaver B ert, grocer, Chapel square
W ells & Son, drapers, M arket place
W hetton John, stationer & collector of incom e, land &
assessed taxes, M arket place
W ightm an John, tailor, see V alentine & W ightm an
W oolgrove Jonathan, seedsman, High street
Y erb u ry A lfred A Son, p ractical chim ney sw eep ers;
estim ates g iv e n ; established over 100 years, C astle st

C L IF T O N .
C O M M E R C IA L .
Robinson G eorge, m iller (w ater), C lif­ W elford W m . & Sons, colliery agents
Boffin Joshua, basket m aker
ton m ill
& hay & straw m erch a n ts; chief
Fowler John Thom as, farm er
Spencer Jerem iah W . farm er, Manor
offices & depots, B a n b u ry ; BloxGarrett Francis (M rs.), farm er
ham ; A y n b o ; B rackley & F inm ere
Haynes Mary A. (M rs.). grocer Ac
W ebb John Thom as, Duke of C um ber­
abi* es (Independent O rder of)
land P.H
W oolgrove W illiam A. carpenter
(G. H. Hawkins, sec)
W righ t Thom as, farm er

Churchlev Henry J.P. Hempton lodge IShepherd W m . Geo. frm r. Ilb u ry frm T ustain W alter, Plough inn
S hirley Richard, farm er
, W oolgrove P. & F. farm ers
eers James, shopkeeper
• T im m s Edwin J. farm er
D E N T O N , see Cuddesdon.
n a m f^ ^ ^ v 'T E R is a parish and v illag e which gives Cynegils, king of the W est Saxons, A.D . 634, to whom
Cnlham \ ~1? n(*re(*’ and is 4 m iles east-by-south from S t. Oswald, king of N orthum bria, was g o d fa th er; these
the Groat w 0Il ° n
^ idcot anc* Oxford branch of two kings gave the bishop this c ity in order that it
?®fcern railw ay, 8 south-east-by-south from m ight become the bead of an episcopal see, and he b uilt
K” road .souhh-east from A bingdon and 49 from London and consecrated in the im m ediate neighbourhood various
rOad, in t.ho Sr.v.+R„— J
c ,,
sessional ^
Southern division of the county, petty churches, and subsequently baptized kin g Cuthred and
court distrVf1310/1 Tt?f .BuBingdon, union and county king Cw ichelm , the son of C y n e g ils : S. B irinus died
°f W allingford, ru ra l deanery of CudA.D. 650, and was buried at Dorchester. T h is see, after
villaoe ?„ar+u
and diocese of Oxford. The four hundred and sixty years’ continuance, first as a
which t W ° n ? e western Bank of the Tham e, over W est Saxon and afterw ards as a M ercian bishopric, in­
arches hnii*13
n6 a handsom e stone bridge of three cluding from 965 the sees of Lindsey and Leicester, was
bride-e* tKc •ln
3 ; a few hundred yards below the translated to Lincoln by Rem igius, 23rd bishop, 1067-1092,
Thames wh-11.ers Tliam e and Isis un ite and form the and according to Tanner (N otitia M onastics), c. 1086, at
the nearo«tif . seParates
this county from B erk sh ire; which tim e, says W illiam of M alm esbury (who flourished
miles diet a 1 U P
river is a t Clifton Hampden, in th at age), “ Dorchester was a small and unfrequented
Birinus tha
’ f,n(* ^own at Shillingford, 2 m iles. S. to w n ; y e t the beauty and state of its churches were
apostle of the W est Saxons, here baptized very rem arkable, as well for the ancient work as the