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A bb att M rs. Sibford G ow er, Banbury Alden M rs. E. W enham , 79 Banbury Anderson O ctavius A . Stone house,
A bbey John, 37 Thorncliffe
road, Oxford
N ew road, Oxford
S um m ertown, Oxford
Alden Robert R. 232 W oodstock road, Andrew Bennet H ., M.D. 8r H ig h st.
A bb ott G ilb ert S tanley, 15 D ivin ity
Sum m ertow n, O xford
Tham e
road, C ow ley road, Oxford
Alden Stanley, 54 A bingdon rd.O xfrd A ndrews E d w ard , 6 C h alfon t road,
A bbott Mrs. i 3 F renchay road, St. Alden W. H. 77 A bingdon rd. Oxford
S t. G ile s â, O xford
G ile sâ, Oxford
A ldenham Lord, M anor house, C lif Andrew s F ran cis Joseph, 1 L a th b u ry
A bbotts E rn est, 1 Broughton road,
ton H am pden, A b in g d o n ; & 37
road, B an b u ry road, Oxford
B anbury
P ortlan d place W ;
C arlton & Andrew s H enry, C h ester v illa, 309
A bbotts W .H . 2 S t. Johnâs rd.B anbry
T ravellersâ clubs S W & C ity C a rlÂ
W oodstock rd. S um m ertow n,O xford
A âBear A lfred , 145 Iffley road, Oxford
ton club E C , London
Andrew s M iss, 337 C ow ley rd. O xford
A âBear John D aniel, G lencairn, V ic  A ldridge A rth u r A lexan d er, 222 B an Â
Andrew s M isses, 9 S t. M arg aretâs rd.
toria road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
b u ry road, Sum m ertow n , O xford
S t. G ile sâ, Oxford
Abell Mrs. 18 W arw ick rd. B an b u ry A ld rid g e M rs. 2 W yth a m terrace,
Andrews M rs. 2 W in ch ester road, S t.
A braham B. 230 A bingdon rd. Oxford
H igh street, E yn sh am
G ile sâ, O xford
A braham John G eorge J .P ., C .C . A ld rid ge Percival' L . 37 Bainton rd.
A ndrew s M rs. John, 10 C h alfo n t road,
Low er co u rt,C h ad lin gton .C h arlbu ry
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
S t. G ile sâ, Oxford
Abraham Joseph W illiam , Ringwood A lexander F rederick, 3 W h ite House
A n drew s Thos. 92 W alton st O xford
Oak house, M inster L o vell, W itn ey
road, G randpont. O xford
A n gel Andrea M .A ., B .Sc. 15 B an b u ry
A bram s E dw ard A rth u r, 82 South- A ling ton Rev. E dw ard H ugh M .A
road, O xford
moor road, S t. G ilesâ , O xford
M ayfield, M ayfield road, S u m m er A n ker F red k . 102 W arw ick rd .B an b ry
A cland M iss, 7 Park tow n, Oxford
town, Oxford
A n ker M iss, Cropredy, B an bury
A cott Mrs. 14 C h a rlb u ry rd. Oxford A lington Rev. H. T. G ., M .A. R ecÂ
Anker M rs. 101 W arw ick rd. B an bury
a âCourt Sidney, Red house, Shiplake,
tory, N uneham C ourten ay, Oxford A nnetts A lb ert, 74 S t. Johnâs road,
Henley- on -Tham es
A llch in B asil C h arles M .A .' 15 B eauÂ
S t. G ile s â, O xford
A dair Maj. Hy. A . 2 Lin ton rd.O xfrd
m ont street, Oxford
A nnetts Lan celo t G eorge, Th e C roft,
Adam s C om m ander H enry J. H .,R .N . Allchin M rs.W . H. 47 Broad st.O xfo rd
H eadington, O xford
Cam rose, Icknield way, G oring
Allen Rev. G erald B urton M .A. P em  A nsell F red T . 13. F airvie w rd.B anb ry
Adam s Rev. H enry Theophilus, Th e
broke college, St. A ld a teâs st.O xfrd A n sell F . W . 90 B an b ury rd. Oxford
V icarage,B roadw ell,Lechlad e (G los) Allen A lfred E . 6 Parker st. Oxford
A nthony
H en ry A n th on y B irrell,
Adams H arold W illiam , The G range, A llen A rth . J. 23 M erton st. Oxford
G lenthorne, H ig h s treet, Tham e
N orth Stoke, W allingford
A llen C. A ll S ain tsâ school, Bloxham A p lin F rederick G . E xm oor, W oodAdams John C harles, 27 H ill Top rd.
B anbury
stock road, Sum m ertow n , O xford
S t. C lem entâs, O xford
A llen G . S. 14 S ou th B ar st.B a n b u ry
Adams Philip E dw ard H omer M .A ., A llen G eorge Boyce, 145 W oodstock A plin O liver Vernon F .L .S . S ton eh ill,
B loxh am , B an bury
F .R .C .S . 53 Broad street, Oxford
road, S t. G ile sâ, Oxford
Adams W illiam G eorge S tew art, 13 Allen H erbert, Hook Norton, B anbury Appelbee M iss, T h e 'L ila c s , W arbo roâ,
W allin gford
Bardw ell road, Oxford
Allen H ugh Jas. 42 B an bury rd.O xfrd
M ulberry cottage,
Adamson H orace W illiam , Donning- Allen H ugh P ercy M .A ., M us.Doc. 8 Appelbee Mrs.
Benson, W allin gford
ton lodge, Iffley road, Oxford
Keble road, S t. G ile sâ, O xford
P ercival
Adamson W illiam , 165 B an b u ry rd. Allen John, Th e E lm s, Iffley, Oxford
B .S c. 214 W oodstock rd. S u m m erÂ
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
A llen John C. 155 B an b ury road,
Ady M iss, S t. H u g h âs college, 28 NorSum m ertow n , Oxford
A ppleton H v.W m .243 C ow ley rd.O xfrd
ham gardens, Oxford
Allen M iss, 319 C ow ley road, Oxford
A rch er A lfred G eorge, 7 T ack ley pi.
Aggis T . A d d erb u ry W est, Banbury
Allen M iss, 11 S t. M arg aretâs road,
S t. G ile s â , O xford
Agnew C . G erald, Copse h ill, R oth erÂ
S t. G ile sâ, O xford
A rch er C harles, 45 Leekford road, S t.
field G reys, H enley-on-Tham es
Allen M rs. 25 N orham road, O xford
ile sâ, O xford
Ainger M rs. 87 D ivin ity rd. Oowlev Allen Thom as W illiam M .A. 6 C an Â
A rch er Jam es, 320 B an b u ry road,
road, Oxford
terb u ry road, S t. G ile s â, Oxford
S um m ertow n, O xford
Aitchison L ady, 104 B anbury rd.O xfrd A lleyn H enry M atthew , Sun m ount,
A rch er W illiam , 64 K in g sto n road,
Aitken Rev. Patrick Henderson M .A .,
Rotherfield rd. Rotherfield Peppard,
St. G ile sâ, O xford
B .Sc., B .D ., D .L itt.
W arnH enley-on-Tham es
A rcher-H oublon Ven. Thom as Henrv
borough road, St. G ile sâ, Oxford
A llibone G eorge, 103 K in gston road,
A ,
C h rist
C h u rch ,
S t.
Aitken Wm. J. 4 P arker st. Oxford
S t. G ile sâ, Oxford
A ld ateâs street, Oxford
Akers A lfred , The M ill house, Alves- A llin M iss, The G ran ge, L ittlem ore,
J . P . Th e
cot, Clanfield
F o lly, W oodcote, R eadin g
Akers H ubert, M anor house, Black Allin M rs. 8 S tan ley road, Cowley
A rgles G u y, W h ite cottage, W h itÂ
Bourton, Clanfield
St. John, Oxford
ch urch , R eadin g
Akers Thom as, K ingsw ood, Gorins:, A lln u tt M iss, 1 B lack H all rd. Oxford
Aries M rs. K id lin g to n , O xford
A lln u tt Mrs. 69 C ow ley road, O xford
Albanuif Sidney, 39 Portland road, A lln u tt M rs. K in gston B loun t, W a l A rk ell John, 18 W orcester road, C h ip Â
p in g Norton
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Arlcell R obert R eginald, W aln uts,
A-lcock John, B errym oor, Banbury
A lln u tt Thos. A lexan d er, W atlin gton
N ettlebed, H enley-onTham es
Alden C yril, n K ingston road, St.
farm , W atlin gton , W allin gford
A rk ell Thom as, South law n, Olanfield
O desâ, O xford
Allsop M rs. 46 O akthorpe
A rm itag e Rev. Ph ilip M .A . Th e
Alden E dw ard, 83 Lonsdale road,
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
V icarage,
N ettleb ed,
Henley-onbum m ertown, O xford
A m ery G eorge, 2 C h arles street, St.
Tham es
Alden F rederick H ., J.P. W heatley
E bbe's, O xford
an bury
H erbert E dw ard, T h e C roft, A m ery Mrs. 14 D avenant rd. W olverÂ
A rm stead E dw d.C lip sh am , 33 T h o rn Â
W olvercote, Oxford
cote, Oxford
O xford
Alden Isaac, 16 W alton st. Oxford
Am os Thom as, G t. Bourton, B an bury
A rm stron g Rev. A rth u r S t. Q uin tin
Leonard H. E astw yke farm , Amsden G eorge, Noke, Oxford
M .A. The R ectory, Newton P u rc e ll
Abingdon road, Oxford
A nderson E llery, Redwood, Lonw
B uck in gh am
lden Miss, 34 O akthorpe road,
H andborough, W oodstock
A rm stro n g A lfred A rch ib ald M A 361
b um m ertown, Oxford
Anderson John G eorge C la rk M .A.
C ow ley road, O xford
den Mrs. 21 D ivin ity road, Cowley
S t. A ld ateâs street, O xford
A rm stron g E d w ard M .A. B ed house.
road, Oxford
Anderson M iss, 4 Broad st. Oxford
Iffley road, Oxford