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D IR E C T O R Y .]

B E R K S H IR E .

vr A L L I N G F ORD .

25 7

Clapcot, Didcut or Dudcote, H agbourne (E ast), H ag­ I The Brethren, C astle s tre e t; 11 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; wed. 7
bourne (W est), Moreton (N orth), Moreton (South),
Moulsford, Sotw ell, W allingford AJlhallows, W a llin g ­ P rim itive M ethodist, Rev. Jam es M iddleton (s u p t.); n
ford S t. Leonard, W allingford S t. M ary-le-M ore, W a l­
a.m . & 6.30 p.m . ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
lingford S t. Peter, W ittin gh am (L ittle), W ittin gh am W esleyan M ethodist, St. Leonard’s square (Oxford C ir ­
(L o n g ); area, 22,532 a c re s; population in 1911, 9,961.
cuit), Rev. G ran ger H argreaves (supt.) & Rev. Tilden
In Oxon : Benson or Bensington, Crow m arsh, G ifford,
E . B issek er; 11 a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; th urs. 7.30 p .m
Dorchester, E w elm e, M ongewell, N ew ington, Newnham M urren, Stoke (N orth ), Stoke (S ou th), W ar­
b orough; area, 20,164 ac re s; population in 1911, G ram m ar School, H igh street, origin ally founded, under
5,0x4. I he population of the en tire Union in 19x1
the ch arity of W alter B ig g , supposed to have been an
was 14,975 J area, 42,696 a c re s ; rateable value in
innkeeper of St. G iles-in-the-F ields, London ; the
Sept. 1914, ¿120 ,140, v i z . B e r k s , ¿ 8 6 ,4 7 4 ; Oxon,
endowment, am ounting to not more than ¿ 1 0 yearly,
¿ 3 3 .6 6 6
was directed to be applied to the erection of a free
Chairm an of the Board of G uardian s, John P. K in g
gram m ar school, the maintenance of a m aster, & the
Clerk to the G uardians & Assessm ent Com m ittee, George
instruction of six boys, sons of parents residing in the
Frederick Slade, M arket place, W allingford
to w n : no nom inations to th e school w ere m ade for
Treasu rer, John H ayes Sim onds, R eading
m any years, & the income was allowed to accum ulate
Collectors to the G uardians, Relieving & Vaccination
u n til the invested capital produced a yearly income of
Officers, Cholsey d istrict, B enjam in Tubb, B righ tw ell ;
¿200, w hich, with the aid of p rivate subscriptions, has
W allingford district, Thom as Tyson Henson, St. Peter’s
enabled the trustees to erect suitable buildings for
street, W allingford
n o scholars of both sexes, on a site to the w est of
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, A ston district,
the town, at a cost of about ¿3,000 ; & these were
H erbert R ichard Langm ore M .B ., B .C .C an tab . Aston
opened, w ith some cerem onial, 10th Sept. 1877, by
U p th orp e; Cholsey district, Edwin Charles W alter
Edward W ells esq. then M .P. for the b o ro u g h ; a
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . M arket place, W allin g­
laboratory was added in 1899 at th e cost of F. R.
ford ; Dorchester d istrict, A nthony B irch M .B .L ond.,
Hedges esq. & additional class rooms in 1902 ; in 1904'
M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . D orchester,
O xo n .;
the schools were am algam ated as a jo in t school for
W allingford
d istrict,
W illiam
Brem ner
boys & g irls, & there are now (1915) about 40 boys &
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . S t. M ary’s street, W a l­
30 g i r l s : the school is recognised b y the Board of
Education as a secondary sch ool: E . Stan ley H ayward
M .A .C am b ., B .A .L o n d. head m a s te r; C. T . ColquW a l l in g f o r d R e g is t r a t io n D is t r ic t .
houn M .Sc.D urh. second m aster; M iss E. H. Moseley
Superintendent R egistrar,W estley C arthew , C hurch lane,
B .A . chief assistan t m istress; M iss M. G rig g , p re­
W a llin gfo rd ; deputy, Thos. W . T ickner, 17 M arket st
paratory departm ent
Registrar of M arriages, Charles Theodore Venimore,
Council, S t. John’s road, erected 1910, for 260 b o y s ;
H igh street, W allingford
Thom as H. A stb u ry, m aster
The Poor Law In stitu tion , situated near the western
boundary of the borough, in the p arish of S t. M ary, The underm entioned school is under th e control of five
local m an a g ers; G eorge F. Slade, solicitor, 7 St.
is a structure of b rick, constructed to hold 382 in ­
M artin’s street, correspondent
m ates. A new & enlarged infirm ary was opened Dec.
Elem entary, K in e croft, erected in 1861 at upw ards of
22, 1898; three new children ’s homes, ad jacen t to the
¿2,000 cost, exclusive of th e site, granted by th e Cor­
institution, were opened on 7th A p ril, 1900, for 45
poration ; there are separate schools for g irls & in ­
children in a ll; E dw in Freem an, m a s te r; Rev. Sam uel
fants, which w ill hold 170 girls & 192 in fa n ts ; M iss
C ox M .A. ch ap lain ; W illiam Brem ner Nelson
B essie W oodward Lovejoy, m is tre s s ; M iss Lilian
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . m edical officer; Mrs.
W illiam s, in fan ts’ m istress
E llen Freem an, m atro n ; M iss G . G reen, assistant
m atro n ; M iss E th el G reenard, head n u rse; Mrs.
N E W SP A P E R .
Thornbery, M iss B. Swotton, M iss E . Rowe & M iss
M. Buchanan, assistant nurses ; Charles Fearne, labour Berks & Oxon A dvertiser, S t. M ary’ s s t r e e t ; W illiam D.
u b lish er; published friday
m aster; C hild ren’s H om es: Jesse W . Longhurst,
su p erin ten d en t; Mrs. A m elia L on gh urst, m a tro n ;
Mrs. C. Fearne, lau n d ry m istress
The girls & infants of the Home® attend the E lem entary G. W . R ailw ay Station, E lias C ordrey, station m a s te r;
W. Snow & Sons, goods & cartage agents
school, K in e croft
Om nibus from Lam b hotel m eets all trains
The boys attend the Council school, St. John’s road
Sutton & Co.’s P arcel office, 45 S t. M ary’s street ; A. G
-1 C astle, agent
Meets at the C lerk’s office, 7 St. M artin’ s street
Abingdon— A ndrew s, from ‘ G reyh ou n d,’ mon. a t 9 a.m .
q u arterly; form ed in 1899 & re-elected in 1908.
& retu rn at 4 p.m
Clerk, Percival C laude A ve ry Slade, 7 S t. M artin ’s st. Aston & Moreton— F ry, from M arket place, tues. & fri.
W allingford
at 4.30
Treasurer, Reginald Cockram , L loyds Bank L im ited, Benson— Y oun g, C h errill & W in gfield, from M arket
W allingford
place, d a ily ; & C h errill, from ‘ L io n ,’ daily a t 3
Blew bury— Green, from ‘ F ea th ers,’ tues. & fri. at 4
B rightw ell— Jam es H ew ett & K in g, daily
C ertifying F actory Surgeon, E dw in Charles W alter Chalgrove— A. H iggs, from ‘ F ea th ers,’ at 3 tues. & fri
M .R .C .S.E ng. St. M ary’s street
Clieckendon— Snewing, on fri
Inland Revenue Officer, H. J. W ilson, E cclesbourne, Chilton— F ry, tues. & fri
R eading road
Cholsey— Adam s, from M arket place, daily
Didcot— Atkinson & H awkins, tues. & fri. 2 p.m
Dorchester— Brown, from M arket place, daily
P L A C E S OF W O RSH IP, w ith tim es of Services.
Ewelm e— C herrill & W ingfield, daily
St. Leonard’s C hurch, Rev. A rgen t Sim m ons M .A. G oring & S outh Stoke— H ales, from M arket place, fri
recto r; 8 & 11 a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p.m . ; daily m atins, Hagbourne— Saw yer, from M arket place, tues. & fri. at
8 or 10 a.m . ; evensong, 5.30 p .m
2 ; Hawkins & H olloway, tues. & fri
St. M ary’s C hurch, Rev, H erbert Patrick Bowen M .A. Moreton (N orth & S ou th )— B utch er, from M arket place,
rector; 8 & n a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p.m . ; d a ily m atins at
tues. & fri
10 a.m . except on fri. 12 noon; mon. tues. thurs. & Oxford— Andrews, wed. & sat. at 9 a.m
sat. 5 p.m . ; fri. 8.15 p.m . ; holy days, 8 & 10 a m
Reading— G iles, from ‘ G reen T ree.’ tues. thurs. fri. &
St. P eter’s, Rev. Sam uel Alfred Cox M .A . r e c to r ; 8 &
sat. at 8.30 a.m . passin g th rou gh Cholsey, M olesford,
11 a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; thurs. 8 p.m
Streatley, Basildon & Pangbourne, thurs. & fri
B aptist, Tham es street, Rev. E dw ard Ashford Sm ith
Stadham pton— B ecklev. from ‘ Lion,’ fri. at 3
11 a.m ^& 6.30 p.m . ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Stoke Row & N ettlebed—
w t m w 7-3° P j *
e ttle b e d -W
e n , tues. & 1fri
Baptist (Particular) (Jireh), New roa d ; 10.30 a.m . & 6 W arborough & Shillin gford— Sw ell, dailv
P- • , ues. 7 p.m
fV; at 2.30
W atlington— Jackson, from ‘ Fent.hprc
F ea th ers,’’ fri.
I Blake Henry, Horton house, C roft rd B rasher E dgar, 35 S t. M ary’ s street
A stbury Thom as H. Reading road
Boughton Mrs. 29 St. M ary’ s street Brasher W illiam Fras.34 S t.M a ry’s st
Ballard Miss, 22 Reading road
Bowen Rev. H erbt. Patrick M .A. (recBinyon W illiam Jam es, 64 H igh st I tor of S t. M ary’s), R ectory, H igh st Brookfield P ercy H. 1 S t. M artin ’s st
Brook® M rs. 7 St. Peter’s street
B ,<R ” S .