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for 30 boys, who are clothed and tau gh t readin g and
Sexton and V erger, Thom as Diggens.
writing, the p arents also receivin g assistance towards Police Station , W m . Jam es Gallop, sergeant in charge
their apprenticeship to som e t r a d e ; the incom e of Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office.—
the charity is £ 1 9 6 ; the rem aining charities include
Leonard Charles Brooks, sub-postm aster.
a num ber of sm all and ancient cottages, the rents of
arrive from N ew bury at 6.30 a.m . 12 noon & 7.30
w hich , after providing repairs and upkeep, have
p.m . ; dispatched at 6.45 & 10.25 a.m . & 12.40, 3.15,
custom a rilv been applied to the church rep a irs;
5.40 & 8 p.m .
L etters m ay be called for from 8.30
£97 for the support of alm shouses; £ 6 15s. for dis­
to 10 a.m . on su n d ays; dispatched 8.15 a.m . There
tribution in bread, and £ 6 15s. to th ree of the oldest
is also a telegraph office at the railw ay station
men in the village. Thatcham had an cien tly a m arket, W all L e tter Box, Th atch am Station , cleared at 12 noon
& 8.30 p.m . ; no collection on sundays
confirm ed to the A bb ey of Reading b y H enry II. b ut it
has long since been discontinued. Crookham H eath is P illar L e tter Box, N orthfield road, cleared at 7.15 A
in the southern portion of the parish. Crookham
10.40 a.m . & 3.30 & 7.30 p .m .; no sunday collection
House, the
seat of A. S. B. T u ll esq. is a m odern P illar B oxes.— Crookham , cleared at 8.15 a.m . & 6
p.m . ; sundays, 9.30 a.m . ; Colthrop, cleared at 8 a.m .
m ansion of stone, d eligh tfu lly situated on an eminence
com m anding
extensive views of the surrounding
& 1.45 & 7.10 p.m . ; B ath road, cleared a t 7.30 &
10.30 a.m . & 3.30 & 8.30 p.m . ; sundays, 8.40 a.m
L ittle Park House, the residence of M ajor
W. J. Langford, is a handsome edifice of red brick,
b eau tifu lly situated, w ith fine views of the distant
E lem en tary Schools.
H am pshire h il ls ; and Thatcham House, of M ajor Blue C oat (or L a d y W inch com be’s ch arity), Sam uel
Charles Turner J.P . ; W illiam A rth u r Mount esq. M.P.
V a llis, m aster
and Lloyd H arry Baxendale esq. are the p rin cipal land­ Council (m ixed), b u ilt in 1913, for 216 c h ild re n ;
W. A . M ount esq. M .P. is lord of the nlanoT
H oratio Barton Skillm an , m aster
of Thatcham , and A . S. B. T u ll esq. lord of Crook­ C lappers Green, b u ilt in 1844, on ground given by
ham manor.
The soil is gra vel and clay ; subsoil,
W illiam G eorge M ount esq. of W asing, for 160 ch ild­
gravel, clay
and peat. Th e chief crops are barley,
ren ; Mrs. J. L. G lastonbury, m istress
wheat and roots. The area of the civil p arish is 5,880 Broad street (in fan ts), b u ilt in 1879, for 150 ch ild ren ;
acres of land, including th e commons &c. and 57 acres
M rs. G oddard, m istress
of w a ter; rateable value, £ 13 ,9 7 2 ; population in 1911 St. B arnabas’ (m ixed ), Crookham Com m on, enlarged in
was 2,416. Cold A sh once formed p art of th e c iv il
1884, for 107 ch ild ren ; John S. Cole, m a s te r; Mrs.
parish of T hatcham , but w ill be found under a separate
E lizabeth B. C ole, m istress
Crookham , 1 m ilo s o u th -e a st; H enwick,
w e s t; Railw ay Station, A nthony Borlase, station m aster
and Colthrop, i j east, are places in this parish.
C arrier.— F rederick M aslin, to N ew bury, daily
Adam s Charles, china & glass dealer Fyfield G eorge Jas. A .R .C .O . tea ch er
Adam s E d ith (M rs.), shopkeeper
m usic,
A lln att Misses, 2 New villas
Adam s John, dairym an
Th atch am & H ighclere, ta x col­
A rbuthnot Mrs. The Ham manor
A ldridge Thom as H arris, beer retailr
Back Rev. H atfeild A rthur W illiam
Ashm an Sidney John, saddler
Brim pton & W asing & sec. for th e
B.A. (curate)
B arr H enry, wood dealer
C h arity trustees
Baker Mrs. Crookham m anor
Bolton H ester (M rs.), Swan P.H . G arrett Thom as, beer retailer
B axter M rs. London road
IG ibbs A lfred , draper
Beit M iss, The E lm s
Brooks Bernard Jam es, baker
-G riffiths W illiam , farm er, Crookham
Bolton E dw ard, B ath road
G un ter C h arles, builder
B ott Mrs. H om eleigh
G un ter Chas. farm er, W aterside frm
B ravant Mrs. Newtown
Brown Charles Geo. & Co. m echanical Hawkins E rnest H. K in g ’s H ead P.H
B rent Algernon, H am bridge lodge
1H eath Benj. farm er, Manor H ouse fm
Brooks Bernard, Coombe villa
Brown John & Sons, b rush handle ¡H enry John & Co. L im ited , pap er
Brown A rth u r, W etherdene
| m an u facturers, Colthrop m ills
Brown T h os.H y.F airholm e, London rd
Browning M ark, chim n ey sweeper, Holdup W illiam , shopkeeper,Broad
Cannon H enry A ngus, B ath road
H olloway R oger J. farm bailiff to A.
C arrington Miss C lara
B ull G eorge, gam ekeeper to A . S. B.
S. B. T u ll esq. Cham berhouse farm
Cham berlaine
M .A.
T u ll esq. W oodside, Crookham
L ily
(M iss),
fru it
(vicar), The V icarage
C apital & Counties Bank Ltd . (subgrower,
Collins Jesse, Bath road
branch) (open tues. & fri.) (Evan Jam es C harles A lb t.b eer ret.N ew tow n
Coulson John T . B everley, London rd
Jones, m a n a g er); draw on head K in g Thom as, h air dresser
Davis Rev. Jesse Geo. (C ongregatnl)
office,39 Threadneedle st.London E C K in g Thom as, Horse & Jockey P .H .
Day Mrs. Newtown
C arter & Son, rick & wagon c lo t h ; Crookham
E yre Col. E dm und Hy. C .B. Redfield
m an ufacturers
Lake Geo. chim ney swpr. C h ap el st
Fleuss Henry, Dunstan house
C arter A lb ert, farm er, W hitelands
Lake L illy (M rs.), shopkeeper
Fowler Mrs. Crookham End house
Child W illiam , w heelw right
Lane Joseph, p riv ate school for b o y s ;
Fyfield G eorge, Marsh house
Childs Elizh. (M iss), dress m aker
h ig h ly recom m ended to parents
Goddard Mrs. B ath road
Clark Joseph, farm er
who appreciate the m an y advan­
G unter Charles, Sidney lodge
tages of a sm all hom e school for
Harm an Jonathan, Dunstan
Crookham Common
young boys, h ea lth y cou n try life,
Haynes Mrs. Southcote
Coburn H arry, W heat Sheaf P.H
The Ferns
Henry John M aclean, The G ables
y Jam es, farm er, Seige Cross
Jenkins W illiam , H olly bank
Collins H arry, photographer
L a y John H enry H azell, farm er, C ol
Lane Joseph, The Ferns
Cousens Thom as W illiam s,depu ty re ­
Langford M ajor W illiam John, L ittle
g is tra r of b irth s, deaths & m a r­ L a y M ary (M rs.), grocer
Park house, Crookham
riages, Thatch am su b-district,N ew ­ Lo ck ver H ugo J am es,W h ite H art P.H
Laroom A lfred, London road
bury union, Crowfield cottages & London C ou n ty & W estm in ster Bank
M acartney C arlile H. H. Foxhold,
grocer. H igh street
Lim ited (sub-branch) (open tues.
Crookham Common
Crookham G olf C lub (L. Lodge, sec.),
& fri.) (F. U. S. H avne, m an a g er);
Martin Thom as
Crookham Common
draw on head office, 41 Lo th bu rv,
Mecey Edward
Cruse F ran cis E . baker
Mecey Godfrey, Park lane
Davies E rn est, County Council sur­ M accabee Jam es, job b in g gardener,
Newnham Capt. Fdk. G eo.The Priory
Pink Mrs. Brook villa
Draper W illiam , relievin g & vaccin a­ M aecabee Thom as, carpenter
Selwvn Mrs. The Cedars, London Td
tion officer. No. 3 district, & r e ­ M artin Thos. L .R .C .P .L o n d ..M .R .C .S .
Sm ith Frederick 0 . Oxford lodge
g is tra r of birth s & deaths for the
E ng. surgeon, & m edical officer &
Tull A lb ert S. B. Crookham house
sub-district of Thatcham & for
p u b lic vaccinator, 3rd district,N ew ­
Turner M ajor Chas. J.P .T h atch am ho
m arriages for the N ewbury union
b u ry union
Vincent Robert. E vthrone
F ish er A lfd. cowkpr. Crookham Com M aslin F rederick, carrier
Waldron W ilfrid, Siegecross
G eorge,
farm er,
B urn ell’s M aslin G eorge, coach builder
W heeler Mrs. Newton
farm , Crookham
M avers H enry Daniel, builder
W hitehouse M rs. Park lane
M ecey & Son, solicitors & com m is­
W o rtley E rnest Dixon
Fringe E llen (M rs.), laundress
sioners for oaths
F ry Jam es, baker,Crookham Com m on M ecey Edwd'. solr. see M ecev & Son
F uller Sophia (M rs.), shopkeeper. Millson G eorge W illiam , V olun teer
E arly closing day, W ednesday.
P.H . Crookham Common
Absolom George, beer retailer
Fuller W ilfrid , news agent