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increased to 6, as a cost of £245, the g ift of Charles
Baily esq- in m em ory of his fath er, but the upper p art
of the tower has been re m o v e d : the church was restored
in 1868 and affords 170 sittings. The reg ister dates
from the year 1577. The livin g is a vicarage, net
yearly value £40, w ith residence, in the g ift of the
Lord Chancellor, and held since 1869 by the Rev.
Kitelee Chandos-Baily B .A . of U niversity College,
Durham, who is also incum bent of Tattenhoe. Here is
a small W esleyan Methodist chapel and a B aptist chape),
built in 1856, w ith 250 sittings. T h ere is a ch arity
of about £ 1 3 17s. a year, left by the Rev. J. H um e for dis­
tribution to poor householders and for the education of
six ch ild ren ; there are also 15 acres of land awarded
to the poor in lieu of common righ ts when the parish
was inclosed in 1788, the rent of which is given in coals.
William Selby-Low ndes, jun. esq. is lord of the m anor.
Mrs. Jones and Robert W ylie esq. are the chief lan d­
owners. The soil is ligh t c la y ; subsoil, clay and stone.
The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and beans.
The area is 912 acres of land and 5 of w a te r ; assess­
able value, £ 10 ,74 5; the population, w ith New Bradwell, in 1911 was 3,938, excluding th at place, 380.
The population of B rad w ell ecclesiastical parish in
1911 was 420.
Post Office, Bradw ell.— John Buckingham , sub-post­
master. Letters throu gh W olverton, B ucks, arrive at
7.20 a.m . & 12.15 & 6.35 p .m . ; box cleared a t 9.10
a.m. & 1 & 6.55 p.m . ; sundays, 9.10 a.m . Stantonbury, 1 m ile distant, is the n earest m oney order &
telegraph office
Elementary School (infants), erected by the London &
North W estern Railway, & opened in 1891; transferred
to County C ouncil in 1903, for 40 children ; M rs. Ada
Mills, m istress

in 1898 : there are sittin gs for about 500 persons. Owing
to the “ instrum ent ” su bstitu tin g the rig h ts and p riv i­
leges of St. P eter’s to S t. Jam es’s consecrated in 1850,
being lost, or never m ade out, a special A c t of P a rlia­
m ent had to be passed legalisin g 1,000 m arriages on a
fresh in strum en t title, the old church thus, on July
1st, 1909, becom ing th e chapel of a conventional district.
The ancient church of St. Peter’s, STA N TO N B U R Y, is
situate close to the river Ouse and possesses m any
features of arch itectural in terest, including a richly
carved Norm an arch between the nave and the c h an ce l:
a sanctus bell dated 11-50, also a pedestal and arches
separatin g the north aisle from the nave, chauntrey,
also an altar and credence table of the tim e of K in g
Stephen, were found in 1910: services are held here
only d urin g the sum m er m onths. The reg ister dates
from the year 1653. Th e livin g is a vicarage, annexed
to th at of Stantonbury, join t net yea rly value £ 176 .
w ith residence and 2 acres of glebe, in th e g ift of
E arl SpenceT, and held since 1908 by the Rev. Allan
Newm an G uest M .A. of T rin ity College, Dublin.
church and schools, w ith residences, were b u ilt p rin ci­
pally by the shareholders of the London and N orth
W estern R ailw ay Com pany, and opened in i860. There
is a Prim itive M ethodist chapel in Thom pson street,
b uilt in 1865, costing £935. and affords 200 s ittin g s;
also a B ap tist chapel in N orth street, and a Gospel hall
in Caledonian road. There is a w orking M en’s Social
Club and L ib era l and R adical Club, and the Bradw ell and
Wolverton Good Sam aritan Society. The land is p rin ­
cip ally th e p rop erty of E arl Spencer K .G . and the
London and N orth W estern R ailw ay Com pany.
population of the ecclesiastical parish of S tan ton bury in
1911 was 3,555.
Parish Clerk, A rth u r Beach.

NEW B R A D W E L L is a portion of this parish for civil
purposes, b ut for ecclesiastical it is a separate vicarage
annexed to S ta n to n b u ry; it is situated on the north-east
side of the W olverton railw ay works, and is principally
inhabited by the m en em ployed there. T h ere is a sta­
tion here on the branch of the London and North W est­
ern railway from W olverton to Newport Pagnell, opened
in 1867.
Bradw ell is supplied w ith w ater and gas
from works the p rop erty of the Railw ay Com pany. St.
James’ church, erected in i860, for New Bradwell and
Stantonbury, is a b uilding of stone in th e G eom etric
style, from designs by th e late G . E. S treet esq. R.A.
consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south
chapel, south porch and an unfinished tower at th e north­
west angle, containing one b e ll: a north aisle was added

Post, M. 0 ., T. & Telephonic E xpress D eliverv Office,
Stantonbury.— Charles F rederick
m aster. Letters th rou gh W olverton, B ucks, arrive at
& 11.30 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; dispatched at 9 . 3 0 a.m .
& 12.25, 2-10 & 8 p .m . ; Sundays, 8 p .m
W all L e tter B oxes.— N ew port road, cleared at 9 . 4 0 a.m .
& 2.10 & 8.5 p .m .; sundays, 7.50 p .m .; & Bradw ell
road, cleared at 9.30 a.m . & 1.20 & 7 1 5 p .m . ; Sun­
days, 9.30 a.m
Elem entary School (m ixed), New Bradwell, b uilt in 18 5 9 ,
& since enlarged, to accom m odate 1,000 ch ild ren ;
J. Irv in g Brooks, m aster; M iss A m y W illiam s, m is­
tress ; Miss Sarah Ann H eacock, in fan ts’ m istress
R ailw ay Station, B radw ell, G eorge Thom as Foxon,
station m aster

Beach A rth u r, general dealer & as Essam Thom as, boot & shoe m aker,
sistan t overseer & clerk to Parish
34 St. Jam es’ street
Council, parish clerk & insurance Floyd E lizabeth (M rs.), shopkeeper,
Bellairs-Harries M rs. Bradwell house
agent, ir Queen Anne street
105 N ew port road
Chandos-Baily R ev.
K itelee
Bell Mark W illiam , agent B ritish G iltrow Thom as, C u b a hotel, 81
(vicar), V icarage
Petroleum Co. 1 N ew port road
Newport road
Buckingham John, baker, Post office, Bellcham bers N athaniel Joseph, in­ G urney Bros, m onum ental masons,
candescent gas fittin gs, 103 N ew ­
New port road
Longhton road
p ort road
Harrup Jam es, baker, 24 H igh street
Coe Elizabeth (M iss), grocer. 20
B lunt G eorge, chim ney sweep, 25 H arvey Jn. Owen M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P .
Vicarage road
Newport road
Foulks James, shopkpr. 2 V icarage rd
Lond. (su rgery), 109 N ew port road
Sargeant A rthur, Bell P.H . A bbey rd Bradw ell & W olverton Good Sam ari­ Ha.seldine Heber fishm onger, 4 St.
tan Society (Sidney W illiam F ree­
G iles’ street
Stares John, farm er
m an, sec)
Walters Henry A. W. beer retailer,
Hepworth Joseph,
shopkeeper, 25
Brown A lbert, shopkpr. 3 1 School st
Spencer street
Vicarage road
Wilson E dgar, Victoria P.H . V ica r­ Budds W illiam Jam es, surveyor & H ew lett
sanitary inspector fo r th e Bradwell
age road
N ew port road
d istrict of th e N ew port Pagnell Hyde F rederick, shopkpr. 5 School st
Wylie C harles, farm er, Stantonbury
Rural D istrict Council, North st
park (letters
NewportJacocks F ran k, R ailw ay tavern ,G lyn st
Busby H arry, bill poster, 29 New­ ■Tesson E lizabeth (M rs.), shopkeeper,
port road
25 Queen Ann street
Button G eorge, butcher, 141 N ew ­ Kem p H enry <fe Sons, builders, 11
port road
N ew port road
Brooks J. Irv in g, 19 Queen Anne st C lark G eorge, grocer, 20 H igh street K n igh t F rederick A rth u r,b o ot m aker,
Budds W illiam Jam es, Stanton lodge, Compton A m y (M rs.), shopkeeper.
7 Caledonian Toad
Bradwell road
48 H igh street
Liberal & R adical C lu b (T. H. H arris,
Edward David, G lyn ho. Newport rd Cooper Jas. hoot ma. 44 St. Jam es’ st
sec.), 12 N ew port road
Guest Rev. Allan Newm an M.A. C urtis Caroline (M iss), shopkeeper, 3 Lines H enry W illiam , h air dresser
(vicar), The Vicarage, Bradwell rd
Bradw ell road
181. i& tobacconist 77, Newport rd
Jliles Charles H enry, H igh street
Davies W illiam , house furnisher, 175 Lloyd E liza (M rs.), fan cy goods dir.
feansom Rev. A rth ur W m . (Baptist),
Newport road
23 H igh street
3 Newport road
D erricutt Fras. photogrphr.9 N orth st London C entral M eat Co. L im ited .
Sutton John Charles J.P. The Mount, Dorm er Eleanor (M iss), dress m aker.
32 H igh street
Bradwell road
Caledonian road
M asters Peter, baker, 4 G lyn street
W *r°n ' ^ red W illiam , N ew port road Durham Fredk. grocer, 44 H igh st Miles Charles Henry L .R .C .P .L o n d .
wyiie Alderm an Robert, The Lim es, Eales E m m a (M rs.), shopkeeper, 33
surgeon, & m edical officer & p ublic
Brad well road
Queen Anne street
vaccinator No. 4 d istric t, N ew port
E llio tt Annie (M rs.), shopkeeper, 26 I Pagn ell union, H igh s t r e e t ; & at
H igh street
51 S tratford road, W olverton
®ates Wm. grocer, 101 Newport road
- Moore & Pearce, bakers, 55 Spencer stB R A D W E L L.