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o x fo rd .
1895 William Sanday D.D. Margaret Professorof D iv in ity
1903 Ven. Thomas Henry Archer-Houblon D.D. ArchÂ
deacon of Oxford
1903 Robert Lawrence Ottley D D. Regius Professor of
Pastoral Theology
1908 Edward William Watson D.D. Regius Professor of
Ecclesiastical History
1910 Henry Scott Holland D.D. Christ Church, Oxford,
Regius Professor of Divinity
1914 George Albert Cooke D.D. Regius Professor of
Honorary Canons.
1882 Robert Baker-Girdlestone M.A. Warleigh lodge,
1892 William Wood D.D. Rectory, Rotherfield Greys,
1892 Henry Blagden M.A. 15 Cranley gardens, South
Kensington S W
1892 John Wood M.A. Hill house, Babbacombe, Devon
1895 Ven. William Methven Gordon Ducat M.A. ArchÂ
deacon of Berks
1898 Henry Eden Trotter M.A. Horton lodge, Reading
1899 William Archibald Spooner D.D. warden of New
College, Oxford
1901 Arthur Hislop Drummond M.A. All Saintsâvicarage,
Boyne Hill, Berks
1901 John Shephard M.A. 39 Princes sq. London W
1903 Horace Evelyn Clayton M.A. 30 Beaumont st.Oxford
1903 Francis Tovey Colson M.A. vicar of All Saintsâ,
Highfield (Headington), Oxon
1904 John Richardson Illingworth D.D. Rectory, LongPUBLIC OFFICERS.
worth, Berks
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Ernest Mallam M.A ,M.D., 190
6 John Frederic Maul M.A. Rectory, Henley-oDB Ch.Oxon. 3 Holywell street
Clerk to the Justices of the Bullingdon Division, Albert 19Thames
7 Charles Leslie Lovett-Cameron M.A. Stratfield
Henry Franklin, 8 New road
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Henry Baines, 58 19Mortimer,
Hon. Randal Parsons M.A.Rectory,Sandhurst.Berk*
Cornmarket street
D.D. Warden of Keble College,Oxford
Clerk of the Peace & of the Lieutenancy k to OxfordÂ
shire Local Pension Committee, James Rose M.A. 1912 Constantine Osborne Phipps M.A. Vicarage, Lee,
County hall
CleTk to the Visitors of Littlemore Asylum, Hugh Nares 1912 Vincent Stuckey Stratton Coles M.A. 19 Fore st.
Seaton, Devon
Davenport M.A. County hall
Clerk to Headington Board of Guardians & to the Assess 1912 Philip Herbert Eliot M.A. Rectory, Slough
ment Committee of the Headington Union, to the 1912 Henry George Jephson Meard M.A Vicarage,
Steventon, Berks
Headington Rural District Council& tothe Headington
District Education Committee, k Superintendent 1913 John Rushby Smith, Vicarage. Christ Church,
Registrar, Thomas William Mallam M.A. 126 High st High Wycombe
Collector of Poorâs Rates for St. Gilesâ, Cowley St. 1914 Herbert Barnett M.A. Vicarage, Bracknell
John, Cowley. Iffley& St.Clementâs Districts, Heading 19x4 Arthur Richard Whitham M.A. principal, Culham
ton Union, Thomas Clinkard, 257 Cowley road k College
attends 1 0 - 1 mon. & sat. t o Woodstock rd. St. Gilesâ Chancellor of the Diocese, Worshipful Edward William
Hansell M.A. barrister-at-law, 3 Hare court, Temple
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, No. 5 District.
Abingdon Union, James Frederick Robinson F.R.C.S. E C
Precentor, A. G. Parham M.A. Christ Church
Eng., L.R C P L-md. 27 Beaumont street
Medical Officer k Public Vaccinator. Headington District,
Headington Union. Robert Hitchings M.R.C.S.Eng.. 1899 William Vernon Doherty M.A. Christ Church
L.B-C.P.Lond. 37 Holywell street
Medical Officer of Health for South Oxfordshire Com 1909 Edward Peake B.A. Christ Church
bined Districts. William Hugh Hill M.D., D.P.H.Edin. 1912 A. G. Parham M.A
1914 F. Streatfeild M.A
6 & 7 Cornmarket street
Bishopâs Examining Chaplains.
Public Analyst for the Counties of Oxon, Berks k Bucks
k City of Oxford & Borough of Banbury, Walter W m Rev. Preb. F. E. Brightman D.D. Magdalen college,
Fisher M.A., F.I.C. University Museum
Relieving k Vaccination Officer, Collector to the Rev. A. H. McNeile D.D. Sidney Sussex college, CamÂ
Guardians k Registrar of Births & Deaths St. bridge
Clementâs Sub-District. George Quick, 83 Cowlev road Rev. Preb. L. A. Phillips M.A. principal of Lichfield
Registrar of Marriages for H^adington District. Ernest Theological college
Gordon Jackman. 5 Bullingdon road. Cowley St. John Rev. B. J. Kidd D.D. St. Paulâs vicarage, Oxford
Sheriff's Officer, Frederick .p'hn Buckell F.A.I. 8 Corn Rev. Canon A. R. Whitham M.A. Culham college
market street k County hall
Diocesan Chaplains.
Under Sheriff of the County. Hugh Nares Davenport
M.A. County hall. Neiv road
Rev. Canon V. S. S. Coles
Rev. M. R. Graham B.A
Domestic Chaplain.
1911 Bishop, Right Rev. Charles Gore D.D.. D.C.L. Rev. W. L. Cooper M.A. Cuddesdon, Oxon
Cuddesdon nalace. Wheatley, Oxford ; Chancellor of
Secretary to the Bishop and Registrar of the Diocese,
the Order of the Garter
James Rose M.A. 10 New road
1913 Suffragan Bishop of Buckingham. Rt. Rev. Edward
Chapter Clerk, Clement Upperton M.A
Domett Shaw D.D. Reynolds road, Beaconsfield
ocesan Architect, George H. Fellowes Prynne, 6U«
1901 Dean, Very Rev. Thomas Banks Strong D.D. Christ
Anne's gate 9 W
Surveyors of Ecclesiastical Dilapidations to the Dio*-® *
For the Archdeaconry of Oxford, C. Wontner ^ â
12 Grays Inn square W C ; Archdeaconry of
1903 Berks, Ven William Methven Gordon Ducat M.A
S. Slingsbury Stallwood F.S.A. Market place,
Ripon lodge. Reading
ing; Archdeaconry of Buckingham, G. Herbert-1903 Oxford, Ven. Thomas Henry Archer-Houblon D.D.
ning, 12 Temple square, Aylesbury
Christ Church. Oxford
1910 Bucks. Rt. Rev. Edward Domett Shaw D.D. Rey Organist, Henry George Ley
lay clerks; eight choristers; eight p r o b a t i o n e r
nolds road, Beaconsfield
Clerk of the County Council fc to the Standing Joint
Committee, James Rose M.A. County hall
Deputy Clerk, Hugh N. Davenport M.A. County ball
Treasurers, Barclay & Company Limited, Old Bank, 92
k 93 High street
Coroner for the Central District of Oxfordshire, Albert
Henry Franklin, 8 New road ; deputy, Arthur Gerald
Higgs, Park street, Woodstock
Accountant, Richard Claridge, County hall
Land Agent. W. Lester-Smitli, County offices
Medical Officer k School Medical Officer, Charles Coles
M.D. & M.D. (State Med.). M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Lend., P.P.H. County offices. New road k 41 St.
Margaret's road
Analyst, Walter William Fisher M.A., F.I.C. University
Surveyor, Sidney Stallavd A.M.I.C.E. County offices,
New road
Inspector of Midwives, Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Pearse
L.O.S. 41 Leckford road
Inspector of Weights & Measures, R. D. Doubleday,
County offices. New road
Secretary for Education, Percy Elford, County offices
Assistant Secretary. Percival Edward Meadon M.A.
County offices
Veterinary Inspector under the âDiseases of Animals
Acts,â Rd. John Verney M.R.C.V.S. 23 Beaumont st
Returning Officer for County Council Elections, Hugh
Nares Davenport M.A. County hall