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O X F O R D S H IR E .



Raper Robert W illiam M .A ., B .C .L . Roberts M iss, 261 Iffley road
Rowvens Mrs. 18 W in ch ester road,
(vice-president, senior bursar & lec­ Roberts Mrs. 20 Linton road
S t. G ile s’
turer), T rin ity college
Roberts Stan ley F leck, 47 W alton Roxburgh M iss, 363 C ow ley road
Kashdall Rev. H astings M .A ., D .L itt.
crescent, S t. Thom as’
R uffell Robert, 321 C ow ley road
(fellow & lectu rer, New college), 18 R oberts W m. 94 Abingdn.rd.G randpnt Ruffles W illiam John, 12 Lonsdale rd.
Long W all street
Robertson C harles, A p sley Paddox,
Sum m ertow n
Ratsey A rthur Brinton, 41 Portland
W oodstock road, Sum m ertow n
R u g g Charles A lex. 227 C ow ley road
road, Sum m ertown
Robertson Charles G ran t M .A.(dom es- Ruse C yril C om ley, 23 Bainton road,
.Rawlins Chas. F isher, 169 Iffley road
tic bursar), A ll Souls college
S t. G iles’
Rawlins Misses, 12 T ackley place, Robertson Misses, 83 W oodstock road, R ush er Miss, 46 Thorncliffe road,
St. Giles’
S t. G iles’
Sum m ertow n
Rawlinson Rev. A lfred E dw ard John Robertson-M acdonald M isses, 2 FarnRussell C ap t.G o rd on ,7C h ad lin gton rd
M.A. C hrist Church, S t. A ldate's st
don road, S t. G ile s’
R ussell H arry,23 F aircross rd.Iffley rd
Rawlinson D avid, 25 Thorncliffe rd. Robinson A lfred, 21 W alton W ell rd.
Russell John W ellesley, 28 Staverton
St. G iles’
road, S t. G ile s’
Rawnsley Misses, 8 Norham gardens
Robinson Alfred, 43 W estern road, R ust Mrs. 19 L a th b u ry road
Raworth Charles, 18 Polstead road,
Ryle A rth u r B uxton L .D .S .R .C . 3 .
St. Giles’
Robinson C hristopher, Cold Arbour
E ng. 24 Beaum ont street
Ray Frederick Robert, 10 Fyfield rd
house, Cold A rbour, S t. A ldate’s
ftvrnan-H all F ran k , 313 B an bury rd.
Read Rev. W illiam Inskip D igby S .,, Robinson Jam es F rederick F .R .C .S .,
S um m ertow n
M.A. (vicar of Sandford-on-Tham es
L .R .C .P . 27 Beaum ont street
Sadler John, 317 C ow ley road
& assistant m aster M agdalen C o l­ Robinson John, 311 Cowley road
S a lter G eorge S. 57 B an bury road
lege school). 195 Iffley road
Robinson M iss, 49 Bullingdon road, Salter Jam es E . Isis house, T h e T o w ­
R'eade William H enry Vincent M .A.
Cowley St. John
ing p ath, G randpont
(tutor), Keble college
Robinson Miss M. H ayes (tu to r), S alter John H. 55 B an bury road
Redknap Richard, 198 C owley road
Som erville college, W oodstock rd. S alter S tep h en ,20 Park cres.P a rk twn
Redman Mrs. 16 N orthm oor road
St. G iles'
Sam pson C harles H enry M .A. (senior
Reed Edward Jam es, 20 S t. M ar­ Robinson Mrs. 100 B anbury road
tuto r & senior dean Brasenose col­
garet’s road
Robinson M rs. 9 Norham road
lege), 11 Rawlinson road, S t. G ile s’
Rees Joseph, 60 H am ilton road, Robinson M rs. 2 S outh Park road
sw orth John Jam es, 13 W hite
Robinson Thom as W ., M .A.
House road, Grandpont
Reeve Charles E dw ard, 44 Lonsdale
W alton street
S an day Rev. W illiam D.D. (M argaret
road, Sum m erstown
Robinson W alter, 26 W alton street
professor of D ivin ity, canon & su b ­
Reeve Robert, 11 Southm oor road, Robinson W illiam F oth erg ill M.A.
dean), C hrist C h u rch ,S t.A ld a te’s st
St. Giles’
Bishop K in g ’s palace, Rose place, Sanders M iss, 24 Lonsdale road,
Reeve W alter, 8 B otley road
St. A ld a te ’s
Sum m ertow n
Reis Miss, 21 F renchay rd. S t. Giles' Robinson W illiam Henry, 41 Bainton
Sandw ell S am uel, 174 D ivin ity road,
Remington Chas. Gordon, 18 P arker st
road, St. G iles'
C owley road
Rennie W illie, 53 W estern road, R odwell A rth u r Joseph, 14 W alton
S an key J u liu s O ttaw ay M .R .C .S .,
W ell road, St. G ile s’
L .R .C .P . 91 W oodstock r d .S t.G ile s ’
Restali Frank, 16 P arker street
Rodwell Mrs. 19 W alton W ell road, Sankey R ich ard H ., M .A ., M .B , B .Ch.
Reynolds W illiam . 16 Beech C roft
S t. G ile s’
Oxon. 35 S t. G iles’ street
road, Sum m ertown
Roe Sir Charles A rth u r L L .D . (Pun- Sankey Richard H enry H eu rtley, 3
Rhys Sir John P .C ., M .A ., D .L itt.,
ja u b U n iv.),M .A .O xon .i H olywell st
M arston F erry road, Sum m ertow n
hon. LL.D .E din. (principal of Jesus Rogers G eorge H erbert, 23 Parker st
college & professor of C eltic), Jesus Rogers Harold Sydn ey M .A. C h ris t Sansom Charles E rn est, 130 S ou th ­
field road, C ow ley S t. John
college, Turi street
C hurch house, Iffley road
Sansom M atthew John, 20 Thorncliffe
Rice Miss, h C anterbury rd. S t.G iles' Rogers John, 141 Iffley road
Suinm ertow n
Richards Sir
H enry ’ E rle
K .C ., Rogers Miss, 208 Banbury road, S u m ­
Sargent Rev. W a lter D m itri M .A.
K.C.S.I., B .C .L ., M .A. (Chichele
m ertown
of St. Barnabas), 3 S t. M ar­
professor of international law & Rogers Miss, 39 M useum road
g aret’s road, S t. G iles’
diplomacy), 6 South Park road
Rogers M iss,95Southm oor rd .S t.G ile s ’ S argen t John Y o u n g M .A. (fellow of
Richards B ev.G eorge Chatterton M.A. Rolph M rs. 64 W alton street
H ertford college), 5 Norham gdns
(fellow & tutor Oriel college), 13 Rose Douglas M urfin, 100a, WoodS aun d er Mrs. 52 Lonsdale road,
Canterbury road, St. G iles’
stock road, St. G ile s’
S um m ertow n
Richards Frederick, 209 W oodstock rd. Rose Jam es M .A. 1 Rawlinson road,
Saunders F rederick, 167 D ivin ity rd.
St. G iles’
ow ley road
Richards H erbert Paul M .A. (sub- Rose Mrs. 14 Norham road
Saunders M rs. 174 B an bury road,
warden, lecturer & librarian), Wad- Rose P ercy,
269 B anbury
m ertow n
ham college
Sum m ertow n
Richards Miss, n Thorncliffe road, Rose Thom as H arry, 6 Rawlinson rd. Saunders M rs. 2 S tan ley rd. C ow ley
St. G iles’
Savage A lfred, 151 Iffley road
Richards Mrs. 29« Banbury rd. Sum . Rose W illiam , 13 Parker street
S avage E rn est Sam uel, 54 Aston st
Ross W illiam David M .A. (tu to r &
C ow ley St. John
Richards W illiam John, 226 Ifflev rd
librarian , Oriel college), 6 Charl- Saw E rn est, 105 C ow ley road
!C ardson Rev. Thom as Jam es M .A.
b ury road
Thom as Henry, 10 R egent st.
(curate of St. F ridesw id e's), The Rost A dolphus E . 15 Bradm ore road
C ow ley St. John
vicarage, Botley road
Rothw ell M rs.72 A rg yle st.C h ester st Saw yers E rn est, 179 C ow ley road
Richardson A rth ur T. 187 Banbury
Rothw ell Rd.32 Frenchay rd .S t.G ile s ’ S ayce Rev. A rchibald H enry M .A .,
road Summertown
Rowbottom W illiam , 287 Iffley road
hon. D .L itt. (fellow of Q ueen’s
Kichardson H erbert W alter, 17 Port- Rowden Maj. H arry W .37 B anbury rd
college & professor of A ssyriology),
“ r°ad, Sum m ertown
Rowden Miss, 22 Norham gardens
Q ueen’s college
R Aardson Mrs. 81 Iffley road
Rowden M iss C. 100 B anbury road
Sayer Thom as Richard, 24 W estern
Rowell G eorge, 50 Oakthorpe road,
road, Grandpont
S u m m e r to w n S
” 4 W ° 0 d St0 0,t r f '
Sum m ertown
Sayers M iss, 33 Leckford rd. St. G iles’
Rowell Mrs. 216 Iffley road
S ch iller Ferdinand C an n in g Scott
‘surnmertown3 ^
W ood,tock ™ d
Rowell M rs. Sydenham , 10 Marston
M .A ., D .Sc. (tu to r), C orpus C h rist!
F erry road, Sum m ertow n
wæ >James' 17 poistead Rowland Mrs. 23.9 W oodstock road,
Sch lich Sir W illiam M .A ., K .C .I .E .,
Rdey'Harrma9 W illiam , 230 Ifflev rd
Sum m ertow n
P h .D .,F .R .S . (professor of forestry),
5 C ^ ' f0nt rd - S t ' G iles' Rowland Sim eon A lb ert, 4 W arnboro’
29 B an bury road
road, St. G ile s’
St Giles- mUe1' IS S t J o W s rd '
Schoon F ran k , 83 W arw ick street
Row ley A lfred, 11 Parker street
S ch uster E d g ar H. J., M .A ., D .Sc.
(fellow of New college), n o B an­
R S n Îd â te ? s iChard' 37 Pem broke s t- Row ley Charles Edw d. 343 C ow ley rd
Rowley Joseph Robert, 26 W estern rd.
bury road
j U t r e d P h 'D ' F C a
S ch w erer Mrs. 53 C halfo n t road.
Raberta T n8
sî uare' S t. G iles’
Row ling Stephen R u tter, 6 Hernes
S t. G iles’
arley M us.Doc.Oxon.,
F R p fJ01“
t 7 Yvariey
road, Sum m ertown
S co tt Rev. A lfred C ecil M .A. (vicar
Rowson E rn est, 2 D ivin ity road,
St. M ary & S t. John), Th e V ic a r­
d a i 8 n c a i C owley road
age, C ow ley road, C ow ley S t. John
13 L ° ndM