Kelly's Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. 1915. x

List of the Principal Seats in Berkshire

Image Details

Title Kelly's Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. 1915. x
Date 1915
Page number x
Publisher High Holborn, London : Kelly & Co. Ltd.
Description Directory
Horizon Number: 585294

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Pa.t t :..E .d : * r! . . r ! ! . . . Sh' Pherd esq. se& AGS Shaw house, The Hon. Mrs. Farquhar, 6ee Shaw-cumD on n in gton.............................................................................. 226
H urst court, Philip H ubert Martineau esq. see H urst
Sheepstead house, Mrs. M orland, see M archam
i 3oInglewood house, H um phrey Jeffrey W alm eslev esq. 0 p.
Shintield Manor house, A lexander B. Cobbam esn. see
see E in tb u ry ..............................................
Shinfield .............................................................................
1UMa“ .eS’ li e " ry C u b ilt Hooch esq.* see VVoodiands" St! 10 Shottesbrooke park, Basil G u y Oswald Sm ith esq. see
Shottesbrooke .......................................................................
Keep H atch.D enV sF róeriekD eV itri 'es^i 'seeWokingham 29?
Sidm outh grange, Ernest Phillips F oquelt Sutton esq.
m n g h i l T S t a n s b u r y Tooker esq. see Sunsee E arley..................................................................
Silwood park, Mrs. Cordes, see Sunni nghi i ] .” * . " 2 4 1
Kingston house, Edward Anthony Strauss'esqV 'm p '.’ ***
house, M rs. Betton-Foster. see Bear Wood
io 7
J.p. see Kingston Bagpuize ..................
South Hill park, Right Hon. Lord Haversham p .c.,
Kingston Lisle park, Edm und S terens esq. j r''see Kin»m . a ., d .l., j.p . see Eastham pstead .. ..
ston Lisle .............................................
6 iQg
Manor house, Mrs. Hippisley, see '¿'¿¿rebdt.7 ! »3»
Kirby house, L a d y C larke-jerroise, see i n k p e n 106
ktanbury Frederick W illiam A llfrey esq. see G raaeley... 80.
K ite m o r e .L t.-Col. Harold Greenwood Henderson m . p ,
j . p . see Shellm gford .................................
22g Stanford Place, M ajor-Gen. Sir G eorge Barker z .c .b .
see Stanford-in-the-Vale
...... 2.
Lam bourn Place (unoccupied), siie Lambourn'.'.'.'.'.'.'....... m
Stanlake park, Col. Frederick G eorge Barker j . p see
11 t. » ’ Í T ln®S ? ° oU McC'omb esq- see Bracknell ... 47
H urst.. ....................................................................................
W illiam John Langiord , see
Stoney Ware, Mrs. Taylor, see Bisham ............................
Loekinge house, L a d y W an tage,"see East-'Locking*!.'.'".' r íe Strec.tley house, Mrs. G . H erbert M orrell, seeS treatley
bulham house, Mrs. John W ilder, see S u lh a m ................ 2q 8
il0rt0n A ylm er Roupell esq. see SwalSulham stead house, Sir William George W atson hart.
see Sulham stead-Abbots......................................................*
L p f J Í ttr ? ^ muÍ¿,í >0r 'b ous'é, R ear-Á dm iral'wiiii'a'm * ** Sunningdale park, Mrs. Joicej', see S u n n in gd ale
R obert Clutterbuck j.p . see Long Wittenham
Sum nnghill park, Thom as Baring esq. see Sunninghill.. 241
^ L o n gw o rth °USe’ S ,r CIarendon 6 ° ld'n g Hyde j.p . si
Swallowheld park, Sir George A rth ur Charles Russell
bart, see Swallowfield........................................................... 24~
Lo vel Hill house, M ajor John Haig,' see Cranbourne
Temple Combe, H ealley Noble esq. see W argrare
M aid en E r le ig h / ^ ^ o m o n B. 'jo e i e s q r s e e Earieyn?.6 ..!::
Temple house, M rs. W illiams, see B is h a m ......................... 43
C o l. W a l t e r T h o r n t o n j . p . s e e P a n g b o u r n e 1 4 7
lid m a rsh manor, Heinrich Schulm an esq. seeTidm arsh 247
S<’ ’
t h u r A a t b a “ i<!l G a r l a n d e s q . s e e B a r k Titness park, Capt. S ir Reginald Archibald Edward
Cath cart bart. d . l . see Sunninghill................................. 24I
M a r e h a m p a r k . M is s e s A n s o n , s e e M a r c h a m " .
Thomas Herman Lewinsky esq. s*e
M a r ls t o n h o u s e , M r s . G e o . W m . P a l m e r , s e c B u c k l e b u r y
Sunm nghill ....................................................^ ........ 1
M l t o n I H | 10A8eM w X
S C la r k e
’ -P - s e e M i d g h a m 1 3 1 Tubney house, John Francis Parsons esq. j . p . see Tub'ney 24a
A ll t o n H i ll , A . M o r t i m e r S i n g e r e s q . s e e M i lt o n . . .
Ufton court, Miss Sharp, see U fto n ................................... 2^ b
M i l t o n h o u s e ( u n o c c u p ie d ) , s e e M i l t o n
Upwood park, John Douglas Peel esq. m . a . «■eMa'rch’am 13o
M o r t i m e r H i l l , M a jo r S i r C h a r l e s R o d e n c k H u n t 'e r h a r t.' 3
W a lm gford cast e, The Misses Hedges, see Clapcot ... 6»
m . p . , j . p . s e e S t r a t f i e l d M o r t i m e r ............
, , . a A r t , bur Steuart G ladstone esq. see K intburv 108
T i T Z I f a s e ’ M a I ° r W iU ia m p <*1 N a s h ," s e e ' s t r a t , I , am Place, Louis Oppenheimer esq. see White
h e ld M o r t i m e r ..............................................
Waltham ......................................................
M M o r t i m e i ° d e:e’ P e < e r ' ' i l i i a m s e89 ' « e 's i a r a i f i e i d 23
Warennes Wood, S ir Robert G ray Cornish* Mow bra v ^
bart. m . a ., d .l., j.p . see Stratfield M ortim er
M o u ls f o r d M a n o r , C h a r l e s
M o n ls fo rd
A n t h o n y M i l ls e s q . s e e
vv rSC n
Klrkir-an Finlay, see Warfield
N e w l o d g e , C o i. V i c t o r W i i i i a 'm B a t e s '’v a n " d e " W e y e r * 33
g . c.B. see Warfield ....................
J . p . & L a d y E m i l y , s e e B r a y .....................................
Warfield park, Hon. Sir A rth ur H y! J o h n W al'sh i'.a V o .'
O ow « n i ? ° n ’ C h a ,v es, J o h n R o s s es(l- 6ee C u m n o r " " Z !
d . l ., j.p . see W arfield..
B a m t t C T ° r B e a l t e r T y 8 e r e s q- J- p - 8 e e S u l h a r a s t e a d W asing Place, W illiam A rth ur M ount esq. b *.a .V m .
see vYasm g ........................................
2 69
^M aTCham 86’
G ore' Pro,' n« ' « » j ' " " ¿ 71.” see 239 W elford park, M aj. Ralph Patteson Cobbold, see Welford 270

.......... ill

O c k w e l ls m a n o r , M a j o r S i r E d w a r d A r t h u r B a r r y h a r t " I 3 °
J .P . s e e B r a y ......................................................
b0 D Se’ ^ , 4i ° r C h r i s t o p h e r ' W i i i i a m ' D a r b y - = I
G r iin th j . p . see P a d w o r t h
* _
P a r k P l a c e , W il s o n N o b l e e s q . j . p . s e e R e m e 'n h a m H i ll I t
H v ir le y

P « i e P u r l e y *3<>0rge F r e d e r i c k ¿ o w n i n g F u ll e r t o n '¿¿q.' I<>3
P n s e y h o u s e , M i s s e s A n sim ’ i see” P u s e y ....................................... I f
R a v e n s w o o d , M r s . S m it h , s e e W o k in g h a m '............................ I t ,

Re’m enhatnark’ ErnCSt CharIee E ' ,ele>gb esq. see

Woodside, Coi. Robert W iiiiam W ebb’ FoU’ett,’ a e e 'S id 23’
Windsor .................................................
Woolhampton park, Capt. C o u n t"D n d ie,' Beaum ont J 9
Gurow ski, see Woolhampton.....................................
„ oc>
W G reen hal1’ W alter H ' Cotting ham esq. see Littlewick

a a p c o t r t ’ Gc0r8e Denisnn F aber esq. c.B ,' '¿.'p'."s'el

F it z g e r a l d i 's e e 'c 'l e w e r

e’ AHred C]a3't011 Co,e e8q- 8ee W cst

" M ortim er°USe’ A 'ired Pa,m er e8T- J-p- "«e Ktratiseld ^

C h a r l e s S o lo m o n H e n r y b a r t . m . p . s ee

S t w i t h o u t d ’* IO d ge’


W ick hail, Mrs. ¿ockar-D rysdaie.’ see Ra'diey'.’.'.'.'.'......... 2

W oolley Par^J Philip' M usgrave Neel'd*Wro'ugihton* esq:
J.p. see C haddlew orth.....................................
W orm stall, Com dr. E ric Charrington d.s.o., k .r . see
K intbury ......................



S a n d h u r s t l o d g e , M r s . V a u g h a n - D a v i e s , see S a n d h u r s t 224 Y a tte n d o n c o u rt, M rs. W ate rh o u se, see Y a tte n d o n . . . ’
lo u lb u r y , S ir A rth u r Evans D.Litt., ». k . b., p . b . a . eee
h a n d le fo r d p n o r y , M r s . M j e r s , s e e S a n d l e f o r d ...................
w ootton.
......................................... ...................... 30*