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H e a d in g t o n R e g is t r a t io n

D is t r ic t .

Registrar, Thom as W. Mallam M .A. O x­
ford ; deputy, Percy Neville Prior B .A. 126 H igh st.
Registrars of Births & Deaths, St. C lem en t’s sub-dis­
trict, George Q uick, 83 C owley road, O xford ; deputy,
Mrs. Florence Talbot, 83 C owley road, O x fo rd ;
Wheatley sub-district, E rnest A . P urn ell, Stanton St.
John ; deputy, Mrs. Florence Purnell
Registrar of M arriages, E rnest G . Jackm an, 5 B ullingdon road, O x fo r d ; dep uty, F rank J. Draper, 341
Cowley road, Oxford
S u p e rin te n d e n t

h e a d in g t o n



Council, b uilt in 1908, for 220 m ixed & 150 in fa n ts ;
J. W . H. Brown, head m aster; Mrs. L . Price, in fan ts’
m istress
Headington C hurch of England, holds 142 boys & 142
g i r l s ; G eorge Stace, m aster ; Mrs. B ridgw ater, m is ­
tress ; & infant school, holds 90; average attendance,
7 1 ; Mrs. H arris, m istress
C arrie rs.— A lfred D ring, H arry Miles & Reginald E.
G riffin pass th rou gh Headington from H ighfield to
Oxford & back, daily

Stowe Joseph, W est lodge
For remainder of H eadington H ill, see S tu rges Mrs. Linden house
eb bu tt Fras. John M .A. N orth lodge
Townson Rev. Robert W alter B .A.
(vicar), The V icarage
Annetts Lancelot G eorge, The Croft W ay M rs. Barton end
Bell Mrs. Charles F ., M .A. The
Boss Miss, The G range
Aston Edward, chim ney sweeper
Clarke Miss, C h urch street
Baines Thom as, hair dresser
Franklin Arthur H. Headington ho
B erry H enry Edward, butcher
Hedges James, Barton
B erry W illiam J. baker
Hoole Col. Jam es C M . G .,
J.P. B ritish W orkm an’s Hall
Manor house
Cem etery (Hy. Baines, Oxford, clerk)
Jacobs William
Collins W illiam , beer retailr. Barton
Jones Harold W illiam , C raigm yle, C u rrill H arry A. boot m aker
Stapleton road
Ednev G eorge Thom as,B lack Boy P.H
Laing Charles M iskin M .A ., B .C .L . Edney W illiam , p lu m b er
Bury knowle
G illiv er Francis C. shopkeeper
Lee Major Melville, Stoke
Headington R ural D istrict Isolation
Massie John M .A ., J.P . Charlton Lea
H ospital (Robt. H itchin gs M .R .C .S.
Morris George Thom as, C lovelly
E n g ., L R .C .P .L o n d .m ed ical officer;
Rowell Richard R. Sydenham , SandM rs. M ary R u tter, m atron)
field cottage
K im b er E lias & Son, builders, Lon­
Shelford Miss, Monkton cottage
don road

Knowles & Son, builders
Knowles W illiam , farm bailiff to Mrs.
M orrell, W ick farm , Barton
M attock W illiam ,m ark et gdnr.Bartoii
M orris C has. builder,Rookery cottage
Organ Llew ellyn, w heelw right
Packford Chas.W m .saddler,London rd
Rudd H arold Edm d. confr. Post office
S tevens Jn. Hy. beer retailer, Barton
Stopps A lfd. farm er,C h u rch H ill frm
Stow A rth u r, blacksm ith
Taylor C harles, Swan P.H
Taylor Harold B. p ictu re fram e ma.
London road
Thom as Charles F. W hite H art P.H
W heeler L ouisa (M rs.), dairy, Barton
Wheeler W m .beer ret.H eadington H ill
W illiam s Geo.H. cycle ma. London rd
W illiam s Geo. H. shopkpr.London rd
W illiam s John, beer retailer
W ing H edley J. teacher of m usic,
W indm ill road
Woods Jane (M rs.), laundress, Lon­
don road

H E A D I N G T O N Q U A R R Y is an ecclesiastical parish sex, and is intended for the m iddle and upper cla ss e s ;
formed Sept. 10, 1850, and contains parts of the old m edical superintendent, A lexander W illiam N eill M.D.
parish of Headington w ith Shotover H ill Place, which is a Edin.
The H eadington W orkhouse is also in this
part of the civil parish of Forest H iH ; it is about 2 miles ecclesiastical district. The principal landowners are
east from Oxford, in the M id division of th e county, M agdalen College, Colonel A lfred Douglas M iller D .S .0 .
Bullingdon hundred and p etty sessional division, Head- and Mr. T . F au lkn er. The population of the parish in
ington union, Oxford cou nty cou rt district, ru ra l deanery 1901 was 1,430. and in 1911, 2,362 (includin g 8 officers
of Islip, and archdeaconry and diocese of O xford. The and 121 inm ates in H eadington Poor Law In stitution
church of the Holy T rin ity, consecrated Nov. 22, 1849, is and 56 officials and th e ir fam ilies and 96 inm ates in
a building of stone in the E arly English style, from the W arneford M ental H ospital), of w hich that of
designs by the late S ir G . G ilb ert S cott kt. R .A . consist­ Shotover H ill Place is 1 1 2 ; area, 956 acres.
ing of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and a gable
Parish C lerk & Sexton, W illiam Morris.
bell-cot at the west end, containing 2 b ells: there are 320
sittings. The register dates from the year 1849. The Post & M. 0 . Office.— M rs. K . Cooper, sub-postm istress.
Letters are received th rou gh Oxford at 7 a.m . & 2.43
living is a vicarage, net yearly value ¿ 18 0 , w ith 10 acres
p.m . ; dispatched at 8 a.m . & 10.35 & 5-55 p .m . ;
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
S u n d a y s ^ arrive 7.35 a.m . ; dispatched 10.40 a m’.
Oxford, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Charles Francis
H eadington, 1 m ile distant, is the nearest telegraph
Harding Johnston M .A. of C h rist’s College, Cam bridge.
Here is a W esleyan chapel. The W arneford Mental
Hospital, endowed by th e late Dr. S . W . W arneford E lem en tary School (m ixed), for 128 c h ild re n ; Alfred
and situate in this d istrict, is a handsome buildin g of
H enry B ickley, head m aster
stone, surrounded by w ell-laid out and extensive Elem entary School (infants), enlarged in 1906, for 138
grounds; it is available for 100 patients, 50 of each
children ; M rs. E ve tts, head m istress

P ayn e-Sm ith M iss, Rogate
P ig g o tt
W illiam
Henry, Ivydene,
W indm ill road
Power M iss, S t. M ary’s
Prior H arry N eville, Th e Ridings
Reynolds Fredk. Karoo, W indm ill rd
Roskell M rs. H illcrest, W indm ill rd
Stodart H erbert, Meadowland
Sum m ersford Edwin, Sinodun
V allis Mrs. S outh V iew v illa

H arris Henry, farm er, M onk’s farm
Jones Charles, carpenter
Jones W m . W. grocer, H igh street
K im b er W illiam , S ix B ells P.H
Lee W illiam , Crown & T h istle P.H
Lord G eorge, farm er
Meeson W alter, Chequers P.H
N u tt John (M rs.), coal dealer, Wind­
m ill road
m ! 1!?nTTGiJbert A - Cam pden house
Pearson W illiam , baker
Haslett Harry, Bexley house
Ph illips Henry Jn. frm r. & brick ma
w i Tts Alfred H - E lm h u rst
B arre tt M rs. Joseph, shopkeeper
Sk ey Edward, grocer
D D g J 're t? Pearsa11 M .A ,, L L .D ., Bishop W illiam , boot m aker
S m ith A lbert, m arket gdnr. S t. Ives
Coleman Henry, blacksm ith
Snow John, mason
Johnston Rev. Charles F ras. H arding Cooper G eorge, m arket gardener
Stevens Daniel, New inn
«•A. (near), Vicarage
Cooper G eorge J. grocer,& post office T aylor George, brick m aker
Thornton Jam es H arry, m arket grdnr
M .A. Cooper G eorge S. grocer
dales V 11 TmKicrn languages M ag- Coppock C harles, carpenter
Trafford Thom as, coal m erchant
oalen college), G r e v house
Coppock W alter W . bricklayer
T u ll A sher, plum ber
f a l t e r E . S h o to v e r Coppock W illiam , assistan t overseer
V allis A lb ert George, baker
Coppock W illiam , bricklayer
Vallis A rth ur E dw ard, builder
Coppock W illiam , carm an
W alker A rth ur, sanitary inspector &
Oxfo ™ & 0;stordsll!™ C o u n ty club,’ Corby B rothers, carpenters
surveyor to Headington R u ral Dis­
Cox J. E. & Son, chim ney sweepers
trict Council, W indm ill road
M o s s X v a p A ,i ' :D, S h o to v e r c o tta g e E vetts Alfred H enry, carpenter
W eaving Jane (M iss), dress m aker
Goodall W illiam , beer retailer
W hite Thos. W m . farm er, Wood farm
W h ite-i Goodgam e Stephen, shopkeeper
W ilkins W m . grocer, W indm ill road
Bacon Ernest A. Mayfield
Cantwell Jsph. Cranford, W indm ill rd
Bonaldson S ir Jam es L L .D ., J.P.
Quarry house
agiestone Alfred Morgan, H eim ar
ales Mrs. Sandvale, W indm ill road
Evelegh Mrs. Elderwick
Emch Edgar J. Brynheulog