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[ b e l l y âs
Freem an John W m. hair dresser & um brella maker, Newcom be H ubert Charles, insurance supt. 36 Ne
8 Middle row
Newman A lb ert S. cabinet maker, Burford road
* 8t
G ib bs H arriet (M iss), shopkeeper, 15 Rock hill
Oddfellows (No. 5,864) (M anchester Unity, Banbury aG iles Thom as C . beer retailer, 39 New street
tric t) (G eorge Henry Allen, sec.), London r o a d â
G ille tt & Co. bankers (John G eorge, m anager ; open 9 OâK e lly & K in g , surgeons, 21 H igh street & LonH
a.m . t ill 3 p.m . ; wed. 4 p.m . 1st wed in m onth O 'K elly Thom as M .D .R .U .I., L .R .C .S .E d in .,
5 p.m . & sat. x p .m .). H igh s t r e e t ; draw on G lvn,
& Rotunda, Dublin (firm , O 'K elly & K in g), siirp
M ills, C u rrie & Co. London E C
& m edical officer & p ublic vaccinator No* â2 dist °Dâ
G race Stanley, tailor, 12 H igh street
C hip p in g Norton union & assistant medical inspecTâ
Hall Jane (Mrs.), W agon & Horses P H. 16 Ldndon road
of schools to the C oun ty E ducation Committee
Hannis Charles W illiam , tailor, 10 H igh street
H igh street
1 21
H artw ell A lfred R. ironm onger, 19 H igh street
OâShea Jam es Joseph M .B ., B .C h ., B .A .O .R .U l
H awker H. & C o. drapers, 22 M arket place
geon, & m edical officer & p ublic vaccinator N0SUr'
H ayes W\ C. L im ited , stationers, 21 M arket place
d istrict & certifyin g factory surgeon, 26 Hi<di stroV
H aym an John, coach b u ild er; m otors painted, repaired Oxfordshire W eekly News (Oxford Tim es Co* Limited
6 upholstered (estab. 1848), London m ad
p u b lish ers; published Wednesdays), 21 Market nla!!â
H ayward Louisa (M rs.), confectioner, 9 New street
Packer Elizabeth (M rs.), grocer, n Horsefair
Heath Benjamin A lfred, shopkeeper, 33 Spring street
Packer Francis R ichard, photographer, 28 High street
H eythrop Hounds (A. B rassev esq. m a s t e r ; Charies Packer Thom as, boot & shoe dealer, n W est street
S turm an , huntsm an). The Kennels
Padbu ry Annie (M rs.), news agent, 15 New street
H ieatt Charles, slater & plasterer, 12 Horsefair
Patrick W illiam , boot m aker, 35 Horsefair
H ilton s Booteries, boot & shoe retailers, 24 H igh street Paxton & H oliday, auctioneers, H igh street
H itchm an & Co. L im ited, brewers, m altsters, wine & Pearce F red, chem ist, H igh street
spirit merchants & mineral w ater m anufrs. W est st
Pearm an G eorge, shopkeeper, 64 W est street
Hoare Lew is, boot m aker, 32 H igh street
Pearson M artin K n igh t, insurance agent, 15 The Leys
Hope John, Blue Boar hotel, 1 G oddardâs lane
P ettip h o r Thom as K eck & Son, grocers & mineral water
Hovard W m . Ralph, G eorge P H. & butch er, d N ew st
m anufacturers, 14 W est street (T N n Chippinu
Howes E lizabeth (M rs.), cycle agent, 3 M arket street
N orton) & bakers & confectioners, 11 Market placeâ
International Tea C o.âs Stores L im ited , tea & provision Phipps John, beer retailer, 9 Horsefair
m erchants, 17 M arket place
Pratt Leonard, beer retailer, 26 Burford road
Jacques John, Fox P.H . 2 M arket place
Putm an F rederick H. tarpaulin m anufacturer,20 High 4
Jakem an Charles, Red Lion P.H . 8 Albion street
Railton & Son, boot dealers, 8 New street
Jam es Edwin J. W h ite H art hotel, fam ily & commer- Rendall E llen (M rs.), shopkeeper, London road
c i a l; m otor g a r a g e ; stablin g for hunters. H igh street
Rowell & Sons, ironm ongers, 7 H igh street
Jam es H erbert, insurance agent, 21 New street
Rum ble Frank, beer reta iler, Southcom be
Jarvis James Henry, chim ney sweeper, 39 Rock hill
S t. M arg aretâs School (Miss M iller B .A ., L.R.A.M.
Jeffries Joseph W illiam , saddler, 17 H igh street
principal), 35 N ew street
Johnson C hristopher A. draper, 5 M arket place
St. M aryâs H igh School (conducted by the Daughters ol
Johnston Ernest Frederick W illiam , saddler. 6 W est st
Providence), H ill side
Joslin John, farm er, 43 W est street
S avage E lizabeth (M rs.), B lue Anchor P.H . 29 High st
K in g Leslie Reginald
B .A .C an tab ., M .R .C .S .E n g .,
Sharm an F ran k Ernest, dep uty registrar of marriages
L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon (firm, OâK e lly & K in g ). 21
C h ip p in g Norton d istric t, W est street
H igh street & London road
Sharm an Henry, carpenter, 31 H igh street
Lane M ary (M rs.), shopkeeper. 19 W est end
Sharm an Mary Jane (M rs.), fancy repository, 31 High si
Langton H erbert H. B lue Lion P.H . New street
Sherret James, clothier & insurance agent, 25 High st
Lanham E dw in, restau ran t, 5 W est street
Sim m s C harles, tobacconist, 17 W est street
Lawrence W illiam , bill poster & town crier, 35 W est st
Sim m s Daniel R u tter, w atch m aker, 14 High street
Lewis Sidney, builder. 5 M arket street
Sim m s Henry P ercival, photographer, 22 High street
Liberal C lub (John S. Burden & A rth u r Swann, joint Sim s Harrsâ- Sm ith , fishmngr. 11 M arket st. & 7 Horsefair
secs.), 20 W est street
S key Edward, cattle dealer, 11 Churchill road
L illey Bertram Edward, solicitor. 24 New street
S m all Sydn ey S. insurance supt. 34 New street
London C ity & M idland Bank Lim ited (Thom as Henrv S m ith Henry & Sons, watch m akers, 3 Market place
B urb idge, m an a g er; 9 a.m . till 3, p .m .; 1st wed in S m ith M. Crown hotel, fam ily & com m ercial; garage i
m onth 5 p.m . & sat. 1 p .m .). M arket p la ce; draw on
loose boxes ; electric lig h t th rou gh out, 23 High street
head office, 5 Threadneedle street E C
Stanley Adeline C harlotte (M rs.), Three Tuns P.H. i3
Longshaw E thel (M iss), dress m aker, 45 W est street
H orsefair
Lord John E dw ard, baker, 30 H igh street
Stan ley Thom as E dw ard, coal dealer, 3 Horsefair
Lunnon W illiam , K in g âs A rm s P.H . 18 W est street
Stanley Tom . bailiff to county court &c. 5 Horsefair
Mace Thom as & A lbert E rn est, solicitors, t o M arket S tayt Jn. & David, leather glove makers, Churchill road
p la c e : & at Charlbury
Stephan W illiam Henry, chem ist & druggist, 9 Market pi
Mace A lbert Ernest (firm. Tbos. & A. E. Mace), solicitor
Sturm an Chas. huntsman Heythrop hounds, The Kennels
& correspondent to Salford & Over Norton schools to
Sum m erton G eorge, b ill poster, 39 Spring street
M arket place
8wann Chnâ les. stocking knitter, 23 W est street
Mace G eorge F redk. road surveyor & sanitary inspector T a rg ettsâ L im ited , horse dealers, Burfordâ road
to the Corporation & w ater inspector & certified bailiff. T aylor & F letch er, auctioneers
14 C hurch street
Town H all (M iss E dith H all, hall keeper)
Mace M iriam (M iss), dress m aker, 3 Lodge terrace
T oy W illiam , solicitor & commissioner for oaths, s®
Mace Thom as (firm , Thos. & A. E. M ace), solicitor, town
W ilkins & Tov
clerk, clerk to the b urial board, to the borough T rin d er E th el (M iss), dress m aker, 8 West street
ju stices & to the m agistrates of the Chadlington T rin d er M ary A. (M rs.), tobacconist. 8 West street
division & to C h ip p in g Norton Sub-C om m ittee of Truelock H ubert, cycle agent, 6 M iddle row
O xfordshire L ocal Pension C om m ittee, collector of W alker & A tkinson Ltd. com m erchants, Cattle mar
general d istrict rate & coun tv cou rt reg istra r, 10 W arm ington F rederick W illiam , butcher, 20 Market P
M arket place
W arner W illiam , assistant clerk to the Rural lh> K'
Masonic L o dge (The Bowyer, 1,036) (W illiam Norman
C ou n cil & dep uty supt. registrar, Alexandra squ
Rowell J.P . sec.), Masonic tem ple, Over Norton road
W ater W orks (T. M ace, clerk)
, <
Mealin Thomas, blacksm ith, Albion street
W eaving Jesse Inkerm an, Prudential agt. 27 Burfora
M essenger Chas. A lb t. Ship & Anchor P.H . 6 S p rin t st W ebb A. A . & Son, drapers & house furnishers, 1
Minchin Richard Edwin, saddler, 23 M arket place
13 M arket place
Moore F rederick H. Unicorn inn. M arket place
W est Charles Henry, custom s & excise officer,
Morris Frank & Jam es, hauliers, 70 & 72 W est street
W eston H enry, butcher, x7 New street
M orris A lbert, basket m aker. M iddle row
W ilkins & Toy, solicitors, 1 H igh street
M orris C. G raves, surgeon-dentist,9 H igh st.(w ed. only) W illetts Frank, h air dresser, 5 Middle row
Morrison W illiam Edward, cycle agent, 2 Middle row
W ilson H arry, upholsterer, 16 New street
N ational C hildren's Home & Orphanage (The) (Rev. W itts Lew is E. hair dresser, to W est street
W . Hodson S m ith , prin cip al), New street
W ya tt Henry, toy dealer, 12 New street
Neale A lfred C. school attendance officer. 1 Blenheim ter
D aly Capt. Denis St,
Jver Norton house
ing m arles W illiam
G eorge
I Roper W illiam , farmer
m iller >
J.P. | C lifton F rederick, farm er
¡ oSalm
^ uon
n uHv.
. -------7
, hrmet
j E dgintonG .& Sons,farm ers,Chapel ho Sanders E rn est M o r tim e r ,
F aw d ry John, farm er, Choice hill