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[ k e l l y ’s

S cott G eorge Rodney M .A. (principal Sim m onds Derwent, 5 S t. John’s rd. Sm ith M rs.isO ak th o rpe rd.Sununrtim
of the O xford U niversity Day
S t. G ile s’
S m ith Norm an H ardw ick M.A.(bursa,
T ra in in g
2 Clarendon Sim m onds W illiam , 9 Hernes road,
of Mansfield college), 12 Wincheste
v illas. Park town
Sum m ertown
road, S t. G iles’
S cott S am uel G eoffrey M .A ., B.M. S im m s John, 5 Manor place, Holywell Sm ith Sidney C harles, 171 Divir,j(t
(dem onstrator of histology), 20 S im m s P ercival, 29 Oakthorpe road,
road, C ow ley road
C harlbury road
Sum m ertown
S m ith V incen t A rth u r M .A . 116 Ban­
Scott W alter M .A .i K eble rd .S t.G ile s ’ Sim on R t. Hon. S ir John Allsebrook
b ury road
Scott-H all Bishop W illiam E dm und
K .C .V .O ., K .C ., M .P ., M .A. (sub- S m ith e Rev. W illiam Henry B.A. 25
(C atholic), B ridge house, B otley rd
warden), A ll Souls’ college
A bbey road
Scott-M oncrieff M iss, 13 Th e Terrace, Sim pkin H arry, 60 Abingdon road
Sm yth John G eorge, E lm syde, Ban­
Park town
Sim pson Rev. D avid Capell M .A.
b ury road, Sum m ertown
S cra g g F rederick, 47 M arston street,
(tutor), K eble college
S m yth M rs.iy yB an b u ry rd.Summrtwn
C owley S t. John
Simpson G eorge Richard, 69 S ou th ­ Snow Thom as Collins M .A . (lecture
S cragg Mrs. 21 W estern rd.G randpont
moor road, S t. G iles’
of Jesus college), 8 Hernes road,
Seal A rth u r W .. M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P
Simpson G eorge W illiam , 33 Polstead
S um m ertow n
L .S .A . 286 Iffley road
road, S t. G iles’
Soame Jam es, 200 Iffley road
Seal Miss, n S tanley road, Cowley Sim pson Jn. 47 Bainton rd. S t. G iles' Soanes Mrs. 73 St. John’s rd.St.Giles’
S t. John
Sim pson M isses, 3 Linton road
Sollas M iss, 43 Bainton rd. St. Giles'
Sear F rederick E rnest, 73 Southfield Sim pson Sam uel, 48 W estern road, Sollas M iss, 30 B anbury road
road, C owley S t. John
Sollas W illiam John M .A ., LL.D,,
Seaton E d w d .A .,M .A .3 N orthm oor rd Sim s Com m ander W illiam R .N . 211
D .S c., F .R .S . (professor of geologr
Seccom be S am uel H ew itt, 6 Beech
Cowley road
& m ineralogy), 48 Woodstock road
C ro ft road, Sum m ertown
Sim s E dw ard, 76 W arw ick street
S t. G ile s’
S eg ar M iss, 35 Chalfont rd. St. G iles’ Sim s H erbert, 19 W h ite House road, Som erville
W illiam
M .A ., D.Sc.
S egar M rs.101 W oodstock rd .S t.G ile s ’
G randpont
(fellow of S t. John’s college & SibS elbie Rev. W illiam Boothby M .A. Sim s Thos. 96 A bingdon rd.Gramdpnt
thorpian professor, school of rural
O xon., D .D .G las. (principal, M ans­ Sim s W illiam Richard, 3 Portland
econom y), S t. John’s college & 121
field college), Mansfield road
road, Sum m ertown
B an bury road
S ellar M rs. 245 Iffley road
Sin g Mrs. 33 S t. M argaret’s road
Sonnenschein W illiam Teulon Swan
S ellers M rs. 15 Beech C ro ft road, S in ger C has. Joseph M .D ., M .R .C .P.
M .A. (vice-principal & lecturer),
S um m ertown
W estb u ry lodge, Norham road
Brasenose college
Setchill Mrs. 28 Stanley road, Cowley Sirm an Fred, 48 Lonsdale road, Soul E ustace, 40 Lonsdale road, SumS t. John
Sum m ertown
m ertow n
Seym our Lionel W illiam , 251 Wood- Skelcher C h arles, 50 B otley road
Spencer Tom , 93 W alton street
stock road. Sum m ertow n
S kelley Capt. Sam uel, 215 Iffley road Spencer-Thom son Misses, 176 Banburj
Shadwell Charles L an celot D .C .L . Skerry Thom as, 61 Divinity road,
road, Sum m ertown
103 B anbury road
C owley road
Spens M iss Janet D .L itt. (tutor),
Sharpe Mrs. 19 F rench ay rd. S t.G ile s ’ S kidm ore W illiam , 47 Bullingdon rd.
L a d y M argaret hall, 21 Norham
Sharpe Mrs. 26 S t. M arg aret’s road,
C owley St. John
St. G iles’
S kinner T h o s.i B evington rd .S t.G ile s ’ S p iller A rth ur John, 32 BanbuTy road
Sheaird Thom as John W alker, 18 Park Skrine Rev. John H untley D.D. (vicar S piller H arry W ood, 19 Hill Top ri
crescent, Park town
of St. Peter’s in the E ast w ith John
S t. C lem en t’ s
Sheldon G eorge Clem ent, 2 Staverton
the B ap tist’s), 4 South Park road
Spink Mrs. 8 Beech Croft road,
road, S t. G ile s’
S la tter E rn est V icto r,56 Bartlem as rd
Sum m ertown
Sheldon Mrs. 22 H am ilton road, S la u g h ter F rederick N orm an,
45 Spooner Rev. W illiam Archibald D D,
Sum m ertow n
Portland road, Sum m ertown
(warden of N ew college &
Shelton G eorge, 16 Staverton road, S laugh ter Mrs. 38 S t.C lem en t’s street
of C h rist C h u rch ), New college
S t. G iles’
Slay Chas. 26 Frenchay rd. St. G iles’ Squire M rs. 69 C halfont rd. St.Giles’
Shepherd E rnest Edwd. 259 Iffley rd Sm allwood Miss, 16 M useum road
Squires Thom as. 3 C ripley road
Shepherd M iss, 235 Woodstock road, Sm art Henry Vincent, 12 Parker st
Stables M iss, 11 Lin ton Toad
Sum m ertown
S m art H erbert Thom as, 83, S outh ­ Stainer Lady, t o South Park road
Shepherd W m .7 Farndon rd .S t.G iles'
m oor road, St. G iles’
Stallwood J n .o 3 K ingston rd. St.-Giles*
Sheppard Frank A u gu stu s, 105 South­ S m ith Rev. Alfred C ecil M .A. (curate S tam p a L elio M .A. (lecturer at
m oor road, S t. G iles’
of St. M ichael’s). 112 B an bury road
E xe ter college), 33 H igh street
Sheppard G eorge, 183 Banbury road, Sm ith Andrew Charles, 18 Regent st. S tanbridge M rs. 2 Warnborongh rd.
Sum m ertown
C ow ley St. John
St. G iles’
Shepperd C harles W illiam , 13 Park S m ith A rth u r E dw ard, 61 Lonsdale Stan ley Francis Edm ond Crawshay,
crescent. Park town
road, Sum m ertown
69 B an bury road
Shepperd Francis, 1 N orth st. Osney S m ith A rth u r Lionel M .A. (tuto r & S tan ley Hy. 149 D ivin ity rd.Cowlev id
Shepperd Miss, 4 A bbey road
senior dean of B alliol college), The Stan ley W illiam F rancis Crawshay,
S h erra tt T . S cott, 249 Iffley Toad
K in g ’s M ound, Mansfield road
69 Banibury road
S herrington Chas. S cott M .A. (fellow Sm ith A rth u r Lionel F oster M .A. Stannard C. 10 Aston st. Cowley St.
& W aynflete professor of ch em istry),
(tutor), M agdalen college
9 C hadlington road
Sm ith Charles, 72 Abingdon road
S., M.L
Sherwood Rev. W illiam E dw ard M .A. S m ith D. Nichol M .A. (G oldsm iths’
M .R .O .S . (rector of St. Ebbe’s £
(assistant chaplain Corpus C h risti
S t. P eter-le-B ailev), The Rectory,
reader in E n g lish ), 17 Park cres­
& m ayor of O xford), 260 Iffley road
cent, Park town
Paradise square. St. Ebbe’s
Sherwood Misses, 1 Low er F ish er row. S m ith E ., M .A. (assistant m aster), S tark M iss. 27 Bainton rd. St. Giks
S t. Thom as’
S tarlin g A lb ert Edw ard, 19 Thorncli®
New College school, 2 Savile road
Shilleto W illiam F rederick Richard Sm ith E dw in, 122 D ivin ity road,
road, Sum m ertown
M .A . 61 St. John’ s road. St. G iles’
S ta tt W illiam , 7 Thorncliffe road,
C owley road
Ship P a trick , 43 Thorncliffe road, Sm ith F rank S. 8 Longw orth road,
Sum m ertown
Sum m ertown
S tay R ev. John (Congregational). 2
St. G iles’
Shrim pton Miss, 108 Abingdon road, Sm ith G eoffrey W atkin s M .A . (fellow,
Islip road, Summertown
G randpont
Stead Rev. John, 203 Divinity ro*“'
tu to r & sub-w arden), New college
S huffrey Jam es A llen, 99 Woodstock S m ith Geo. 47 W estern rd.G randpont
C ow ley road
road, S t. G iles’
Sm ith H arry W illiam , M aiwonde, V ic ­ Steedm an P ercy A ndrew ,10 R aw lin so
S h u rm er F rederick, 40 W arw ick st
toria road, Suram ertown
road, St. G iles’
S huttlew orth Miss, 71 Iffley road
S m ith H erbert A rth u r M .A. (fellow Steel M isses, 11 Bardwell road
Sides G erard Henry, 44 ‘Chalfont rd.
& tu to r M agdalen college), n Sten n in g John Freclk. M.A. (fello <
S t. G ile s’
tutor, d iv in ity lecturer, lecturer
L a th b u ry road
Sides M iss, 175 W oodstock road, Sm ith John A lexander M .A. (viceHebrew & clean of Wadbam c
S t G ile s’
lege), 27 Linton road
.. .
president, W aynflete professor of
Sidford Mrs. 12 Park cres. Park town
m oral & m etaphysical philosophy). Stenson Mrs. 65 Chalfont r d . S U r i i e
S idgw ick A rth u r M .A. (fellow of
M agdalen college
C orpus C h risti college), 64 Wood- Sm ith M iss M ., M .A . Cherw ell hall,
Sum m ertow n
Stevens M iss,Ferndale, S t . Clemen
stock road, St. G iles’
C owley place
S idgw ick N evil V incent M .A. (lec­ S m ith M iss Protheroe,i6B radm ore rd Stevens M rs. 15 C rick road
Stevens Mrs. 33a. High street _
tu rer in natural science), Lincoln Sm ith Misses, 234 Iffley road
Stevens Thom as M ichael, n 9
S m ith Mrs. ig r C owley road
field road, C owley St. John
Sm ith Mrs. 35 Iffley road