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b ic k in g h a m sh ir e .
B uckingham (Thom as R. H earn, clerk G lem ster Thomas L im ited, Hughenden road. H igh W ycom be
to the b urial board ; A lbert T yrrell,
T u cker H. T em p le st. B rill, Tham e
T u rv ey G eorge, G aw cott, Buckingham
sexton A resident superintendent), Gom m J. Gordon rd. H igh Wycombe
G om m e E. Green st. H igh Wycombe
B rackley road. B uckingham
Webb H erbt. C uddin gton , A ylesb u rj
W elford F rederick. Dinton, A ylesbur\ Chesham E. C. Francis, registrar of G oodchild W illiam J. 1 9 West Ww
combe road. H igh W ycom be
W elford W a lter, C u d d in g to n .A ylesb rj' burials). Chesham
Datchet (W . J. D uley, clerk to the Goodearl B. & Sons, 2 3 3 Desborough
W hite E dw ard. A dstock, W inslow
road. H igh W ycom be
burial board). D atch et, W indsor
W hite S am uel, Steeple Claydon
W hitehall Jas.Thornborough.Bcknghm Eton ^George Paiee, sexton). Cotton Goodearl Brothers L im ited. Mendv
street. H igh W ycom be
hall, Eton, Windsor
Woodford Fredk. Dinton, A ylesbury
W orley W illiam , F rederick & G eorge, Fenny S tratford \Thomas Best, clerk Goodearl H. & Sons, W est End road,
H igh W ycom be
to the Urban D istrict Council),
B ow dreyâs lane, H igh W ycom be
G riffiths C. Stokenchurch, Wallingfrd
W ater Eaton road, Bletch ley
W righ t H arry, L o n g C rendon,Tham e
Lavendon (W illiam Lawrence, clerk to Haines 0 . Jubilee rd. H igh Wycombe
the b urial board), Lavendon. Olney Hands W. A Son, W estboum e street.
H igh W ycom be
Marlow, C em etery road, Marlow
See Van k Cart Builders.
M iddle Claydon (W illiam Blindell, H arding T. Stokenchurch.W allingford
H arris A . O akridge rd. H igh Wycmbe
H arris J. O akridge rd.H igh Wycombe
See C arm en.
B urial
Ground Hatch J.& Sons.W hielden gt.Am rshm
Hearn Bros. 3 6 Daskwood avenue.
H igh W ycombe
Urban D istrict Council, actin g as a
See Wood Carvers.
Hearn Bros. Penn st. Am ersham
burial board), N ew port Pagnell
North Craw ley E. P. W ard. Newport Hill k B utler, Desboroâ road, High
P agn ell. clerk to the b urial board ) , 1 W ycom be
Holt G. k Son, Oak mead, High
Landon H enry vpedigree shorthorn),
N orth C rawley. Newport Pagnell
W ycom be
W alton farm , A ylesbury
Stony Stratford (W illiam J. C. Ray.
clerk to the parish council), Calver- Holt J. & Son, W est End rd. High
W ycom be
ton road. Stony S tratford
W olverton (W m . H. Sansom , c le r k ; Howland R. k Sons L im ited, DenÂ
Adams W illiam , Weston M ead farm,
m ark street. H igh W ycombe
Charles G ardner, su p t.), W estern
W eston T urrille, A ylesbury
Howland R. J. k Co. L im ited, Oak
road. W olverton
Amos J. D rayton Parslow, Bletch ley
m ead. H igh W ycom be
Cannon W illiam Thom as,W ings farm , W ycom be (R. S. W ood, clerk to the Howland A lfd.N ew lan d ,H igh Wycmbe
join t b urial c o m m ittee; Thom as
G randborough, Winslow
L a u gh ton .registrar),H igh W ycom be Hunt H. R. Stokenchurch.W allingfrd
C u tle r Jsph. G reat Horwood, Winslow
Jacobs F. Dashwood av.H igh Wycmb
E lm er W. S tew kley,L eigh ton Buzzard
Janes B rothers, W est End rd. High
F ish er Jam es, 4 1 B icester rd.A ylsbry
W ycom be
Groom 0 . Prestwood, G t. Missenden Pearce Joseph. C hartrid ge Green Johnson Jas. Stokenchurch,W allingfd
farm , C h artrid ge, Chesham
H opkins Thos. B eaufort house, W ing
Jones Bros. Queen st. H igh Wycombe
road, Linslade, Leigh ton Buzzard
Jovnson, Holland k Co. Abercrombie
avenue. H igh W ycom be
How M ark, Aston Abbotts, Aylesbury CHAIR MANUFACTURERS.
Joynson & C o.S later st.H igh Wycmbe
K in g W illiam , B letch ley
C iST Full l i s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
G. H. k S. Frogm oor gardens,
L loyd W illiam . O ving. A ylesbury
U n it e d K i n g d o m , s e e C a b i n e t
H igh W ycombe
M idwinter D avid, 1 A lbert st.A ylesbry
& F u r n it u r e T r a d e s D ir e c t o r y .]
Keen W .6 1 W estE nd rd.H igh Wycmb
Parrott F rank E. W hitch urch, Aylsbry
Paybody A. Hanslope, Stony Stratfrd Allen k Co. Oxford rd.H igh W ycm be j Lane Jam es Christopher. Kitchener
road, H igh W ycom be
Rogers Charles, N orthall, Dunstable Allen A. J. Baker st. H igh W ycom be
Large George A . & Son, Jubilee rd.
S avage A lbert. N orth C raw ley, N ew Avis Chas. W hielden st. Am ersham
Bailey J. Lindsay av. H igh W ycom be
H igh W ycom be
port Pagn ell
Saw bridge A lfred,O ld V icarage house, Barnes Robert. 3 4 Broad st. Chesham M ealing B rothers, W est End rd. High
B arrett W. Newland. H igh W ycom be
H anslope, Stony S tratford
W vcom be
W arren G eorge, 2 1 Chicheley street, B artlett W . & Son, G rafton street, M ealing W illiam . Richardson street,
H igh W ycom be
Newport Pagnell
H igh W ycom be
Woodley A rth u r, Huntsm oor farm , B irch & C ox, 35 Queen's road. High Miles H enry E . 10 Dashwood avenue.
W ycom be
Iver, U xbridge
H igh W ycom be
Birch W'illiam L im ited . Denm ark st Mole J. 22 Easton st. H igh Wycombe
Morris k Co. Desborough rd. High
k Leigh street. H igh W ycom be
See Salesm enâ C attle .
W vcom be
Caffall & Keen, Queenâs road. High
N icholls k Janes, St. M ary's street,
W ycom be
H igh W ycom be
C artw rig h t Benjam in k Sons, Mendy
North Beniam in k Sons, West WyÂ
street. H igh W ycom be
Molassine Co. L td . (T h e ); head office
combe. H igh W ycom be
k works. Tun n el avenue, East C astle Brothers, Desborough Park
Pearce Thom as H. Railw ay pi. High
road. H igh W ycom be
Greenw ich, London S E ; c ity office,
ycom be
28 M ark lane E C
W hite, T om kin s & C ourage L im ited, C larke J.Desborough st.H igh W ycm be Pierce Thos. Duke st. H igh Wycombe
Plested & P ritchard, Lindsay aven.
48 M ark lane E C & T ham es Tunnel
H igh W ycom be
m ills, R otherhithe st S E , London. C oltm an A lfred, Desborough road.
Pursey W . W inchm ore hi. Amersham
H igh W ycom be
M anufacturers of the " Clarendo â
Cox Jam es & Son Lim ited, Oxford rd Q uarterm an W. O akridge rd. High
cooked foods for all farm stock
W ycom be
H igh W ycom be
CATTLE & SHEEP MEDICINES. C raft F. O akridge rd. H igh W ycom be Rogers & Vere, Lindsay aven. High
W ycom be
C raft G . 115 Desborough road. H igh
Day, Son k H ew itt, 22 Dorset street,
S kuil W. k Son L im ited, London rd.
W ycom be
Baker street, London W
H igh W ycom be
Dancer k Hearn Brothers, Holm er
S m ith Richard k Co. Lane End, West
green, Am ersham
W ycom be, H igh W ycom be
¡Dean Jam es, Stokenchurch, W a llin g Â
S m ith C 6 4 Desboroâ rd.H igh Wycmb
F rith W . A Co. New st. A ylesb ury
ford k N aphill. H igh W ycom be
Sp icer & Son,N ewland,H igh W ycom be Deane W m . Stokenchurch, W allingfd Stone E .3 7 Queenâs rd.H igh W y c o m b e
W ard & Cannon, 3 6 & 38 H igh st. ID im m ock P. W. 98 T otterid ge road. S tratford k Brion, W est End road.
H igh W vcombe
A ylesbury
H igh W ycom be
| E lliott Jam es k Sons, Shaftesbury st. T ilb u ry W;. Slater st. H igh W y c o m b e
T illin g Henry, Marsh, H igh W
H igh W ycom be
A m ersham C em etery (Francis & How, ' E llis S. k Sons, K itch en er road. High Towerton F. Stokenchurch, WallingM
Towerton 0 . Stokenchurch,W allingfrd
clerks to the join t com m ittee, 1 W ycom be
Am ersham k Coleshill parish coun E llis W .E . W est End rd.H igh W ycom be Tvzaek B. S later st. H ioli Wycombe
E lliss G . A.London rd.H igh W ycom be VarleyVTohn S. & Son, Tem ple end,
c ils), Am ersham
H igh W ycom be
A ylesb ury (Percy A. W righ t, clerk tc Evans Jsp h . 44 G reen st.H igh W ycm b
the Urban D istrict C o u n c il); cem e Gibbons C. Oxford rd.H igh W ycom be W allington k Co. W est End rd. Hig
W vcom be
Gibson J. T em ple end,H igh W ycom be
te ry , T rin g road, A ylesb ury
Beaconsfield (Frederick H. M yers, G iles W illiam k H erbert, W est W y  Ward C. Ship st. ea. H igh Wycombe
Webb J .W .K itch en er rd.H igh Wye®
com be, High W ycom be
superintendent), Beacon«field
C a r r i e r s â co n tin u ed .