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[ k e l l y ’s

Post, M. 0 ., T. & Telephone Call Office.— A lfred Henry
p .m .; W estridge, cleared 9.55 a.m . & 7.25 p.m . ;
Law rence,
sub-postm aster.
L etters
arrive from
Sundays, 10.40 a . m . ; & S outhridge, cleared at 8^20
R eading at 6.20 & 9.45 a.m . & 12.55 & 6.40 p.m . ;
a.m . & 4.15 p .m .; sundays, 8.20 a.m
dispatched at 9.30 & 11.20 a.m . & 2.15, 7.50 & 8 p.m C oun ty Police, Sidney F . B utler, constable
W all L e tte r B oxes.— B u ll hotel, cleared at 9.30 a.m . & E lem entary School (m ixed ), erected 1850, extended in
2.30 & 7 -5 ° P-m - ; S u n d a y s , 5.20 p .m . ; Blewbury
1872, & now h oldin g 99 ch ild ren ; A lb ert Buckwell
road, cleared 8.50 & 11.15 a m - & 7-3o p .m .; sundays,
m aster
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
Rawson W m . Stepney, L it. O rchard G o rin g & S treatley G olf C lub (F.
A dam s F. R. Bransgore, Townsend rd
Rees Richard, Northlands
B rad ley,
actin g
Boosey W illiam , Wood cottage
Reid G eorge R. Mount Pleasant
Farm road
C ab rera H enry, S outh m ead. T ow ns -1 Reiss M rs. H ill house
G reen Edwin A very, green keeper,
end road
Roscoe H enry W m . K en t, Ilsley cot
Club house, R ectory F arm road
Clow es M rs. T h e C ottag e
Saunders Frank, Lucon, Townsend rd Hobbs C harles, m iller (w a ter),S treat­
Crowson A lb ert, Plem ont
Saunders H arry, Prim rose cottage
ley m ill
Edw ards Mrs. The H ut
'Schw in d W alter H enry, C leeve court Holder Geo. gardener, Tham es view
Evans Mrs. H ill view , Townsend rd Sim m onds Mrs. W aln ut Tree cottage Holder John, gardener, The Bram bles
Foot M rs. The H awthornes
Sm allbone Jam es, Laburnam cottage Law rence A lfd. H. shopkpr.Post office
F ox John C harles, Childe court
Sm allbone John, W alnut cottage
Lay Thom as, farm er, W estridge
F ranklin H erbert, W h ite house
Spencer Mrs. H igh view
L eslie
Leonard M .D .,
C h .B .E din .
Gillarn Rev. E dw ard Isaac M .A . Strahan A u b ery,°Y ew Tree cottage
physician & surgeon (firm, Evans
(vicar & ru ra l dean), V ica rag e
Svkes Mrs. R ast^arth
& L eslie), E lm lodge
G ould John. Rose cottage
Tatham A th ol, Tweenways
M um ford W illiam , horse trainer,
H att E dw in Thom as, The Rise
Tillard M iss, Coombe lodge
Townsend stud farm
L eslie Leonard M .D. E lm lodge
Tom kins Frederick, Th e Holt
Pocock Alfd. carpenter, C hestnut cot
L ittleton A ugustus, W hitcote
[Jnwin E dw in T. W estfield
Richardson Charles, B ull inn
Macnee M iss, Law n cottage
Verey M iss, The Holies
|Saunders Frank, assistan t overseer
M arshall M rs. T ile barn, Townsend rd W atkins A rth u r, Lardon
Saunders H arry, boat builder
M itcheson R d. E dm un d, Linksdow n W ells M iss, Jessam ine cottage
¡Saunders Plenry, corn dealer
Morrell M ark, Place m anor
1Sm allbone Jam es & Sons, builders &
M orrell Mrs. G. H erbert.S treatley ho
c o m m e r c ia l .
contractors <fc farm ers, F ield Barn
M um ford W m . Townsend stud farm Barefoot W alter, gardener to W illiam
Newsom e W illiam A rth . H ollies shasv . M um ford esq
Suelson John J. farm er,S treatley frm
Ovey M rs. The Beeches
Broomfield W illiam , p rivate gardener ¡W atkins A rth u r, estate agent to Mrs.
Pennington A rth u r, The Poplars
to R. C. L . Pow ys-Lybbe esq
: G. H erbert M orrell, Lardon
Pow ys-Lybbe Reginald C ecil Lvb be, B u rn d g e John, shoe m aker
W ells M ary Ann (M iss), orocer
T ? I S eT T f ngeT V
Randall H enry Leslie, The Coom be

iS h u i 5 j? y G eor&ev S w a n h oxt,e l
W est Fredk. frm r. S outhbridge farm
Day Thom as, gardener to Mrs. R eiss'

S T T J B B I l i G S is an ecclesiastical parish form ed Aug,
29, 1856, from the parishes of Cookham and Bisham ,
and is 3 m iles west of M aidenhead and 4 from G reat
Marlow, in the E astern division of the county, Cookham
hundred and union, M aidenhead p etty sessional division,
W indsor county court d istrict, rural deanery of M aiden­
head, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The
church of St. Jam es th e Less, b u ilt at the expense of
the late H enry Skrine esq. of S tub bin gs, and conse­
crated in 1850, is an edifice of cut flints w ith stone
dressings in the E a rly Decorated style, consisting of
chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, added in 1854,
and south porch and a western tu rre t containing one
b e ll: there are seven stained windows presented by
m em bers of the Skrine fam ily, one by Colonel Dysun
Laurie and a circular stained window in the w est gable
was given by the contractors, Messrs. S ilver and Son, of
Maidenhead : there are 180 sittin g s. T h e register dates
from the year 1852. T he liv in g is a vicarage, net
yearly value .£145, w ith residence and 9 acres of glebe,
in the g ift of Duncan W . H. Skrine esq. of H orsley
C ou rt, Stroud, G loucestersh ire, and held since 1900 by

the Rev. H erbert H enry Skrine M .A . of W orcester
College. Oxford. Th e principal landowners are H enry
M ills S krin e esq. and Sir H enry Jam es V an sittart-N eale
K .C .B ., J.P . The area is 9 0 0 ac re s; th e population in
1 9 1 1 was 5 1 9 .
Sexton and Parish Clerk, Stubbings, John Penny.

Post. M. 0 . & T. Office, Pinkneys G reen .— John Henry
Roberts, sub-postm aster. L etters through M aiden­
head delivered at 7.15 & 11.15 a.m . & 7.45 p.m . ;
sundays, 8 a .m .; dispatched at 7.40 a.m . & 12.10 &.
8 p.m . ; sundays, 6.45 p.m
W all L e tter Boxes.— Pinkneys G reen S outh , cleared at
6.45 a.m . 12 noon & 8 p .m .; sundays, 6.45 p.m .
Pinkneys G reen, cleared at 9 a.m . & 12.15 & 8 p.m . ;
sundays, 6.45 p.m . Tem ple lodge, cleared at 8.4^
a.m . & 12.15 & 7 P -m .; sundays, 11.15 a.m
Elem entary School, b uilt in 1850, by the late H. Skrine
esq. & enlarged by his widow & fu rth er enlarged in
1909 at a cost of ^400, & now holds 66 ch ild ren ; Mi.-*
F. E. W atson, m istress. I t is leased by th e own. r.
Duncan W . H. Skrine esq. to p rivate in dividuals
(M arked thus * receive th eir letters G oldsm id Sidney H ofinung,TheM eads, ♦Smith B eilby E ric
throu gh Maidenhead ; the rem ainder ♦Gray M rs. T h ick et grove
|T h o r n » G eorge Riches, Moor cot
throu gh Pinkney’s Green, M aiden­ K earley Charles F. Moorlands
¡Tooth A rth u r, Th e Gables
K eith S tan ley, Pinkney’s lodge
P R IV A T E RESIDENTSLenny Miss, E lm G rove cottage
A rbouin C ap t. G u y B urn ett, Cam - L itk ie V alerian A rnold, Clarefield
j Allen C harles, farm er
le v house
Macdonald Capt. G eorge, B ulw ell
I Hunt Robert, dairym an
Carpendale Capt. C harles.H olm e close McNeel Jn. G reenville, The Orchards M usselwhite John,- beer retailer
H enry
Appleporch. P em berton-Pigott Col. Edward Chas. P otter Joseph, S tag & Hounds F.H
Applehouse hill
Red Lion P.H . Applehouse hill
Fraser Geo
Maidenhead ; Roberts C. H am ilton, Fern h u rst
i Roberts John H enry,grocer,Post office
j Shepherd^Jam e^ W avside_cottage
♦Smart Mrs. farm er, Applehouse frm
Frere Alfd. V an sittart. The W aln uts ¡♦Skrine Rev. H erbert H enry M .A. ♦Stevens James, sen. blacksm ith.
♦Gibson L . J. D. T hicket side
(vicar), V icarage
1 Applehouse hill
S T J L H A M is a picturesque v illag e and parish, com ­ the church co’ntains several m arble tablets to m em bers
m anding beautifu l views of the surrounding country, 2 of the W ild er fa m ily ; the m arble fon t was presented
m iles south from th e Pangbourne railw ay station, o.\ b y John W ilder esq. in 1733; in the year 1845 it was
north from Theale station, both on the G reat W estern inclosed in new stone work, w ith four m arble colum ns,
railw ay, and 5 west from Reading, in th e Southern given b y the Rev. J. W . Eden, and subsequently placed
division of the county, hundred of Theale, union of in th e present b a p tistery : the churchyard is planted
Brndfield, p etty sessional division and county court dis­ w ith shrubs and evergreens, and in the centre is a
trict of Reading, ru ral deanery of Bradfield, arch ­ beautiful cross of P ortlan d stone about 14 feet high, the
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church g ift of the late Rev. John W ilder M .A. rich ly =carved
of S t. N icholas, reb uilt in 1838, chiefly at the expense w ith various em blem s of the Blessed Redeem er and the
of the late Rev. John W ilder M .A. rector 1836-92, is H oly T r in ity : there are 120 sittings. The register dates
an edifice of stone and flint in the E arly E n g lish style, from th e year 1730 The liv in g is a rectory, net yearly
consisting of chancel, separated from the nave by an value ^ 130, in cludin g 26 acres of glebe, w ith residence,
oak screen w ith brass railin g , nave, organ cham ber, in the g ift of and held since 1908 by the Rev. Henry
north porch and a western tow er w ith pinnacles and Charles W ilder M .A. of New College, Oxford. Sulham
a lo fty spire. containing 6 bells, th e g ift of the Rev.
House, the seat of Mrs. John W ilder, is a handsom e
John W ilder M .A. in 1879; the windows are all stain ed: residence w ith extensive grounds, com m anding fine