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Pearman Robert Harold, teacher of music, 28 Jesse terrace
Peart on
Sou, dyers, 17 Minster street
Penney John H. grocer, 56 Elgar road
Penny Alfred George, fruiterer, 136 Wokingham road
Penny John, fruiterer &o. 48 Erleigh road
Pepler Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 Gosbrook st. Caversham
Perdue George H arry, hair dresser, 20 Cumberland road
Perring Mary Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 25 Boarded lane
Perris Herbert John, house agent, 77 Oxford road
Perrott Alexander, hair dresser, 95 Liverpool road
Perry & Cox, athletic outfitters, SS Broad street. T N 963
Perry Arthur, insurance agent, 154 Wilson road
Peters Matthew Henry, builder, 14 Cambridge street
P etty & Sons (Reading) Limited, lithographers, Valpy street
& printers, 14 Forbury road
Phelan Edith (Miss), confectioner, 5 Chain street
Philbrick Charles & George, tanners, Katesgrove lane
Phillips 0. & Son. builders, Christ Church road
Phillips Sr Son, millwrights, 27 Kingâs road
Phillips Alfred, ironmonger, GO Christ Church road
Phillips Edward, cafe, 29 Queen Victoria street
Phillips Frank John, painter. 13 Pitcroft avenue
Phillips Frederick, shopkeeper. 1 Grange avenue
Phillips John, dining rooms, 115 Friar street
Phillips Jn.Edmund, refreshment contractor,75 & 77 London st
Phillips K ate (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 Pitcroft avenue
Phillips William George, confectioner, 485 Oxford road
Phillips W illiam Robt. insurance superintendent,295 London rd
Philp & Co. stationers, 22 Minster street
Phippen George f . r . h . s . florist, 108 Broad street; Bedford
road & Sherwood s tre e t; nurseries, Oxford road & Whitley
Wood road
Phipps Benjamin, beer retailer, 152 Great Knollys street
Phipps George, supt. school attendance officer, Blagrave st
Fhipps Joseph, shopkeeper, 54 Mount street
Phipps William James, boot warehouse, 105 London street
Pickering Frederick, builder, 15 Carnarvon rd. & 1 Blenheim rd
Pickett Harry H. confectioner, 76 Kingâs road
Pickfords Ltd. carriers, 21 St. Mary's butts
Pidgeon Maurice William, fruiterer, Hatherley road
Pidgeon Priscilla (Mrs.), fruiterer, 59 Wokingham road
Pierce W alter, plumber, & post office, 130 Queenâs road
Pigott Henry & Co. wholesale grocrs.101 & 102 Friar st. TN 372
Pike Frank, dairyman, 19 Church road* Caversham
Pilgrim Richard, contractor for household removals & wareÂ
housing, coal, coke, sand & gravel merchant & brick manuÂ
facturer ; steam haulage contractor, 3 Castle street (Tel. No.
291); warehouse, Katesgrove lane ; & Norcot Steam Brick
works, Tilehurst.
S ee a d v e r tis e m e n t p a g e 8
Pinker John, monumental mason, 69 London road
Pither Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist 3, & wardrobe dealer
4, Chain street
Pitman & B azett, solicitors, Broadway buildings. Station rd. ;
& a t Newbury
Pitm an Warren Heanes, solicitor, see Pitman & B azett
Plaister Frederick, hair dresser, 130 Wokingham road
Plant David, parish clerk, 9 Chester street, Caversham
P latt Thomas, grocer, 169 Gosbrook road, Caversham
Player Lu cy (Miss), apartments, see Tuggey & Player
Playfair Henry, boot & shoe dealer, 6 W est street
Plested George, boot maker, 14 Chatham street
Plummer Charles Henry, confectioner, 11. 12 & 13 Chain street
Plumridge Alfred Victor, shopkeeper, 123 Chatham street
Plumridge William Arthur, grocer, 9 London road
Pocock Albert, cab owner, 1 Wilson road
Pocock Edith Mary (Mrs.), butcher, 4 Cattle street
Pocock Frank Joseph, boot maker, 98 Castle street
Pocock George, fruiterer, 9 West street
Pocock Henry James, window blind ma. see Fereday & Pocock
Pocock Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Silver street
Pointer Frederick J. news agent, 29 Briantâs aven. Caversham
Pole William, travelling draper, 30 Russell street
Polienta Manufacturing Co. cattle food & medicine m anufacÂ
turers, 97 Oxford road
Pollard William James, insurance supt. 6 Brisbane road
Pomeroy Frederick, decorator, 514 Oxford road
Pompey Jessie (Miss), greengrocer, 91 London street
Pontin Frederick L. chief officer of Fire Brigade, Fire station,
St. Maryâs butts
Poole Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr. & shopkpr. 8 Lavender street
Poole Thomas, grocer, 42 Bedford road
Popejoy Frederick, shopkeeper, 74 A lbany road
Porter Charles, Elephant r.H . 18 & 19 Market place
Porter Henry Joseph, beer retailer, 88 Watlington street
Post Office Telephone Service (G. Hooper, district manager),
45 Minster street
Potter Edward, grocer, & post office, 144 W hitley Wood lane
Pöttinger Harry, hair dresser, 3 W hitley street
P otts Thomas, general dealer, 54 Edgehill street
Poulton Major Arthur Faulconer, chief constable of Berks,
A bbey street
Poulton Frederick, wholesale china & glass dealer, 54 Hosier st
Poulton Wm. draper 155, & grocer 157.Gosbrook rd.Caversham
Poultons & Timmis Limited, engineers, Elgar road
Pound Alfred William, upholsterer, 27 a , Highgrove street
[ k e l l y 's
Pounds Ellen (Mrs.), nurse, 12 Foxhill road
Povey George, Boarâs Head p . h . 124 Broad street
Povey Thomas Edward, grocer, 2 2 a , Prospect st. Caversham
Powell & Hurlock, tobacconists, 115 London street
Powell & Son, chemists, 59 St. Maryâs butts
Powell & Sons, florists, 57 Oxford road & nurserymen, 86
Connaught road
Powell George, stationer, 23 London road
Powell Henry, monumental mason, 12 Eastern avenue
Powell Henry James, watch maker, 57 Wokingham road
Powrell Leslie m.b., B.c.camb., m .r.c.s., l.r.c .p . (firm, Roberts,
Howse & Powell)
Powell William, florist, 113 London street
Poynder & Son, printers, 3 Gun street
Poynder George Andrew', second-hand bookseller, 96 Broad
street & 1 Chaiu street
Poynderâs, fancy repository, 31 Queen Victoria street
P ratt Annie (Miss), trained nurse, 6 3 a , Queenâs road
Pratt Mary Ann (Mrs.), boot repairer, 46 George st. Caversham
Pratt Mary Ellen (Miss), confectioner, 25 Church rd. Caversham
Pratten Brothers, outfitters, 102 Kingâs ioad
Precey Edmund, bath chair proprietor, 96 Blenheim road
Preece Richard, laundry, 19 Blenheim road
Premier Meat Co. butchers, 29 West street
Preston James, hair dresser, 2 London street
Price Frederick John, apartments, 23 Vachel road
Price John Alfred Parry b.a., m.d. surgeon & senior medical
officer to Reading Education Committee, 154 Castle hill
Price Martha (Miss), grocer, 22 Southampton street
Price William, jeweller, 19 Station road
Priest Elizabeth (Mrs.), chair oaner, 69 Great Knollys street
Primmer Walter, hair dresser, 35 a , St. Maryâs butts
Primmer William Charles, apartments, 162 Caversham road
Prince William, upholsterer, 310 Kingâs road
Prior George & Arthur, dairymen, 97 Donnington road
Prior Eliza (Mrs.), apartments. 135 Southampton street
Pritchard Ihom as, firewood dealer, 45 William street
Prospect Park Brick Works (The), brick makers, Tilehurst rd
Provident Clothing & Supply Co. Limited, 1 7 2 a , Friar street
Prudential Assurance Co. Limited (George William Goodwin
a .f.i. district superintendent), 15 Blagrave street
Pryor Charles, apartments, 15 Zinzan street
Public Library (William Henry Greenhough, chief librarian),
Blagrave stre e t; branch, Oxford road
Pudge Ruth (Mrs.), agent Globe Parcel Express,95 Castle street
Pugh H eniy T. clerk to the Reading Education Committee,
Blagrave street
Pulker Ernest, boot maker, 93 Castle street
Pullen George, grocer, 44 Caversham road & 5 West street
Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ltd. Nine Elms Iron works
Pulvermacher Israel, tailor, 2 George street
Purdue Arthur, hair dresser, 517 Oxford road
Purnell Charles Arthur m .b ., ch.B. surgeon, 106 London street
Pursey P. fruiterer, 1a , Duke street
Purton Annie (Miss), dress maker, 167 Orts road
Pyke Ellen J. (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 15 Chesterman street
Pyke Robert, dairyman, 23 Castle street
Pym William Frederick, grocer, 1 Watlington street
Quartermain A da (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 381 Oxford road
Quartermaine William & Son, shoeing smiths, 31 Oxford road
Quartermaine William, Ancient Forester p . h . 29 Oxford road
Queen Anneâs School (Endowed) (Miss A . Holmes, mistress),
Henley road, Caversham
Queen Victoria Institute for Nursing the Sick (The) (Miss
Alice M. Moxhay, lady superintendent), 7 A bbotâs wralk
Quigley William, beer retailer, 128 Wokingham road
Rain Brother-*, umbrella makers, 3 Broad street
Ramsden William Walter, apartments, 154 Caversham road
Ramshaw Charles Frcdk. 0. insurance supt. 41 Up. Efcalands i d
Randall N. & F. drapers, 67 Southampton street
Randall Albert, chair caner, 14 Mason street
Randall Edw ard, beer retailer, 57 St. Maryâs butts
Randall Henry, greengrocer, 38 Chatham street
Rane & Co. scale makers, 92 London street
Ranking George Lancaster m.r.c.s., l.r.c .p . physician &
surgeon, 1 Christ Church road
Ransley J. T. & Son,colliery agts. Broad wray buildings,Station rd
Ransom Ellen (Mrs.), Four Horse Shoes p . h . Basingstoke road
Rapid (Vacuum) Washer Co. Limited, hardware merchants,
7 Arcade
Raplev George, florist, 3 Station approach, Station road &
fruiterer, 21 London road
Ratcliffe Frederick James, solicitor, 1 Blagrave street
Ratcliffc John, wardrobe dealer, 136 A m ity road
Ravenscroft, Son & Morris, architects, 22 Forbury. T N 413
Rawlings Alfred, artistsâ colourman, 173 Friar street
Rawlings Alfred, stationei, 19 & 20 Arcade
Raym ent Em ily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 191 Orts road
Raymond Joseph, relieving & vaccination officer No. 3 district,
. 41 Vastern road
Read Dorothy (Miss), milliner, 62 Highgrove street
Read Ernest, draper, 107 Wokingham road
Read Frank, shopkeeper, see Brain & Read
Read Herbert Thomas, dairyman, 28 Gosbrook rd. Caversham
Read Mary Anne (Mrs.), beer retailer, 97 Weldale street