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d i r e c t o r y
Chairman ofStanding Joint Committee, F. D. Hunt, Esq.
Chief Constable, Lieut.-Col.The Hon. E. A. Holmes a Court, Oxford.
Chief Clerk, Charles H. Fernsby.
The forceconsistsofichiefconstable, 8 superintendents, 4 inspectors, 13 sergeants, 102 constables & 3 private constables.
Divisional Stations.
Bampton East Division, James Smith, Witney, superin Henley Division, Charles Lambourn, Henley, superinÂ
tendent. Stationsâ Aston & Cote, fBampton, Eynstendent; William Page, Caversham, inspector.
ham, Hailey, Minster Lovell, Stanlake, fWitney
Stationsâ Binfield Heath, fCaversham, Crowmarsh,
Bampton West Division, Albert Gooding, Burford, in- fGoring, fHenley, Kidmore End, Stoke Row, WhitÂ
. spector. Stationsâ Black Bourton, Burford, Filkins
Banbury & Bloxham Division, William Porter, County Ploughley Division, Edwin Timms, Bicester, superinÂ
tendent. Stationsâ fBicester, Blackthorn, Finmere,
station, Banbury, superintendent. Stationsâ AdderFritwell, Hethe, Islip, Kirtlington, Launton
bury, Banbury, fBloxham, Cropredy, Hornton, Swalcliffe, Wroxton
Watlington Division, Daniel Hope, Watlington, superinÂ
Bullingdon Division, George Sorrell, Oxford, superin tendent. Stationsâ Benson, Brookhampton, Chinnor,
tendent & deputy chief constable; Arthur Harris,
Great Haseley, Lewknor, Nettlebed, Pishill, WarThame, sergeant. Stationsâ Beckley, Cowley, Culborough, fWatlington
hana, Dorchester, Garsington, fHeadington, Marston,
Nuneham, Oxford, Tetsworth, fThame, Wheatley, Wootton North Division, George Adams, Deddington,
inspector. Stationsâ Deddington, Great Tew, Steeple
Ohadlington Division, Thomas Allmond, Chipping Nor Aston, Westcote Barton
ton, superintendent. Stationsâ Chadlington, fCharl- Wootton South Division, Edward Snelgrove, Woodstock,
bury, fChipping Norton, Churchill, Enstone, Fin- inspector. Stationsâ Handborough, Kidlington, Stones,
stock, Hooknorton, Shipton
field, Woodstock, Wootton
Marked thus f are Sergeantsâ stations.