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is stone brash, cla y and sand ; subsoil, th e sam e. The
area is 1,426 acres of land and 5 of w a te r; rateable
value, ,£ 1,513 ; the population in 1911 was 176.
Letters throu gh C hip p in g Norton arrive at 7 a.m.
G hurchill is the nearest m oney order k telegraph
office, about 1 m ile distan t
k e l l y âs
The children of this parish atten d the schools at Churchill
Moreton Lord D .L ., J.P . Sarsden
h o u se ; & 37 Park lane W
k B lair Jam es M cLay, land stew ard k
Brooksâs k T ravellersâ clubs, L o n Â
agent to the E arl of D ucie
don S W
Blake Charles, blacksm ith
Johnson R ev.E d m und Joseph Francis B ushrod O liver, gam ekeeper to the
M .A. (rector), Rectory
E arl of Ducie
S H E L S W E L L is a parish 4J m iles n orth-east from
B icester station on the Ashendon and Aynho Park
â ection of the G reat W estern R ailw ay Com panyâs new
m ain line from London to B irm ingh am , 5$ north-east
from B icester station, on th e Bletch ley and Oxford
branch of the London and N orth W estern railw a y and
west from F inem ere station on th e G reat C entral
railw ay, in the M id division of th e county, union
of B icester, hundred and p etty sessional division of
P loughley, county
court d is tric t of B icester.
church of St. E bba has lon g been d estro ye d : the in-
W all L etter B oxes.â O pposite th e old Cross, cleared at
10 a.m . k 7 p.m . k a t Sarsden L odge farm , cleared
at 9.30 a.m . k 6.35 p.m
Pascoe Frances J. (M rs.), farmer,
Home farm
T aylor Reginald G . estate carpenter
Treweeke Jn.Fredk. farm er,Lodge fnn
Vine John, gardener to the Earl of
h abitants attend at Newton P urcell, 1 m ile east, to
which parish Shelsw ell is ecclesiastically annexed. Shelswell P ark is the seat of Mrs. Slater-H arrison, lady of
the m anor and sole la n d ow n er: th e mansion is a
splendid edifice of B ath stone, erected in the year 1877,
and is surrounded by w ell-tim bered grounds of 228
acres. The area is 815 acres of land and 7 of water;
rateable valu e, £ 1 ,0 7 1 ; the population in 1911 was 42.
L etters th rou gh B icester arrive about 8 a.m
H ethe is the nearest m oney order k telegrap h office,
about 1 m ile distant
H arrison Mrs. Slater-, Shelsw ell parkiH orw ood G eorge H. head gardener, IT im s W illiam , farm er, Home farm
H arris W alter, stud groom
; Shelswell park
S H E N I N G T O N is a villag e and parish on the borders
of W arw ickshire, and separated from A lkerton by the
riv er Sorbrook, 6 m iles west-north-w est from Banbury
station on the new m ain line from London to B irm in g Â
ham of the G reat W estern railw a y and from Banbury
term inal station of a branch from V erney Junction on
the London and N orth W estern railw ay, and 29 northÂ
w est from O xford, in the N orthern division of the
county, hundred of Bloxham , B anbury and Bloxham
p etty sessional division, union and county cou rt d istrict
of Banbury, and in the ru ra l deanery of D eddington
and archdeaconry and diocese of O xford. T h is parish
was form erly a detached portion of G loucestershire,
but b y the A cts 2 and 3 W illiam IV . capt. 64,
and 7 and 8 V iet. capt. 61, it was annexed to
O xfordshire.
The church of the H oly T rin ity, situ Â
ated on elevated ground, is an edifice of stone of the
N orm an, E arly E nglish, Decorated and Perpendicular
periods, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of three
bays, south aisle w ith porch, and an em battled western
low er w ith pinnacles containing a clock and 5 bells.
The church was restored in 1879 at an ou tlay of £1,500.
A very fine Norm an arch, form erly connecting the nave
and chancel, and which was enriched w ith zigzag m ouldÂ
ings, now leads to th e vestry on the north side of the
chancel, which retains a canopied sedile and p is c in a :
the rood-loft stairs are also entire : the arcade is E arly
E nglish, and m ost of th e windows D e co rated : in the
exterior w all of the south aisle is the figure of an
ecclesiastic, w ithin a D ecorated niche, and on the
B lythm an Rev. A rth u r M .A. Rectory
H ipw ell H arry M .D .Brux. Oriel cot
Middleton Clark, The Lim es
Swann Robert A. The Nook
A nderton John, farm er
B ennett Richard, baker
Boddington John, farm er
C lifton k Sons, builders
eastern gable of the nave is a bell tu rre t: there are 180
sittings. The early reg isters w ere b urn t in 1721; the
existing register of baptism s and burials commences from
that date, and th at of m arriages from 1726. The living
is a rectory, w ith A lkerton annexed, join t net yearly
value £320, in clu d in g 203$ acres of glebe, with resiÂ
dence, in th e g ift of the E arl of Jersey P .C ., G.C.B.,
G .C .M .G . and held since 1869 by the Rev. Arthur
Blythm an M .A . of B alliol College, O xford. Here is a
P rim itive M ethodist chapel. The charities amount to
£ 5 yearly, and are distrib uted in bread and money.
Oriel College, Oxford, owns th e m anorial rights. The
p rin cipal landowners are O riel C ollege and W. B.
G ibbins esq. The soil is red loam ; subsoil, rock. The
chief crops are wheat, barley and oats-. T h e area is
1,628 acre s; rateable value, £ 1,9 0 2 ; the population in
1911 was 260 in the civil and 362 in th e ecclesiastical
Parish C lerk , W alker Cook.
Post, M . 0 ., T ., Telephone C all k Telephonic ExÂ
press D elivery Office (to places within a limited
d istan ce).â G eorge F rederick Coles, sub-postmaster.
L etters from B an bury at 7.40 a.m . & 1.15 p.m.;
Sundays, 10.15 a .m .; dispatched at 4.40 p .m .; SunÂ
days, 9 a.m
E lem en tary School (m ixed), erected in 1870, k enlarged
in 1905 to hold about 130 c h ild re n ; M iss Isabella
Baw eutt, m istress
C arrier to & from B anbury.â G eorge Cook, to â Plough,â
m on. th urs. & sat
Coles B rothers, grocers Post office
Cook G eorge, carrier
C ourt G eorge Frederick, farm er
Crane Daniel S perling, B ell P H
H arris R ichard, b utcher & farm er
Hipwell H arry M .D .B ru x., M .R .C .S.
E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon, k
m edical officer & p ub lic vaccinator
Hornton d istrict, Banbury union
L u ckett W alter, carpenter
M arshall W illiam, farmer
M iddleton A lice M ary (M rs.), farmer,
! Sugars W ell farm
Page Richard A . Percy, farmer
Roberts Gordon, blacksm ith
Robins Fredk. farm er, Lodge farm
Shelsw ell Annie (M iss), farm er
S H I F F O R D , see Bam pton Aston.
S H I L L I N G F O R D , see W arborough.
S H I L T O N is a parish and village standing in a valley,
through which runs the riv er Shill, 4 m iles from either
Bam pton or A lvescot stations on the Fairford branch of
the G reat W estern railw ay, 2J south-east from Burford,
and 7 from W itn e y : it is in th e Mid division of the
county, hundred of Bam pton, p etty sessional division of
Bam pton W est, union and county oourt d istrict of
W itney, ru ral deanery of W itney, archdeaconry and
diocese of Oxford. P a rt of this parish was in B erkshire,
b ut by the A cts 2 & 3 W illiam IV . cap. 64, and 7 and 8
V iet. cap. 61, it was annexed to O xfordshire. Th e church
(dedication unknown) is an ancient structure, consisting
®f chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch and a small
em battled w estern tower of Perpendicular date containing
3 b e lls ; the chancel is E a rly English w ith a good threelight east window, and on the south side a low side winÂ
dow, beneath which is an a u m b r y ; on the same side is
a piscina of E a rly E nglish date, and a p riestâs door of
th e same p erio d ; on the north side is a lo c k e r: the
nave is separated from the aisle by three plain Norm an
arches on round p illa r s : in th e aisle is a hagioscope and
near it a good E a rly E n glish piscina and a low-side
window : the porch is plain Norm an, w ith a Perpendi-
cular doorway inserted in a Norm an o p en in g : the font
is a fine exam ple of D ecorated w ork, consisting of a
m assive square basin on a pedestal of the same form
with shafts at the angles, and is enriched w ith sculpj tures of the Passion on each side, together w ith niches,
1 containing figures of th e four E v a n g elists: the chancel
was restored in 1884 and th e nave in 1888 : the church
has 156 sittings. The register of baptism s dates from
the year 1662, m arriages 1701, burials 1669. The living
is a vicarage, n et yearly value £60, derived from glebe,
j with residence, in the g ift of th e trustees of the late
Rev. A rth u r N eate, also an additional £24 per annum
derived from Queen Anneâs bounty fund, and held since
1912 by the Rev. W illiam Joseph R ichards D.D. Cantuar.
Here is a B aptist chapel, b u ilt in 1830. H. S. Wyndham
i esq. who is lord of the m anor, W illiam Henry Fox i s l Â
and Mrs. Anna L ouisa B u tler are th e principal lana1 owners. Th e soil is principally stone b rash ; subsoi.
soft stone and clay. The chief crops are the usua
I cereals. The area is 1,604 a c re s; rateable value, £ 97 ° â
' the population in 1911 was 201.
Sexton, F ran k G ardiner.
Post Office.â W illiam Bishop, sub-postm aster. Let